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Ecosystems (2001) 4: 765–781

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-001-0045-9 ECOSYSTEMS

© 2001 Springer-Verlag


From Metaphor to Measurement:

Resilience of What to What?
Steve Carpenter,1* Brian Walker,2 J. Marty Anderies,2 and Nick Abel2

Center for Limnology, 680 North Park Street, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA; and 2CSIRO Sustainable
Ecosystems, GPO Box 284, Canberra, ACT, 2615 Australia

Resilience is the magnitude of disturbance that can Examples are soil phosphorus content in lake dis-
be tolerated before a socioecological system (SES) tricts woody vegetation cover in rangelands, and
moves to a different region of state space controlled property rights systems that affect land use in both
by a different set of processes. Resilience has mul- lake districts and rangelands. (b) The ability of an
tiple levels of meaning: as a metaphor related to SES to self-organize is related to the extent to which
sustainability, as a property of dynamic models, and reorganization is endogenous rather than forced by
as a measurable quantity that can be assessed in external drivers. Self-organization is enhanced by
field studies of SES. The operational indicators of coevolved ecosystem components and the presence
resilience have, however, received little attention in of social networks that facilitate innovative problem
the literature. To assess a system’s resilience, one solving. (c) The adaptive capacity of an SES is re-
must specify which system configuration and which lated to the existence of mechanisms for the evolu-
disturbances are of interest. This paper compares tion of novelty or learning. Examples include biodi-
resilience properties in two contrasting SES, lake versity at multiple scales and the existence of
districts and rangelands, with respect to the follow- institutions that facilitate experimentation, discov-
ing three general features: (a) The ability of an SES ery, and innovation.
to stay in the domain of attraction is related to
slowly changing variables, or slowly changing dis- Key words: resilience; resistance; stability; persis-
turbance regimes, which control the boundaries of tence; socioecological system (SES); lake districts;
the domain of attraction or the frequency of events rangelands; sustainability; self-organization; adap-
that could push the system across the boundaries. tive capacity; adaptive cycle.

INTRODUCTION McCoy 1993). The concept of resilience is now used

in a great variety of interdisciplinary work con-
In the rapidly developing area of research on eco- cerned with the interactions between people and
system services and the people who depend on nature (see, for examples Gunderson and others
them, the term “resilience” is often used to describe 1995; Hanna and others 1996; Ludwig and others
the characteristic features of a system that are re- 1997; Berkes and Folke 1998; Redman 1999; Klein
lated to sustainability. As a technical term, the idea and Nichols 1999; Kinzig and others 2000; Gunder-
of “resilience” originated in the field of ecology son 2000; Gunderson and Holling 2001). Both “re-
(Holling 1973). Diverse definitions of resilience and silience” and “sustainability,” however, have mul-
other concepts related to stability can be found in
tiple levels of meaning, from the metaphorical to
the ecological literature (Schrader-Frechette and
the specific. “Resilience” is often used in conjunc-
tion with “adaptive capacity,” another term with
Received 20 March 2001; accepted 6 June 2001. multiple meanings. In our research on ecosystem
*Corresponding author; email: management in diverse regions of the world, the

766 S. Carpenter and others

importance of clear and measurable definitions of bance (Gunderson 2000). Unlike sustainability, re-
resilience has become paramount. Practitioners silience can be desirable or undesirable. For exam-
have repeatedly asked how resilience, and trends in ple, system states that decrease social welfare, such
resilience, can be measured for particular socioeco- as polluted water supplies or dictatorships, can be
logical systems (SES). This paper explores defini- highly resilient. In contrast, sustainability is an
tions that are both useful and operational. overarching goal that includes assumptions or pref-
Gunderson and Holling (2001) define “resilience” erences about which system states are desirable.
as the capacity of a system to undergo disturbance
and maintain its functions and controls. In their The Adaptive Cycle and Resilience
view, resilience is measured by the magnitude of The notion of the adaptive cycle has a key role in
disturbance the system can tolerate and still persist. organizing our ideas about resilience (Gunderson
They contrast this definition with that proposed by and others 1995; Gunderson and Holling 2001).
Pimm (1984), for whom the appropriate measure is According to the theory of the adaptive cycle, dy-
the ability of the system to resist disturbance and namical systems such as ecosystems, societies, cor-
the rate at which it returns to equilibrium following porations, economies, nations, and SES do not tend
disturbance (Pimm 1984; Tilman and Downing toward some stable or equilibrium condition. In-
1994). The distinction between these two defini- stead, they pass through the following four charac-
tions of resilience has been useful in encouraging teristic phases; rapid growth and exploitation (r),
the managers of naturally variable systems to think conservation (K), collapse or release (“creative de-
about the persistence of such systems and has struction”, or ⍀), and renewal or reorganization
helped them to break away from their traditional (␣).
preoccupation with management aimed at the un- A key feature of this metaphor is the existence of
achievable goal of stability. However, we also need relatively brief periods during which major changes
to consider the other, complementary aspect of per- occur—the ⍀ and ␣ phases. The former is a period
sistence—resistance, which may be defined as the of rapidly collapsing dynamics following a major
amount of external pressure needed to bring about perturbation during which some components and
a given amount of disturbance in the system. Con- attributes of the system may be lost (species, mem-
sider, for example, those systems that are particu- ory). It is succeeded by a period of reorganization,
larly persistent because they are intrinsically resis- the ␣ phase, during which novelty can arise (new
tant—that is they absorb high levels of external species, new institutions, new ideas and policies,
pressure and nevertheless persist. Some examples new industries). In the following r phase, the sys-
include self-mulching clay soils and paddy rice pro- tem settles into a new trajectory in a well-defined
duction in Java (Geertz 1963). We agree with Gun- basin of attraction. During the long, slow progres-
derson and Holling (2001) that the key criterion is sion from r to K, there is a diminishing likelihood
persistence; therefore, to assess long-term persis- that any further novelty will arise, although the
tence, we need to also consider resistance as the system may become more complex as new connec-
complementary attribute of resilience. tions are solidified. Resilience changes throughout
In any study of resilience, we are concerned with the adaptive cycle, and different aspects of resil-
the magnitude of disturbance that can be tolerated ience assume prominence at particular phases of
before a system moves into a different region of the cycle (Gunderson and Holling 2001).
state space and a different set of controls, as origi- We view the adaptive cycle as a useful metaphor
nally conceived by Holling (1973, 1996). Based on and not as a testable hypothesis. The history of
this interpretation, resilience has the following interactions between humans and nature includes
three properties: (a) the amount of change the sys- many cyclic patterns (Gunderson and others 1995;
tem can undergo (and implicitly, therefore, the Redman 1999). Definition of the r, K, ⍀, and ␣
amount of extrinsic force the system can sustain) phases emerged from the need to classify regimes
and still remain within the same domain of attrac- that are commonly seen in resource management
tion (that is, retain the same controls on structure systems (Holling 1986; Gunderson and others
and function); (b) the degree to which the system is 1995). It is useful to classify these stages, just as
capable of self-organization (versus lack of organi- biologists classify life-cycle stages that recur in spe-
zation, or organization forced by external factors); cies after species. If the adaptive cycle is productive
and (c) the degree to which the system can build of ideas, it will generate testable explanations of
the capacity to learn and adapt. Adaptive capacity is SES dynamics that turn out to embrace a wide
a component of resilience that reflects the learning range of situations.
aspect of system behavior in response to distur- For this reason, we have adopted a view of sci-
Resilience of What to What? 767

