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DERLEME/ REVİEW Kocaeli Med J 2018; 7; 1:54-58

Chemical Burn Injuries

Kimyasal Yanıklar
Ayten Saraçoğlu1, Mehmet Yılmaz2, Kemal Tolga Saraçoğlu2
1Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Derince SUAM Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Kliniği, Kocaeli, Türkiye

Kimyasal yanıklar sıklıkla koroziv maddelere maruziyet Chemical burns often develop after exposure to corrosive
sonrasında gelişmektedirler. Tüm yanık türlerinin %10,7’sini, substances. They include 10.7% of all burn types and 2-6% of
yanık merkezine hasta kabullerinin de %2-6’sını the patient admissions to the burn center. Chemical compounds
oluşturmaktadır. Kimyasal komponentlere bağlı hasar 6 farklı possess 6 different types of damaging mechanisms; reduction,
mekanizmayla ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bunlar redüksyon, oxidation, corrosion, protoplasmic toxins, vesicants and
oksidasyon, korozyon, protoplazmik toksinler, yakıcı desiccants. The characteristics of chemical burn injuries
kimyasallar ve kurutuculardır. Kimyasal yanık hasarının include skin discoloration and contractures, having rarely
karakteristikleri arasında ciltte renk değişiklikleri ve korozyon, regular shape, perforation in the gastrointestinal tract with the
nadiren regüler bir yapı, gastrointestinal kanalda perforasyon, risk of severe systemic toxicity and mortality. Compared to the
ciddi sistemik toksisite ve mortalite riski yer almaktadır. thermal burns, the wound healing process following chemical
Termal yanıklarla karşılaştırıldığında yara iyileşme süreci burn injuries is markedly slower and also frequently related
belirgin derecede daha yavaş olup sıklıkla hastanede uzamış with a prolonged stay at the hospital. Moreover, generally the
yatış süresiyle ilişkilidir. Ayrıca yanık hasarı genellikle burn injury results following a prolonged exposure to the
kimyasal ajana uzamış maruziyet sonrasında oluşmaktadır. chemical agent. White phosphorus burns are good examples
Beyaz fosfor yanıkları bunun iyi bir örneğidir. Progresif nekroz for this process. It should be considered in presence of burns
gelişen yanıkların patogenezinde akla getirilmelidir. Acil with progressive necrosis. Emergency resuscitation is crucial
resusitasyon hasar yönetiminde önceliklidir. Evde oluşan for the management of injury. Most frequently observed agents
kazalardaysa sıklıkla sebep sıvı amonyak ve nitrik asiddir. in home injuries are liquid ammoniac and nitric acid. For
Kimyasal yanık hasarı tedavisinde halen altın standart yeterli chemical burn injuries the gold standart of treatment still is the
miktarda su ile yaranın irrigasyonudur. Kimyasal yanık hasarı irrigation of the wound with a copious amount of water. It is
prevalansını azaltmaya amaçlı olarak koruyucu önlemlerin important to take protective measures in order to reduce the
alınması önemlidir. Genel nüfus ve önleyici stratejilerin prevalence of chemical burn injury. Nation-wide campaigns
farkındalığını artırmak için medyanın tam desteğiyle ülke with full support from the media are needed to raise awareness
çapında kampanyalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Kamu spotları, of the general population and preventive strategies. Public
medya organları, özel kuruluşlar, hekimler ve hastalar bu service broadcastings, media organs, trade unions, physicians
amaçla birlikte çalışmalıdırlar. and patients should work together for this purpose.

Anahtar Kelimeler: kimyasal yanık, hasar, mortalite Keywords: chemical burn, injury, mortality

İletişim / Correspondence:
Dr. Ayten Saraçoğlu
Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye
Başvuru Tarihi:04.11.2017
Kabul Tarihi:22.01.2018 Keywords: Female athlete triad, nutrition, stress reaction
Anahtar Kelimeler: Kadın sporcu üçlemesi, beslenme, stres

