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eee ee ey oe ee ee eee ee Colonization Matching & Vocabulary _41. French _\__ 2. Thomas Hooker 18, Anne Hutchinson 4 4, Reason for European Exploration _4_8. Mayflower Compact _£__ 6. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut s_7. Roger Williams p_8 Lord Baltimore K__ 8. James Oglethorpe _#__ 10. WA House of Burgesses _e 11. Jamestown 612, William Penn geographic differences moreantilism port A, Contributed to growth of representative government, written by the Pilgrims on the Mayflower in 1620. B. First colonial legislature that served as a model for other colonial legislatures. , Puritan dissenter that believed in separation af church and state and treating Native Americans fairly. He was banished from Massachusetts Bay and helped found Rhade Island. D. Escaped religious persecution; founded the colony of Maryland as a haven for Catholics. E. founded in in Virginia (vA) in 1607 for economic profit. F. Contributed to growth of representative government, the first Constitution in the colonies. G. English Quaker leader that founded the colony of Pennsylvania: argued, that slavery contradicted their religious beliefs. Hi, Colonized to profit from fur trade in Great Lakes Region. I. Puritan dissenter that defied Puritan law by holding Bible study in her home. She was banished from Massachusetts Bay and helped found Rhode Island. J. spread Christianity increase wealth (gold), new sea routes (hopefully to Asia), and expand empires by claiming new territory. KK. Founded the colony of Georgia as a barrier from Spanish lands claims close to British colonies (South Carolina) and economic opportunity for English debtors. L. Founded Connecticut for religious freedom and wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut that extended woting rights to. non-church members. distance self-government ‘town meetings transatlantic slave trade Contributed to growth of representative government: ttance from England, Mayflower Compact, and town hall meetings. Boston, Charleston, and New Orleans are___ean cities cuca an economic system that forced the colonies to send raw materials to England and to purchase manufactured goods form England. Colonies developed a strong tradition of Sat -_covemmace .as a result of salutary neglect (non-enforcement of British laws). Puritan __ssnmesinge lead to development of Puritan self-government. Demand for slaves on plantations, due to the profitability of cash crop agriculture, contributed to artic save eal geographic aiterences_|ed to different economies in the colanial regions. Color colonial regions below. New England Colonies © ascii, deep harbors, and harsh winters, so economy was based on trade, shipbuilding, and fishing © Established for cuisine freedom (Purltans/Pilgrims) ‘Major City: Boston, Massachusetts oie, ‘Ronin ‘i Middle Colonies 4 "Breacbasket" colonies; shal _was.a major a crop «Deep babe Mild (moderate) climate Oo nga © mesic \ Southern Colonies Fertile soll slavery, plantations Cash crops —__woasea rice, and indigo (cotton comes later) © Long, hot summer + Long __giewing season O teutera ert eects tee Causes American Revolution Fill in The Blank Appalachian civil disobedience representation Boston Tea Party French & Indian War writs of assistance boycotted Intolerable Acts civil mercantilism nesrtism prevented colonies from trading with other countries. Proclamation of 1763; Colonists forbidden to settle west af the _aggaacuan Mountains (Britain wanted a buffer zone between colonies and Native Americans, but Colonists wanted the land) Parliament passed acts to recover costs of defending colonies after the seat Brian The acts contributed to Revalutionary War because their_cui liberties had been violated. Colonist were opposed to laws being only passed in Parliament — “No Taxation without someon __" became the battle cry af the American Revolution ist boyd British goods Bion Tena — Baston rebels dumped 18,000 pounds of the East India Company's tea into the waters of Baston harbor as a protest, because the company was not being taxed to sell tea, but the calanial tea sellers were. Some historians consider this event an act of __ow ecbodionce After Stamp Act cok buena a : British reaction to the Boston Tea Party; closed the port of Boston Until the tea was paid for, cancelled town meetings, troops quartered in private hames, rts ot assisince — blank search warrants used by British officials to search for smuggled goods, inspired the 4" Amendment protection against unwarranted search and seizure of property. American Revolution Matching F__ 1. The Crisis 42. Yorktown _1 3. Saratoga _4_ 4, Treaty of Paris 1783 _4_ 5. Thomas Jefferson A 6. Common Sense © 7. turning point 8, unalienable rights x_ 9. grievance 8__ 10. Marquis de Lafayette £11. Thomas Paine S__ 12, France H__ 13, Declaration of Independence A. Pamphlet exp! Great Britain ing why we should declare independence from B. French military advisor to George Washington; Used his own money to buy clathing for the American troops. G.a point at