entific progress similar to the one proposed by Hull The history of human cultural evolution has been
(1988). Theory itself is rarely tested directly; indeed, the story of cross-scale subsidies. As resources are
it may not be testable in any definitive way. Instead, exhausted in one region, they are taken from an-
its success is measured by the utility of the concepts other (for example, under imperialistic regimes). In
in terms of their ability to influence the research the case of fossil fuels, all current SES are subsidized
topics chosen by scientists and stimulate productive by resources from a past era. Only when cultures
hypotheses. According to Hull (1988), progress in have been isolated has their fixed-scale resilience
the definition of concepts is central to advancement been tested. In the case of Ukara Island, East Africa,
of science. In this vein, our paper aims to clarify the a community isolated by the slave trade developed
definition of resilience used in the adaptive cycle. an innovative, labor-intensive, self-sufficient agri-
cultural system that persisted until the end of the
Resilience and Space–Time Scales slave trade (Ruthenberg 1976). In contrast, the cul-
Measurable, quantitative definitions of resilience ture isolated on Easter Island did not develop a
would open new and important pathways for test- self-sufficient system and therefore became extinct
able hypotheses related to the adaptive cycle. To (Redman 1999; Brander and Taylor 1998; Anderies
interpret the dynamics of a particular system in 2000).
terms of the adaptive cycle metaphor, so that we Most studies that explore resilience-related ideas
can try to understand the resilience of the system, have used resilience as a metaphor or theoretical
we must begin by clearly defining resilience in construct. In a few cases, it has been defined oper-
terms of what to what. These aspects change, de- ationally in the context of a model of a particular
pending on the temporal, social, and spatial scale at system (Peterson and others 1998; Carpenter and
which the measurement is made. A socioecological others 1999; Janssen and others 2000; Scheffer and
system can be resilient at one time scale because of others 2000; Peterson 1999). However, these defi-
the technology it has adopted. Iron axes, for exam- nitions have been system-specific, and not all of
ple, probably helped emerging agricultural societies them are measurable in the field (although it may
to persist over a particular span of time because be possible to calculate them in models). Although
they enabled their possessors to clear more forest the metaphorical concept of resilience has the
and grow more food. But at a longer time scale, power to inspire useful analyses of socioecological
once some threshold of forest cover had been systems, much more insight could be gained from
crossed, fallowing could no longer maintain soil empirical analyses, which would require an opera-
fertility and the resilience of the system was com- tional, measurable concept of resilience. Opera-
promised (Ruthenberg 1976). In this example, re- tional definitions of resilience should be consistent
silience in one time period was gained at the ex- with the metaphorical or theoretical uses of the
pense of the succeeding period. term. Furthermore, because knowledge can be
Thus to measure resilience, one needs to specify gained from cross-system comparisons, operational
the time scale. The choice of time scale depends on definitions of resilience for different socioecological
the issue we may wish to investigate and ranges systems should be as similar as possible.
from evolutionary studies spanning millennia to The purpose of this paper is to explore the possi-
farming system studies with a time horizon of de- bilities and limitations of measurable operational
cades. Time scale also affects the classification of definitions of resilience for socioecological systems
system components as fast or slow, variables or (SES). We will address this issue in the following
parameters (see special feature in Ecosystems 3(6)). four sections. First, we provide the background of
Topography, for example, is a parameter in models two case studies, one from the lake districts of
of landscape function, but in geomorphological North America and one from the rangelands of
studies it is a variable. Australia, that will be used throughout the paper to
Just as resilience can be achieved in one time inform and focus the discussion. Next, we discuss
period at the expense of resilience in a succeeding the concepts of resilience and the adaptive cycle in
period, resilience at one spatial extent can be sub- the context of models for each of the examples to
sidized from a broader scale. For example, it is show that useful parallels can be drawn between
common for a regional crisis— drought, say—to be radically different SES. Then, we attempt to develop
relieved by the importation of resources from the pathways by which some useful resilience measures
state. The region persists, but only through external for SES might be devised. Finally, we describe some
subsidy. If many such regions are being similarly of the pitfalls and limitations of resilience measures
subsidized, then the resilience of the state itself and offer some remarks on the future of work in
could be in doubt. this area.
768 S. Carpenter and others

BACKGROUND: THE ECOSYSTEMS AND THE Here we will focus on the resilience of the clear-
Phosphorus (P) is the most critical nutrient for
To focus our discussion, we will compare two well- the eutrophication of lakes in the Great Lakes re-
studied SES—the agricultural lake districts of North gion (Carpenter and others 1998). Excess P is im-
America and the rangelands of Western New South ported to farms in the form of fertilizer and animal
Wales (NSW) in Australia. These two areas are feed supplements (Bennett and others 1998, 2001).
marked by sharp contrasts in climate, ecosystem P is added to the soil as inorganic fertilizer or ma-
structure and function, ecosystem services, and nure. Most of the excess P accumulates in soil,
management institutions. They are similar in that which may be transported to streams and lakes
both SES exist in democracies with traditions of during runoff events associated with snowmelt or
science-based management. Previous papers have rainstorms (Bennett and others 1998, 2001). Thus,
analyzed the systems in detail, so we have a rich P plays a key role in determining system resilience,
body of models and analyses on which to draw. both in models and in practice.
Western New South Wales Rangelands
Lakes and Agriculture in North America
Rangelands are socioecological systems in semi-arid
The lake districts of the Great Lakes region of North regions where the native vegetation sustains exten-
America encompass productive farm lands as well sive grazing and browsing by domestic livestock. In
as thousands of lakes. The ecosystem services of the the rangelands of western NSW, the major ecosys-
region include agricultural production and freshwa- tem service since the late 19th century, when Ab-
ter used for irrigation, municipal water supplies, original peoples were displaced by pastoralists, has
pollution dilution, and recreation, including valu- been wool production based on grazing by sheep,
able sport fisheries (Postel and Carpenter 1997; Wil- with limited use of woody browse. In this paper, we
son and Carpenter 1999). Agricultural and aquatic will consider the resilience of the wool production
ecosystem services are in conflict. Agriculture gen- system and—rather more broadly—the resilience of
erates nutrient runoff that causes the eutrophica- pastoralism of all kinds to broader-scale economic
tion of lakes, leading to higher costs for water treat- and climate changes that affect this region.
ment, fish kills, and loss of recreational benefits The establishment of the rangeland wool produc-
(Carpenter and others 1998). Intensive nutrient use tion system was dependent on imported finance,
is related to manure yield from high densities of which was used to buy sheep, establish infrastruc-
livestock, as well as the use of commercial fertilizers ture, and import technology. The subsequent resil-
(NRC 1993; Vitousek and others 1997; Bennett and ience of the socioecological system was in part the
others 2001). Intensive fertilization and high den- consequence of the transport systems, stock routes,
sities of livestock are associated with economies of and artificial watering points that enabled the stock
scale that favor the consolidation of large industrial to be moved around. Further subsidies have been
farming operations (NRC 1993). In economic terms, given to avert or dampen crises caused by drought.
agriculture communizes the costs of nutrient treat- A federally managed price support scheme, paid for
ment by disposing of excess nutrients in common- by the producers, was instituted to dampened fluc-
property streams and lakes (Scheffer and others tuations in wool prices and later to support them.
2000). It is subsidized through a complex system of Without cross-scale subsidies from the outset at
price supports and regulations intended to stabilize state, national, and international scales, a persistent
production and make farming profitable. The value wool industry could not have been established.
of lost freshwater resources is often large relative to Biophysically, resilience at the local level is de-
the value of the farm products (Wilson and Carpen- pendent on the ability of the landscape to maintain
ter 1999; Carpenter and others 1999). infiltration, water storage capacity, and nutrient cy-
Two states of lakes are of interest—a clear-water cles (Tongway and Ludwig 1997), all of which are
or oligotrophic state and a turbid-water or eutro- threatened by soil loss and structural change. An
phic state (Carpenter and others 1999; Scheffer and inherently resilient pastoral property would there-
others 2000). Both states can be resilient. For a lake fore contain soils that are physically resistant to
in the clear-water state, the challenge for managers change despite heavy grazing pressure.
is to increase or maintain the resilience of the clear- Resilience at the local level also depends on veg-
water state. For lakes in the turbid state, the chal- etation structure. Rangelands are comprised of mix-
lenge is to break down the resilience of the turbid tures of grasses and woody plants (small trees and
state or shift the lake into the clear-water state. shrubs). The dynamics of the wood:grass ratio are
Resilience of What to What? 769

