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Clinical Expert Series

Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy

Baha M. Sibai, MD, and Oscar A. Viteri, MD

Pregnancies complicated by diabetic ketoacidosis are associated with increased rates of

perinatal morbidity and mortality. A high index of suspicion is required, because diabetic
ketoacidosis onset in pregnancy can be insidious, usually at lower glucose levels, and often
progresses more rapidly as compared with nonpregnancy. Morbidity and mortality can be
reduced with early detection of precipitating factors (ie, infection, intractable vomiting,
inadequate insulin management or inappropriate insulin cessation, b-sympathomimetic use,
steroid administration for fetal lung maturation), prompt hospitalization, and targeted therapy
with intensive monitoring. A multidisciplinary approach including a maternal-fetal medicine
physician, medical endocrinology specialists familiar with the physiologic changes in pregnancy,
an obstetric anesthesiologist, and skilled nursing is paramount. Management principles include
aggressive volume replacement, initiation of intravenous insulin therapy, correction of acidosis,
correction of electrolyte abnormalities and management of precipitating factors, as well as
monitoring of maternal-fetal response to treatment. When diabetic ketoacidosis occurs after
24 weeks of gestation, fetal status should be continuously monitored given associated fetal
hypoxemia and acidosis. The decision for delivery can be challenging and must be based on
gestational age as well as maternal-fetal responses to therapy. The natural inclination is to pro-
ceed with emergent delivery for nonreassuring fetal status that is frequently present during the
acute episode, but it is imperative to correct the maternal metabolic abnormalities first, because
both maternal and fetal conditions will likewise improve. Prevention strategies should include
education of diabetic pregnant women about the risks of diabetic ketoacidosis, precipitating
factors, and the importance of reporting signs and symptoms in a timely fashion.
(Obstet Gynecol 2014;123:167–78)
DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000000060

D iabetic ketoacidosis is one of the most serious

acute complications of diabetes and is character-
ized by the triad of uncontrolled hyperglycemia, anion
and fetus. The worldwide prevalence of diabetes has
risen dramatically over the past two decades, corre-
sponding with increasing trends to higher-calorie diets
gap metabolic acidosis, and ketosis.1,2 Diabetic ketoa- as well as decreased physical activity leading to obe-
cidosis is an infrequent complication of pregestational sity. Furthermore, the increased rates of obese women
or gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) during preg- and the continued immigration to the United States
nancy, but in the absence of prompt diagnosis and among populations with high prevalence of type 2
treatment, it can be life-threatening to the mother diabetes mellitus (DM) have all significantly contrib-
uted to the increasing incidence of gestational and
From the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics,
type 2 DM in pregnancy.3 During the past decade,
Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, the University of Texas Health Science there has been considerable effort to improve preg-
Center at Houston, Houston, Texas. nancy outcomes in women with type 1 and type 2 DM
Continuing medical education for this article is available at http://links.lww. as well as GDM with preconception and first-trimester
control of maternal hyperglycemia, early detection of
Corresponding author: Baha M. Sibai, MD, 6410 Fannin Street, Suite 210, type 2 DM and GDM (universal screening), nutri-
Houston, TX 77030; e-mail:
tional counseling, frequent glucose monitoring,
Financial Disclosure
The authors did not report any potential conflicts of interest.
proper oral hypoglycemic or insulin therapy, and
timely hospitalization and delivery.3,4 Nevertheless,
© 2013 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Published
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. diabetic ketoacidosis continues to occur in a small
ISSN: 0029-7844/14 percentage of patients with diabetes in pregnancy.