which a significant change occurs. D. life liberty, and pursuit of happiness as defined by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence E, Wrote Common Sense and then The American Crisis which inspired the Americans to continue their fight for independence. F. "These are the times that try men’s souls, the summer saldier and the sunshine patriot...” This pamphlet encouraged soldiers to keep fighting even though victory didn’t seem possible at the time. G. foreign ally that provided us with a navy and weapons HL. Document that declared that the United States was free and independent from Great Britain on July 4, 1776 1. A turning point in the war because the victory convinced France to become our ally; renewed patriots hope and secured foreign recognition J. Britain recognized US as independent country K.a complaint L. Final major battle of American Revolution; leads to the Treaty of Paris 1783. M. Primary author of the Declaration of independence. Grievance in Declaration of Independence Addressed in Constitution Imposing taxes on us without our consent States have representation in Congress, which sets taxes (Article 1) Colonists not allowed to speak against the King 15T__ Amendment — freedom of Speech Quartering large bodies of troops among us sap Amendment ~ no quartering of Troops in peace time Homes searched without warrants [writs of assistance] TH__ Amendment—no unwarranted search and seizure Depriving us in many cases of the benefits of trial by jury ST4_ Amendment —right to speedy public trial (criminal cases) _zL Amendment ~ trial by jury (civil cases) Seven Principles of the Constitution The ate defines the limits of power so the elected afficials cannot do Limited Government whatever they want. EVERYONE MUST OBEY LAWS. EVERYONE. Elected ois serve the people. in a constitutional republic, laws are made by Republicanism these elected officials. sand 2th branch has a way to control the athers so that ane branch of government cannot Checks an have too much __powor (example: Senate approves treaties and presidential Balances appointments} Power is distributed between the federal (also called national or central) government Federalism andthe sus _. Some powers are shared (taxing, prisons); others like regulating interstate commerce are only for the federal government. All of the branches of government have different jobs. Separation of [FGISLATIVE=__aewe __the LAWS, __owcue _= ENFORCES THE LAWS (president) Powers and JUDICIAL: ‘ntorprat THE LAWS + judges) Popular Political power rests with the __gaoa __. Ex: "WE THE PEOPLE"-Preamble; consent of Sovereignty the governed—from Declaration of Independence Individual _ Bill of Rights. individual rights are civil liberties that all human beings are entitled to Rights possess, The oust it : First ten amendments added to the Constit Signed by King John in 1215, the Mayra cwin__ influenced due process right in the Constitution, Both the English Bill of __syrs and the Constitution protect against excessive bail and fines, and cruel punishment, Bill of Rights Matching Activity Ist Amendment K. Powers reserved to the states. £__ and Amendment B. Right to due process of law, freedom from self-incrimination, double 8 __ rd Amendment Jeopardy. _f __ 4th Amendment C. Right to keep and bear arms. Sth Amendment D. Freedom from excessive bail, cruel and unusual punishments. 6th Amendment a ‘th Amendment E. Other rights of the people. _b_ &th Amendment F. Freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. _e__ 0th Amendment G. No quartering of soldiers. _s_. 10th Amendment HL. Freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. I. Right to a speedy and public trial in criminal cases J. Right of trial by jury in civil cases Articles of Confederation WEAKNESSES: ‘One vote per state 9/13 approval to pass laws NO power to-collect tes _ = NO money ‘STRENGTHS © Declare wy and make pases * Held the country together during the ‘American _ Revolution tenes NO __ executive branch . Norns Crinarce allowed NO __ sass branch for the creation of new states + NO power ta regulate interstate commerce trade} Sous __Bebaien showed that the government could not keep _ovs anda stronger central government was necees The Articles of Confederation was the first written __governmers __of the United States. The Articles created a loose confederation of states anda ___ sk ___central government, leaving most of the power with the __saw governments, The Founding Fathers accepted Articles of Confederation because that feared a strong central gavernment would abuse its power Articles of Confederation was hard te gavern because of 9/13 vates for appraval CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION ISSUE: Population The Great Compromise / ‘Virginia Plan: Large states wanted Two House, legislature representation based on si House of Representatives: based on ‘New Jersey Plan: Small states wanted —ssusien__ of each state representation Senate: Each state has two Senators, “— representation ISSUE: Slave Population Three-Fifths Compromise Slaves counted as _ 3 ‘ofa person toward representation and taxal Southern states received _ nc representation and increased political influence in pou ofp Southem states wanted to count slaves toward representation but not taxation. Norther states wanted to count slaves toward taxation but nat representation. +e Inwhieh year was the Constitutional Convention held? 1787 ‘What City? Philadelphia ANTI-FEDERALIST FEDERALIST WHAT TYPE OF Poor___tamere inthe PEOPLE WERE THE sealny __ merchants and som and West businessmen in the __nom SUPPORTERS? ck gta mason, nd NAME THE KEY inner wihvop LEADERS (8) {phan exacerbation, ajo xy Wanted more power for the STRONG CENTRAL a3 states 40 they could OR STATE sovernmment att govern at a local level GOVERNMENT = ® The fadaaisy Papers argued AnthFederalist writings argued that a KEY the need for a stronger central and Bil of igh was needed to protect cll liberties DOCUMENTS? tried to convince state delegates to ratify the Constitution RATIFY? Opposed esas hy wer cred ns For boca ay beloved song re natal grommet eo WHY OR WHY fermecme tay eee reg ome ccm list of leaters: Alexander Hamilton, George Mason, James Madison, John Jay, Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson New Republic: Parade of Presidents GEORGE WASHINGTON © Farewell Address: Avoid __ootica parties and _swid foreign alliances! oF © Whiskey Rebellion: Farmers rebelled against tax on whiskey. Washington sent traops, showing the strength of the new government, Rebellion challenged the idea that ‘. government could pass and enforce laws (example of domestic struggle) + Preskdemblal _excoicis _s Washington set precedent for future presidents of having advisors * Disagreements between Alexander Hamiltan and Thomas Jefferson contributed to the formation of 1st political parties fe < * Disagreements between Federalists and Democratic Republicans about First Bank of the United States, tariffs, and extent of federal power contributed to the formation of political parties + Hamilton Financial Plam: assume states___uay and establish.a national tae FEDERALISTS: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS. © Led by __ Arar: ation * Led by _ twas eeron establishment of national bank was necessary * Farmers and laborers for the stability of the nation’s economy Supported local tand * Supported local government and _ jing government power © Merchants and manufacturers STRAT . ae 2 be INTERPRETATION of ° Constitution + Supported uaa central government Constitution JOHN ADAMS * Nominated lohn Marshall to . Affair: French Agents demanded a = Supreme Court. Marshall wrote bribe and in exchange, they would stop attacking Supreme Court decision that American ships. US refused to pay. established principle of judicial * Alien and ‘Act: allowed the review (Marbury v Madison) president to remove immigrants if they were established principle used by all disloyal (Alien) or if people wrote anything false courts ta strike down any law that the court ‘or harmful about the government, they could be deems unconstitutional jailed or fined (Sedition). This law put restrictions ‘on 1 amendment freedoms of speech & press. THOMAS JEFFERSON . Lousiana Purchase: Doubled size of + _SliveTiaie _ Act of 1807: the US in son caused a decline foreign trade * Lewis & cos Expedition: Mapped that damaged commercial the Louisiana purchase with assistance from shipping industry in New Sacagawea England - JAMES MADISON ‘of the Constitution” © War of 1812 War of 1812: Between US and Great Britain © _oaasamant_ of US Sailors Increased US manufacturing since the + Shipping interference British _biociage created a shortage of © British aid to sigs Amaicans doth and other products, leading to and urbanization Event Stgnifieance British set fire to many buildings; Dolly __madiwon _ saved portrait of George Attack en Washington, DC washington from White House fort Mellen tonsa _sua_ tau wrote our national anthem, the “Star Spangled ame Banner" Battle of New Orleans Avira; ___Jackoon_ defeated the British and became a war h Ended the war; ne clear winner- no land gained/lost by either side Treaty of Ghent JAMES MONROE Monroe Doetrina: Warned European nations to stay away from the Western Hemisphere US saw itself as the protector of __Ux__ America - Era of __coss Feeling: nationalism (pride in one’s country) after the War of 1812 ua ceded to the US fram Spain Important Court Cases Marbury. Established Judicial Review ~the principle used by all courts to strike down any law Madison that the court deems uncoruahaor McCulloch v. Federal government is upheld as the supreme law of the land. Confirmed that Maryland having a national is legal Gibbons v. Ogden Only federal government has power over Interstate foooso + Worcester. Court ruled that only the federal government had authority over native tribes Georgia and that the state of __ cui, could not force the Cherokee to leave their homeland; President uuu refused to enforce the court's decision & they were forced to leave anyway Dred Scotty. Sued because he had been taken to a free territory, Court denied