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1. Tumor marker for Testicular teratoma?

a. AFP (correct)
2. Numbness of the lower lips, which nerve involved?
a. Buccal
b. Mental
3. DM patient undergoing angiography. Which drug causes LACTIC ACIDOSIS?
a. metformin (correct)
4. Malignant melanoma. Which one is the good prognostic factor?
a. Breslow’s skin thickness (correct)
5. Statistics question asking what is proportion of test positive from all positive?
a. Sensitivity
b. Speficitcity
c. Number needed to treat
d. Odds ratio
6. There has been ongoing audit regarding what is done to the patient. What type
of audit?
a. Process audit
b. Outcome audit
EMQs on MRSA infection – 2 Qs
7. A patient is being admitted for scheduled elective surgery. He has been found to
have nasal MRSA positive. What to do?
i. Mupirocin ointment X 5 days (correct)
8. A patient is shifted to ward after laparotomy. Blood culture is positive for Gram
+ve cocci. He is asymptomatic. But another patient in the ward has MRSA
infection. What Rx would you give?
i. Oral vancomycin
ii. IV ticoplanin
iii. IV penicillin
9. Femoral Hernia Q – What is behind the neck of the hernia sac
Pectineal ligament (correct)
10.A clinical vignette describing a Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. What type of polyp is
a. Hamartomatous (correct)
11.Patient is found to have extreme hypothermia. Which of the following be best
management for rewarming the pt.?
a. Intraperitoneal fluid infusion (correct)
b. Rectal Warm water
c. Bladder warm water
d. Warm iv fluids
12.External spermatic fascia of the cord is derived from which structure?
a. External oblique aponeurosis
13.A Clinical Vignette describing a nodule of 3 cm size in the region of elbow in
the extensor surface. Biopsy showed necrobiotic granulomatous inflammation.
a. Rheumatoid nodule (answer)
b. Erythema nodosum
14.A clinical scenario of polyuria, polydipsia with 11.3 mmol/L of blood sugar.
a. Diabetes Mellitus (answer)
b. Diabetes Insipidus
15.During cholecystectomy, pt. develops extreme bradycardia. Past history of heart
transplant present. Which drug to give?
a. Atropine
b. Glycopyrrolate
c. Ephedrine
EMQ on local anesthesia – 3 Qs
16.Old lady with colles fracture. She has CKD and IHD.
17.Injury to nail

i. Biers block
ii. Ring block
iii. Median nerve block
iv. Radial Nerve block
v. Ulnar Nerve block
19.Nerve emerging from lateral border of psoas major cause numbness to lateral
a. Meralgia parasthetica
20.Neonate with cyanotic heart disease. Dx?
a. TGA

21.Wound healing one week? What process is undergoing?

a. Angiogenesis
22.To estimate GFR, which substance is used?
a. Inulin
23.A clinical vignette easily diagnosed as TB. Lymph node was excised. Which of
the following cells are in the periphery of this lesion seen in the histopathology?
a. Macrophage
24.Type of amyloid in Renal failure
a. AL
b. AA
c. β-amyloid
d. Transthyretin
25.Which of the following is the 1st branch of internal carotid as soon as it leaves
the cavernous sinus?
a. Ophthalmic Artery (correct)
26.Badly infected wound with crepitus. Dx?
a. Clostridium perfringens
27.Rose pink rash around cellulitic wound which was also indurated. Which
a. S. aureus
b. S. pyogenes
c. Anthrax
28.60% burn case with bilateral leg edema. Cause?
a. Hypovolemia
b. DVT
c. Hypoalbuminemia

EMQ on wound cover – 4 Qs

29.Anterior tibial defect of 5 x 7 cm
30.Necrotic scar at the heel in an immobilized patient
31.1 cm wound in cheek
32.Burn wound which is crusted and dry in the anterior abdominal wall

i. Surgical debridement and primary closure
ii. Free flap
iii. SSG
iv. Wet dressing to the wound

33. A clinical scenario of hypercalcemia. What is the first step in Rx?

a. Rehydration
34.A child with audible bowel sound in left chest. What is the congenital defect?
a. Failure to closure of pleuroperitoneal membrane
35.A 3-day old neonate had abnormal meconium stain in the infra-umbilical part of
the diaper. Dx?
a. Patent vitello-intestinal duct
36.Which of the following serves as the axis of gut rotation during development?
a. SMA
37.A injury to orbit of eye due to direct hit by a squash ball. Now presents with
diplopia. Visual acuity Normal. X-ray orbit anatomy is normal. Best next
a. MRI
b. CT
c. X-ray skull
38.Case of pneumonia in a 3 years post renal transplant patient not responding to
antibiotics. Which organism responsible?
a. CMV
39. Morton’s neuroma cause or pathophysiology? nerve tissue with fibrosis
40.Patient removed from burnt house. In what scenario patient needs intubation?
a. resp rate of 35
b. pH 7.2
C. Sweating confusion anxious
d. Pco2 5.7