The purpose of this report is to review the English glucose precursors: lipolysis results in excess amounts
literature regarding the incidence, pathophysiology, of glycerol released to the circulation and muscle
risk factors, diagnosis, management, outcome, and breakdown results in the release of amino acids, both
prevention of diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy. of which are readily available as sources of energy.
Furthermore, as a result of the state of insulin
INCIDENCE resistance, there is increased lipolysis, which in turn
The true incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis in preg- decreases adipocyte storage of free fatty acids.10
nancy is difficult to ascertain and epidemiologic data The metabolic derangements during an episode of
are based mainly on case reports, retrospective studies diabetic ketoacidosis result in a chain of events that self-
with small numbers, and review articles.5–11 Histori- perpetuate the process in a vicious cycle. The elevated
cally, the reported incidence of diabetes in pregnancy glucose levels in the intravascular space create an
ranges from 6% to 7% with 90% of these cases repre- osmotic gradient, resulting in marked diuresis that in
senting women with GDM.12,13 The two populations turn leads to a profound state of dehydration and
with the highest risk of diabetes in pregnancy are hypovolemia. This further exacerbates the hyperglyce-
obese African Americans and those of Hispanic or mia and acidosis because it promotes the activation of
Latino descent with an overall prevalence as high as other counterregulatory stress hormones (ie, growth
30%.12,14–16 Diabetic ketoacidosis occurrence during hormone, cortisol). Furthermore, measured sodium
pregnancy is exceedingly rare with a reported inci- levels can become abnormally low as a result of the
dence between 0.5% and 3% of all diabetic gesta- osmotic diuresis. Additionally, electrolyte salts contain-
tions.6,11 Formerly considered a hallmark of type 1 ing sodium, potassium, and phosphorus become bound
DM, diabetic ketoacidosis is now increasingly being to anions from ketoacids in the bloodstream and are
reported in individuals with poorly controlled type 2 excreted in the urine.9 Protein breakdown (as a conse-
DM or GDM.17,18 The incidence of diabetic ketoaci- quence of the perceived state of starvation) and
dosis in pregnancy is expected to increase because of decreased potassium cellular uptake resulting from
the increased frequency of type 2 DM and gestational the lack of insulin result in normal or elevated serum
diabetes during pregnancy as a result of the change in potassium levels in the presence of diminished total
demographics of women who are pregnant. Pregnan- body potassium.
cies in women 35 years or older are much more com- During diabetic ketoacidosis, increased b-oxidation
mon than a decade ago. Advanced maternal age is of fatty acids resulting from insulin deficiency and con-
associated with increased rates of obesity and both comitant elevations of counterregulatory hormones
type 2 DM and GDM. Some of these women will also increase production of acetyl CoA, which in turn is
conceive by assisted reproductive technology, resulting converted by the liver to ketone bodies (3b-hydroxy-
in multifetal pregnancies. Indeed, higher order gesta- butyrate and acetoacetate).21 Acetoacetate can undergo
tions are associated with increased rates of GDM; how- decarboxylation and conversion to acetone (which
ever, the magnitude of this risk is unclear.19,20 In presents as a fruity odor in the patient’s breath). Increas-
addition, multifetal gestations are associated with ing amounts of ketone bodies in the bloodstream along
increased rates of preterm labor or premature rupture with lactic acid (which also serves as a gluconeogenesis
of membranes,19 resulting in the need for corticoste- precursor) are the principal contributors to the meta-
roids for fetal lung maturation, which, if complicated bolic acidosis seen in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis
by diabetes, may increase the maternal risk of diabetic (Fig. 1).22
The metabolic profile of diabetic ketoacidosis is the Pregnancy is a state of insulin resistance, accelerated
result of an exaggerated counterregulatory response starvation, and respiratory alkalosis, especially in the
to a perceived lack of glucose supply at the cellular late second and throughout the third trimester. Insulin
level. In the absence of adequate insulin availability, sensitivity has been demonstrated to decrease by as
cells enter a state of starvation, which in turn activates much as 56% by 36 weeks of gestation.23 Several hor-
alternative energy-producing pathways. Levels of mones unique to pregnancy such as human placental
glucagon and epinephrine are markedly elevated lactogen and prolactin antagonize the effects of insulin
during starvation. Glycogen storages are rapidly at the cellular level. Other hormones unique to preg-
depleted, and gluconeogenesis becomes the primary nancy also play a role in predisposing a diabetic preg-
metabolic pathway. There are abundant sources of nant woman to develop diabetic ketoacidosis. Early in

168 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
• Inadequate circulating insulin
• Increased insulin resistance

• Reduced glucose utilization • Increased counterregulatory

or storage hormones
◦ Muscles ◦ Glucagon
◦ Liver ◦ Cortisol
◦ Adipose tissue ◦ Catecholamines
◦ Growth hormone


