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Name: Akhmad Rizki Ajie Prasetya

NIM: 2046000209

The Importance of Urban Regeneration in Kotabaru

Urban regeneration is an action to solve urban problems and finding a long-term
improvement to the economic, physical, social, and environmental aspects of an area to be
changed. There are several principles of urban regeneration: establish clear and measurable
objectives based on sustainable development, local conditions analysis, participation and
cooperation among stakeholders, efficiency, and improving quality of buildings, social
structure, economic, and environmental conditions [CITATION PRo00 \l 1033 ]. The process of
Urban regeneration can be divided into 4 phases: Scoping, Planning, Financing, and
Implementation. Scoping is a process that accommodates strategic analysis and
engagement process for city leaders to make a decision. Planning is the process that
establishes the long-term vision. This process is important to sustaining the regeneration
vision through the unavoidable changes and unpredicted challenges of the economic and
political cycles. Financing is the process that provides funding in the urban regeneration
process. This process involves multi-stakeholders, especially with private sectors. The
relationships with private sectors are important for the local government to reducing costs
and improving technical capacities. The last process is the implementation of urban
regeneration vision. This process includes political leadership, interactions between the
public and private sector, risk assessment, and project phasing (Amirtahmasebi et al., 2016).
Kotabaru is one of the historical places in Yogyakarta city. Kotabaru is located in
Gondokusuman District. In Colonial Era, Kotabaru (Nieuwe Wijk) was planned for Dutch
Settlement. The Development of this area started from 1917-1920. Kotabaru was designed
by Thomas Kaarsten. The design of this area was adopted from Ebenezer Howard’s concept
known as Garden City. Kotabaru was built to accommodate rapid population and industrial
growth. The Development of this area also aimed to improve education and health quality of
Dutch Communities [ CITATION Kle16 \l 1033 ].
Kotabaru was established as a Cultural heritage by the Local Government. Several
buildings and sites are still maintained. Historical buildings in Kotabaru can be divided into
various functions, such as housing, school, hospital, commercial, and worship [ CITATION
Kle16 \l 1033 ]. Rapid development gives an impact on the spatial structure in Kotabaru.
Uncontrolled urbanization causing land use-changes and threatening historical sites. The
new development changes housing to commercial functions, green areas to park and
building, and other changes that inappropriate with local characteristics [ CITATION Suw181 \l
1033 ]. Urban regeneration in historical places contributes to improve environmental quality,
encourage creative economic activity, and increase social cohesion [ CITATION Eln13 \l 1033 ].
This concept can strengthen place identity in historical places. Urban regeneration in
Kotabaru is important to sustaining the existence of historical buildings in the future.
Amirtahmasebi, R., Orloff, M., Wahba, S., & Altman, A. (2016). Regenerating Urban Land: A
Practitioner’s Guide to Leveraging Private Investment. Washngton D.C: World Bank
Elnokaly, A., & Elseragy, A. (2013). Sustainable Urban Regeneration of Historic City
Centres- Lessons Learnt. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2: 31-54.
Kleden, U. C., & Fanani, F. (2016). Harmonisasi Ketentuan Peruntukan Bangunan Cagar
Budaya Dalam Perspektif Regulasi Di Kawasan Budaya Kotabaru. Pros. Semin.
Nas. ReTII. Yogyakarta.
Robert, P., & Sykes, H. (2000). The Evolution, Definition, and Purpose of Urban
Regeneration. Sage.
Suwanto, N. (2018). Perubahan Citra Kawasan Kotabaru Yogyakarta. Arcade, 2(3): 121-

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