driven by fire and grazing pressure under highly

variable rainfall (Walker 1993). The long-run equi-
librium state of a prehuman rangeland, set primar-
ily by the soil moisture regime (which is dependent
on rainfall and soil type), is thought to have con-
sisted of shrubs and trees with a mix of age classes
and a well-developed grass layer that allowed for
periodic fires. The fires would have created a dy-
namic mosaic of age classes and vegetation struc-
tures. When burning by Aboriginal peoples in-
creased the fire frequency above the natural,
lightning-induced regime, a more open, grassy state
was established. The subsequent exclusion of fire
under pastoral management caused an increase in
woody biomass at the expense of grass.


Resilience is a theoretical concept that was origi-
nally envisioned using models. In this section, we
Figure 1. Water phosphorus versus sediment phospho-
review resilience in models of lakes and rangelands,
rus, showing equilibria and resilience of the clear-water
before turning in later sections to empirical mea- state. Vertical dashed lines show where the resilience of
sures. one of the stable states becomes zero.

Resilience in the Lake System Model

Phosphorus in soil is a large, slowly changing pool (sediment P) (Figure 1). The plot shows upper and
that affects the magnitude of input events from land lower sets of stable states (one for clear water and
to freshwaters (Bennett and others 1998; Reed- one for turbid water) separated by an unstable set of
Anderson and others 2000). Once P enters the lake, equilibria (Carpenter and others 1999). Because
it may be taken up by primary producers (including there are multiple stable states, to evaluate resil-
the undesirable blue-green algae that are symptom- ience, one must specify which stable state is being
atic of eutrophication) or added to the sediments. P considered. Assume that we are interested in the
in the lake cycles continually among organisms, the resilience of the clear-water state. The vertical
water, and the sediment. Recycling from sediment dashed lines in Figure 1 delimit three zones of re-
to the overlaying water is a key flux that is subject silience for the clear-water state. In the leftmost
to nonlinear changes in rate (Nürnberg 1984; Car- zone, the system will move parallel to the fast vari-
penter and others 1999). When P levels in the able axis toward the clear-water state from any
water are low, oxygen concentrations stay high starting position (we assume that the component of
throughout the summer and P remains bound in motion parallel to the slowly moving axis is negli-
iron complexes in the sediment. When P levels in gible). In this zone, resilience of the clear-water
the water are high, the production of algae is high state is infinite. In the rightmost zone, the system
and decomposition of sinking algae depletes oxygen will move to the turbid-water state from any start-
near the surface of the sediment. The iron–P com- ing position, including starting positions with very
plexes are chemically reduced, releasing the P in low water P. In this zone, resilience of the clear-
soluble form to support further algal growth. This water state is zero. The only way to restore the
shift between negative and positive feedbacks pro- clear-water state is to decrease the amount of sed-
duces alternate stable states— one with low water iment P. In the middle zone, the system will move
P, low recycling, and high water quality; the other to the clear-water state only from starting positions
with high water P, high recycling, and poor water below the unstable line. If the system is perturbed
quality (Carpenter and others 1999). above the stable line, it will move to the turbid-
Resilience is measured by plotting the equilibria water state. In the middle zone, we define the re-
of the system on axes of the rapidly changing vari- silience of the clear-water state as the distance from
able (water P) and a more slowly changing variable the unstable equilibrium to the clear-water equilib-
770 S. Carpenter and others

rium. A perturbation that increases water P by more

than this amount will tip the system into the basin
of attraction for the turbid-water state.
Note that the shape of the equilibrium curve in
Figure 1 depends on the status of other variables
that change even more slowly, such as the amount
of P in watershed soils. Changes in soil P therefore
affect the resilience of the clear-water attractor. If
soil P is extremely low, the curve will straighten so
that the unstable equilibria disappear, causing the
resilience of the clear-water state to be infinite for
all values of sediment P. Similarly, if soil P is ex-
tremely high, the curve will straighten in a way that
makes the resilience of the clear-water state zero for
all levels of sediment P. Intermediate levels of soil P
produce curves like that of Figure 1. Soil P also
affects the probability distribution of runoff events,
the perturbations that could move the system from
the clear-water basin of attraction to the turbid-
water basin of attraction (Carpenter and others
1999). Higher levels of soil P increase the probabil-
ity of large pulses of P input. Thus, soil P affects the
stability of the clear-water state in two ways: by
affecting its resilience, and by affecting the proba-
bility distribution of disturbances. Therefore, soil P
content is a powerful control variable for lake eu- Figure 2. Summary of model results. Status of nine in-
dicator variables during the adaptive cycle of the socio-
trophication (Bennett and others 1998, 2001).
ecological system of a lake district.
In field studies, the attractor depicted in Figure 1
is difficult to measure. However, soil P is measur-
able and is inversely associated with resilience.
Agencies concerned with agriculture or soil man- is the major objective of management (Osgood
agement often measure soil P on a routine basis. 2000).
These measurements are a useful surrogate for re- In the model output, water quality, net social
silience. utility, and the resilience of the clear-water state are
high during the r phase (Figure 2). As the system
The Adaptive Cycle in the moves into K phase, water quality declines some-
what and the resilience of the clear-water state
Lake System Model
declines. The drive for incremental increases in ef-
Models of the lake–agriculture SES exhibit cycles ficiency of agriculture slowly increases soil P. The
that resemble Holling’s (1986) adaptive cycle (Car- magnitude of weather-driven stochastic runoff
penter and others 1999) (Figure 2). In the social events increases with increasing soil P concentra-
system, the cycle is evident in the intensity of agri- tion. Thus, the magnitude of potential shocks is
culture, the regulatory activity directed at control of rising as the resilience of the clear-water state is
nonpoint pollution, and the net social utility de- declining. Eventually, a large runoff event tips the
rived from freshwater and agricultural ecosystem lake into the turbid state, the attractor for the clear
services. In the biophysical system, the cycle is ev- water state disappears entirely, or both. This trig-
ident in water quality. In theory and in the model, gers the ⍀ phase, characterized by poor water qual-
resilience is tracked as the size of the attractor for ity, low utility, strong regulation of agriculture, and
the clear-water condition. In practice, resilience a tumult of confusion, debate, and evaluation of the
could be tracked by monitoring the slowly changing problem. This leads to an ␣ phase in which new
ecological variables that control the clear-water at- lake restoration measures are combined with new
tractor, which are P levels in lake sediment and approaches to agriculture. Eventually, these activi-
catchment soils. Note that the turbid-water state, ties cause the clear water attractor to reappear.
which has low utility, is also quite resilient. Avoid- Once the clear-water attractor exists, management
ing, or escaping from, this resilient, low-utility state activities can move the system into the clear-water
Resilience of What to What? 771

