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Assignment 1

Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

Community Teaching

1. Identify two (2) issues related to the audience’s or learners’ needs that you must
consider in preparing the presentation, lesson, or teaching module. Briefly explain why
you need to consider these two (2) issues.

Audience: Community Dwelling Older Adults with Diabetes who are attending physical therapy
at Baliwag Malasakit Center (Rural Health Center) and their Support Group (such as family
members and caregivers)
Topic: Diabetes and Exercise: Understanding the Disease (Symptoms, Causes, and
Management) and Importance and Effects of Exercise in Older Adults with Diabetes

Things to consider:

a) Generational Differences
Cultural differences will not be of concern in our community teaching because we will be
conducting our activity in a community of Filipinos in a chosen barrio in the Philippines.
Audiences living in the same community, we may assume that these learners may have
similar cultural beliefs and traditions, language, and religious practices. And with us
being aware of their needs and beliefs we may be able to provide teaching methods
congruent with their culture. The biggest concern that we need to consider in teaching
this community is the diversity of generation of this group. Since we initially target an
audience of elderly with diabetes, but we wanted to have their family members and
caregivers to also be involved in the learning. We will be having audiences that are older
adults, who will be people aged 55 above. Family and caregivers aging from 21 to 54
years old. We will be having audiences from Generation X to General Z probably. With
this is mind, we should incorporate learning preferences that will be based on their
generational characteristics to be able to engage our audience in learning. Create
strategies and activities that will engage and optimize their learning. We will consider to
teach them through materials such as handouts and brochures, lectures, group
discussion, video presentation and interactive games to make teaching lively.

b) Learning Preferences
Considering our group of audience of diverse ages and generation, we also have to
consider the differences in their learning styles and preferences. We have learned from
Kolb’s that every learners are individuals with unique and distinct learning styles. Having
a group of audience with diverse learning preferences will not be challenge as we are
taught to remember that it is most effective to use all 4 learning styles to support our
teachings and always assume that all types of learners are in the audience. We will be
able to encourage them to use their preferences and at the same time engages and
challenges them in approaching learning out of their comfort zones thus enhancing their
learning and retention of information. Teach around the wheel by presenting examples,
theories, discussions and the time to reflect and apply the learnings.

Assignment 1
Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

2. Create five (5) learning objectives for the presentation with at least 1 objective in the
affective learning domain. Assign the hierarchical level and explain the rationale for that
level for each of the objectives.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of the session, the learners are expected:

1) To have a better understanding on what diabetes is including medical

background, cause and symptoms, risk factors and other complications that
come with diabetes and how the disease affects the quality of life of our

It is very important to introduce the community to develop awareness about the disease
and having deeper understanding of the disease we will be able to help them be
educated on how prevent and manage diabetes.

2) To completely identify the signs and symptoms of diabetes in the elderly.

After introducing the background of the disease, to go deeper, we need to teach them
what are the signs and symptoms of diabetes specific to the group of elderly since they
are our target population.

3) To recognize the different impact of diabetes on social being and quality of

life of elderly.

Diabetes is not only a disease that affects us physically, it is very important to know that
is can also greatly affect our patients’ mental and social state (issues like depression). It
is very important to be able to determine these one by one and learn on how the patient
and family caregivers can cope and address these issues. It is also the best time to
introduce a support group in the community for our elderly with diabetics and believe
that it will get a good response from the audience who are interested.

4) To completely learn the importance and effect of physical activity to patients

with diabetes and be able to safely participate in the demonstration of low
impact aerobic exercise.

One vital part of management of diabetes is doing exercise. It is very important for our
patient be able to learn of the number of benefits and positive effects of physical activity
in managing their diabetes. It would also be a great opportunity to be able to teach and
demonstrate to the community a low impact aerobic exercise regimen for our diabetic

5) To teach family and caregivers ways on how to help the elderly with diabetes
(more specifically addressing the special needs of elderly with diabetes)
including demonstration of proper diabetic foot care and other self-case

Assignment 1
Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

This education is not only for our patients, it is important to get their families and
caregivers involved in their care, with them understanding the disease will also
understand what our elderlies are going through, thus appropriate care and support will
be given to them.

