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The Pre-Nicene Ekklesia

Training for the Priesthood

The Minor Orders


Re edited from an original document
Tau Cephas©
HEALER - Introduction 5

What is Healing 7

Training for the Priesthood



In some branches of the church this office was known as Exorcist, but we have followed the tradition of the
ancient Church and maintained this office as Healer or Therapeutae. Historically the Therapeutae were a sect
of the Essenes living in or near Alexandria, the traditional home of the Hidden Church or Order of Serapis and

Because of the belief in good and evil spirits, the priests of some sects used elaborate incantations and spells to
cast out the ‘evil spirits’ of disease. Today we understand that the doctrine of good and evil spirits is based
upon the belief of allowing misguided intentions to take possession of oneself and that disease is associated
with ignorance of one’s spiritual nature and being; the Master Jeshu summed it up in his statements: ‘having
eyes ye see not,’ and ‘having ears ye hear not.’ Thus pain and suffering are linked with ignorance and the
falling short of our Son-ship in Christ.

To become an effective Healer it is necessary to avoid accepting the philosophies and doctrines of the world:
those theories and hypotheses that are based upon human assumption only and not upon the Laws of God in
the Universe. It is given to the one who follows the Healing call to exercise discriminative powers in order to
be able to call upon the resources of nature for assistance and thereby prescribe, or administer, soothing and
helpful herbs and medicines to the suffering; and by prayer and anointing with holy oil help relieve suffering.

By the right exercise of the office of Doorkeeper you let your mind be open only to those thoughts that are
beneficial to your calling and kept your inner door closed against that which is harmful to yourself and others.
In the office of Reader you learned more of the Laws of the Universe, and now in this office of Healer, you
should strive diligently to exercise mastery over all worldly ideas and illusions that you may have victory over
sin and sickness.

There is another side to most healing techniques that needs to be taken into consideration, by those associated
with a religious, esoteric or spiritually centred school. We must heed the words of Paracelsus who reminded us
of the fact that, “The character of the physician provides more good than all the medicine he prescribes.”

In the past the skills of healing were only taught to people who had sworn an Oath that they would live a life
of purity, brotherly love and compassion towards humanity – in truth they had sworn to lead a life of purity in
every department of their lives and were in fact Priests of Life’s Mysteries, the Initiates.

We need to take especial note that in the laying on of hands, magnetic healing, or in any method that incurs
the touching of the patient by the healer, the motives of the healer must be pure in every undertaking in their
relationship with the patient. Where there are impure motives (e.g. for self-aggrandisement, money or personal
gain in any form) these are often downloaded on to the patient, and can result in the patient getting worse
instead of better.

In true healing the hearts become one, and this can be dangerous for the patient. True healing can only come
about by a pure love – Divine Love. Divine Love is not tainted by any personality traits of mortals, meaning
that those who follow after the ways of the world and not after the laws of a divine life. If then the person who
claims to be a healer is not following some kind of spiritual discipline, they become a fake. When touching a
person during the healing process it is like a low electric battery being charged up by one with a spiritually
strong electric current. If the healer is of the mortal type then all his uncontrolled actions can be downloaded
too. Thus, it is essential that those who wish to take up healing, or even to help others, should be pure for
unless their life is pure, they can do more harm than good.


What is Healing – Richard Duc de Palatine

Healing Course – George Boyer


The candidate at this time should be able to communicate the basic tenets of the teaching in order to help the
people to find balance and harmony in their lives, and once the Bishop is satisfied on this count, the candidate
will be admitted to the Order of Healer. As previously, this will be done during the celebration of the
Eucharist, following the Kyrie.

The symbol given for this Order is a mortar and pestle, representing the power of receptivity and
discrimination through which one finds strength to help and be of service to others.