state. At this point, the social system relaxes regu-

latory pressure on agriculture and a new r phase
The preceding narrative is a general account of a
cycle that can take on other patterns in the model.
For a richer description of model dynamics, includ-
ing different configurations of the SES and down-
loadable programs, see Carpenter and others
(1999). In gaming exercises with the model, the
lake can be managed in an active adaptive way,
using careful, brief experiments to probe the sensi-
tivity of the system to changes in agricultural policy.
Active adaptive management leads to low-ampli-
tude cycles that can keep the system in the clear
water– high utility attractor for longer than laissez- Figure 3. Grass root–shoot isoclines from the model of
faire management (Carpenter and others 1999). Anderies and others (2002). The straight line is the root
isocline. The curved lines are shoot isoclines under vary-
Resilience in Rangelands Models ing conditions of shrub density and competitive effect of
shrubs on grass growth (cwg). Equilibria occur where the
We consider first the resilience of wool production root isocline intersects a shoot isocline. Open circles de-
to the effects of fire, grazing, and rainfall on range- note unstable equilibria; filled circles denote stable equi-
lands where shrub growth limits production. We libria.
have used woody cover to illustrate some of the
principles underlying the measurement of resil-
ience. Walker and Abel (2001) describe some of the
other biophysical and socioeconomic sources of re- nual), followed by roots (2–5 years), and finally
silience. shrubs (decades). Anderies and others (2002) have
If grazing pressure is increased in a system with developed a model of this system that illustrates the
sparse woody cover, the root and crown reserves of changes in the resilience of the desirable attractor
perennial grasses are depleted. Perennial grasses (high grass root biomass) as a function of woody
therefore tend to be replaced by annual plants that biomass (Figure 3). Grass shoot production depends
do not support fire. Meanwhile, woody plant den- on the levels of root reserves, and these, in turn,
sity increases due to reduced competition with pe- either increase or decrease as a function of how
rennial grasses and a reduction in fire frequency much shoot biomass there is. Heavy grazing, which
and intensity. The establishment of shrubs is also keeps shoot biomass low, leads to reduced root
aided by good rains. biomass and eventually to the death of the grass. As
Fire has very different effects on grasses and indicated in Figure 3, as shrubs increase, the resil-
woody plants. It occurs when the grasses are dor- ience of the grassy state declines markedly.
mant, and thus removes only their aboveground
dead shoots, causing little or no harm to the plant.
The Adaptive Cycle in the
Woody plants, on the other hand, are highly sus-
Rangelands Model
ceptible to fire. If grazing pressure is reduced soon Models of the rangeland SES that combine a bio-
enough, the grasses recover, fire management can physical component and pastoralists (modeled as
be resumed, and the shrub cover is reduced (see, for adaptive agents) illustrate a form of the adaptive
example, Ludwig and others 1997; Anderies and cycle (Janssen and others 2000). We define the r–K
others 2002). The increasing woody cover is vul- dynamics as the changes in grass roots and crown.
nerable to fire up to some threshold of woody bio- We are interested in the resilience of grass to
mass, but beyond this level, even in the absence of changes in grazing pressure under fluctuating rain-
livestock, the resulting reduced grass cover is insuf- fall, in the face of increasing amounts of shrubs. In
ficient to carry a fire. The system stays in the woody the absence of high densities of domestic livestock,
state until some of the shrubs begin to die (Ludwig the dynamics of such a system resembles a form of
and others 1997). The important variables are the the adaptive cycle. Under low grazing pressure, un-
grass shoot biomass (leaves and stems, on which eaten grass accumulates as fuel; and after some
wool production depends). The grass root/crown years, the fuel load is such that the probability of
reserves (hereafter called “roots”), and shrub cover. fire is very high. Fire then occurs, either through
Grass shoots are the fastest-changing variable (an- lightning or human action. In either case, the
772 S. Carpenter and others

woody vegetation is reduced to a low level, and the cause a simultaneous collapse of the local economy
grass cover begins a period of rapid growth and because the economy does not solely depend on the
accumulation. Depending on the pattern of rainfall, lake. The agricultural sector, for example, may use
woody plants also begin to increase, but fire occurs the lake only as a sink for wastes while extracting
before it reaches the threshold of dominance. In the the water needed for agriculture from the ground-
models, this form of the adaptive cycle can be main- water. Other interest groups may likewise depend
tained by commercial livestock grazing, providing wholly or in part on resources from other regions.
that the grazing pressure is kept low, or periodically There are many reasons for the lack of recovery of
removed, before the woody vegetation exceeds the the biophysical system, including the high resil-
threshold that removes the grassy basin of attrac- ience of the turbid state; the extremely slow dy-
tion. If we focus on grass as the ecosystem service of namics of soil and sediment P, which maintain the
concern, this form of the rangeland adaptive cycle, resilience of the turbid state; the exclusion of water
at the scale of a paddock or landscape, can be seen quality from the market, so the value of the ecosys-
as a series of repetitive, small cycles of fairly short tem services of freshwater are not properly ac-
duration. The ⍀ phase is very rapid (1–2 months), counted for and do not contribute to indexes of
with little loss of memory or species, and the ␣ social utility; the lack of a market for pollutant
phase offers a small but significant opportunity for discharge, so that farmers do not have incentives or
various grass species to reestablish themselves. the economic means to control pollution; and mis-
The introduction of sheep and water points and matches of political power between environmental
the removal of Aboriginal burning changes the sys- advocates and lobbies for the agricultural industry,
tem to a new trajectory. It progresses from the realtors, and developers (Scheffer and others 2000).
grassy r phase into a K phase marked by a thicket The history of Lake Mendota (Wisconsin, USA) is
state. Thickets persist until canopy trees begin to be one example of a long, slow slide to the turbid state,
established. The larger trees control shrub density followed by repeated attempts to restore the clear-
and, with the senescence of the shrubs, patches water state (Carpenter and others forthcoming).
arise in which perennial grasses become reestab- The process is described as a sequence of four adap-
lished. This condition allows fire to initiate the ␣ tive cycles (Figure 4). Following settlement of the
phase in which shrubs are replaced by grasses. An r watershed by European immigrants around 1840,
phase ensues, and whether the new trajectory is there was an immediate loss of resilience as rich
one involving the accumulation of grass fuel and a prairie soils were plowed for the first time and
fire within a few years or the multidecadal trajec- runoff to the lake increased (Hurley and others
tory through the thicket state depends on the stock- 1992). A long transition from the r to K phases
ing density and the fire policy practiced by the followed. There was little increase in the extent or
system’s manager. intensity of agriculture, but the region experienced
slow population growth in the watershed and grad-
ual enrichment of the lake by sewage effluent
MEASUREMENT: RESILIENCE AND THE (Lathrop 1992). Shortly after World War II, agricul-
ADAPTIVE CYCLE IN PRACTICE ture intensified sharply and urbanization in the
watershed increased, triggering a collapse in water
The Adaptive Cycle for the Lake System in quality and the ⍀ phase that ended cycle 1.
Practice After a decade of public debate, agreement was
In practice, very few lakes that have collapsed to the reached on a plan to divert sewage effluents from
turbid state have been restored successfully to the the lake—the ␣ phase that initiated cycle 2. Sewage
clear-water state (Osgood 2000; NRC 1992). Lakes diversion was completed in 1971, but increases in
that are restored successfully often require ongoing water quality were minor. The P from sewage ef-
intervention to maintain the clear-water state (NRC fluent had been replaced by nonpoint P inputs due
1992),—that is to say, the clear-water state is not to increased fertilizer use, increased dairy herd
resilient and self-sustaining. The most common dy- sizes, increased P content of soils, and sprawling
namic is a long r to K transition as the watershed is urbanization. Invasion by an exotic macrophyte
developed, followed by a deterioration in the water (Eurasian water milfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum) cre-
quality that is more or less permanent. While the ated a highly visible public nuisance. In 1978, pop-
biophysical system degrades, the social system con- ulations of planktivorous cisco (Coregonus artedii)
tinues on a growth trajectory. There is some debate exploded, collapsing populations of the important
about water quality but no effective action. The grazer Daphnia pulicaria and further diminishing
collapse of the biophysical system does not usually water quality. It was clear that sewage diversion
Resilience of What to What? 773

