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Learn and Build a career in

Landscape Design


Select One Indian and One International Landscape Architect, and carry out a
critical analysis of any one of their projects.

You can write design elements and approaches which appealed to you, and
also the elements you feel could have been done better.

In the end, prepare a chart of the similarities and differences you feel in both
of these projects.

Collect and compile the images with the respective text in a single slide
and submit as a jpeg/png.

We have provided an example for the output to give you an idea of our

You can use any software from word or ppt to present this. We want to see your
understanding and not your software skills.

You have to submit just 1 output elaborating your observation from your
selected images.

Please submit this by 2 PM IST on 16th September, 2021.

Link for submission:

Attempting the task will help you get through some of the more theoretical aspects of the
workshop! Everyone has to participate. You don't need to spend a lot of time on this (20
mins to 1 hr max).

We will be discussing some of these tasks anonymously during the workshop to tell you how
these observations can be used to derive a design language and understand the pattern &
trends. This workshop will only be productive if you actively participate in it. Looking forward to
your submissions!

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