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Global Contact Solutions LLC is an outsourcing company that provided end to end customer service

solutions to major companies in the United States, spanning multiple industries such as
telecommunication, health care and transportation. This company was created in the year 2000 and
with the rapid growth in the BPO sector, Global Contact Solutions has won contracts from some
major industry players, which has propelled it into one of the leading BPO entity in the island of
Jamaica, realizing rapid growth and expansion. However, with this immense growth and
development have come some underlining problems which have prevented the company from
realizing its true potential. Some of these challenges include sub-standard customer service delivery,
poor communication, demotivated and under-performing staff and an extremely high attrition or
turn-over rate. Unfortunately, these areas of opportunity lie in the fundamental aspects of the
business and are areas which are vital to the continued growth and sustainability of the company. As
a result, immediate action is required to bridge these gaps and place the company on a path to
sustained growth and development.

Being promoted to a supervisor will afford me the privilege of playing my part in bridging the gaps
identified above. While being an incredible opportunity which I absolutely relish, the harsh reality is
that there will be a number of challenges that I will need to overcome, in order to realize my dream
of fixing these issues and helping to place the department on a path of sustained growth. These
challenges include mobilizing staff to change the mode of operation they have become accustomed
to, getting their buy-in to the vision of improving communication and service delivery, as well as
earning their trust and commitment to take the necessary steps or actions required to make the
dream a reality. As such, from day one, individual and group sessions will be conducted to educate
the team on the potential of the business and the opportunities that exist for each employee, as well
as the plan of action to drive productivity and efficiency. These meetings would also serve to garner
information from the team members on what their goals are, how those goals align with the
company’s and what is needed to enable them to perform at the required level to ensure mutual

With the dynamic of being promoted from within, comes many benefits and challenges as well. The
knowledge of working as a line level staff will definitely provide me with an appreciation of some of
the challenges and dissatisfactions of the staff, thereby enabling me the leverage of identifying with
them and gaining their trust and support to implement measures to resolve those issues.
Additionally, I would also benefit from relationships and bonds I would have created over the years,
which will provide an impetus for getting plans executed, based on the support and efforts of those
allies. On the flip side, there will be those tenured agents who are naturally opposed to change, as
well as those who would have been routing for another leader and as such will object, question and
even challenge plans and decisions that are made. However, will my charismatic and democratic
leadership style, clear communication, inclusion, delegation and empowerment will allow these
persons to feel a part of the process and even allow them to make suggestions and contribute to
productive decision making, thereby enabling them to feel valued and a part of the process and
success of the department. I will however need to work on controlling processes and holding
persons accountable, to ensure everyone is following the plan and making invaluable contributions
to the department’s overall success. At the end of the process, our overall success will be
determined by or ability to meet and exceed our goal of transforming the department, by improving
customer service delivery, productivity and affinity of our internal and external customers. These
results will therefore be judged by our employees, customers, managers and stakeholders, with
everyone being able to see and experience the change.
Customer satisfaction should be the main priority of every organization, as customers determine the
success of the business and also ensures the sustainability and viability of every company. As such, it
is imperative that everything we do at Global Contact Solution LLC, is geared at creating and
providing our customers with an exceptional experience. This will be accomplished through end to
end customer service experience, where we start by changing how we interact with our internal
customers (employees), so they will firstly experience the change and thereafter equipped to
provide their customers with that same exceptional experience. I would therefore be the agent of
change, by interacting with each employee in a professional and customer friendly manner. I would
also train and provide training material on exceptional customer service delivery and also reward
persons for embodying, depicting and providing the level of service required. Timely reminders
would thereafter be sent to employees, to ensure they are reminded of best practices and also,
feedback would be garnered to gauge how agents feel about the change and how it has impacted
their performance. Surveys and other direct feedback from our customers have shown that their
main source of dissatisfaction with our company has been with the below par customer service they
had become accustomed with. Therefore, in an effort to win back some of our customers who have
defected, we will embark on a project to rebrand our department, by soliciting the marketing
department’s help in creating new advertisements around exceptional customer service delivery.
Additionally, we will ensure that each customer we interact with is reminded of the surveys and
online portal for leaving comments or providing feedback, with the aim of the words of our
customers reaching past and potential customers as well. Additionally, we will also follow-up with
customers to gain feedback and encourage referral to their family and friends, in an effort to not
only win back, but also gain new customers as well.

