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Contemplation and language

Thoughts can be divided basic categories: Image, sound, speech and feeling. Each thought
constitutes an amalgamation of the four in differing quantities and qualities. Now, language
is an abbreviator of thought, a way to cut down on the brain’s computational resources
probably and also a code that can offer sort and efficient descriptions of complicated
concepts. Those concepts often exist prior to “articulated” thought in the mind as a loosely
defined concept which is represented by the minds’ own perception of the senses (image,
sound etc) and perceived more as a feeling than a thought. The act of contemplation is what
grounds and quantifies concepts according to perceived reality by investigating and
analyzing one’s feelings relating to specified and already existing concepts. The
feeling/thought or the concept of doubt for example starts with some feeling, often of
uneasiness or insecurity (around a person or when in a designated space e.g. work) coupled
with a shortcoming in information(raw data), then is followed by investigating ones’ own
thoughts and feelings while making assumptions about the data vacancies using pre-existing
concepts about the common world around us and then by, rationally as possible, dismissing
low-probability assumptions as we formulated our hypotheses about what is unknown
around us that makes us feel like we feel, ending with doubt. The mind can be causally
analyzed as such concerning every aspect of our social and mental tendencies as a species
and in fact that is what we do when formulating discrete thoughts in the forms of syllogisms,
for which language is both necessary and efficient. One could in fact propose that it is solely
language from which what we call “consciousness” is derived if we define “consciousness” as
that which “separates” humanity from the animal kingdom(as many do separate as from
other animals) in the sense of it being the step required to move from self-awareness and
basic evolutionary ethic systems(which many animals show to possess) to beliefs, concepts
and in the end communication.

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