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 He sustained multiple blunt injuries, including complex vascular, nerve, and soft tissue

damage to the right upper extremity. He also sustained bilateral humeral fractures.
 but the patient was observed to have deformities of both upper extremities.
 Initial vital signs were systolic blood pressure (SBP) 90 mmHg (no
diastolic blood pressure could be measured), heart rate (HR) 90 beats per minute (bpm),
respiratory rate (RR) 20 breaths per minute (rpm), Glasgow coma score (GCS) 15.
 Upon the patient’s arrival at the hospital, the right upper extremity was pulseless, and no
motor function or sensation was observed. The right upper extremity had suffered a laceration
and soft tissue loss in the axilla and exhibited minimal bleeding.
 A computed tomography (CT) scan with contrast
revealed no flow in the right axillary artery, a left pneumothorax.

D5 LR 1L to run at 8 hours
With IC
With O2 support via nasal cannula regulated at 2-3 L/min.
VS, I & O, GCS monitoring Q1

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