The Order of St Michael and St Raphael
Healing, Teaching and Chivalry

The following lecture was given by Richard, Duc de Palatine in 1965 when he pointed out that true healing
only comes from the Divine Consciousness and that all other kinds of healing are secondary. He vehemently
opposes all forms of hypocrisy and charlatans who feed on the gullibility of the people looking for an answer
to their ills. When he gave this talk he drew attention to the false claims made by many healers and how they
in-fight for clients, charge for courses and healing they cannot deliver - and sadly it is still the same today. It
is hard hitting but for the honest student there is much to ponder and learn.

What is Healing
Richard, Duc de Palatine

In this century anybody can get themselves up as a healer and get away with it. Thousands of pounds are paid
out by these individuals who, shall we say, are gullible enough to allow themselves to be hoodwinked. Not
only in this country, but in every country in the world are there people who put themselves up and call
themselves healers. They range from the native witchdoctor right up to the sophisticated priest, who gets
ordained from a church in order to do what he does for healing.

Now all this is very irregular, and it is our intention to, shall we say, knock the bottom out of all this. Although
what we have to say may seem cruel, we want to make sure that at least you know what you are up against.

There are four kinds of healers. Firstly, there is the healing of the Church. Now a priest in the church is not a
healer, but only a channel, an instrument. He always has been and always will be. Therefore there can be no
trickery with him. The second kind of healer is a trained medical doctor, though admittedly all his text books
and knowledge is gained from sources which deal only with disease and death. He does not know what life or
health is. Then you have the third kind, a herbalist who deals with all forms of nature cure. A fourth type we
might call a mind doctor, whose job it is to bring a balance between the various aspects of man in order to
restore him to wholeness. Anything else you can quite safely label as phoney, and this covers all kinds of
spiritualistic phenomena, all the namby-pamby of swamis and other claptrap; for there are so very many
clap-trappers, whose sole purpose is to fleece you of your hard-earned money. Now this is a sweeping
statement, so let us deal with each one and you will see what we mean.

First of all I think we can leave the medical fraternity out, because we all know what they are. A man goes to
a college and he learns the hard way, his method being trial and error. All he can deal with mainly are organic

Then there is the religious side, the doctor of the mind, and the herbalist. However, a true doctor, in every
case, should be a man who is versed in all aspects. He must be a priest as he was in the ancient days, and he
must also be fully conversant with the medical world. Also he must be a mind doctor and be in the position to
avail himself of all nature’s methods.

Now with these four we all know, to a certain degree, a measure of their respective techniques. All other forms
of healing come into these categories in one way or another. The religious man - the priest - is a channel.
Through his ordination ceremony a channel is forced from the human consciousness into the Divine
Consciousness. Therefore, by an act of what you would call magic, he is able to release the high powered
forces so that they can flow down into the lower vehicles, just as he does in the Mass. The medical man is
probing all the time at the physical, and through trial and error is trying to find life and health through disease
and death.

The psychiatrist - the psychologist - is again another meddler. He also is probing into life and health by means
of the mind, and his ideas are continually changing from one century to another, just as the doctors are. The
herbalist, or the nature therapist, is one who is fairly constant, for Nature’s cures have been known for many
centuries, the same herbs and methods being in regular use.

Now all these are dealing with effects only. They do not touch the cause, for no-one has ever seen a cause yet.
What one sees is the effect of a cause, and the cause in its turn is but the effect of a previous cause. Therefore,
these four categories are but meddling, poking here and there with effects, making no attempt to find the

Now the cause of man’s illness is his own fault. He has only himself to blame. Whether he has heart attacks or
rheumatism, or anything. He is the creator of his own diseases. He is the creator of his own disappointments,
his own darkness. God is a God of Love, and God does not inflict. Nor do we as His Divine Consciousness.
We inflict nothing upon you except good. You, by mismanagement and by persistent wilful ignorance of the
laws which brought you forth, get yourself out of harmony with natural law which tends towards a Wholeness.
As human beings we find ourselves out of attunement with the Whole, and call it disease or discomfort.
Harmony is health. Disease is when we find ourselves out of harmony, out of attunement, out of balance with
the natural law which brought us forth. Therefore all kinds of healing, as far as we are concerned should be out
as primary uses. They are secondary. You will notice that we do not deny that they are secondary means, for
each one of these various methods should be used in conjunction with one another.

