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Text 1

Since the second industrial revolution humanity has been realizing that we as a specie are changing the
natural course of our planet, and sadly for the worse, studies shows that 50% of the world's watersheds
have been enormously impacted by human activity. Seas are also heavly impacted by humans, Brazil
alone dumps around 325 tons of plastic material in the Atlantic Sea.
But there is a solution for that, one of the greatest example of clean ups is the clean up of the Rhine
river in Germany, after years of work and cooperation of 5 different european countries. The Rhine river
is now used for many purposes that helps the economy and the infrastructure of the country and nearby
cities, one of it's many purposes is the transportation of materials and commercial goods.
It is also important to say that the biodiversity and aquatic life of the river and that to mantain and
protect it is not only a responsability that all of us humans share with the planet but it can also brings
tourists which helps with the city economy.

Text 2.
Question 2.
In the book Dom Casmurro written by Machado de Assis the main character Bento Santiago and also
who is telling the story to you is a really interesting character, what differs him from most of other books
characters is that you cannot trust him and that is also what I think is the big twist of the book, as the
story progress you start to realize that Bento is paranoid, selfish and self-centered because of that you
can not fully believe in what he tells you about his relantionship with Capitu and in the end it is up to you
to whether believe in him or not.
And that is also one of the reasons I would recommend this book to other people, because of ambiguous
plot of the book there are no correct or wrong interpretations, there is only your interpretation of it and
that is great you can discuss with your friends about your different intepretations or even create new
ones with them.

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