• Maternal effects
◦ Osmotic diuresis • Increased hepatic glucose
◦ Hypovolemia production
◦ Hypokalemia ◦ Gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis
• Fetal effects • Increased ketogenesis (liver)
◦ Hypokalemia leading to • Increased lipolysis
Fig. 1. Pathophysiology of diabetic
ketoacidosis in pregnancy. Modified arrythmias
from Sibai BM. Management of acute ◦ Hyperglycemia
obstetrics emergencies: female pelvic ◦ Hyperinsulinemia
surgery video, atlas series. 1st ed. • Release of free fatty acids and
Philadelphia (PA): Saunders, Elsevier; conversion to ketone bodies
2011. p. 140. ◦ 3β–hydroxybutirate
Maternal and fetal acidosis ◦ Acetoacetate
Sibai. Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy.
Obstet Gynecol 2014. ◦ Acetone

pregnancy, high levels of human chorionic gonadotro- cidosis in euglycemic diabetic pregnant women.25,30,31
pin are associated with increased nausea and vomiting,24 Furthermore, it has been suggested that the develop-
which may trigger a cascade of starvation, dehydration, ment of diabetic ketoacidosis and starvation in the preg-
and acidosis as well as activation of stress-related hor- nant type 1 diabetic with eating disorders may not be
mones (Fig. 1). Progesterone also decreases the gastro- rare.32 In addition, the increased minute alveolar venti-
intestinal motility and enhances the carbohydrate lation places the pregnant woman in a state of respira-
absorption, thus promoting hyperglycemia. Diabetic tory alkalosis and is counterregulated by increased renal
pregnant women at more than 20 weeks of gestation excretion of bicarbonate. This results in a lowered buff-
are more prone to develop more severe and rapidly ering capacity, which further contributes to the develop-
progressive episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis (usually ment of diabetic ketoacidosis at lower glycemic levels
over hours) and at lower glycemic levels (less than than those seen in nonpregnant patients.33
300 mg/dL).22 Furthermore, diabetic pregnant women
are more sensitive to starvation, infection, and extrinsic Euglycemic Ketoacidosis
ketogenic factors such as excessive alcohol intake.25 The Euglycemic ketoacidosis was first described by Munro
maternal metabolic rate increases by approximately 300 et al in 1973 and is defined as severe ketoacidosis with
kcal/d in the third trimester.26,27 Maternal ketone body a serum bicarbonate of 10 mEq/L or less in the
levels during fasting are elevated by 33% during the absence of pronounced hyperglycemia.34,35 All partic-
third trimester as compared with the postpartum ipants had type 1 DM, and blood glucose levels were
state.21,28 Ketone bodies can be detected in the urine less than 300 mg/dL. However, during pregnancy,
of pregnant women who are fasting in approximately euglycemic ketoacidosis has also been reported to
30% of the first morning specimens.21,29 Starvation re- occur in pregestational type 2 DM and GDM.18,36–38
sulting from poor nutritional status or persistent vomit- True euglycemic ketoacidosis is exceedingly rare,
ing leads to reduced carbohydrate intake and both have occurring in 0.8–1.1% of all episodes (depending on
been associated with the development of diabetic ketoa- the defining plasma bicarbonate concentration).7