It is a known fact that proper communication is key to the sustenance of every relationship. As such,
it is absolutely imperative that excellent communication exists between our internal and external
customers as well. Communication therefore needs to be concise and precise to ensure that it is
effective. As such communication with our customers will be done through formal means such as
emails, pamphlets and telephone calls. Bulletins will also be posted on our website and printed mails
sent to addresses of our customers who qualify for promotional offers, as well as providing
information on product offerings. Line staff will be communicated with on a face to face basis where
applicable. We will also send out memos with updates on products and or processes to line staff to
ensure they receive information and or guidelines quickly and in a structured manner. Additionally,
we will also have group meetings/team huddles where general information is shared with the team
and departmental updates, news and reviews will be posted on our notice board. Communication
with our boss and other higher-ups will mainly be facilitated through emails, as these are more
formal and permanent methods of communication. Updates, performance trends and other
important information will also be communicated verbally in meetings with management and
reports also provided in writing and email format.

Prior to my appointment to the role of supervisor, our department had a reputation of be biased to
particular groups and as such we suffered from high turn-over rates, which resulted in increased cost
for the company. However, as a new supervisor with a clear understanding that diversity creates a
rich and productive work environment, I will be endeavouring to recreate the department’s identity,
by embracing an encouraging diversity and provide each employee with equal opportunity,
irrespective of their age, gender, race or beliefs. Each employee will be treated respectfully and clear
guidelines identified and communicated on the zero tolerance approach for discrimination and or
bullying of any kind. I will also work to establish an ethics committee, which will independently
investigate all cases or reported discrimination, bullying or abuse. All employees will also be aware
of the process filing complaints, as well as educated on what constitutes improper conduct, to
safeguard against anyone inadvertently committing an offense. The team will also be reminded in
huddles, emails and notices about the department’s approach on discrimination and activities will
also be created to foster and encourage diversity. Finally, all opportunities will formally
communicated, to ensure that each employee has an equal opportunity of taking advantage of
these. In order to win everyone’s trust and recreate the department’s culture, team members will be
given the opportunity to make suggestions and recommendations to improve policy, procedure etc.
The team will thereafter discuss and vote on these in our different meetings, to ensure equity and
transparency in our decision making. Additionally, we will have clear and open communication on all
decisions, changes etc. to ensure that everyone fells valued and a part of the process.

Global Contact Solution LLC is a fast growing organization with the potential for further growth and
sustained development. With me being promoted to supervisor, I therefore have a clear plan of
action to move the department from a place of demotivation and below par performance, to a team
of energized, motivated and mobilized employees, with a goal of exceeding expectations by
providing our customers with an exceptional experience at all times. This will be accomplished by
creating clear communication channels, educating each employee on their role and also the
opportunities that exist for them. Secondly, I will embark on creating a team of customer service
experts, by first being the agent of change, providing each employee with an exceptional customer
service experience and empowering them to provide their colleagues and customers with that same
exceptional service. Finally, I will encourage diversity and drive productivity by creating an
environment of inclusivity, by allowing each employee to add to the productivity and success of the
department by providing ideas and making recommendations in a structured manner and
performing their duties to the best of their abilities. Measures will also be implemented to mitigate
against any form of discrimination, harassment and or bullying, with clearly identified means of
recourse. While there will be push back from some individuals, especially allies of the former leader,
with democracy, diplomacy, clear communication, delegation and inclusion, I truly believe I have a
plan of action that will charge the culture of the department and make in a leader in end to end
customer service satisfaction.

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