41.Clinical Vignette describing tibia fracture who underwent internal fixation

developing repiratory distress .
a. Fat embolism
42.What investigation is best for a patient thought to have labral tear of
43. True about FFP
a. its leucodepleted
b. can't use them after 24 hours out of fridge
44.Pt with serum potassium 6. What should be imidiate step?
A. iv fluid was the only logical answer
45.Which of the following requires immediate renal replacement?
A. K+ 6.1 mmol/L
46.A clinical vignette that describes a woman with hypothyroidism and microcytic
anemia (MCV was low).Which of the following is the patient at highest risk of
during perioperative period?
A. Decreased cardiac contractility
47.Clinical vignette describing gross picture on UGIE pertinent to atrophic
gastritis. Which of the following antibodies wil be found?
i. Antibody to parietal cells

48.Clinical scenario describing a DRE findings of BPH. What pathology is

a. hyperplasia
b. Hypertrophy

49.Renal transplant patient described and a table given showing High calcium/
low phosphate/ high alkaline phosphate. What is the diagnosis?
a. Tertiary hyperparathyroidsm

50.Post operative patient who is recently getting restless. Urine output chat is
tabulated hourly as 80 ml / 80ml/ 80 ml /0ml/ 0ml/ 0ml in last 5 hours . what is
the cause?
a. Blocked Catheter

51.Over infusion 3.5 L of NS to shock patient ? which of the following is the

potential result ?
a. hyperchloremic acidosis

52.Fracture Shaft of Femur was reduced and implant placed. At the end of
operation you note that the lower leg seems pale with redused pulse. What is the
best next step in management ?
a. Reexplore the wound
b. Embolic=sation
c. Angiography
d. Compartment release

53.Can't pass colonoscope beyond hepatic flexure. What investigation shall

a. ct colonography
b. Barium enema

54.During splenectomy,short gastric arteries ligated. which structure at risk of

direct damage?
a. Greater curvatureof stomach
b. Tail of pancreas
c. Left kidney

55.Clinical Vignette describing locked knee joint in a young male with trauma
a. medial meniscus tear
56.Similar scenario in old age non-trauma patient
a. Loose body

57.Patient can't lift hand from table patient can't extend distal interphnageal of
a. radial post interoseous
58.Which of the following muscles is responsible for quiet respiration
a. Diaphragm
b. Intercostals
c. Scalene

EMQ on Breast lesions investigation

59.Breast abscess
60.Bil implants with suspected mass and positive family history
61.Retroareolar lobulated mass
62.RUOQ 3 cm mass
ii. USG
iii. MRI
iv. Core Biopsy
63.Bleeding per rectum in an Old Gentleman. Colonoscopy revealed its around
Sigmoid colon. Planned for angioembolisation. Which vessel should the
interventionist enter to stop bleed?
a. R colic
b. L colic
c. Middle Colic
d. Rectal middle artery

64.Loss sensation medial leg. Which nerve ?

65.Loss sensation 1st web foot. Which nerve ?
a. Deep peroneal
66.Action on which of the following receptor is responsible for the depressant
action in an old man who underwent laparotomy and is on Morphine, RR is
a. Mu receptor
b. Delta
c. Dopamine
d. Serotonine
67.A young guy with testicular pain describing features of Epidydemoorchitis.
Which organism C
a. Chlamydia
b. E coli
c. Staph
68.After excision of submandibular deviation of tongue is noted. Nerve injury?
a. Hypoglossal
69.General sensation lateral tongue by which nerve?
a. Lingual

EMQS on trauma scenarios

70.Complicated Flail segment scenario but no hemo/pneumothorax – cyanotic, old
71.Young boy with stable hemodynamics but had few ribs fractured
72.Young girl with decreased breath sounds
a. Intubate and PPV
b. Bupivacaine block
c. Lignocaine block
d. Chest tube insertion
EMQs on Consent
73.The mentally retarded patient but her parents refuse surgery which seemed not
much urgent
74.Patient with appendicitis and also has down’s syndrome but intellect good that
she knows consequences and complications of the procedure Comatosed pt
coming to ER ... consent the relatives
75.One more but forgot
a. Get a court order
b. Consent parents
c. Consent the patient
76.Which of the following is not in immediate relation of 3rd part of duodenum
a. Right kidney
b. R ureter
c. Psoas
77.Which of the following makes the posterior wall of inguinal canal?
a. Conjoint muscles /tendons was only logical optio