Figure 4. Cycles of manage-

ment for Lake Mendota, Wis-

had not achieved water-quality goals (although re- centrations of algae in the water (Carpenter and
moval of this P source was a positive step toward others 1987). The biomanipulation project at-
improving water quality). The recognition of this tempted to create a similar trophic cascade in Lake
failure created the ⍀ phase ending cycle 2. This was Mendota that would improve the water quality. For
an institutional transition, not an ecological one. the first few years, it was successful (Kitchell 1992).
Rather quickly, lake managers set out to tackle However, an unexpected intensification of fishing
the nonpoint pollution problem, initiating cycle 3. pressure took a heavy toll on the stocked piscivores
The Pheasant Branch Project was designed to de- (Johnson and Carpenter 1994). Heavy summer
crease nonpoint P loss from the most steeply sloping rains in 1993 then caused massive erosion from
(and therefore erosion-prone) subwatershed of construction sites into the lake, causing the largest P
Lake Mendota. Unfortunately, farmers were not inputs ever measured to Lake Mendota. The rains of
motivated to participate in the project, and there 1993 triggered the ⍀ phase ending cycle 4.
were only small reductions in the nonpoint inputs. At this point, it was evident that the problem
The ⍀ phase ending cycle 3 came shortly after the would have to be confronted directly. Intensive
initiation of the cycle. As before, the critical events research by both agency and university scientists
were not ecological, but rather based on an institu- culminated in the Priority Lake Project, an aggres-
tional recognition that another approach was sive plan to cut nonpoint pollution in half (Betz and
needed. others 1997; Lathrop and others 1998). The initia-
The ␣ phase initiating cycle 4 came in the 1980s, tion of this project in 1998 marked the beginning of
when managers realized that biomanipulation of a fifth cycle. The Priority Lake Project includes sub-
the lake’s food web might improve water quality stantial cost-sharing incentives for farmer participa-
without the need for costly and potentially conten- tion, funds to enforce regulations for the control of
tious interventions on private land (Kitchell 1992; erosion from construction sites, and funds to pur-
Westley 2001). The biomanipulation involved chase riparian easements and wetlands for restora-
stocking large numbers of piscivorous fishes (wall- tion. At the same time, for reasons that are not
eye Stizostedion vitreum and northern pike Esox lu- understood but may be related to changes in tillage
cius) and protecting them with restrictive size and practices, soil P levels in the watershed began to
bag limits. Whole-lake experiments in northern stabilize or decline (Bennett and others 1998). This
Wisconsin had shown that piscivores could greatly change has increased the resilience of the clear-
reduce numbers of planktivorous fishes, allowing water state.
potent grazers to flourish and thus reduce the con- It is still too early to assess the outcome of the
774 S. Carpenter and others

Priority Lake Project. Substantial reductions in non- perhaps the extinction of native browsers), an in-
point P input are possible. However, over the 10- crease in the density of artificial water points, and
year time frame of the project, sprawling urbaniza- the associated increase in herbivore biomass all has-
tion will expand the extent of impervious cover in tened an increase in shrub density.
the watershed, potentially increasing the intensity Heavy grazing pressure evolved out of the pasto-
and frequency of flood events. Thus, even as man- ralists’ need to remain economically viable. For 90
agement focuses on the reduction of nonpoint P years, until a policy change in 1968, a close settle-
fluxes, the underlying cause of the problem may be ment policy subdivided large land holdings and re-
shifting from the effects of intensive agriculture to assigned the subdivisions to other leaseholders. The
urban sprawl and erosion from construction sites. smaller blocks could only be viable if they were
heavily stocked. After the policy was reversed to
Practical Measures of Resilience in the one promoting amalgamation, adverse trends in
Lake System wool prices and high production costs made finan-
cial sustainability a moving target. By the late
In principle, resilience could be measured by fitting
1980s, many holdings were still too small to be
a dynamic model to time series, calculating equilib-
viable, redoubling the incentive to stock heavily
ria, and calculating the size of the basin of attrac-
(MacLeod 1990). Heavy grazing pressure is also a
tion, as shown in Figure 1. In practice, obtaining
consequence of grazing by other species. Total graz-
adequate fits of such models requires extraordinary
ing pressure is often more than twice the pressure
data, which are not usually available (Carpenter
caused by sheep alone. It includes grazing by kan-
2001). Instead of fitting models, one can use in-
garoos, rabbits, and feral goats, as well as sheep. In
sights from models to identify indicators of resil-
terms of wool production, there has been a decline
ience. In the case of lake eutrophication, such indi-
in the productivity of particular areas of rangeland
cators include soil P concentration, animal stocking
due to the loss of perennial grasses and the expan-
densities, and land area under construction, which
sion of shrubs.
are inversely related to the resilience to the clear-
As shown in Anderies and others (2001), if the
water state. On the institutional side, possible indi-
effect of shrub encroachment on grass production is
cators include the flexibility of farmers to mitigate
not too severe, then it actually pays the pastoralists
nonpoint pollution from their lands. Can farmers
to stay in the woody state. The costs in terms of
afford to leave riparian lands and wetlands undis-
foregone production needed to allow enough grass
turbed? Do farmers have enough understanding
fuel to accumulate to enable periodic burning
and the economic means to balance the farm P
would actually be higher than the increased wool
budget? Is there public support for controlling non-
production obtained by keeping fire in the system.
point pollution? Economic indicators would focus
Extensive areas in the region are now infested with
on the degree to which externalities were captured
shrubs. Once this state occurs, the options for get-
by the market—for example, through a market for
ting out of it are very limited. The process of letting
P permits or quotas (Scheffer and others 2000).
the woody plants grow old and die, destocking, and
Social indicators could include the existence of net-
thereby allowing fire management to be reintro-
works that are capable of facilitating appropriate
duced takes too long for the pastoralists to profit by
action, or the balance of power and response time
across interest groups (Scheffer and others 2000).
The restriction of ecosystem services to a focus on
wool production was due to the system of property
The Adaptive Cycle for the Rangeland rights established in the 19th century when the
System in Practice area was settled by Europeans. The region was des-
The most common pattern of rangeland dynamics ignated as publicly owned, and it remains so. Pas-
in Western NSW is not unlike that described for the toralists were granted long-term leasehold rights to
lakes of Wisconsin under modern agriculture. The grazing—and only grazing. The right to crop must be
ecosystem goes through a steady decline in grass negotiated and licensed. Financial viability must be
cover and frequency of fires until the woody stage is demonstrated. Timber is owned by society; a license
reached, and it tends to stay in that state. Aboriginal must be obtained and a royalty paid to use it. Re-
people used fire to open up the country, and native strictions on the clearing of native vegetation under
browsers may have helped to stimulate the growth Aboriginal heritage, conservation, and endangered
of grassy cover. When the pastoralists arrived, they species legislation and statutory environmental
exploited this situation. Grazing, the eviction of plans reduce the inhabitants’ freedom to clear the
Aboriginal peoples, the cessation of burning (and land, to maintain pasture, and to diversify into
Resilience of What to What? 775

