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Good Morning, I would like to say thank you for coming to my presentation. It's great to see you all.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nadia Chintya

The purpose of the presentation is "social media effects on young people"

The millennial generation is very proficient in using internet-based technology. The existence of this
digital technology makes us all connected to social media which has gradually become an addiction for
teenagers in generation Z and the millennial generation. This addiction makes them feel at home for
long opening social media via smartphones or tablets. Social media that are often used by teenagers
today include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Line, and others.

Social media is an online media that can connect its users to interact, share information, and create
content. That's why the term content creator emerged, a person who creates content on social media in
the form of videos, photos, or writing. Social media has a great influence on a person's life because this
platform is able to present interaction between two people who are very far apart.

Although liked and used by almost everyone, it turns out that social media has a dark side. There are a
number of negative impacts of social media that are difficult to avoid.

1. Trigger cyber-bullying

Indirectly, social media makes it easy for teenagers to change their character or appearance according to
the ideal standards of most people. There are already many famous people who often become victims of
cyber-bullying because they do not meet certain standards or expectations from netizens. This is very
bad for the psychological side of a person because it can cause severe depression.

2. Interfere with other activities

In general, teenagers have to study and do school or college assignments. But social media is often a
very annoying distraction. Many students are lazy to do various other activities because they are too
busy playing with their social media.

3. Being antisocial

Too much virtual interaction can make us seem to forget how to interact with people in the real world. If
we are not careful, social media could prevent people from building healthy relationships with their

4. cyber crime

Cybercrime is something that is becoming more and more common these days. On social media many
people are duped because criminals use fake or friendly accounts to look for certain information. Today
there are so many new ways to commit crimes that we need to be vigilant about using social media.

Thank you so much for your attention.

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