VOL. 123, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy 169
Metabolic Considerations in the
Box 1. Precipitating Factors for Diabetic
Fetoplacental Compartment
Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy
The mechanism of fetal loss during episodes of
diabetic ketoacidosis still remains elusive. Both ketoa-  Protracted vomiting, starvation
cids and glucose readily cross the placenta. Fetopla-  Infections (pyelonephritis, respiratory, chorioamnio-
cental demands for glucose are considerable and nitis, ear infection, cellulitis, tooth abscess)
approach the equivalent of 150 g/d in the third  Undiagnosed diabetes
trimester.39 Glucose transport to the fetus is aug-
 Poor control of blood sugars or poor compliance
mented by a fivefold increase in the placental glucose with treatment
transporter (GLUT-1), which increases transplacental
glucose efflux even in the absence of maternal hyper-  Insulin pump failure
glycemia.26,27 The effects of maternal acidosis, hyper-  Use of b-sympathomimetic agents for tocolysis
glycemia, dehydration, or electrolyte imbalance on  Steroid use for fetal lung maturation or for chronic
fetal status is unclear, because data are based on lim- medical disorders
ited case reports of fetal heart tracings or animal mod-
 Diabetic gastroparesis
els.40,41 The massive osmotic diuresis and consequent
dehydration leads to volume depletion resulting in
reduced uteroplacental perfusion. In addition, maternal
acidemia can decrease the placental blood flow with In addition, the administration of corticosteroids for
resultant fetal hypoxia. Fetal hypoxemia can also be fetal lung maturation will result in acute elevations in
caused as a consequence of maternal hypophosphate- serum glucose values within 6 hours after the first
mia, which causes a decrease in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate dose and can last up to 3 days after the last dose.49
resulting in a decreased oxygen release from the red Therefore, these women should be hospitalized for
blood cells.42 Fetal hyperinsulinemia resulting from frequent serum glucose values, and the dose of insulin
maternal hyperglycemia also increases fetal oxygen should be increased as needed. The effects of cortico-
requirements by stimulating the oxidative metabolic steroids will be more pronounced when used in asso-
pathway.43 Maternal hypokalemia and fetal hyperinsu- ciation with b-agonists that may be used to treat
linemia could potentially cause fetal hypokalemia lead- uterine contractions and preterm labor.50
ing to fatal arrhythmias.9,22,44 Gastroparesis usually occurs in patients with long-
standing diabetes in association with other microvascu-
Precipitating Factors for Diabetic Ketoacidosis
lar complications such as nephropathy and retinopathy.
in Pregnancy
It is associated with delayed gastric emptying resulting
Factors precipitating episodes of diabetic ketoacidosis
in protracted nausea, vomiting and dehydration, and
in pregnant patients have been well established22,45,46
persistent postprandial hyperglycemia. These metabolic
and are listed in Box 1. Vomiting and the use of beta- abnormalities combined increase the risk of diabetic
mimetic drugs accounted for 57% of the episodes of
diabetic ketoacidosis in one case series.46 Schneider
et al16 evaluated 888 pregnant women with diabetes
using insulin over 10 years and found that 11 women MATERNAL AND
(1.2%) presented with diabetic ketoacidosis. The most PERINATAL COMPLICATIONS
common causes of diabetic ketoacidosis in these pa- Although diabetic ketoacidosis is infrequent during
tients were infections (27%) and a history of insulin pregnancy, its development may result in serious
therapy omission (18%). Chen et al47 compared mul- maternal morbidities (acute renal failure, adult respi-
tiple daily insulin injections with continuous subcuta- ratory distress syndrome, myocardial ischemia, cere-
neous insulin infusions in the management of type 1 bral edema) and even death.9,10 The frequency of
DM. Patients treated with continuous subcutaneous these complications depends on the severity of the
insulin injections had a significantly higher rate of maternal condition at the time of presentation and
diabetic ketoacidosis episodes (13% compared with adequacy of management used (stabilization of the
1.6%, P5.04). maternal condition before induction of labor or emer-
Diabetic pregnant women on chronic corticoste- gency cesarean delivery). In recent years, the reported
roid therapy are at increased risk for diabetic ketoa- maternal mortality in diabetic ketoacidosis has been
cidosis because of the effects of steroids on serum less than 1% with a reported fetal mortality rate of
glucose values as well as increased risk for infection.48 9–36%.8,16,45 However, perinatal morbidities such as

