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Name: BARANDA, Cathy Lyn

Class: PH 122-2
Date: 09-22-2021
Weekly Learning Log
3 concepts that I have learned

 Different types of adaptive responses (hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, metaplasia)

are used to deal with different types of adaptation (psychologic, pathologic).
 I can define and differentiate the terms pathology and pathogenesis, disease and
disorder, sickness and health, sign and symptom, diagnosis and prognosis, and etiology
and morphology from one another.
 I learned the relationships between stress, cell injury, adaptation, and cell death.
2 questions or suggestions that I have

 Why are certain organs (e.g., liver) able to restore themselves, while others can’t?
 In the index photos, what could have caused the cellular dysplasia in the uterine cervix?
1 idea about the topic

 In cell injuries, the common denominator of all the mentioned disorders is the absence or
the excess of certain components in the system. Being sedentary causes muscular
atrophy, while hypertension causes cardiac hypertrophy. It exemplifies that we should
live our lives in a balanced way, with a balanced diet and enough exercise.

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