The real healer of man is not in the doctor, the priest, or the nature therapist; nor can it be found in the
psychological, psychiatric or psychosomatic field. The real healer, balancer and restorer to Wholeness and
harmony is man’s Divine and Immortal Soul; and we as your Immortal Soul, as the witness of your Divine
Soul, are in ourselves perfect health. But you, by your wilful living, as we come to you by suggestion,
intuition, voices - what do you do? You refuse to accept our word because you say: “Surely it’s my
imagination?” Admittedly, some of it might be your imagination, but in the case of danger and of vital need
we have spoken to you all the time and time again and you have ignored us because you have allowed
yourselves to be swayed away from it.

Now, We are the source of your life. We, in ourselves, are perfect balance. Now it is logical that in order to
secure and retain this perfect balance you must co-ordinate your personality with Us. This takes effort. This is
the only true healer, and here we have the statement of Jesus: “Your faith hath made you whole.” Jesus never
cured, nor did he perform any miracles, and there is not one word in the Bible which says he did. He always
said: “Your faith hath made you whole.” Not healed - WHOLED: a restoration of this divided portion of
yourself, accentuated by your thoughts and selfishness, which has deviated from the Whole and produced its
own disharmony.

Now faith does not mean getting down on your bended knees and saying: “Oh, Almighty God, if I pray to you,
you help me.” It does not mean burning candles, either. It does not mean putting sixpence in the box to the
Virgin Mary, or what not. It means not a mental, intellectual, or even an emotional acceptance. It means the
dynamic knowing that you are a whole being, that you are both God and Man manifesting here and now in the
same consciousness. This we categorically maintain, and we are not saying it alone, for the whole of history
stands right behind us. Not one of the Great Healers, the Great Teachers, the great Philosophers, the great
Saints, the great Divine Gods has ever said contrary - that Man and God are ONE. Jesus said: “I and my
Father are one, even as ye are one with me.” and the Buddha says: “The Kingdom of God is within, not
without.” Man himself makes his own prison, creates his own disease and unhappiness. Also the Book of the
Dead, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Upanishads, the Kabalah, they all tell the same story. Yet what do
you do? You say, “Oh, the musty past does not interest me, we are modern. We are evolved, civilised.” Do
you not realise that all you have is a thin veneer of culture, which is so thin around you that the slightest
disturbance allows the animal nature, which tears, rips and destroys, to manifest itself. You worry, you hate
one another; you even hate yourselves, instead of loving one another, because you live in your brothers. The
reason why you have disease is because you will persistently separate yourselves from your brother man.
When I say that I live in you and you live in me you just laugh at me. You may not do it physically but you do
it mentally. You smile and smirk with all your modern intellectual knowledge and say: “Ah, its all a fairy
story, its very interesting.” Its true - and you know it, every one of you. It is the hardest battle on Earth to
realise that you are a God, and because you will not fully accept this you bring up all sorts of objections. Your
religious training says that it is blasphemy to put yourself on the same level as God, or become identical to
God. We say the opposite.

