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Nurse as a Health Educator:

Nurses as health educators are holistically in-tune with the needs of their clients. They
work together with their patients to promote, maintain, and restore health through various
complex roles. They aim to answer the question of “where do we go from here?” This means that
they do not merely present facts and information but also aim to provide meaning and facilitate
understanding between the nurse and the client. They do not discriminate in the provision of
health education and are constantly coming up with new ways to teach various types of people,
whether it be in the clinic or in the community. They empower their clients and include them in
the health process, acknowledging that learning is not and should not be one-sided. As such, they
encourage collaboration with the client, the client’s loved ones, and other healthcare
professionals to create an uplifting learning environment and ensure that the best possible care is

Some of the roles or tasks of a nurse educator may include:

 establishing a trusting relationship between them and the client

 promoting reflection within the client
 motivating the client to be excited to learn
 answering the client’s questions and removing doubt
 advocating for client’s needs
 adapting to and respecting the client’s culture
 demonstrating efficient skills in the provision of care
 influencing and inspiring clients towards health promotion
 continuously learn and improve self

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