170 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
preterm delivery, hypoxia, and acidosis still remain
Box 2. Diagnosis of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
An association has been reported between elevated Signs and Symptoms
ketoacids during pregnancy and lower IQ scores as
well as decreased mental developmental score during  Hyperventilation–tachypnea
the second year of life.52 Furthermore, an association  Sinus tachycardia
has also been reported between ketonuria detected dur-  Hypotension or dehydration
ing prenatal visits and adverse neurobehavioral out-
comes even in nondiabetic pregnancies.53 The fetal  Change in sensorium, disorientation, or coma
brain is particularly susceptible to increased levels of  Kussmaul respirations or fruity breath
b-hydroxybutyrate and lactate concentrations, which  Nonreassuring fetal tracing
decrease glucose uptake by the fetal brain.54 Also, these
substances are known to accumulate in the basal gan-  Polyuria or polydipsia
glia of children during episodes of diabetic ketoacido-  Nausea or vomiting
sis.55,56 The acidotic environment that develops has  Abdominal pain or contractions
been associated with poor myelination and poor corti-
cal connectivity as well as aberrations in the hypocam-  Blurred vision
pal neurons. These findings have been linked with  Muscle weakness
greater deficits in expressive language among children
diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.48 Future
research is thus needed to further elucidate the effect Laboratory Findings
of maternal ketoacids on fetal brain injury.57,58
 Plasma glucose level (usually greater than 250 mg/dL)*†
IN PREGNANCY  Anion gap greater than 12 mEq/L*
Clinical Presentation
 Elevated base deficit*
The signs and symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis during
pregnancy are not pathognomonic and tend to develop  Positive serum/urine ketones, especially 3b-hydrox-
ybutyrate (most abundant)‡
faster during pregnancy than in the nonpregnant state
(Box 2). A high level of suspicion is required for prompt  Falsely normal potassium level might be present
recognition and management of the disease. An episode  Low serum bicarbonate (often less than 15 mEq/L)
of diabetic ketoacidosis may be the initial presentation
 Elevated serum blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
that leads to a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. Intractable
resulting from dehydration and possible renal failure
nausea and vomiting in a known diabetic patient war-
rant laboratory evaluation for diabetic ketoacidosis. * These values are variable.
† Diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy can present with
Abdominal pain may be severe, and the gravid patient
much lower glucose levels.
might experience uterine contractions (Fig. 2A). Hyper- ‡ Siemens Multistix 10SG only detect acetoacetate.
glycemia leads to glucosuria, intravascular volume
depletion, increased diuresis, and dehydration. Kuss-
maul respirations and a fruity odor in the patient’s
breath might be present in advanced disease. Lethargy anion gap or serum ketones. Acidosis is the hallmark
and central nervous system manifestations are also an of diabetic ketoacidosis with a serum bicarbonate con-
effect of the buildup of ketoacids that could lead to centration that is usually less than 15 mEq/L.11 Hyper-
a state of disorientation, obtundation, and even coma glycemia (plasma glucose level greater than 300), anion
resulting from cerebral edema.59 gap metabolic acidosis, and ketosis (positive serum and
urine ketones) are seen in virtually all cases of diabetic
Standard Laboratory Assessment ketoacidosis. An anion gap is present because the aci-
Common laboratory findings in diabetic ketoacidosis dosis is caused by unmeasured anions (ie, ketoacids
are listed in Box 2. Initial laboratory testing in the symp- and lactate). In acute diabetic ketoacidosis, the ketone
tomatic hyperglycemic patient should include a com- body ratio (3-b-hydroxybutyrate:acetoacetate) rises
plete blood cell count with differential, liver function from normal (1:1) to as high as 10:1. As mentioned,
tests, glucose, electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creati- the plasma glucose level is usually higher than 300 mg/
nine, arterial blood gases if bicarbonate is low, and dL but lower levels are not uncommon during

VOL. 123, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy 171
pregnancy. Falsely normal or elevated potassium levels special expertise in the area, ideally including maternal-
might be present; however, it is likely that the total fetal medicine and medical endocrinology specialists, an
body potassium is decreased and the patient is dehy- obstetric anesthesiologist, and skilled nursing support.
drated and hypokalemic. Blood urea nitrogen and cre- The principles of management of diabetic ketoacidosis
atinine levels may be elevated as a result of renal during pregnancy are the same as that in the nonpreg-
dysfunction.21 nant state. They consist of aggressive volume replace-
ment, intravenous (IV) insulin therapy, correction of
acidosis and abnormal electrolytes, correction of the
MANAGEMENT OF DIABETIC underlying pathology, and intensive monitoring of
KETOACIDOSIS IN PREGNANCY maternal and fetal response to the treatment.
Diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy is an obstetric and
medical emergency and therefore requires prompt and Fluid Replacement
aggressive treatment in a specialized care unit (Fig. 3). Initial fluid replacement is first accomplished with
Management should be provided by physicians with normal saline. It is imperative to establish early IV

Fig. 2. A. Fetal heart rate monitoring

of a patient during an acute episode
of diabetic ketoacidosis demonstrat-
ing uterine contractions, minimal
variability, and late decelerations
(solid arrows) after each contraction
(dashed arrows). B. After correction of
maternal hyperglycemia and acidosis,
uterine contractions and late decel-
erations were resolved. In addition,
there is now moderate variability. C.
Fetal tracing in a patient who pre-
sented with acute diabetic ketoaci-
dosis at 34 weeks of gestation
demonstrates repetitive late deceler-
ations (solid arrows) and minimal
variability. She was rushed for an
emergency cesarean delivery result-
ing in the delivery of a premature
newborn with Apgar scores of 2, 3,
and 5 at 1, 5, and 10 minutes,
respectively. The arterial cord pH was
Sibai. Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy.
Obstet Gynecol 2014.