charcoal production. The cost of engaging in char- dynamic of financial collapse (wool prices plus loss
coal production is also raised by royalty payments. of grass production), followed by the novelty of
Diversification into nonagricultural uses may re- changing from the production of sheep wool to goat
quire the agreement of Aboriginal native title meat. Over most of the region, woody density is not
claimants. Finally, although graziers can purchase yet in an advanced K stage. Because adverse trends
licenses to shoot kangaroos, the licensing arrange- in wool prices and the high costs of production have
ments are complex, and a strong market monopoly discouraged destocking and burning to control
limits their freedom to sell kangaroo meat. In terms shrubs, these land systems will not be returned to a
of the ability of pastoralists to survive market system dominated by wool production unless there
shocks, restrictive lease conditions reduce the over- is an unexpected and sustained resurgence in the
all resilience of the pastoral enterprise (as opposed demand for wool.
to the specific case of the resilience of wool produc- The history of the cross-scale subsidization of re-
tion to changes in grass production) on a genera- silience has lessons for the future use of the range-
tional time scale. lands. Relatively nonconsumptive uses, such as
The transaction costs of diversification are thus tourism plus nature conservation, have been pro-
high, and the potential rewards are low in compar- posed as replacements for wool production. These
ison. As long as wool prices were high, these re- uses are unlikely to be established without public
strictions were not an issue, but prices declined over investment—a cross-scale subsidy. However, over-
the last decade (at least until 2001). The declining subsidization would result in the overcommitment
wool prices, exacerbated by declining local-scale of private means of production to an industry that is
productivity and increasing production costs, have also subject to declines in demand, just as wool
forced many pastoralists from the land. However, proved to be. In these circumstances, resilience the-
there has been a recent trend toward the conver- ory advises us to allow in just enough disturbance
sion of sheep properties to goat operations, driven to maintain the resilience of the system. Variety in
by a change in the relative prices of wool and goat land use increases resilience.
meat. Due to the growing demand for goat meat,
both within Australia and overseas, in the past de- Practical Measures of Resilience in the
cade goats have gone from having almost no eco-
Rangeland System
nomic value to being worth more than sheep. Also, For wool production from rangelands, the measure
although shrubs have a negative effect on wool of resilience of the desirable state (the grass
production, they have a positive one on goat meat [G]–woody shrub [W] state) is the distance in Fig-
production, since goats are mixed feeders and ure 3 between the unstable and stable equilibria of
browse on shrubs that are palatable. Browsing helps the grass root and shoot isoclines—the amount of
to control the shrubs, thus maintaining resilience. change in grass root biomass before the joint stable
We believe that three forms of the adaptive cycle equilibrium of roots and shoots disappears and the
have occurred in those parts of the region where system flips to the attractor with no grass and abun-
shrub encroachment is an issue. First, on land sys- dant shrubs. Walker and others (1981) offer a re-
tems where the competitive effect of shrubs on lated interpretation of these dynamics. As W (the
grass is low, the system has moved from an initial r slow variable in the system) increases, the amount
stage with a high grass:shrub ratio (the condition of grass that can be used decreases. For pastoral
under Aboriginal use) to a shrub-dominated K stage production in general, the change to goats and
in which wool production continues, albeit at a other enterprises overcomes to some extent the
lower level. The costs of getting back into a grass– problems posed by this particular issue of resilience.
shrub state (that is, foregone immediate wool pro- However, the dynamics of a system of grass, shrubs,
duction due to destocking to allow sufficient fuel to and goats have yet to be played out. Goats are
accumulate) are higher than the discounted future selective browsers; and in the absence of fire, un-
increase in wool production. Second, in a very few palatable woody species (such as those in the genus
cases, conservative stocking has been used to keep Eremophila) tend to increase in relative abundance
the system in a grass–shrub state by smaller, in- until they are dominant. The measure of resilience
duced ⍀ phases (deliberate use of fire), followed by may therefore change from W per se to the propor-
restructuring and the subsequent maintenance of tion of W that consists of unpalatable shrubs. This
an r stage through resting and burning, coupled situation raises the issue of biodiversity and resil-
with browsing by feral goats. Third, those land sys- ience.
tems where the competitive effect of shrubs on Walker and others (1999) have shown that a loss
grass is substantial are now displaying an ⍀ to ␣ of perennial grass species that occur in only very
776 S. Carpenter and others

