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Juan: hello

Carlos: hi
Juan: my name is Juan. What is yours?
Carlos: nice to meet you, Juan. I am Carlos
Juan: where are you from?
Carlos: I am from puerto escondido
Juan: great, I am from valencia
Carlos: fantastic, how old are you?
Juan: I am 23 years old. How about you?
Carlos: I am 26 years old
Juan: what's your favorite game?
Carlos: my game favorite is Dofus.
Juan: Great. Cloud you explain that to me, please?
Carlos: Of course. Is an MMORPG. I have killed monsters at next
level up.
Juan: I don’t get it. what is an MMORPG?
Carlos: Sure. Is a game online in you can play with other people share
comments and make friends.
Juan: Ok. how to play
Carlos: Well. I have avatar. He has spells with which he can kill, heal,
and support in combat.
Juan: Brilliant. It is an interesting game. I want to play.
Carlos: Sure! Whenever you want.

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