172 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
• Confirm diagnosis (See Box 2)
• Secure airway and oxygenation
• Admit for intensive monitoring
• Obtain adequate intravenous
access* and insert indwelling

Mechanical ventilation required?
Consider intensive care
unit admission
No No

Fluid replacement Insulin therapy

Fluid deficit (approximately Short–acting intravenous
100 mL/kg) insulin (10 units bolus)

0.9% sodium chloride

1–2 L/h x 2 h Continue basal infusion
rate of 1–2 units/hour†

Evaluate corrected
serum sodium level

Corrected serum (Na+) Corrected serum (Na+)

140 mEq/L or greater less than 140 mEq/L

0.45% sodium chloride 0.9% sodium chloride

250–500 mL/hour 250–500 mL/hour

Serum glucose
250 mg/dL or less

Add dextrose 5% in 0.45%

sodium chloride or dextrose
5% in 0.9% sodium chloride

Serum K+ less than 5 mEq/L • Close monitoring first 4 hours Continous fetal monitoring
and urine output more than ◦ Hourly urine output if 24 weeks of
0.5 mL/Kg/hour ◦ Vital signs every 15 minutes gestation or more§
◦ Measure arterial blood gas,
capillary serum ketones,
electrolytes, glucose and anion
Replace K+ as per gap‡ every 1–3 hours
protocol (Table 1) ◦ Aggressive investigation and
management of precipitating

Serum bicarbonate
and anion gap normalize|| • Discontinue insulin infusion 2
hours after subcutaneous long-
acting insulin
No Yes • Initiate subcutaneous weight-
Insulin drip until oral intake Patient tolerating oral intake based insulin
is tolerated • Check capillary glucose fasting
and 2 hours post-prandial
• Consultation to nutrition, diabetes
and insulin education services

Fig. 3. An algorithm for the management of diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy. *Intravenous access should be obtained with two
large-bore catheters or central venous catheter placement. †If serum glucose level does not fall by 50‒70 mg/dL within an hour,
double the insulin infusion dose until this goal is achieved. ‡Anion gap: [Na+]–[Cl– + HCO3–], corrected serum sodium: Serum
Na+ (mEq/L)+(1.6 mEq/L for each 100 mg/dL glucose level greater than 100 mg/dL). §No interventions on fetal behalf should be
performed until stabilization of acute maternal condition has been achieved. kUse of bicarbonate in severe acidosis is debatable
(see text). Some authors recommend administering 50 mEq of intravenous bicarbonate only if pH less than 7.
Sibai. Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 2014.