Now because we recognise that you are absolutely God, imprisoned in matter, then you must have been, even
before you descended into matter, a complete Whole Being. You must have been perfected. You do not need
to look for perfection. You do not need to look for health. You are already healthy, you are already perfected,
you already know all that the planet gave you. When something goes wrong with you, you run to the healer,
the doctor, the psychiatrist or to the priest. All these are completely extraneous. You caused the complaint, but
you have not the strength enough to look into yourself and be honest; to admit your own failings, admit to the
filth you have allowed to accumulate in you. You must have your scapegoat and your scapegoat is very
convenient. You go to your psychiatrist and all he does is to sit there a let you yabber, because he knows that
the more you talk the more you are going to rid yourself of all this. The Roman Catholic confessional does the
same, and is it not true that most of the doctors do the same? You go to the doctor, you tell him what is wrong,
he writes up a prescription - which might be just aspirin - but because you believed in the doctor he cures you.
The priest might be a nice little man, he might be so sweet, have lovely surroundings or might talk in
high-faluting terms of which you haven’t the faintest idea, but you still go because he is so nice. Woe to you
who fall for a sweet-tongued individual! He is the rascal, the vulture, the vampire - and just how many do you
see in the healing world today? A very well-known healer here in England, who lives in Essex, is of this type.
We know of one poor woman who went there for seven years. She was a hunchback, and every time she went
there he said to her, “You’re getting better,” and yet you simply cannot cure a hunchback like that. Yet she
put in the basket at the door her regular weekly donation. He would not tell her the truth, and both John and I
witnessed it. But for the laws of libel I could tell you of many of these so-called phoney healers, who are
phoney, and ask for money. They will turn around and say to you: “Oh yes, but we have to live.” “Ask and ye
shall receive, seek and ye shall find.”

Over a period of time we get letters on how people are fooled, fleeced and humiliated. One case comes to
mind. You go down and spend a week at this place, and they lay their hands upon you and make you a
member of the Great White Brotherhood! But on what authority? None of the individuals, humiliated before
the God within, have ever asked this person: “Upon what authority do you act?” These are the individuals
who are continually crucifying the Christ-God within them. These are the people who say: “Oh! we know all
about him”, but the moment you challenge such individuals they shut up. Is that justice, Of course it is not, it
is sheer unadulterated hypocrisy of the worst order. The healer, my friends, does not need to show anything.
He does not even need to be a nice man, nor even need to talk. The greatest healer there is, is one who throws
you back upon yourself, and says: “Your faith can make you whole.” Just as I, through this body, shatter all
your illusions and throw you continually back upon the God within you, the only Saviour.

So healing, in its truest sense, is when you are honest enough and have developed the true humility to say: “I
and my Father are one. Into thy hands, O Father, do I commend my Spirit.” It does not matter what you call
your Father. It could be your God up in the sky. It could be a God in a totem pole. It could be the God on the
altar. It does not matter. These are only outward and visible representatives of yourself, the exteriorisations of
your own God within you. Therefore, if these things are exteriorisations of yourself they are effects, or
secondary causes, and yet you go to them to try and cure primary causes! It becomes illogical, doesn't it?

Remember, we are not decrying the true healer, the doctor, or the herbalist. What we are decrying is your
dependence upon them. It is said that Faith will move mountains. It does. If you have a complaint look at it
and at yourself. Be honest with yourself. Really honest. Ask: “Where have I gone wrong?” One of two things
will happen. Either you will look and admit you are wrong, which will hurt your pride, your self-regarding
instinct, the humiliation causing you to do something about it yourself, or you will be weak in mind and afraid
to see it; you will push it down again so that it will need a psychiatrist to coax it out of you. But if you believe
in your Immortal and Divine Consciousness, then no matter what comes he will heal you. There is not one call
that you honestly and sincerely make that we do not reply to. Here is the explanation for some of the more
remarkable healings. It is only when you have opened the door to us that we will heal you, but so sure as you
depend upon externals all the time it may not happen.

Now if we find that the body is damaged, we will encourage you to go to the doctor, the psychiatrist or the
herbalist for help. Now all he can do is help restore the physical atomic structure back to normal harmony, but
the cause, which is always unseen, is always there, and hence the need to work on yourself. If you are
disturbed and have disharmony in your mind you are going to manifest disharmony in the body. This is why
people sometimes say: “I’ve got no more interest in life. I want to give up everything.” These people are
spiritual cowards. They are trying to escape from their own destiny which they themselves, of their own
freewill, have predetermined. Richard himself wanted to give up at one time. It may be new information, but
twice in his younger life he tried to commit suicide. he could not face life, it was empty. Once, by half a glass
of the poison cyanide, which had no effect on him because he was not ready to go.

