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1120 rea ree” a J@) COMPAN Authors/Designers: Sanford Berenberg, Joseph A. Buono, Rev. Kieth T. Locke, William R. Bornander, Christopher Ramos, Kieth Sweeney, Dan Crosby, Chris Dumit Editor/Developer: Monte Cook Interior Iustration: Kent Burles, Dan Smith, Dan Frazier Project Specific Contributions: Pagemaking:Kurt Fischer, Coleman Charlton; Ant Direction: Jessica Ney-Grimmn; Cover Graphics: Terry Amthor; Layout: Chad McCully, Coleman Charlton; Editorial Contributions: Coleman Chariton, Chad McCully ICE Staff — Shipping Staff: John Breckenridge, Sterling Williams; Sales Manager: Deane Begicbing; CEO: Bruce Neidlinger Managing Editor: Coleman Chariton; President: Peter Fenion Sales, Customer Service & Operations Staff Heike Kubasch, Chad MeCully Editing, Development, & Production Staf Kevin Barrett, Monte Cook, Bruce Harlick, Jessica Ney-Grimm, Dedication: The authors would lke to dedicate this book to the men and women who have given their lives for the protection of those who cannot protect themselves Copyright 1993 © by Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, I First U.S. Edition, First Printing, 1993 All rights reserved, 1 P.O, Box 1605, Charlotesville, VA 22902 Stock #1 [No reproductions without author's permission, 0 ISBN 1-55806-180-0, BLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Designers’ Notes 4 L.2 Notation sn 1.3 Arms Companion’s Optional Rules 5 2.0. OPTIONAL PROFESSION “LAWS” 2.1 Background Packages 6 2.1.1 An Introduction to Background Packages (JAB) ...6 2.1.2 Creating Background Packages (JAB) 6 2.1.3 Guidelines for Creating Background Packages (JAB) 2.1. 6 2.1.4 Custom Background Package Blueprint (SB) .......7 2.1.5 General Mercenaries and Soldiers in Military Organizations. 7 + Mercenary Groups (Turk). 7 + Military Organizations (Turk) : 8 * Military and Mercenary Spoils Chart (SB), 8 8 9 + Discharged Militia and Mercenary Wounds Chart (SB). 2.1.6 Examples of Pre-made Background Packages «The Central Guard (SB). +The Five Houses of Nyanja-Ree (SB). cone +The Treewraiths of Millioch (GAB). “Ul +The Demons of Karawnah GAB)... seen +The Black Cape (SB). 14 +The Forondham GAB). = 15 + Society of Templars ($B). ssunsnn sonnel +The Seven Swordsman JAB). swnnininnannnned 2.2 The Warrior Type (SB) eet 2.3 Custom Professions (JAB) aanenen is 2.3.1 Custom Profession Generation GAB) vv-n0.0.18 2.3.2 Creating a Custom Profession JAB) 18 2.3.3 Examples of Custom Professions sone + Horseman (SB), 19 + ndurate JAB). sen sonnel + Outrider GAB). 20 + Templar (SB). 20 + Trench Fighter (Dwarven Warrior) (SB), 20 + Hoonter (CR). aoe soe + Specialists (WRB). 21 ‘Swordsman — Areher— Shan — Lancer 3.0. OPTIONAL STATISTIC “LAWS” 3.1 Overcoming Penalties with Self Discipline (SB) ....23 3.2 Optional Racial Bonuses and Maximums (SB) 23 4.0. OPTIONAL COMBAT “LAWS” 4.1 Large and Super Large Critical Resolution (SB) .....24 4.2 Optional Offense Bonuses and Penalties (SB) 25 4.3 Combat Languages (JAB) 25 4.4 Experienced Attack Bonus (SB)... 