VOL. 123, NO. 1, JANUARY 2014 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy 173
access with two large-bore catheters or central venous slightly elevated, but the total body potassium is
catheter placement. In patients with diabetic ketoaci- usually low. In diabetic ketoacidosis, the total potas-
dosis, the fluid deficit is typically 100 mL/kg of body sium deficit is typically 5–10 mEq/L. During the
weight,60 which is equivalent to 6–10 L based on administration of insulin, volume replacement, and
maternal weight. Immediate effects of this aggressive correction of acidosis, potassium shifts from the extra-
hydration are hemodilution and an increase in tissue cellular to the intracellular space. To prevent fatal ar-
perfusion resulting in a decrease of glucose and potas- rhythmias, it is important to keep serum potassium
sium levels. It is important to replace 75% of the fluid levels between 4 and 5 mEq/L. This is best accom-
deficit during the first 24 hours of treatment and the plished by IV administration of potassium chloride
total volume should be completed within 48 hours. (Table 1 ).60 Adequate urine output must be main-
Isotonic normal saline is administered at a rate of tained at all times (greater than 0.5 mL/kg/h). Phos-
1–2 L/h for 1–2 hours. Once this is completed, phate replacement is not usually required unless levels
normal saline is then administered at a rate of 250– fall below 1 mg/dL, cardiac dysfunction ensues, or
500 mL/h and continued until glucose values are less signs of obtundation are noted. Phosphorus may be
than 250 mg/dL. Once this is achieved, administra- replaced in conjunction with potassium by adminis-
tion of an IV solution with 5% dextrose is started. The tering 10–20 mEq/L of potassium phosphate for each
subsequent choice for fluid replacement depends on 10–20 mEq/L of potassium chloride.11 The need for
the hydration state, serum electrolyte levels, and replacement of other electrolytes including bicarbon-
hemodynamic stability, and it should be continued ate, magnesium, and calcium is debatable. Administra-
until the calculated fluid deficit is corrected. If hyper- tion of bicarbonate may be associated with profound
natremia develops, switching to 0.45% saline until cor- alkalosis or worsening acidemia secondary to increased
rection of hypernatremia is recommended (to replace partial pressure of carbon dioxide, leading in turn to
free water loss as a result of the glucose-induced impaired fetal oxygen transfer.10 Some authors recom-
osmotic diuresis).10 Close hemodynamic monitoring mend bicarbonate administration during severe acid-
should be performed during the first 4 hours; this emia (pH less than 7) or in patients complicated by
includes hourly urine output through an indwelling cardiac dysfunction, sepsis, or shock61; however, fur-
catheter and vital signs surveillance every 15 minutes. ther research is required to assess the potential risks
Continuous oxygen saturation should be monitored and benefits of such therapy.
and supplemental oxygen is given as needed. The In the setting of diabetic ketoacidosis in patients
patient’s response to treatment is evaluated with arte- with type 1 DM, point-of-care b-hydroxybutyrate cap-
rial blood gas monitoring, serum ketones, electrolytes, illary ketone testing is routinely used.62,63 This test
glucose, and anion gap every 1–3 hours. Investigation only measures 3-b-hydroxybutyrate, whereas the ni-
and management of the precipitating factors should be troprusside test for ketones in urine detects only ace-
performed simultaneously and corrected promptly.22 toacetate.62 Point-of-care capillary testing assists in
prompt detection and subsequent management of dia-
Insulin Therapy betic ketoacidosis. Ketone levels can be checked seri-
Correction of hyperglycemia is best achieved with IV ally and are more accurate than urine ketone testing,
short-acting insulin. Regular insulin is administered as because concentrations of 3-b-hydroxybutyrate are
an 8- to 10-unit bolus followed by 0.1 units/kg/h until typically 10-fold higher compared with acetoacetate.64
the serum bicarbonate and anion gap normalize and In response to insulin, 3-b-hydroxybutyrate levels
serum ketones become absent. Because correction of commonly decrease long before acetoacetate levels.21
acidemia takes much longer than correction of hyper-
glycemia, insulin should be continued at a basal
infusion rate of 1–2 units/h after normoglycemia is Table 1. Suggested Protocol for Potassium
established and to be discontinued only after the first Repletion According to Serum Levels
subcutaneous dose of regular insulin is administered.10
Potassium Level Intervention
Monitoring of Acidosis and Correction
of Electrolytes Greater than 5 mEq/L No treatment
4–5 mEq/L 20 mEq/L replacement
Correction of electrolyte imbalances, particularly 3–4 mEq/L 30–40 mEq/L replacement
hypokalemia, should start as soon as adequate renal 3 mEq/L or less 40–60 mEq/L replacement
function is documented. As mentioned, serum levels Data from Carroll MA, Yeomans ER. Diabetic ketoacidosis in
of potassium may appear deceivingly normal or pregnancy. Crit Care Med 2005;33(suppl):S347–53.