small amounts in ungrazed rangeland reduces the eutrophication (Smith 1998), and the trend toward
capacity of the rangeland to continue functioning increasing soil P was not clear until decades after
ecologically (in terms of growth rates, water use, widespread eutrophication was first described (NRC
carbon storage, nutrient cycling) under heavy graz- 1993; Bennett and others 2001).
ing. The dominant grasses tend to be functionally In the rangelands, it took some decades after the
dissimilar (that is, they are complementary) to each properties were first grazed for the emergence of
other; and when dominant grass species are lost shrubs to become a problem. However, by the end
through their sensitivity to heavy grazing, they tend of the 19th century, official reports expressed con-
to be replaced, as dominants, by functionally similar cern about the expansion. The problem persisted
species from among those that occur in only small for a long time. We explained this earlier in terms of
amounts in the ungrazed ecosystem. A loss of grass policy favoring small properties and adverse trends
species reduces the functional diversity of the grass in wool prices and production costs. It is possible
layer and therefore its capacity to continue per- that certain strongly held (but incorrect) views
forming at its former levels. Little is known about about the causes of encroachment were a contrib-
the functional diversity of the woody species, be- uting factor. The increase in shrubs was episodic in
yond the fact they differ in regard to their palatabil- nature and occurred concomitantly with the intro-
ity to animals, their responses to fire, and their duction of rabbits, cycles of droughts and flooding
drought-resistance. In the absence of specific infor- rains, the loss of small native herbivores that played
mation such as that given in Walker and others a role in shrub dynamics, and large increases in
(1999), it is prudent to assume that a reduction in kangaroo numbers. Because these changes corre-
the biodiversity of the ancestral ecosystem (or a lated with shrub encroachment, any one of them
change in biodiversity to a somewhat different could be used to explain it. But the fundamental
complement of species, albeit at the same levels) cause had nothing to do with them: For many land
will reduce the resilience of the system in terms of systems, the woody configuration is within a stable
its ability to keep functioning ecologically in the domain of attraction determined by soil moisture.
face of external shocks (climate, herbivores, fire). Once fire was removed, the direction of change on
Considering the pastoral system as a whole, two these land systems was inevitable. This fact was
indicators of socioeconomic resilience emerge. The seldom acknowledged, and other firmly held view-
first is property rights. The restricted leasehold con- points prevailed. The weight of evidence in scien-
ditions for graziers reduce the resilience of the tific and other publications has gradually led to a
farming enterprise on a generational time scale. If merging of the real-system dynamic with various
they could more easily harvest wood for charcoal, models (both tacit and explicit) of how the range-
market their own kangaroos, and undertake oppor- lands work.
tunistic cropping, economic resilience would be In the lakes, the slow variable is determined by
somewhat enhanced. (Cropping, however, de- one group of people (the farmers), and the effects
grades soils and can only enhance resilience over a are felt by the community at large. In the range-
span of a few decades.) The second of these indica- lands, the whole ecological problem is internalized
tors is market conditions, such that different poten- within the agricultural economy. The landholder
tial uses of ecosystem services offer similar eco- must deal with the economic consequences of his or
nomic opportunities. Even under the regime of her own management practices.
constrained property rights, the option to change In both lake districts and rangelands, the pattern
from sheep to goats was not viable until the profit- is for a movement into the undesirable state with-
ability of wool and goat meat production became out a return to the desirable state. In the lakes,
roughly comparable. The greater the number and there are repeated and rapid reversions from a new
equitability of potential uses of ecosystem goods r phase back into ⍀. So far, the SES has not devel-
and services, the higher the resilience of the SES. oped in a way that harmonizes agriculture with
freshwater ecosystem services. The incompatibili-
A Comparison of the Case Studies ties between agricultural practice and freshwater
In both lakes and rangelands, early management ecosystem services are intensifying, and conflicts
efforts focused on rapidly changing variables (water may become more common. In the rangelands,
quality itself and grass). The slowly changing vari- three versions of the adaptive cycle are thought to
ables (soil or mud P and woody vegetation) were have occurred. Very few pastoralists have managed
more difficult to recognize and also proved more to get out of the woody state, but a new socioeco-
difficult to manage. Several decades of research nomic dynamic is leading to a change from sheep to
were required to establish the role of P in lake goat production (an ␣ dynamic). The new r phase is
Resilience of What to What? 777

Table 1. Resilience Measures for Lake Districts and Rangelands

Characteristic of the
System Lake District Rangeland

Resilience of what Clear-water state Grass ⫹ shrub state

Resilience to what Short-term increase in P input due Short-term change in climate,
to weather or human disturbance herbivory, fire
Measure in model Size of basin of attraction measured Size of basin of attraction measured
as distance between stable point as distance between stable point
and unstable threshold in units of and unstable threshold in units of
water P concentration grass root biomass (mass/area)
Biophysical field measures Soil P (mass/volume) or stock Shrub:wood ratio
density (animals/area) (mass/area):(mass/area)
Interpretation of Directly related to size of Inversely related to attractor size
biophysical measures perturbation; inversely related to
attractor size
Socioeconomic field P pollution costs represented in Leaseholder flexibility to obtain
measures market income from shrub clearing (e.g.,
charcoal); or low discount rate
Intepretation of Incentive to stabilize soil P or Incentive to prevent shrub cover
socioeconomic decrease it if it is high from increasing, or to reduce
measures shrub cover if it is high

likely to alter the ecosystem dynamics (due to the solutions to the problem and the existence of in-
browsing capacity of goats) and reduce the sharp centives to increase resilience.
distinction between the grass–shrub and grass Resilience measures differ in two important ways
states. The rangelands system is therefore likely to from ecological indicators as they are usually con-
be resilient in terms of pastoral production (as op- structed. First, resilience applies to the entire SES,
posed to wool production), and the adaptive cycle not just the ecological subsystem. Second, resilience
will include changes in pastoral enterprises. focuses on variables that underlie the capacity of
the SES to provide ecosystem services, whereas
CHALLENGES AND LIMITATIONS OF other indicators often address only the current state
of the system or service.
Some general guidelines for resilience indicators
Resilience Measures and Indicators emerge from our comparison. The likelihood that a
Although resilience assessments for lake districts SES will stay within a domain of attraction is related
and rangelands differ in their specifics, they share to slowly changing variables that determine the
several qualitative characteristics (Table 1). In these boundaries and the magnitude of disturbances that
cases—in fact, in all cases—it is crucial to specify may push the system out of the domain of attrac-
what system state is being considered (resilience of tion or reconfigure the domain of attraction. In the
what) and what perturbations are of interest (resil- lake district, examples are soil P, sediment P, and
ience to what). The measurements that are made in the frequency of large runoff events. In the range-
models are based on sizes of basins of attraction land, examples are woody vegetation and leasehold
derived from quasi–steady-state analyses. The mod- arrangements. Land-tenure systems and the char-
el-based definition of attractor size may be difficult acteristics of the culture are important slow vari-
or impossible to measure under field conditions. ables in other SES (Hanna and others 1996; Schef-
However, surrogate indicators can be defined that fer and others 2000).
should change monotonically with resilience. In Indicators of the ability to self-organize should
both the lake districts and the rangelands, biophys- assess the extent to which system components are
ical surrogates for resilience are based on slowly forced by the management regime rather than self-
changing variables. Socioeconomic surrogates are organizing within the management regime (Folke
related to the flexibility of agents to negotiate local and others 1998). For example, in forested regions,
778 S. Carpenter and others