26 4.5 Cauterizing Wounds (SB). 26 46 Ripping-Tearing Critical (SB) 27 4.7 Close Quarters Combat (SB) 27 4.8 Weapons Use (WRB) 27 4.9 Options for “Attacking to Subdue” (SB) -.osovo0.28 4.10 Causing Exhaustion in Melee (SB) 28 4.11 Attack Speed Variances (SB)... 28 4.12 Restricted Area Combat (SB) wnnrnnnnnennennen 28 4.13 Unusual Weapon Styles (WRB/SB)..... 29 4.14 Initiative Modifiers Revisited (WRB)... 29 4.19 Strategic Targetting 4.15.1 Damage by Location (SB) .. 4.15.2 Random Body Hit Location Chart (SB) 30 4.15.3 Strategic Targetting (SB).. 31 4.16 The Stance-Based Initiative System (DC&CD) w..n32 5.0 OPTIONAL ARMOR “LAWS” 5.1 Enhanced Armor, Enhanced DB (TURK) .1.n.0000n36 5.2 Armor Pick and Choose (SB) 36 5.3 Donning and Doffing Armor Revisited (SB) 36 5.4 Helmets (TURK) sven 37 5.5 Options for Armor and Helmets (TURK) 37 5.6 Multiple Shield DB Modifications (SB)... 38 5.7 Optional Armor Thicknesses (SB) 38 5.8 Solletets (SB) eens 38 5.9 Maintenance and Breakage (SB)... 39 6.0 OPTIONAL WEAPON “LAWS” 6.1 Sword Breakers (SB)... 40 6.2 Three Bladed Daggers (SB). 40 6.3 Optional Rules for Wavy Blades (TURK) 40 6.4 Brodrack (SB) 40 6.5 Mecthar (SB) 666 Stiletto (SB) 6.7 Metal Whip (PP) 6.8 Battle Hammer (SB) 6.9 Estock (SB) 6.10 Hilt Gauntlets (SB) . 6.11 Tebuje (SB) 6.12 Great Sword (WRB) 6.13 Kile” (SB) 6.14 Barbed Spear Heads (SB). 6.15 Battle AdZ€ (SB) seer 6.16 Executioner's Swords (SB) 6.17 Arrows (SB) 6.17.1 New Arrows on : 6.17.2 Mass Changes for Arrows... 6.17.3 Bow Ranges Revisted 6.17.4 Optional OB Modifiers for Fletchings.. 44 6.18 Crossbow Reloaders (SB).. 44 6.19 Optional Bow/Crossbow Strength Mods (SB) «1.144 6.20 Arbalest (SB) 44 6.21 Stone Bow-Stone Crossbow (SB) 45 6.22 Optional Rules for Crossbows (SB) 45 6.23 Armor and Weapon Quality (SB) ....1e:n:onnennn 6 6.24 More Mass—More OB (SB) 46 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.25 Sheaths (SB) 6.26 Sheath Hangers (SB) ee 6.27 Attack with Torch (PP/SB) 48 6.28 Weapon Statistic Modifiers (WRB) 48 6.29 Weapon Speed Modifiers (WRB) 48 6.30 Siege Weapons (SB) 6.31 Iritants (SB)... sen 6.32 Armor Mounted Weapons (SB) crrrcrrnnnrnnnn St 6.33 Weapon Maintenance in Relation to Breakage & Damage (KS)... 52 6.34 Rare and Exotic Weapons (TURK) .snuewnrsnneneS2 6.35 Hidden / Sudden Strike Weapons (SB) oreo 54 6.36 Multi-Purpose Weapons (SB) 6.37 Take-Apart-Weapons (SB) 6.38 Disguised Weapons (SB)... 6.39 Mercury Filled Weapons (SB). 6.40 Custom Made Weapons (SB) 7.0. OPTIONAL TACTICS “LAWS” 7.1 Combat Styles (JAB) : 72 direct Fire (Non-Line-Of Sight Combat) (SB) ...62 7.3 Bushwhacking (JAB) 62 7.4 Optional Modifiers for Airborne and Seaborne Combat (SAB) .x:nennnn 64 7.4.1 Airborne Combat Modifiers 64 7.4.2 Seaborne Combat Modifiers ns) 7.5 General Tips (TURK)... oe 6T 8.0 OPTIONAL SKILL “LAWS” 8.1 New Skills 69-81 ‘Adrenal Spell Avoidance ~ Aiome Combat ~ Awakening ~ Bate