citizenship: Sanford of African Americans; sues were considered property. sssus Compromise ruled unconstitutional. South supported the dec nat. & North did an STEPS TO STATEHOOD The Northwest Ordinance Cangress established the method for admitting new states to the Union in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The Ordinance also established process for the territories to govern themselves and outlawed __ sins 1. Label all the states on the map. 2. Highlight the Mississipp| River, Ohio River and Great Lakes, 3. Use a bright color to outline the area of the Northwest Territory 4. List the five states that are a part of the Northwest Territary ince, can, and Michigan Industrialization Matching K 1. Free Enterprise System _°_ 2. Industrial Revolution | __@. interchangeable parts 1. 4. Chinese _p_ 8. Irish f 6. Immigrants tT. Cotton Gin D8. Telegraph K_ 9. Factory System f__ 10, cottage industry _€ 11. Rapid Industrialization O12. Push Factors 13. Pull Factors: _g__ 14. Steamboat 9 16. Railway System. A 16. Erie Canal _N__ 17. Rapid Technological Innovation O18, urbanization Mihnajor effect was rapid growth of cities in the Northeast; NYC became vital commercial center and busy seaport Bl Production of goods transitioned from homes to factories; Job on cities increased, aricuture became more mechanized, pices of consumer goods decreased; people move to cities [Plmajor changes in transpartation, communication, and manufacturing; leads te improved production and increased competition [Bl method of rapid long-distance communic El allowed more efficient mavement of goads along waterways FFlcome to America due to expansion of available labor. Plirish moved to US because a major erop failure caused starvation during potato famine | contributed to rapid industri more efficient ization, by making the praduction of goads [Beasy reptacement of parts; mass production = lower prices = goods available now te everyone, not just wealthy [Bimmigrants who came to the west coast and helped build the transcontinental railroad EE Freedom of choice, profit mative, personal property rights, competition, and little government invalvement; better system for US than mercantilisin EL contributes to the expansion of the plantation system by increasing profitability of slavery TMi chinese came to US because of economic boom (gold) in the West Nlovestment capital, new means of transportation, and large labor force (immigrants) al lead to this. (@)helped expand commercial markets of US companies Fl Work on Erie Canal in New York and the transcontinental railroad in the West, movement from farming communities to industrial sectors found in cities [Bi Production of goods in people's homes. VS. JOHN INCEY ADAMS Election of 1624 + Jackson Is first presidential candidate fram the __cemmcmc Party * Role of Henry Clay in selection in John Quincy __Adums and the * cont Bargain’ Election of 1628 (Jacksonian Democracy) + Expanded suffrage—___proneny requirements for voting ended In many states increasing the number of eligible voters * Spoils $ystem—political supporters are rewarded with government __ be 5 allows average person more experience in government + Jackson’s election signals a shift of power to the “__canpen man" JACKSON VS. THE NATIVE AMERICANS + Indian Removal Act— prompted by American's desire to expand plantations westward & to acquire land where _ Soe was discovered; Native American tribes were ordered to move west of the shai) River + Worcester v. Georgia—John shal rules that Native Americans ean stay in their homeland; Jackson uve, thet ruling of the Supreme Court and forces Native Americans ta move anyway * Trail of Tears—one quarter of the Native Americans__e on the trip fram their homeland to modern day cut JACKSON VS. THE BANK + The Bank of the United States was extremely powerful and it controlled the nation’s money supply. + Jackson viewed this bank as a bank made up of elitists run by private wealthy bankers. + Healsofelt the bank was wuoiivina —_despitethe —aecutoey Ws _ nary ruling. + When Jackson was given the option to sign a renewed charter bank bill, he decided to veto it instead. Jackson placed government funds in western __ nui JACKSON VS. SOUTH CAROLINA Nullification Crisis + Tariff of Abominatlons—Southerners strongly _coauee a tariff becalise they are dependent on trade with Europe and often receive credit (not cash) for their exports + Doctrine of Nullification—belief that states should “nullify* laws that they feel are _uscoosiiviccna) (states’ rights) * Threat of Secession by South Carolina ends when Jackson prepares to use military force (coves Bill) + Henry Clay proposes __comicmise Tariff of 1833 lowering the tariff rate; South Carolina drops threats to secede. Economic Political Social Rapid exnanis__ growth «Expansion of borders | * Removal of Native Americans + Inexpensive land for _ and territory + Escape religious + Economic depressions * Expansion of slavery persecution—especially Foreign trade routes from the « President James K. Shaan —fusite_ Ocean Polk was committed | * Anew