management that rigorously suppresses fire leads to problem and thus the implementation of appropri-
uniform vegetation and high fuel loads, thereby ate responses. Delayed learning also appears to
setting the stage for massive conflagration. In con- have been a factor in the slow acceptance by policy
trast, fire management that allows a mosaic to de- makers of the effects of their close settlement policy
velop (while protecting buildings and people) leads on stocking densities. Learning is central to the
to more diverse, persistent ecosystems. In both the notion of adaptive management (Gunderson and
lake district and the rangeland, economic and insti- Holling 2001). Among the key elements of this idea
tutional constraints on agriculturalists limit their are the needs to consider a range of plausible hy-
ability to organize in ways that would improve wa- potheses about future changes in the system; to
ter quality or biodiversity, respectively. In the lake weigh a range of possible strategies against this wide
districts, farmers are locked into a path of incre- set of potential futures; and to favor actions that are
mentally increasing financial efficiency that will robust to uncertainties, reversible, and likely to re-
allow them to survive economically, but this “effi- veal crucial new information about system func-
ciency” leads to excessive fertilization, overstock- tion. Learning is advanced by institutions that can
ing, plowing riparian lands, and increased pollutant experiment in safe ways, monitor results, update
discharges. In the rangelands, lease terms have lim- assessments, and modify policy as new knowledge
ited the ability of pastoralists to diversify into crop- is gained. The development of such institutions may
ping and charcoal production, both of which would be the greatest challenge to sustainability (Berkes
have helped to control woody vegetation and main- and Folke 1998; Gunderson and Holling 2001).
tained resilience at the generational time scale.
These controls have, however, prevented soil deg- Parameters That Aren’t
radation and maintained options for future gener- We have discussed resilience in terms of slow and fast
ations, since shrub encroachment is a highly effec- variables—mud and water P in the case of lakes and
tive mechanism for protecting landscape function woody shrubs and grass in the case of rangelands. In
and variety is a source of resilience. general, we speak of systems being resilient to events
Indicators of adaptive capacity should address the (perturbations) that affect fast(er) variables.
ability of SES to cope with change. In biotic sys- We can conceive of the slow variables as defining
tems, adaptive capacity is related to genetic diver- the underlying structure of the system, while the
sity (because the rate of evolution is proportional to fast variables reveal the dynamics of this underlying
the variability that selective forces can work on), structure. In this case, we think of perturbations as
biodiversity (for example, portfolio effects) (Loreau displacing the system from a particular configura-
2000), and the heterogeneity of landscape mosaics tion and the underlying structure as determining
(Peterson and others 1998). The example given how the system will evolve after the displacement.
earlier (Walker and others 1999), showing how Does the system return to the configuration from
functional diversity among the grass species in a which it was displaced? Or does it move into an-
rangeland confers resilience to changes in climate other configuration? In modeling these processes, it
and grazing pressure, is a specific example of how is sometimes convenient to fix the slow variables by
biodiversity enhances adaptive capacity. In social treating them as parameters (Rinaldi and Scheffer
systems, adaptive capacity is related to the existence 2000) and then analyze quasi-steady states as in
of networks that create flexibility in problem solv- Figures 1 and 3. Walters (1986) cautions us to
ing and to the balance of power among interest remember that such parameters are not truly fixed,
groups (Scheffer and others 2000). Folke and others but are in fact slowly changing and are subject to
(1998) have described a number of social mecha- alteration by policy choice. Hence, they are “param-
nisms that create adaptive capacity. One example is eters that aren’t.” Perturbations may produce a dis-
the building and cultural transmission of local eco- placement and an underlying change in slow vari-
logical knowledge in traditional resource manage- ables that alters the stability landscape and the
ment systems. In addition, an understanding of the subsequent trajectory the system will take. For ex-
dynamics of the SES is fundamental to building ample, in Figure 3, increased grazing pressure shifts
resilience (Scheffer and others 2000; Kinzig and the root biomass isocline upwards, which in turn re-
others 2000). duces the resilience of the system to perturbations in
In human systems, adaptive capacity is closely root/shoot biomass. What effect would be produced
related to learning. The mismatch in the Australian by perturbations in the grazing pressure brought
rangelands between the various stakeholders’ view- about by changing market conditions? It would de-
points and the real dynamics of the ecosystem con- pend on the sensitivity of the position of the shoot
tributed to a delay in their understanding of the isocline to changes in grazing pressure. If it was highly
Resilience of What to What? 779

sensitive, a small perturbation in grazing pressure

could cause the domain of attraction to collapse
quickly, reducing the resilience of the system.
Thus, from a measurement perspective, we must
also ask how slow-variable dynamics affect resil-
ience. For a particular fixed value of a slow variable,
the system may be extremely resilient. But if the
slow variable changes only slightly, the system
could lose resilience quickly. Failure to recognize
this situation might lead to a miscalculation of the
resilience of the system.
Finally, it is important to distinguish between
resilience (which is measured by the size of basins
of attraction) and resistance (which is measured by Figure 5. Displacement versus exogenous force. The
curves depict the relationship between force and the dis-
the external force or pressure needed to disturb—
tance in state space as the system moves from equilibrium
that is, displace—a system by a given amount). for two hypothetical systems, A and B. System B is more
Basins of attraction are measured in terms of dis- resistant to displacement than system A. The horizontal
tances in state space. This parameter does not cap- lines indicate the resilience of the systems. System A is
ture any information about the magnitude of the more resilient than system B. The intersection of a curve
physical disturbing force required to move the sys- and line for a given system indicates its persistence—that
tem to the boundary of the basin. Two systems (or is, the level of exogenous forcing the system can tolerate
one system at different points in time) may have before moving to a new domain of attraction.
the same resilience but differ in their resistance, as
measured in terms of how much they are displaced
(or disturbed) by a given physical force or pressure. der in explorations of system function that lead to
What we want to know is how great an external new indicators that may become important under
force the system can withstand before it crosses the new configurations of the SES.
boundary of its basin of attraction. This depends on It may seem obvious to expect that researchers
both resilience and resistance (Figure 5). should clearly state which aspect of resilience is
The curves in Figure 5 depict this relationship for being measured and what sorts of drivers are being
two representative systems. The horizontal lines considered. However, resilience in one time period
indicate the resilience of the respective systems in or at a particular scale can be achieved at the ex-
terms of attractor size. The curves depict resis- pense of resilience in a later period or at another
tance—the displacement in state space as a function scale. Understanding these transfers across scales
of increasing physical pressure. System A is more and time periods is a research priority. Moreover,
resilient than B, but B is more resistant than A. In confusion can be avoided by answering the ques-
this hypothetical example, although system A is tion, “Resilience of what to what?”—that is, over
more resilient, system B will be more persistent what time period and at what scale.
than A under a given disturbance regime. Much of our analysis is focused on slowly chang-
ing variables—state variables with slow turnover
Future Directions rates or stochastic processes with long return times.
Ecosystems are ever-changing, and they are embed- Learning about slow variables takes a long time, so
ded in a world in which many other things are also it is easy to miss important processes or focus atten-
changing continuously at various spatial scales tion on the wrong hypotheses. Such errors of judg-
(Levin 2000). Consequently, relationships fitted to ment can lead to surprises in both management and
extant observations will always become outdated as basic research. The best way to cope with surprise is
system change makes them irrelevant and mislead- resilience—that is a broad basin of attraction for the
ing. Indicators of resilience that are appropriate for socially preferred ecosystem state and the social
the current regime may become useless as ecologi- flexibility to change and adapt whenever ecosystem
cal structures and social expectations shift. There- services are altered in an unexpected way.
fore, sustained ecological research at the scale of
human action is essential for resilience. A resilient ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
monitoring program needs to invest part of its en- We thank our Resilience Network colleagues for
dowment in a set of indicators that seem likely to be many stimulating discussions of resilience and its
relevant for the foreseeable future and the remain- assessment. Helpful reviews of the manuscript
780 S. Carpenter and others

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