3. Discuss at least two (2) appropriate teaching methods to address the objectives. Explain
why you chose them and how you would use them.

Teaching Methods to use:

a) Audiovisual Presentation

We may watch a narrative/education film about diabetes, followed by discussion of topic

and other concerns about the disease. Most of the people are visual learners, which is
why for me, including a movie related to the topic will help them understand the disease
since they can relate to what they will see.

b) Active Demonstration

Actively learn proper self-care for diabetic elderly such as diabetic foot care and hygiene.
Audience participation is also needed in teaching them the aerobic exercise prescribed
specifically for elderly with diabetes. I believe actively doing the task would initiate
retention and a great idea to make learning more fun and lively.

4. Provide an example of a formative assessment method and an example of a summative

assessment method you would use to determine whether the learners have met the
objectives. Support why you chose each of the two (2) methods.

Formative Assessment – Observation and Games

Observation will be very helpful in understanding our audience, we can determine what they
already know relating to the disease, what issues we need to focus on and be able to identify
best methods on how our audience will learn. Incorporating games can help us make the
audience more involved and make the class environment more engaging and lively. Based on
my experience, it is very helpful to have the audience get a glimpse of what to expect and learn
about the session.

Summative Assessment – Practical Demonstration and Reflective Essays

At the end of the session, return demonstration of proper diabetic self-care management may
be one of the best assessments to determine our audience learned and achieved one of our
objectives. Reflective essays may also be a good idea to evaluate what they have understood
about the seminar and how they would apply it in their daily activities and probably a good
chance to ask for suggestions on other issues they wanted to discuss the next time we got to

Assignment 1
Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

5. Provide an example of a formative assessment method and an example of a summative

assessment method you that would like the students or audience to use to evaluate the
presenter’s (your) teaching. Support why you chose each of the two (2) methods.

Formative Assessment – Open Forum or Questioning

At the end of discussion of each topic, students are given the opportunity to ask questions
about the topic. It may be an open forum wherein other listeners may also contribute to the
discussion based on their experiences and knowledge about the topic.

Summative Assessment – Instructor Performance Evaluation Survey

Evaluation Sheet may be distributed at the end of the session to evaluate instructor’s skills and
to be able to rate the performance and effectiveness in class. Also, audience may give
suggestions for improvements in teaching methods and environment for the class.


Plack, M and Driscoll, M: Teaching and Learning Physical Therapy from Classroom to Clinic (2 nd
Edition), Slack Incorpotated, 2017.

Assignment 1
Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

APPENDIX: Presentation Outline

Slide 1 – Ice Breaker

(play a 5 minute dance along workout video)

Have all the audience participate in the workout

Slide 2 – Cover/Introduction

Understanding Diabetes:
Self-Care Management and Improving Quality of Life of Elderly with Diabetes

- Discuss the relevance of the previous activity with our discussion of topic
- Discuss a little introduction of the topic

Slide 3 – Objectives

- (Short Video Clip related to Diabetes)
- Etiology
- Risk Factors
- Complications

- Discuss the outline of our objectives for today’s activity

- Ask their goals and questions they wanted to answer in attending this discussion

Slide 3 – Definition and Background

Assignment 1
Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

- (Short Video Clip related to Diabetes)
- Etiology
- Risk Factors
- Complications

Slide 4 – Signs and Symptoms

How would I know I have Diabetes?

- Signs and Symptoms in General
- Signs and Symptoms Common in Elderly

Slide 5 – Social and Psychological Issues

Social and Psychological Needs of Elderly with Diabetes

- Social
- Psychological
o Depression
- Community Support Group and Activities

Slide 6 – Prevention and Management

Prevention and Management of Diabetes

- Medication
- Diet

Assignment 1
Santos, Kirsten Gail A.

- Physical Activity/ Exercise

- Diabetic foot care

Slide 7 – Post Quiz/Activity

Prevention and Management of Diabetes

- Medication
- Diet
- Physical Activity/ Exercise
- Diabetic foot care

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