78.Which of the structers listed is the reason that testis descends to scrotum?
a. Gubernuculum
b. Processus vaginalis
c. Tunica
EMQs on LN drainage
79.Scrotal ulcer
80.Cervical lesion
81.Anal canal lesion
a. Deep inguinal
b. Lumbar paraaortic
c. Superficial inguinal
d. Internal iliac

82. From which structure listed does the External spermatic facia derive from ?
a. External oblique apneurosis

83. Lateral side of ankle injured in an inversion trauma. Which ligaments?

a. deltoid
b. calcaneocuboidal and talo- calcaneal

84.Cuboid bone has following joint relations in its distal part

a. Fourth and fifth metatarsal
b. Media cuneiform and navicular
c. 1st and 2nd metatarsal
85.Prior to Episiotomy, which nerve is blocked?
a. internal pudendal nerve block

86.Relation of extensor indices to extensor digitorum in index finger ?

a. Medial and lateral
b. Lateral

87.Old man with prostatic cancer, has bony mets to shaft of femur and
a. Radiotherapy
b. Morphine
c. PCM
d. Further investigation
88.L chylothorax after thoracotomy and esophagectomy. Where in the course is the
Thoracic duct injured?
a. Before it entered subclavian in neck
b. At pleural reflection in superior mediastinum
c. during its course from diaphragm before it reached superior mediastinum
89.One Question on SIADH. Which ca lungs
a. Small cell ca
b. Squamous cell
c. Adenocarcinoma
90.Coin ingested. And seen on xray somewhere
a. ….Lodged at level of cricopharyngeal level
91.Mechanism behind pale offensive stoolsin Obstructive jaundice
a. decreased enterohepatic circulation
92.Which of the following intervention will decrease raised ICPP with immediate
afftect but short duration?
a. Hyperventilation
93.Long scenario on Pancreatitis. Which of the following is the mediator of injury?
a. Trypsin
b. Lipase
c. Amylase

94.A clinical vignette which you will understand esily that it’s a subclavian steal.
What investigation will you do?
a. Echo
b. Selective arteriography of aortic branches
95.A clinical vignette of Afib, widened mediastinum and leg going pale
a. Aortic dissection
96.Four hours of testicular pain in a young boy after bicycle riding. Examination
shows a tender scrotum. No further description.What would you do?
a. Doppler
b. Explore immediately
97.Tender testis with black dot in upper pole –
a. hydatid testicle morgagni answer
98.that typical question of Anaphylaxis but patient was not that sick
a. IM adrenaline
b. Anti-allergic medication
c. Oxygen
99.Which of the following changes occur after cholecystectomy?
a. decreased rate of bile flow after meals

100. Slowly growing painful lateral swelling in knee

a. Menescial cyst
101. A man developed cellulitis in hand after bitten by some insect. At operation
table it was now found that he has a goiter, heart rate is high. What drug wil you
give ?
a. Beta adrenoceptor antagonist
102. Ova cyst bloody diharrea
a. metronidazole
b. tinidazole
c. Mebendazo
103. Trauma scenario with tender pain in thigh with external rotation with no
distal pulses
a. femoral shaft fracture
b. posterior dislocation of hip
c. anterior dislocation
d. complex # neck of femur
104. A vignette describing Brocas Aphasia
a. Middle cerebral

105. Similar scenario with nystagmus

a. PICA Syndrome
EMQs on Nutrition
106. A young guy with Midgut volvulus underwent resection and has 30cm of gut
107. Redo operation for esophageal cancer
108. Right hemicolectomy
109. Something
a. Can be fed orally
b. TPN
c. Feeding Jejunostomy placed at the time of operation

110. A confusing scenario of patient developing sudden urinary retention and

lower limb paresis. Which artery?
a. Anterior spinal
b. Artery of Adamchweick
c. Lumbar artery
111. While doing a LP, whats the last structure to pierce ?
a. Arachnoid mater
112. A case describing a horner syndrome. Other features are already given and
you have to choose one more .
a. Ptosis
b. Mydriasis
113. Another similar scenario, that tells you that its horner. Which site may be
a. Lateral horn of spinal cord
114. Pancoast tumor you need to find out T1 symptoms

EMQs on stomas
115. One young guy underwent Panproctocolectomy for UC
116. One old man had sigmoid perforation and has fecal peritonitis and is in
a. Ileostomy
b. Hartmans procedure
c. Diverting ileostomy with descending –rectal anastomosis
d. Ileoanal anastomosis and diverting colostomy
e. Caecostomy

