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We are the change that we seek

Let’s talk about fears and the events that are happening right n0w on Earth
. I thaught that this could be the best subject to talk according to the theme.
When I was twelve I was very afraid of speaking in public , but this fear
didn’t let me down. I was very shy , I was scared of what people said about
me if I fail , but one day I said to myself : “You can’t continue like this , you
won’t do anything if you continue to be shy “ so I decided to get rid of this
pathetic fear that I had . I heard of this competition called public speaking so
2 years ago I decided that I want to join and do my best to get rid of my fear.
I did it , I wrote a speech about the future and got 98 points for that. It was an
awesome experience , I enjoyed myself and beat my fear and I started to like
it , now I could say that I am not a good speaker , but a decent one. After this
I realized that those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
Another example represents the recent events that happened in
California , Brazil and the ongoing fire that is happening in Australia . We
couldn’t change what happened neither what will happen in Australia . That’s
because we don’t face this situation . When Notre Damme burned , the world
faced the event , donated lots of money to rebuild the church . California
burned , there where some people that donated money but not as much as
they donated for Notre Damme . Acres of land burned , thousands of people
lost their homes , and we did so little to even try to extinguish the fire . The
same thing happened to Amazon rainforest , a third of it has burned and the
president of Brazil did nothing . That rainforest produces one third of the
oxygen we breathe and it burned alongside with all the life it hosted .
Australia , when I’m talking to you right now that country is burning , it’s
been burning for almost a month and like a week ago someone took initiative
and started a donation website.
The last example that I will give it’s a good one , it’s about an influencer
named Jimmy better known as MrBeast. He is a youtuber that saw the
consequences of the last events and decided to plant 20 milion trees by the
end of 2019. Initially he plantes some trees by himself and other friends but
that wasn’t enough . He created a website called . Every dollar
donated equals one tree planted . 20 milion dollars were raised until the end
of November 2019 , lots of celebrities donated like Elon Musk , Susan
Wojciki CEO of youtube , the CEO of twitter . I donated 5 dollars because
every dollar means something . The site is currently open for any man that
wants to donate at least 1 dollar to help plant more than 20 milion trees.
In conclusion I want to say that everything that is faced can be changed, if
we don’t face what we want to change that thing won’t change itself . Some
things are hard to change but nothing is impossibile . Don’t forget We are the
change that we seek.

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