or better life + Opportunities for business fulfilling Manifest Belief that it was the fate of ‘+ Mineral deposits diseovered-____ | Destiny the US to expand from sua + Transcontinental __faivoad to shining aa Cacia by Great tain BS Oregon Couniry Za SoS ST “eatyotPars___ Acquired after acquired after ty divided United States and British claims lord Acquired from Spain aaaten Purchase Acquired to aid in the construction af a southern transcontinental railroad that would support settlement of territory gained through US-Mexican War After religious persecution ___Nacms relocate to Salt Lake City, Utah Galtorva (Gold Aush_ Population increases dramatically after gold is found at Sutter’s Mill Mexican American War Causes: admission of __teus to Union contributed to outbreak of Mexican American War James K. Polk asks Congress to declare war with against Mexico due to Mexican attacks against US territory Boner dispute over Souther boundary in Texas Effects and Impact: US gained the Mexican Cession (New Mexico, Arizona, and California) with the Treaty of Guadalupe __jsisign led to conflict over whether new land would be slave territory or free territory Sectionalism: Loyal to your region over the country as a whole North South West * Factories, bankers, merchants | __agiutie_hased * Farmers/pioneers © sspporins tariffs * Cotton/slavery * Mining * Industrial economy © Dida support ‘* Neutral or split on the * Free states tariffs shu issue © Believed in_swes rights Revival= renewal The guarantee of religious __ressen brought groups to the country from many different, faiths First Great Awakening Representative Government Religious revival that swept through |——} (People have a vaicey ‘the U.S. in the mid-1700's Social Reform Second Great Awakening the U.S. in the mid-1800's Inspired a wave of social activism Religious revival that swept through 4+— inspired to join reform movements to address social prablem Name the correct reformer(s) to accompany each description orton Dis Visited prisons Found chained mentally ill people Edueate public on treatment of mentally ill Harree taachee Abolitionist Author wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin sold 300,000 copies Led attack at Harper's Ferry US arsenal Killed supporters of slavery during Bleeding Kansas Susan anthony Fought for women’s suffrage First women on a cain Frgdick Douglog former slave became a great speaker abolitionist wrote “The North Star” tit Tan former slave. freed 300 slaves conductor of Underground Railroad “moses of her people” Willa iow Garripog abolitionist publisher wrote “The Liberator” founder af Anti-slavery society Tempore Movement to restrict the consumption of alcohol reformer lawyer father of education made many improvements to schools —__Etrabath Gaty Suen demanded social and political equality Organized the Seneca Falls Convention Weote Declaration of Sentiments uate Religious group argued that slavery violated Christian principles Led to more participation by females in social reform CIVIL WAR ERA Protective Tariff: Tax on imports Helped Norther scm because it caused more Americans to buy American goods by increasing the price of European goods Soh did not support tariffs because they traded with Europe, and they did nat want to. pay a higher price for goods Event Leading to Chvll Wer Significance Created by Henry Clay- allowed Missouri to enter as a_siw_ state and Maine as Misouri @ _te _ state, therefore maintaining the balance af power in the Senate. Compromise | Temporarily relieved sectional tension. Declared unconstitutional in Dred Scott decision. Created by Henry Clay-__ carton entered asa free state, Mexican Cession territory could vate for themselves, Both freedman and escaped slaves were Sa aia eer teel ecto eter ten Fugltve Slane ats increases tensions between North and South. Abolitionist gain momentum in North due to its passage Allowed slavery in Kansas and Nebraska to be decided based on oogust Kansas Nebratha Ace | SO¥ereignty, which caused illegal elections and violence-—- known as *__ssooany Kansas" Supreme Caurt case - Dred Scott sued for his freedom and lost the ease. Declared Dred! scott the __Mssow__Compromise unconstitutional; denied citizenship rights to African Americans (later reversed with the _1__ amendment) Election of te6o | *'t°'—u election, South Carolina seceded, fallowed by the other Southern States States’ Rights: the argument that federal powers should be limited, and the states’ powers should be extended. _swinon states used this argument to protect slavery. Northern Southern Advantages Advantages Bigger population + Military experience and skills * Technology, industry, and wealth © Fighting in fariliar/ —wottnomn territory; know the terrain * Better commanders Greatest impact on the outcome of the Civil War was the economic differences between the Union and the Confederacy Union Taetie: Enforcement of embargo and naval blockade (__inuuia Plan) so Confederate states were unable to use agricultural exports as revenue

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