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Unit 5
1. App: A piece of computer software which does a particular job; I’ve downloaded this great app onto
my mobile phone
2. Appliance: A piece of electrical equipment, such as a refrigerator or a washing machine, that is used in
people’s homes; The kitchen was full of the latest appliances
3. Assertive: behaving confidently to make people listen to you. I am assertive
4. Badly paid: receiving very little money for the work you do. He is badly paid
5. Balanced: Fair and sensible; A balanced approach to the problem
6. Be about to: To be ready to start doing something; We were about to leave when Sherry arrived.
7. Bother: To take the trouble to do something. Nobody bothered to study for the quiz.
8. Build up: To developed something slowly; My father built up the business himself
9. Checkout: The place in a supermarket where you pay for goods
10. College: A school for advanced education, especially in a particular profession or skill: An art college
11. Competitive: People or organizations who compete to be more successful than others; A highly
competitive industry
12. Confused: Unable to think clearly, so that you do not know what to do; He is confused by all the
choices he has
13. Contact details: Information on how to contact a person or entity, typically including a telephone
number, address etc.
14. Contestant: a person who takes part in a contest or competition.
15. Crossroads: often used in a figurative way to mean to be at a stage in your life when you have to make
a very important decision or choice
16. Currently: Happening, existing or being done now. He is currently living in Peru.
17. Deal with: To do what is necessary, especially in order to solve a problem; Who deals with complaints?
18. Decorating: The process of making (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images
to it. I want to get the decorating done before Christmas.
19. Demands: Difficult or tiring things you have to do. The demands of modern life.
20. Disciplined: A disciplined person obeys rules and controls their behavior. He is disciplined enough to
run every day, whatever the weather.
21. Discreet: Careful about what you say or do so that you do not upset or embarrass people. Can you be
discreet about this?
22. Distraction: Something that takes your attention away from what you are doing; The government is
trying to distract attention from its failures.
23. Effective: Having the desired result. An effective way to teach vocabulary
24. Elderly: People who are old; A home for the elderly
25. Employer: a person or organization that employs people.
26. Enrol/Enroll: officially register as a member of an institution or a student in a course. They enrolled in
drama school.
27. Enthusiasm: A strong feeling of interest and enjoyment. He welcomed us with great enthusiasm.
28. Executive: a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an
29. Explain: to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it. If
there's anything you don't understand, I'll be happy to explain.
30. Failure: lack of success.
31. Final: the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which decides the winner of the
tournament. The Stanley Cup final examination at the end of a term, academic year, or particular class. I have to study for my finals.
32. Fulfil: To achieve the thing that you hoped for, wished, etc. He never fulfilled his dream of becoming
an Olympic gymnast.
33. Get ahead: To be successful in your job, work, etc. She got ahead through hard work and
34. Guess: To answer a question or decide something without being sure whether you are right. Guess
what grade I got!
35. Guru: Someone that people respect because they are very wise or skillful in a particular subject. A
management guru.
36. Hurry up: To move or do things more quickly than normal or do make someone do this. Hurry up!
We’re late.
37. Identify: To recognize something or someone and say correctly what or who they are. He was unable
to identify his weaknesses, so he didn’t improve.
38. Imagination: the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful. The ability to form pictures or ideas
in your mind.
39. Improvement: When something becomes better than it was. There was a steady improvement in my
students’ English vocabulary.
40. In touch: If you are in touch with someone, you speak or write to them regularly. Bye; Eva! Don’t
forget to keep in touch.
41. Intention: a thing intended; an aim or plan. An intention is idea that you plan (or intend) to carry out.
42. Interpersonal: Interpersonal refers to something relating to, involving, or occurring among several
people. Interpersonal skills refer to our ability to get along with others.
43. Inventor: a person who invents, especially one who devises some new process, appliance, machine, or
article; one who makes inventions
44. Jealous: Unhappy because someone else has something that you wish you had. Feeling envy.
45. Lifetime: The period of time during which someone is alive. This trip was the holiday of a lifetime!
46. Light bulb: a rounded glass container with a thin thread of metal inside that produces light when an
electric current goes through it
47. Manner: The way in which someone behaves with other people. She has a calm manner of speaking
on the phone.
