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Fines de la educación Paraguaya

Paraguayan education seeks the training of women and men in construction of their own
personality achieve sufficient human maturity that allows them to relate comprehensively and
in solidarity with himself, with others, with nature and with God, in a transformative dialogue
with the present and the future of the society to which they belong, with the principles and
values on which it is based.

By guaranteeing equal opportunities for all, it seeks that men and women, in different levels,
according to their own potentialities, are qualified professionally to participate with their work
in improving the level and quality of life of all the inhabitants of the country.

At the same time, it seeks to affirm the identity of the Paraguayan nation and its cultures, in
the understanding, coexistence and solidarity among nations, in the current process of
regional, continental and global integration.
Objetivos de la educación Paraguaya
1. Awaken and develop the skills of learners to reach their fullness.
2. To form the ethical conscience of the students so that they assume their civic rights
and responsibilities, with dignity and honesty.
3. Develop values that promote the conservation, defense and recovery of the
environment and culture.
4. Stimulate the understanding of the role of the family as the fundamental nucleus of
society, especially considering its values, rights and responsibilities.
5. To develop in the students their capacity to learn and their attitude of investigation
and permanent updating.
6. To form the critical spirit of citizens, as members of a multiethnic and multicultural
7. Generate and promote a participatory democracy, made up of solidarity, mutual
respect, dialogue, collaboration and well-being.
8. Develop in students the ability to capture and internalize fundamental human
values and act accordingly with them.
9. Create adequate spaces and nuclei for social dynamization, which are projected as
an experience of self-management in the communities themselves.
10. Give technical training to students in response to job needs and changing
circumstances in the region and the world.
11. Promote a positive attitude of students regarding Paraguayan multilingualism and
tend to the affirmation and development of the two official languages.
12. Provide opportunities for students to learn to know, appreciate and respect their
own body, and to keep it healthy and harmoniously developed.
13. Guide students in the use of free time and their ability to play and recreation.
14. Stimulate in students the development of creativity and critical and reflective

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