The second time he deliberately used a pair of steel scissors to cut an electric cable, hoping that it would
electrocute him; but it did not. He now knows that he was a stupid clot and that he had to face life. This is why
you run to external things, because you have not got the strength to depend upon the God within. You
intellectually believe that you are God, it is true, but when it comes to the test to prove that you are God you
run - you want a scapegoat, and this scapegoat is very convenient. You say: “I believe in him because he
flatters me, he touches me on the head,” or says, “you’re so sweet, you’re coming on.” All of this is vicious.
This is the man who will turn around and say, “Oh I know all about him” in order to make you deviate from
your attempt to think for yourself. This has happened to us as well, time and time again. Yet every time we
challenge them they put their tail between their legs and run like cowards. It is so easy to make statements. It
is also very easy to make you believe you are cured. Perhaps you have gone to a spiritualist healer and he has
performed some external pantomime which has impressed your mind sufficiently that in that particular
moment you restore the balance. Both psychiatrists and the Church do the same.

The witchdoctor has a similar effect. Of all the most ludicrous antics that I have seen a witchdoctor perform,
most have a very powerful effect upon the individuals going through them. What has actually happened is not
that the witchdoctor has cured, but all he has done is to help the individual to tap the source of his own
realisation. Of all the surrounding mumbo-jumbo, the impressiveness of a healing seance or church ritual, all it
is doing is acting as a focal point where the individual’s consciousness is turned back upon himself, and in that
fervour of belief, for that one moment, the imperfect has been restored to perfection. An example of this can
be seen at Lourdes, where the music, devotion, adulation and adoration lifts the consciousness of the
individuals into their own Souls. It takes time, of course for the molecular structure to be changed in order that
the cure be permanent.

As we said, a physical doctor can deal with organic disease: broken bones, leaky valves in the heart, and
things like that. They are there, they are sent, they are given the training for that specific reason and you have
no right to deny them their right. All we say is that you are not to depend upon them, for they deal only with
the physical. The healer, herbalist and nature-therapist deal with the emotional side of things, whilst the
psychiatrist deals with the mind. The priest deals with the Soul, but each one of these aspects should be
worked together and not independently; not one used at the exclusion of the other. Because of this you have all
these little sects fighting and tearing at each other’s throats, hating and loathing one another; fearing that one
is going to take their patients from them - and more often than not their fat living. These are the individuals
who batten upon you, the vampires who suck you of your lifeblood. When you come to the Pleroma all these
vampires are shot away, and all that you have left is your Divine and Immortal Soul: the only permanent part
of you which is in itself perfection personified. The Soul, in itself, knows no ill, pain or suffering. It knows
only Truth - in its fullest. Therefore, learn that if the body is out of harmony you have created it. Our teaching
is that the greatest cures of any physical ailments must come from the Divine Soul in conjunction with the
other branches of healing.

Let us look for a moment at the subject of drugs. What are drugs? Take, for example, a herbal leaf. Only one
element is taken out of that leaf, which is artificially treated to produce a drug. But all the other components,
which are the purifying process, the healing of the tissue process, the quietening of the nerves, which Mother
Nature has provided in that herb, all interpenetrate. You have the cleaning of the wound, the soothing of the
nerves; both being in the one leaf. You have the surgeon and the healer. Yet the medical druggists only extract
one, to the exclusion of all the others.

The psychiatrist is poking here and there not knowing what he is looking for, because no psychiatrist or
psychologist really knows what he is seeking. Yet you put yourselves in their hands. You put yourselves in the
hands of those who are just probing here and probing there. They are using you as guinea-pigs, whilst the
healer is a hit-and-miss merchant. I could name you four or five so-called healing establishments here who
only exist because they want to make money in order to live at your expense. Each one of them puts up tricks,
and they can not prove their authority for using the tricks. One man, who had an institute down in Cobham,
claimed that he was an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood, and for many years he operated by a phoney
diploma. At a meeting here in London I exposed this because I was in communication with the man who
originally gave the diploma. He still made money out of you all. Every one of you, in one way or another,
have been caught up in this. Every one of you have fallen for it. Every one of you have listened to the Voice of
the God within and have turned your back upon it.