48. Material: A solid substance that you can use to make thing. They sell all sorts of building materials.
49. Maternity leave: Time that a woman has away from her job because she has just had a baby. The USA
is one of the few countries in the world that does not offer paid maternity leave.
50. Moral: Something that you learn from a story. Fables always have a moral at the end.
51. Optimistic: Believing that good things will happen in the future. Tom’s optimistic about finding a job.
52. Outgoing: friendly and socially confident. A person who enjoys meeting and talking to people.
53. Placement: the action of finding a home, job, or school for someone.
54. Position: the place where something or someone is, often in relation to other things. A job in an
organization: Jane will take the position of marketing director.
55. Potential: having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. "a
campaign to get potential customers"
2. latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. He has
the potential to become a great leader someday.
56. Practical: of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.
57. Profit: The money that you get when you sell something for more than you paid or it, especially in
business. They sold their house at a big profit.
58. Profitable: Producing a profit or useful result. A profitable investment.
59. Qualify: to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the
necessary skills, etc.: She hopes to qualify (as a lawyer) at the end of the year.
60. Reality show: a television show in which members of the public or celebrities are filmed living their
everyday lives or undertaking specific challenges, designed to be entertaining rather than informative.
61. Reasonably: to a moderate or acceptable degree: fairly; quite but not very. I think I did reasonably well
on the test.
62. Regret: To feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it. I regret being rude
to my mother yesterday.
63. Related: belonging to the same family, group, or type; linked, connected. A stress-related illness.
64. Remark: say something as a comment; mention. “Tom's looking peaked,” she remarked
65. Requirements: Something that is needed or asked for. The main requirements for the job are
enthusiasm and good interpersonal skills.
66. Respond: To answer. He didn’t respond to my email.
67. Save: To keep money so that you can use it later. I’ve saved $600, so far.
68. Secretly: Doing something without telling anyone, because you do not want other people to know
about it. I secretly recorded our conversation.
69. *Secure: Not likely to change or fail. Does the company have a secure future? 2. protected from
danger or harm
70. *Sell: to try to persuade someone to accept a new plan or idea. He sold the idea of making a film
about Tchaikovsky
71. Semi-final: The two games that are played in a competition before the last game. The winners of the
two semi-finals play each other in the final game to find the winner. The winner of today’s semi-final
will play Manchester United in the final.
72. Sense: The ability to judge or understand something. She has excellent business sense.
73. Settle down: To start living a quiet life in one place, especially when you get married. He wants to
settle down and have children.
74. Shock: a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience. I got a terrible shock when I saw the bill.
75. Sick: affected with a disease or illness. 2. feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit.
76. Social media: websites and other online means of communication that are used by large groups of
people to share information and to develop social and professional contacts: Many businesses are
utilizing social media to generate sales.
77. *Stall: A large table, stand, or booth on which you put things you want to sell. Fruit and vegetable
stalls at the market.
78. Statement: a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing.
79. "do you agree with this statement?"
80. "how do you respond to the president's statement about homeland security?"
81. 2. an official account of facts, views, or plans, especially one for release to the media. "the officials
issued a joint statement calling for negotiations"

82. 3. a formal account of events given by a witness, defendant, or other party to the police or in a court
of law. "she made a statement to the police"
83. Summarise/ize: to give only the main information about something without the details. The
introduction summarises the main points of the report.
84. Tough: A tough person is strong and determined, and not easily upset.
85. Trainee: Someone who is being taught to do a job. A trainee teacher.
86. Unkind: Treating people in an unpleasant and slightly cruel way. The hypocrite teacher was very
unkind to her students, but pleasant with the parents.
87. *Weakness: A quality or feature regarded as a problem, disadvantage or fault. What are your main
strengths and weaknesses?
88. Wealthy: having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; Rich. The United States is a wealthy
89. Well-organized: good at planning things that you have to do and doing them. Orderly and efficient.
90. Workaholic: a person who compulsively works hard and long hours at the expense of other pursuits.
Her boyfriend left her because she was a workaholic, and never had time to do things with him.

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