174 Sibai and Viteri Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY
MANAGEMENT COMPLICATIONS acidosis, which may influence all modes of fetal
AND PROGNOSIS testing. Fetal heart rate monitoring is recommended
The vast majority of patients with diabetic ketoacido- in patients with gestational age of 24 or more weeks.33
sis in pregnancy recover with no sequelae. Delayed Fetal heart rate monitoring during the acute episode
recognition and inappropriate management carry of diabetic ketoacidosis often reveals minimal or
elevated maternal and fetal morbidity. Most compli- absent variability, absent accelerations, repetitive vari-
cations result from inadequate fluid management and able, and late decelerations (Fig. 2A). The fetal bio-
premature discontinuation of insulin. In addition, physical profile can also be abnormal, and Doppler
failure to promptly recognize and correct precipitating studies may show signs of blood flow redistribution
factors (ie, infections) is associated with a worse (ie, increased umbilical artery pulsatility index and
prognosis and higher recurrence rates (ie, inadequate reduced middle cerebral artery pulsatility index).70
home insulin administration). The frequency and severity of these abnormalities will
A rare but potentially fatal complication is cerebral depend on severity and duration of diabetic ketoaci-
edema. In most reported series, no direct association dosis. After correction of the metabolic derangements
with the metabolic disturbances in diabetic ketoacidosis in diabetic ketoacidosis and maternal stabilization,
has been reported, although aggressive hydration these fetal abnormalities will usually improve; how-
(particularly with hypotonic solutions) is certainly ever, it may take 4–8 hours for the fetal heart rate
a contributing factor.59 Furthermore, the occurrence tracing to become normal.71
of hyperchloremic acidosis has been reported in pa- The decision to continue pregnancy or to proceed
tients resuscitated with normal saline given its relative with delivery in the setting of diabetic ketoacidosis can
acidic pH of 5.5 and high chloride content. It has been be challenging, but it must be based on fetal gesta-
proposed that the use of more physiologic, balanced tional age, maternal status, fetal status, and the
crystalloid solutions such as PlasmaLyte during resus- response to treatment. The natural inclination is to
citation may reduce the incidence of this complication proceed with emergent cesarean delivery for concern-
given similar serum chloride concentrations and neu- ing fetal status before stabilizing the maternal condi-
tral pH.65 Other complications with varying degrees of tion. Diabetic ketoacidosis per se is not an indication
severity have been described and include hypoglyce- for emergent delivery because a premature decision to
mia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary proceed with cesarean delivery increases the risk of
edema, and bronchial mucous plugging.66–68 Aggres- maternal mortality and morbidity. In addition, it may
sive potassium replacement during the acute episode lead to unnecessary preterm delivery of a hypoxic and
in the absence of adequate urine output may result in acidotic neonate (Fig. 2C). It is imperative to stabilize
fatal arrhythmias. the maternal condition first because this will often
improve the fetal status and potentially avoid the pre-
Investigation and Management of viously mentioned complications. If fetal status does
Precipitating Factors not improve or if the maternal condition continues to
Once hemodynamic status and metabolic abnormal- deteriorate despite aggressive therapy, delivery is war-
ities have been addressed, it is important to evaluate ranted. On the other hand, if maternal condition sta-
for and treat potential precipitating factors such as bilizes and the fetal abnormalities resolve, pregnancy
infection or use of b-sympathomimetic agents. Infec- is continued and most often patients will be dis-
tions are major precipitating factors for diabetic ketoa- charged home safely.
cidosis, and thus evaluation for infection should be
done even in the absence of fever. The source of PREVENTION
infection can be the urinary tract, upper airway or Women with pregestational DM planning pregnancy
pneumonia, gallbladder, ear, tooth abscess, cellulitis, should be educated about the risks of diabetic ketoaci-
or wound infections in case of surgery.69 Once iden- dosis before conception as well as during pregnancy. In
tified, the source of infection should be treated with addition, all pregnant women not known to be diabetic
appropriate antibiotics, surgery, or antibiotics and sur- should receive screening for GDM at 24–28 weeks of
gery as indicated. In addition, if b-agonists are being gestation and earlier in pregnancy in those with certain
used, they should be discontinued.4 risk factors (obesity, strong family history of type 2 DM,
obesity, history of GDM, impaired glucose metabolism,
Fetal Monitoring and Timing of Delivery or glucosuria).12,72 Those with pregestational and GDM
The metabolic derangements that take place during should be instructed about the importance of compli-
diabetic ketoacidosis result in fetal hypoxemia and ance with diet, exercise, compliance with prenatal visits,

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is present, the patient should be hospitalized and 14. World Diabetes Foundation, Global Alliance for Women’s
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if corticosteroids are used for fetal lung maturity, the mary, expert recommendations for policy action, conclusions,
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dose of insulin should be adjusted accordingly.4 S46–50.
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