The true healer knows that within you is the power to heal all disease. All he can do is to teach you to heal
yourself. I cannot give you help. I cannot heal you. No-one can ever heal anyone else. You are the healer
yourself and all we can do is to give you the help whereby you may heal yourself. In one instance I know,
through this body, put John’s heel back in order.
I healed his tongue, which was practically split halfway through. It was done in a single night, under hypnosis.
Yet I did not do it. All I personally did was to get through into his Divine Consciousness and invoke that
Power; and you can do the same - everyone of you - without going through all this tomfoolery. “Seek ye first
the Kingdom of God within. It is not I that do these things but the Power within me.” Isn’t that a challenge to
you all? Every one of you. The same Power which is within me is the same Power that is within you, so why
do you need to go running to scapegoats? Why do you turn your back? “I have come to my own and my own
receive me not.” Aren’t these telling words to you? Only perhaps five out of a thousand seekers for the Truth
have got the strength, the stamina and the honesty to realise that they are God. The moment you recognise
your Godhead you do not need a healer. You are your own healer. You are your own doctor. Your faith has
made you whole. Is not this true Christianity? Have I taught you aught else but pure Christianity, a teaching
which is practical. It is so simple. Stripped of all its mystique, it is just a common sense way of living.

You are your own healer. This is the real meaning of “Physician, heal thyself.” Heal thyself by the God-Power
within you. Get rid of your smugness, your hypocrisy and deception. Get rid of your weakness, because you as
a Divine Consciousness are Absolute Power, Absolute Wisdom, Absolute God, Absolute Truth and Absolute
Health. That is what you are here for, to feel my little silver axe cutting through all the wood, the overgrown
wood which you have allowed to collect around you. Many of you want to be healers. I can assure you that
you will never be healers until you are your own healer; until you have become your Divine Immortal
Consciousness. You will always have the lack of interest in Life whilst you deny the fact that you are a Divine
God, because those who go to the healers because they have lost interest in Life are simply selfish little cats
and dogs. They are so busily concerned with themselves that they have not time to be considering their
brothers, who are themselves. “Even as ye have done it to my little ones, so ye have done it unto me.” So the
quickest way you can heal is by helping your brother man and not merely living for yourself, for remember
that the whole of humanity are but fragments of the One Life. Just as a cell splits itself into two and those two
again split themselves into two, only to come together and then split once again - and so on, ad infinitum;
because all these ultimate cells making up the body all come from one cell. Just as you, as a fragmented self,
were split from the One Cell, you must eventually be restored back to the whole again, just as the cell is doing.
As above, so below. This is sheer logic and scientific fact, which you can see demonstrated. Why then do you
always think of yourself as separate?

