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8 feeling feel felt will feel 9 |on in off of 10_| sneezing sneezed sneezes ll sneeze W_| blowing blew has blown will blow 12_| carrying along | carrying aside carrying away carrying upon Sok soaeerrmonssioame oe _ Test 14 Read the text below. For “each of the empty space (12) choose the. correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 4 A baby’s cry (1) , and the King and the Queen rushed panic- stricken to where their little son (2) in his cradle on a raised platform at the head of the hall. The little Prince’s fat, pink face was twisted into dreadful lines; he opened his mouth wide several times and half closed it again; then, opening it wider than ever, he sneezed a terrible sneeze. There came a loud clap of thunder. When the confusion was over, the Court Astrologer was found (3) into an eight-day clock, with a sun, moon, and stars arrangement, a planetary indicator, and a calendar calculated for two thousand years. The banquet ended rather gloomily, although the gifts of the other fairies, such as health, wealth, and beauty, managed to make everyone (4} more cheerful. When the guests were gone, the King and Queen (5) Doctor Pill, the court physician, to consult him (6) the measures which ought (7) to prevent the Prince’s sneezing. As for the poor Court Astrologer, he was hung up in the sacristy of the cathedral, and every eight days his wife wound him up, with tears. “What shall we do, doctor?” asked the King rather mournfully. “The Prince must be preserved from the things which (8) sneezing,” said the doctor sagely. “Such as draughts?” suggested the King. “Draughts, head-colds, snuff, and pepper,” answered the leech. “Let his little highness (9) into a special suite of rooms; admit no person to them until he has been examined for head-cold, and (10) _* germ-proof garments, and as his little highness (11) older, forbid the use of pepper in his food. Better still, if Your Majesty has a castle in the mountains, let the Prince be taken there for the sake (12) the purer air,” A B Cc D 1_| hear heard was heard had heard 2 | lie lay lain laid 3__| to has turned__| to be turned to have turned have turned 4 (afew [a little many less 151 5__| sent for sent in sent about sent from 6 | on regard in regard to with regard in regards 7__ | was taken been taken being taken to be taken 8 | cause causes caused causing 9 be put ‘was put will be put has been put 10 | was put on has put on put on had put on 11_| grow grows grew will grow 12, | on in at of. Test 15° Read the text below. For each of the empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 5 “There is the tower on the Golden Mountain,” said the King. At this the Queen (1) to weep again, for she, quite naturally, did not wish to part with her child. “But, my dear, we can’t have him sneezing, and things changing all the time,” said the King. “1 beg Your Majesty to consider the danger of a head-cold,” (2) the doctor. “Yes, think of the danger of a head-cold,” echoed the King, who saw (3) than the Queen the chaos that might result if the Prince was attacked (4) a prolonged fit of sneezing. “People with head-colds may sneeze ten or fifieen times a day.” “Or fifty,” said the doctor. “Or fifty,” echoed the King again, (5) his head, for he was torn between paternal love and kingly duty. “Lmagine fifty enchantments in a day! By eventide the whole kingdom (6) upset, undone, and the people plotting a revolution.” “The tower on the Golden Mountain is in a fine healthful locality,” said the doctor, “and the Prince could be (7) as happily there as in the palace.” So at length the Queen consented. In (8) days the tittle Prince, who had not sneezed a second time, was removed to the tower on the Golden Moun- tain. His room, (9) by Doctor Pill, was completely protected from draughts, and every breath of air that entered it was tri-bi-sterilized. Mrs. Pill, who had been a hospital nurse, took care of him. Three times a week, (10) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, his royal parents rode out to the tower, and after (11) germ-proof garments, were admitted to the nursery of their infant son. And so the years went by. Nobody was found able to break Malvolia’s speli, and the clue to (12) undoing had been carried away by the wind. Malvolia herself had disappeared. 152 A B c D 1_| began begin begun beginning 2 | puton put off put after put in 3 clear clearer clearest clearly 4 |on beside by over 5 __| shake shakes shaken shaking. 6 | will be would be has been had been 7 bring up was bring up brought up had brought up 8 [afew a little more fewer 9 | design designing designs designed 10 | in on at out 11 | puts on put on putting on will put on 12 [it its it’s it was “ Test 16._ os Read the text below. For each of the empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 6 ‘The Prince became a handsome little boy. Accomplished teachers taught him history, music, drawing, dancing, and all the other things that a prince ought to know. But of real life he knew almost (1) at all, His most faithful friend during these lonely years (2) a French poodle, who spoke both French and English exceedingly well. Of course, he had a marked canine accent, rather growling his g’s and howling the aw’s and the ow’s, but his words were well (3) and his vocabulary extensive. Never was seen a more friendly, wise, and devoted animal. When the King decided to have him sent away for a while, for he feared that his son was getting a touch of Poldo’s barky manner of speaking, from too close an as- sociation, the little Prince (4) teally ill from grief, and the King (5) to alter his decision. During his imprisonment in the tower, in spite of all precautions, the Prince sneezed three times. At the first sneeze, all the dogs in the kingdom except Poldo changed into cats, and all the cats into dogs, Though this (6) a serious trouble, the change was certainly inconvenient. All the dog-cats came out meowing at people as the dogs (7) at them, and they chased people down the street; the cat-dogs, on the other hand, stayed in the kitchen under the stove, and (8) mice in the pantry. Great St. Bernards might be seen licking their paws and rubbing them over their foreheads, and fat, old cat-lap-dogs used (9) to purr. At the second sneeze, all the elderly gentlemen (10) seventy changed irito elm trees, a proceeding that caused a terrible lot of trouble. 