Saraçoğlu A ve ark. Kocaeli Med J 2018; 7;1:54-58

INTRODUCTION unrestrained rise in the armament rate of chemical

Chemical substances are commonly used as weapons of mass destruction constitutes one of the
industrial products. There are over 5 million well- primary reasons for the increased rate of burn
known chemical compounds and 300 of them were injuries. There are many types of chemicals with
reported by the National Fire Protection various features and potency thus exposure to them
Association as chemicals with a very high level of results in a broad spectrum of burn injuries ranging
health hazard (1). At the moment more than 65000 from mild burns to life-threatening ones. Some of
different types of chemical substances are present these burn injuries respond to medical treatment
on the market and approximately 6000 new types while others may require surgical intervention.
are added them each year. Direct exposure to some Compared to the thermal burns, the wound healing
of these chemical agents unevitably result in process following chemical burn injuries is
chemical burn injury. markedly slower and also frequently related with a
Incidence and outcomes prolonged stay at the hospital (9). Moreover, the
Chemical burns constitute roughly 10.7% of all burn injury results following a prolonged exposure
burn injuries, 2-6% of all burn-center admissions to the chemical agent. White phosphorus burn is a
(2) and 30% of all burn-related deaths (3). The good example for this process (10). It should be
epidemiological features of chemical burn injuries considered in presence of burns with progressive
vary among different countries; but they also necrosis. Emergency resuscitation is crucial and
display domestic differences in a specific country simple for the management of injury.
according to the geographical location, There are various other factors affecting the
neighbouring industrial developments and even the intensity of a burn damage including the
military state of that country being at war or at concentration of the chemical agent, the amount of
peace (4). On the other hand the uncontrolled the burning substance, the duration of skin contact,
expansion of chemical weapons in the developing the penetration and the mechanism of action. Under
countries constitutes one of the primary reasons for certain circumstances the primary chemical reaction
the increase in burn injuries. Thus the still goes on even after the arrival of the patient in
epidemiological studies of various countries and the emergency room (11). The damage of the
regions are of importance both for preventive and chemical burn injuries most frequently occur on the
educational purposes. There are some study results skin and in the digestive system (12).
on chemical burn injuries in Turkey but these
studies are either confined to children (5,6) or they Compared to other types of burn injuries chemical
reflect only the eastern part of the country (7). burns occur relatively rarely, nevertheless they
mostly produce serious damage on the deep tissue
Types of chemical injuries level. The burned tissues usually involve muscles,
Chemical compounds possess 6 different types of tendons, articular capsules and organs situated on
damaging mechanisms; reduction, oxidation, deeper levels. The relatively lower incidence of
corrosion, protoplasmic toxins, vesicants and chemical burns results in burn cases with
desiccants (2). Chemicals can be classified as acid, occasionally missed diagnosis, poor management or
alkali, organic and inorganic compounds. Alkaline inaccurate treatment applications due to the lack of
compounds cause liquefactive necrosis on the experience of the health professionals. The deeper
surface epitelium of the skin whereas acid tends to involvement of the damaged tissues and its serious
penetrate into deeper levels. Acid-related burns implications on the patients health result in a
result in release of hydrogen ions which in turn prolonged rehabilitation period with an obvious rise
cause coagulative necrosis; additionally they also in medical costs. Thus especially at the working
induce dry necrosis thanks to their water absorbing places the augmentation of the preventive measures
properties (8). They are frequently utilized in and the appropriate training of the physicians and
various fields including pharmaceutical industry, the workers gained particular importance in the
agricultural practice, paint industry and cleaning recent years. These patients need to be referred as
solution manufacturing. On the other hand, the
Saraçoğlu A ve ark. Kocaeli Med J 2018; 7; 1:54-58

soon as possible to a burn center where a burn team with a low socioeconomic status. Liquid nitric acid
specialized in this type of injury is going to take also is a frequently used solution to clear clogged
care of them. waste pipes. This corrosive agent is a cheap and
Xie et al. (13) reported male predominance among easily-found product in local stores and
patients with chemical burn injuries. The general supermarkets. The ‘traditional usage’ of such
tendency of male population to have a physically chemicals can easily give rise to severe
more demanding occupation with a relatively consequences, especially for the pediatric age
greater risk for injury is suggested as the main group. When these children are left unattended and
reason behind this gender-specific difference. the plastic bottles are within their reach they can
42.2% of the patients in the study led by Xie et al. easily end up with ingesting these chemical
have been operated. The presence of a more solutions. Nation-wide campaigns with full support
experienced team immediately following the from the media are needed to raise awareness of the
incident or during the transport of patient from general population and preventive strategies have to
another medical center could successfully decrease be applied promoting the cessation of the
the application rate of surgery and shorten the aforementioned dangerous practices. Those children
postoperative rehabilitation period. admitted to the hospital with ingestion of a
corrosive agent face a difficult medical course
Some of the studies reported in the literature exhibit starting with upper gastrointestinal system
national variability. In Taiwan (14) and Tasmania endoscopy, many successive dilatation procedures,
(15) most of the victims were male; on the other prolonged hospital stays and resulting in growth
hand, no significant difference was found between retardation. These injuries have negative influences
male and female patients in Jamaica (16). The not only on the psychological and physiological
incidence of chemical burn injuries was reported to development of the patients but also on the national
exhibit a peak in spring and summer (3). However a economy.
study led by Kai-yang et al. (17) was unable to
demonstrate a seasonal pattern. Acid burns has been Treatment and cautions
most commonly observed in workers of the coating For chemical burn injuries the gold standart of
industry whereas alkali burn injuries most treatment still is the irrigation of the wound with a
frequently happened in soap manufacturing copious amount of water (11). In conjunction with
industry. Among the patients admitted to the several other studies reported in the literature the
hospital, negligence, carelessness and sulphuric acid constituted one of the prevalent
underestimation of the possible consequences are causes of acid burn injuries in our study (18,19).
generally the most frequent causes of injury. Industrial workers are frequently exposed to
Although have been previously warned verbally sulphuric acid, which is a cheap chemical agent
and through several precaution signs on the walls, often utilized in car batteries and the leather
construction workers may still fail to wear gloves, industry. It is also handled in many laboratories,
boots and caps most of the time. Thus, following cleaning material producing factories and in the
any accident which takes place during production textile industry. One of the major issues noted in
and transport stages of the corrosive agents burn several studies is the fact that many victims have no
injury ensues. idea what he/she has to do following the exposure
to a chemical agent. The immediate removal of the
Most frequently observed agents in home injuries contaminated clothes and the irrigation of the
are liquid ammoniac and nitric acid. This is wound with copious amount of water are sometimes
especially true for those patients transported from life-saving (20). Terror assaults constitute one other
eastern part of Turkey or family members with a important risk factor in developing countries and
history of emigration from east Turkey. These chemical agents are among the various weapons of
solutions are rather cheap thus they are usually mass destruction. Regenerating agents (RGTAs) are
bought in huge amounts, stored in recycled plastic effectively used biological agents for the treatment
bottles and used for house cleaning in communities

Saraçoğlu A ve ark. Kocaeli Med J 2018; 7; 1:54-58

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