Individuals come to me saying that they want to do something. They want to do something for the Light. I get
letters like this time and time again. Yet how can you possibly help humanity if you have not first helped
yourself? Could I risk sending you into an electric dynamo station untrained? The very first thing you’d do
would be to burn yourself - and then you would scream at me. If, for instance, we allowed you to have the full
dynamic Soul Power without purification of the personality you would burn yourself, wouldn’t you? You
would destroy yourself and cause a fault in your make-up. This, in fact, is what is happening. This talk is not
directed to those outside the Pleroma. At least we hope that those who come into the Pleroma have got the
backbone, the strength, determination and honesty to see where Truth is and not scream against it, but analyse
and make it for themselves. Therefore, healing in its truest sense means the restoration of the parts, the
fragments, back to the Whole from whence they came. Whilst you are seeking to live on your own, thinking
that you are separate, you are going to create in yourself all this disharmony. The more you divorce yourself
from your brother man the greater the risk that you are going to create disease or disharmony. Heart attacks,
rheumatism, migraine, arthritis, cancer, athletes foot, deafness, etc. all these complaints are caused by man,
and if you look back through your life you will see where it first began. The moment you find this starting
point, surely the logical thing to do is to set into motion a converse action. For instance, you know that a
particular action once set into motion has developed into a cancer. Isn’t it logical that once you discover its
cause and recognised what you did, then you set into motion a positive and counter action? Then you go to the
doctor and the doctor helps you to consolidate that process, and by generating positive energy you stifle and
starve the negative energy. All this you can do for yourself. Every one of you has got the power, just as I do in
this body. There are many of my own complaints that are karmic results from the past: this deaf ear, the bad
eyesight. We make no attempt to get that cured as far as Richard is concerned. He will not use any power to
save himself. Not even as a Bishop will he use the Ecclesiastical Power which is at his disposal. He has no
need to act on his own behalf, because as far as he is concerned the body is just an instrument. Therefore, if
you treat the body as an instrument and not the ultimate, you are going to avoid all these discomforts, pains
and suffering. So you see, it then becomes quite simple. All methods of healing are means to an end only, but
they are never the end in themselves. They are simply a means of stimulating, whether consciously or
unconsciously, a determination, a powerful will-force within yourself. In other words, you are lifted up to a
higher rate of vibration, which enables you to reach for a moment a stage of harmony. During that period,
when the disharmony now restores itself to harmony, you will release from the inner levels this force, which
will flow in and through you and help to keep negative vibrations up to the harmony.

Now this is the same for the whole life. I have had letters from people who are dissatisfied with life.
Everything seems to have become empty. Now they are just as in need of healing as the man who has got
cancer. Cancer is the starving of those forces which have caused the atomic energy to become disaligned and
out of harmony with the whole, so that those who lose the zest for life have found themselves shut off from
their central core. Why? It amounts to unconscious selfishness. They are far too busy with their own life and
forget that they cannot live their life unless they work in harmony with the rest of their lives, which is their
brother man. Society is just the numerical extension of the individual. Without this numerical extension
society could not be. You think of this. So that we all - everyone of us - (even Richard, in his time),
unconsciously try to separate ourselves from the whole.

It is true. If you look back in your life you will see it. Now the only cure for this is by forgetting yourself in
your brothers. Isn’t it wonderful, that if you create around you an air of happiness, of joy, of peace and
serenity; an air wherein you help your brother man, how many friends come flying around, how in the aura
around you people are laughing and joking - and you have seen this with Richard. He is doing this the whole
time. He lives not for himself, and could not care less about himself. He lives for you. That is why he laughs
and jokes and cracks at you. All the time he is stirring the atmosphere around him and you are coming into
that atmosphere, until it knocks away all the supercilious seriousness and causes you to relax; and by this
relaxation you are able to receive more. But if you come with long faces and sanctimonious attitudes: “He’s a
nice man. I can’t touch him, he’s a little too high for me.” Or, for instance, “He speaks in terms like Euclid or
algebra. I don’t now anything about it, but he must be clever if he can talk like that.”

Richard does not do that. He talks your language. He kills any aspirations for a spiritual individual which you
may think that he has. He is quite the opposite to what you think, because he is human, and by this dynamic
force that he has allowed to flow through him he is healing you all the time. He does not blow trumpets. He
does not put his hands on your head, or go all namby-pamby; he does not put his hands on you and say:
“Because you are good I’ll make you a member of the Great White Brotherhood,” or for instance: “I’m going
to make you a member of the Cross,” or whatever it might be. The whole thing is done silently, and you do not
know what he is doing, because he does not want you to know. As the old saying is: “Never let your right
hand know what your left is doing.” Everything he does is silent, and you must do the same.

The moment that you do that you will feel this force flowing around you. You will feel the joy and energy; the
dropping away of the oppressiveness this civilisation creates, and all fear goes with it. You lose all sense of
obeying the social code, such as doffing your hat to a lady who could not care less, or giving up your seat to a
lady so that she can put her big backside into it.

