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How can we know what is right or wrong? Who has decided what is good or bad.

Personally I
think this is one of society’s constructs which has done good but is also harmful. Another
example is what is normal? Who has decided what is normal. Society? So that’s what I want to
tackle today, these constructs which we all follow blindly.

First the moral debate of what is right or wrong. Who has decided what is right or not. Sure
there are some things which are facts such as how racism is bad or how helping people is the
right thing to do. But that’s not my point. I want to delve deeper into this concept. For example,
is it right to accuse someone of a crime if there is 70% certainty. Some people would say yes it’s
right because it’s most likely that this person is guilty. However there are other people who
might think it’s wrong as there is still a 30% change he is innocent. As you are able to observe
this moral debate goes into a much larger topic at hand. This is a cruel scenario which has
caused problems to people in the past and is one of the most talked about concepts.

Another concept I personally despise is the debate of what is normal or not. This conflict has
incited countless problems such as cases of bullying, segregation and depression. Humans
have an instinctive fear of the difference because it’s unknown. An example of this is how a kid
might have problems with social interactions. You could say he is different from the rest. As he
doesn’t follow the “the norm” one of two things will occur. One he becomes a social outcast as
people will not want to try and make him feel comfortable or the second. He becomes bullied as
he is different from the rest and becomes even more insecure of himself. This is a crude reality
that plagues this world as thousands, no millions of people suffer from this. And no matter how
much schools try to “help” these people there is no solution. You know want to know why?
Because Society has the Problem. And no matter how many ad campaigns they produce
society will still determine what’s normal or not.

In conclusion I personally believe that we should reevaluate our concepts and believe on some
moral topics such as what is normal and what is right or wrong. As they have become outdated
and obsolete

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