Pereption — Blind Fighting Calsthenis ~ Closing = Cryptography ~ Defensive Weaving - Denisry Directed Strength ~ Distract Foe Donning & Doing Armor vdrance ~Feinting - Focus ~ Holding Breath ~ Honing Hygiene = Increate Wounds — Instinctive Manewer Intimidation —Jesting ~ Looting - Melee Scuff ~ Mind Block Moving Strike ~ Portaging Prepared Shot ~ Presence Projection RAC ~ Seabome Combat ~ Sniping ~ Special Martial Ans Attacks ~ Spell Deflection ~ Spell Perception ~ Strategic Tagstng = Taunting ~ Trick Shot - Unhorsing ~ Way ofthe Warrior Weapon and Armor Maintenance = Weapon Brawling ‘Weapon Casing - Weapon Shatter - Weapon Snare = Weapon Trickery ~ Weapons Use - Whip Grapple 8.2 New Options For Old Skills (SB) 82 8.2.1 Optional Effects of Exhaustion on Skills (SB) ....82 8.2.2 Optional Stalk and Hide Modifiers (SB) 83 8.2.3 Optionas for High Speed Gymnastic Skills (SB) ..84 8.24 First Aid Implements (SB). ao 9.0 OPTIONAL SUBTERFUGE “LAWS” 9.1 Trap Building and Types of Traps (SB) 85 9.2 Detect Traps vs. Magic Traps (SB) sen 87 9.3 Tools of Thieves ($B) ... ay) 9.4 Thieves Code (SB) ..rrnsnninnnn sn 8B 10.0 OPTIONAL CAMPAIGN AND BACKGROUND “LAWS” 10.1 Honor (TURK) ... 10:2 Optional Herbs and Poisons (SB, WRB). 10.3 Apprenticing (SB)... 10.4 Warrior Background Table #1 (SB) ox 10.5 Warrior Background Table #2 (DC&CD).. 10.6 Hobby Picks Revisited (SB) 11.0. HISTORICAL AND. FICTIONAL WARRIORS 11.1 Military and Militia TURK)... 99, 11.2 Mereznaries (TURK) serene 100 11.3 Mercenary Groups (TURK)... sens 100 11.4 Gladiator Schools (SB)... ' soe OL 11.5 Assassin's Guilds (SB) 101 11.6 Lords and Lieges (SB)... 101 11.7 Archtypes (TURK) 102 = The Mercenary. 102 +The Grunt. 102 + The Levyman, 103 + The Knight Samuri/Housecar). svsosovovosee LOB +The Holy Wartior... = + The Duelist. sn 11.8 Chronicals of Norwin the Red (SB) 1s 12.0 TABLES AND CHARTS 12.1 Using the New Large and ‘Super Large Critical Tables (DC&CD) 107 12.1.1 Large Creature Krush Critical Strike Table... 108, 12.1.2 Large Creature Puncture Critical Strike Table .. 109, 12.1.3 Large Creature Slash Critical Strike Table... 110 12.1.4 Super Large Creature Krush Critical Strike Table am 12.1.5 Super Large Creature Puncture Critical Strike Table 12 12.1.6 Super Large Creature Slash Critical Strike Table 113 12.1.7 Large & Super Large Creature Non-Weapon Critical Strike Table oecncsnouut 14 12.2 Other Critical Strike Tables 12.2.1 Strategic Targeting Critical Strike Table us 12.2.2 Pummeling Critical Strike Table vsennnone 6 12.2.3 Tearing / Ripping Critical Strike Table ......... 117 12.3 New Attack Tables 12.3.1 Arbalest Attack Table con: seenene IB 123.2 Estock Attack Table oo... 119 12.3.3 Battle Attack Table 120 12.3.4 Metal Whip Attack Table neon DL 12.3.5 Tebuje Attack Table ..nocnrnninnonnnnsnns 122 13.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 123 14.0 ARMS COMPANION OPTIONS CHECKLIST. 124-125 ARMS COMPANION

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