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31 Days of Urban

Prepared by: Clickable Impact Consulting Group
For: Cities Development Initiative for Asia – October 2021 Campaign

The UN-initiated annual campaign Urban October is an opportunity for organizations and
individuals all over the world to engage in conversations around sustainable urban
development. This year’s is  ClimateAction4Cities, although activities can be about any
aspect of sustainable urban development.

Communication Objectives
Building on the success of its 2020 Urban October campaign last year, CDIA will again join
this global celebration with a 2021 campaign titled: 31 Days of Urban Inspiration.

31 Days of Urban Inspiration is an awareness and engagement campaign with a specific

communications objective: to increase social media engagement and visibility with a
carefully curated list of thought leaders (individuals and organizations) whose established
audiences are likely to engage with CDIA’s content and have influence over CDIA’s primary
audience (city officials).

Target Audience
Unlike the 2020 campaign that featured an interactive competition and had strong youth
engagement, 31 Days of Urban Inspiration targets mid- and senior-level urban development
professionals (spanning from city officials to urban experts in development community)
who are already following established urban development thought leaders and
organizations. These individuals are eager to expand their network and knowledge, and
when reached are active on social media.

Campaign’s Identity
All communication materials will be created based on the
existing CDIA’s Urban October mini brand guideline
developed by Clickable in 2020, and will ensure the visibility
of the EU funding and other donors. Additionally, an image
frame and other aspects of the visual identity will be
customized to the 31 Days of Inspiration concept, so the
series has a sense of sameness and continuity.

Campaign Strategy

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31 Days of Urban Inspiration features 20 days of intentional, accelerated posting during
the month of October.

The “main ingredient” to drive engagement is a curated a list of the top 20 global thought
leaders in sustainable urban development. These are the “celebrities” of urban
development who boast a significant number of followers and have influence across the
sector. They are professors, authors, CEOs, leaders of think tanks, development
professionals, etc.; the “celebrity” may even be a famous or landmark text with many
authors. While we can and should include leading organizations, due attention will be
placed on recognizing specific individuals (more below).

Featured thought leaders will be relevant to the overall Urban October theme
ClimateActions4Cities, as well as different international days during October such as World
Cities Day, World Habitat Day, and International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Suggested
topics to be featured include:

 Mainstream social/gender issues into urban infrastructure development

 Inclusive and livable cities for everyone
 Disaster risk reduction in urban centers
 Local actions for climate resilient cities
 Localize SDGs for urban livability and climate resilience
 Climate finance for cities
 Nature-based solutions for climate resilient cities

Campaign Implementation
Every day of the campaign, CDIA will post about the inspiring individual, his or her key
publication, past successful projects, etc., with a short explanation of why they are so
inspiring/impactful. Included in this post will be a tag for the individual, as well as his or her

As these people have sizable social followings, the idea is to get them to comment or re-
share the content, thus reaching their audience organically.

Next, at the same time of the post, paid ads will be set to target the followers of their
account who are based in the region. This creates multiple opportunities for the target
audience to see CDIA’s Urban October content, both paid and organic.

Further, CDIA’s core work will be woven into the content calendar where most suitable to
increase the audience’s understanding about CDIA’s work. This includes CDIA’s projects,
featured content, virtual clinics, and climate change webpage.

Campaign KPIs:
 100+ additional followers per platform above the overall social media KPIs of

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 10 direct messages / responses / comments from the featured thought leaders
 At least 10 direct messages / comments from targeted audience specifically asking
to learn more about CDIA or the Virtual Clinics

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