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Some people think that learning foreign languages is waste of time

and money.
There is no doubt that languages is one of the most controversial
issues in the modern the world. Some people believe that there is no use
to learning languages, while others think that it helps to learn a lot of
new things.
I consider that learning foreign languages has a lot of
advantages(преимуществ) To begin is helps develop the brain. Also, if
you study different languages, you will be able to
maintain(поддерживать) communication with foreigners and travel
around the world. In addition, we can get acquainted with the customs,
traditions, art and values of other nationalities. The final reason is that
such knowledge gives privileges in getting a job.
However, other people have a different point of view. They think
that people do not need to learn languages because nowadays there are
many dictionaries and translators. They argue that the money and time
spent on this can be used more efficiently. Moreover, leaning language
is a long process and a lot pf people are lazy to do that.
As for me, I cannot agree with this opinion because we do not have
a book with translation and the Internet always. So, I think that
languages have a big role in the life of society and make it easier.
In conclusion, I would like to state again that languages broaden
your horizons and help you learn about people's cultures.

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