117. Choose a good maintenance fluid regime for a fit young guy
a. 2L 5%dex with 1L Na
b. 2L Na and 1L dex

118. Which is true regarding left coronary?

a. It runs behind pulmonary trunk
b. It runs in anterior interventicular groove
c. It comes out of aorta just below the valves
119. Newborne with dyspnea and the NG not passing into stomach
a. TOF
120. Need to do a tracheostomy or something like that. Which of the listed
structures have the least chance to get injured in this procedure?
a. Ascending pharyngeal artery
b. Rec. laryngeal nerve

121. Mechanism of action of heparin

a. V/ VIII/ X inhibition
b. X inhibition

122. Urachus, the remnant will be seen as

a. median umbilical ligament
b. medial umbilical ligament
c. ligament teres
123. Spinal cord contents outside - menigiocele meningeomyelocyle\
124. Abdomail anuerysm 4.7 cm mnx - went with serial ultrasound . Other option
explore serial ct

125. Another scenario I thought to be keratocanthoma

126. Some pearly lesion on air pinna I went with basal cell ca when I saw pearly

127. Dermatofibroma scenario with history of trauma

128. Bluish lesion of toe and inguinal lymphadenopathy?

a. melanoma
129. Sebhorruc keratosis scenario cos I saw the word crusty or ulcerated
130. One scenario of cavernous sinus I did adducent nerve
131. ABG
132. ABG
133. Ranula described. Which gland does it originate from?
a. sublingual gland
134. Why is it important to excise thyroglossal cyst?
a. Deglutiton problem
b. infection
c. cancer
135. trauma to head and verterx is depressed. Which structure may be damaged ?
a. superior sagital sinus
136. A female with 2 week h/o fo stridor , dysphagia n hoarseness. O/E thyroid
swelling n lymph node +ve. FNA shows spindle cells etc
a. Anaplastic ca
b. MCT
137. Brain Tumor with necrosis and invasion push to opposite side through
corpus callosum.
a. GBM
b. Astrocytoma
c. Medulloblastoma
138. Young girl cervical lymph node. Diagnosed on Histopath to be MCT . what
is appropriate management ?
a. total thyroidectomy with nodal clearance
b. total thyroidectomy only
c. hemithyroidectomy
139. Esophagus hiatus how many cm from incisior
a. 40
b. 48
c. 27
d. 22
e. 15
140. Some post esophagectomy patient having a stricture on anastomotic site
a. Resect and redo anastomosis
b. Baloon dilatation
c. Stenting
141. A women with jaundice, imaging described what they mean to be primary
biliary cirrhosis. Ehich antibody you test positive?
a. antimitochindrial ab
142. Peritonitis and air under diaphragm described. Which Investigaion is best in
a. Xray erect
b. CT

143. The typical question describing pain in legs on walking and gets better by
walking uphill and pushing trolley .
a. Spinal stenosis
144. That typical question of patient in Intermittent positive pressure ventilator
setting . what occurs?
a. decreased venous return
145. A man has continuous ooze from wound for 2 days after a femoropopliteal
bypass. He was on aspirin and clopilet till 48 hours before operation. Why do
you think is the bleed?
a. Side effects of Aspirin and clopidogrel
b. Anastomotic disruption at the proximal site
146. Some fev1 1.8 L fvc 2.1 L what's the pathology?
a. Restrictive disease
147. A young girl with dyspnea. fev 1 / fvc 36 then some treatment give and
raises to 78. DX?
a. asthma
148. Pelvic trauma. Unable to pass urine. Where is the site of injury?
a. Membranous urethra
b. bladder rupture

149. that typical question on bladder mucosal change with Schistosoma ?

a. Squamous metaplasia of transitional cells

150. Lung tumor in a women , nonsmoker and the lesion is situated peripherally.
a. Adenoca
151. That multiple times repeat of scaphoid blood supply
a. From the distal end
152. Neonate abnormal skin crease in groin
a. development hip dysplasia
153. 65/ F with Breast Ca which is ER –ve . PR –ve but Her2 neu + ve . what
postop regime you give as adjuvant ?
a. Tamoxifen
b. Tamoxifen and ECF regime
c. Herceptin and ECF
d. Herceptin only
154. DVT diagnosis best intial
a. compression ultrasound
b. plethyshmography
c. Venography
155. Fracture patella management
a. Wire binding
b. Excision of temdon
c. Boot cast

and there were lot of questions on ortho/ sup limb nerve and hand tendons ….i do
not wish to and even if I wish I cant remember those Rowdy question

thanks .

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