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Name: Puput Ariesta N

NRP: 0519140116


Purpose : To know the best chocolate mug cake recipe

Material : Microwavable mug, Fork, Microwave or oven

Ingredients : Flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, an egg, some
flavorless oil and chocolate chips.

Procedure :

Because of pandemi of corona virus we have to take all the precautions while
distancing at home, and we have got a small amount of ingredients in our cupboard. This is
the best recipe chocolate mug cake with ingredients that we have at home. The first, put all
the dry ingredients in your microwaveable mug, stir together with a fork, Next, add in the wet
ingredients (milk), then crack in an egg, add a little bit of flavorless oil like vegetable oil or
canola oil, sunflower oil, jut not olive oil, after that add in a few chocolate chips and whisk
together with a fork until you have a smooth batter, the next step is microwave on high for
roughly 45 seconds until 1 minute and the last step is decorate with chocolate fudge
frosting and sprinkles before enjoying. Best eaten when freshly made.

Tips for Making the Chocolate Mug Cake:

 Take care not to over mix the mug cake as it can toughen the cake
 Don’t over microwave! These only need seconds to cook so check after 45 seconds
and go from there
 Make sure your mug has no metal or metallic paint on it that will react in the
 If you don’t have a microwave you can bake the mug cake at 350°F (180°C) for
roughly 10 minutes

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