They expect it, but people like ourselves never expect a thing. We are ever ready to try, to create that
upliftment, joy and release. The old priests who were true healers, did the same. They were quite simple
individuals, had no spectacular garb, but just walked around amongst the people, talking to them, encouraging
them, making them laugh. Because, for instance, if you are serious, if you have a problem on your mind, and
you start laughing, you forget your problem. It is so simple.

Everyone who comes here knows that he keeps you all on edge. You never know what he is going to do next,
and this stops you thinking of yourself. By stopping thinking of yourself you stop enclosing yourself in your
own make-believe world. This is true healing. A simple, natural healing the joy of knowing that you are God.

Admittedly, he will never be able to explain to you what it means to be God; to be conscious of it all the time,
even though you may laugh at him, and many of you have and still do. You think it is a dream, a pipe-dream -
so sweet! As we said to one of you: ‘What would you do in the same circumstances?’

True healing means joy, a giving of yourself. Letting yourself go out to others. You do not need to break the
moral law, for you rise above it. The joy of yourself bubbles up from within yourself; this enthusiasm, this
force, bubbles up from the Godhead within, you lift other people up with you and so for the moment you have
released the tension around them; the very conditions that cause cancer, rheumatism, arthritis, sorrow and

This is the true means of healing: the giving of joy; when the individual, for that moment, feels exquisite joy.
In that feeling of joy you stop creating the negative forces, you stop generating the limiting process, and your
mind breaks open to allow the Sun of Life to flood through. Just like the sunflower. It bursts open with a big
face, looking for the sun, and receives the whole glory. Just like the lotus which struggles up through the
waters of the lower self, up through the animal self, and then it reaches the top of the pool of life and bursts
open with all its beauty to give you joy.
So you do the same. This is true healing. If necessary, the Inner Self will send you to the others, but first try it.
This is the reason why we cannot even hope to explain this tremendous vibrant life which flows through us;
which is always there. Even in time of stress it has never left me, so that I have been able to throw off the
stress, and you should be able to do the same. Nothing can hurt you unless you first allow it. You create the
hurt. You set into motion all the forces which will hurt you. Why should you punish yourself? “Saul, Saul
why persecutest thou me?” Look at the meaning now. How many times has the Voice within helped you and
how many times have you ignored it?

How many times have you gone to the doctor and the doctor may have, for the moment, spoken on behalf of
your Divine Consciousness and given you some common sense, and you have said: “No, I think I must have a
pill,” or, “I must have the doctor running his hands over my body so that I know that he has examined me.”
You can see how in the little things you have limited yourself, how you have continually betrayed your Inner
Self. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do,” and slowly but surely I am trying to break out, to
enable you to break this cocoon which you have built around you. Until you can eat your way out of the
cocoon of your own self-creation and blossom forth as the Divine Self, you will never touch this life within.
Or, as the bird who is breaking out of the gilded cage, and flies to freedom.

Do you think that I worry about what you or anyone else thinks? This is not rhetorical in any way. You cannot
hurt me, the Divine Self. You cannot hurt me at all. You are only hurting yourself. Whatever arrows you may
shoot at me cannot pierce me, they must rebound upon you, and if you are pure no one can hurt you. But
because you do not know the arrows of poison and destruction lodge in your make-up all the seeds of
destruction. This in an entirely different concept.

So laugh and have complete joy. Do not allow yourself to get into any mood that is oppressive or dark. Do not
start worrying. Know that everything is all right. Do what you have to do now. This is the only moment that
you know of. You do not know what is going to happen in the next half hour. I might throw you out into the
street by then! You simply do not know, for the past has gone and you cannot alter it. So forget the past. The
future too does not exist; it is still unborn. The only moment that you know of is NOW, so make the most of it
and stop generating forces of hatred, of greed, of selfishness and suspicion, because you do not know what
you would do in the same circumstances. All this stops you generating within yourself forces of destruction.

Originally Published by:

The Order of St Michael & St Raphael
53 College Road, London SW19 2BP
Jan 2005



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