153 At the third sneeze, ali the people in the pictures at the Art Museum became alive, and for a week the soldiers of the royal guard spent most of their time (11) poor, bewildered fauns, satyrs, nymphs, Roman senators, and long dead celebrities and historical personages from the worst destitution. The King finally (12) build a special castle for them. A B Cc D 1__| anything something nothing everything 2 | be was were are 3__| choose chose chosen choosing 4 | became become becoming becomes 5__| force is forced was forced has forced 6__| were not was not is not has not 7 use to bark is used bark used to bark gets used to bark 8 watch for watched for watches for watching for 9 to try try tries trying 10 | at over behind above 11_| rescue rescued rescuing rescues 12_| has to had to will have to must voortuernenapewinneyvranmeoncwsng vy POST, vented Read the t text below. For each of the empty space (1~12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 7 As the Prince’s twenty-first birthday (1) near, he began to feel very sad at the idea of (2) to stay shut up in the tower all his life. Though he was a very brave and very manly young man, he lay down on his couch and GQ) in sorrow, Suddenly, (4) with his forepaws on the coverlet, “Why do you weep, dear master?” said the little dog. “At my fate,” replied the poor Prince. “I cannot bear (5) that T may have to spend all my days in this tower, and never see the great wide world.” The poodle was silent for (6) minutes. At length he said, “Dear Prince Rolandor, do not (7) hope. Have you ever thought of consulting my old master, the Giant of the North Pole? He has a large chest in his palace full of secrets which the winds (8) , and perhaps the key to Malvolia’s spell is (9) them. If you have a warm fur coat and four fur boots made for me, I (10) to the Giant and ask him.” The Prince gave his consent, and on the next day the royal tailor made the poodle a magnificent sealskin coat and four splendid fur-lined boots, Then the King 154 (11) him good speed, the Queen cried over him, and the Prince, who could see from his high tower every corner of the kingdom, watched him till he (12) over the hills and far away. A B Cc D 1 | draw drawn drew drawing 2 | have having has had. 3_| weep is weeping wept was wept 4 | stand standing stood stands 5__| thinks thinking being thought to think 6 | fewer a little a few less 7 ive in ive at ive Uy jive about 8 | has overheard | have overheard had overheard having overheard 9 | amid among amidst, between 10_{ is going to would go is going will go 11_| wish wished wishes wishing 12_| disappear disappearing disappeared to disappear Test 18 cpictaduehamtsstceatinuns Read the text below. For each of the empty space (12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 8 Straight north the poodle ran. Soon he (1) the fertile plains behind him, and entered great, black pine forests where never a road was (2) . The cold wind howled through the trees, and (3) night the brilliant stars sparkled over the dark and waving branches. Hungry wolves and savage bears often pursued him, but somehow he always (4) to escape them all. At the end of the forest he found the frozen ocean lit by the shuddering light of the aurora, flashing in a great fan from east to west. Past white-tusked wairuses and sleepy penguins he flew, till on (5) day he saw the green, icy pinnacles of the Giant’s palace against the waving curtain of the Polar lights. (6) the evening of the twelfth day he entered the castle. The Giant of the North Pole was a tall, strong, yellow-haired fellow (7) a crown of ice and a great sweeping mantle (8) the white fur of the polar bear. His servants were the Gusts,--strange, supple, shadowy creatures moving quickly to and fro,--and his courtiers were the whirlwinds and the storms. The Giant’s wife sat (9) his side; she had dark hair and eyes of icy, burning blue, “Welcome, little Poldo,” said the Giant; and his voice (10) like the wind in the treetops; “what seek you here?” 155 “I seek some words of the Fairy Malvolia which (11) by the northeast wind at Prince Rolandor’s christening,” replied the poodle. “Whew, 00-00,” whistled the Giant of the North Pole. “If I have them, the words (12) yours.” A B Cc D 1__| had left has left have left will have left 2 | was to be seen been seen to _be saw 3_ [in at on of, 4 managed manage managing to manage 5__| eleven the eleventh eleventh an eleventh 6 [At In Out On 7__| wear wore: wearing, worn 8 make from made from making from will make from 9 jon among, with by 10 | sound sounded have sounded will sound 1 | 8 carried have been cartied | ore carried aw: ay had been carried awa: away away 12 | be are being were Test 19 Read the text below. | For each of the empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 9 He summoned two Gusts (1) the chest of secrets. It was made of black stone; and edged with diamonds of ice. In it (2) _ all the mysteries which the wind had ever overheard; there were secrets, confessions, vows, merry laughs, and simple. words. And sure enough, in the corner of the chest (3) the rest of Malvolia’s spelf--a row of little, old-fashioned, dusty words; the words: “Until he (4) someone brave enough to marry him.” So the good poodle learned the words (5) heart, thanked the Giant, and hurried home with the message. When he came to the King’s palace, he ran, barking with joy, right into the King’s own room. There he saw the unhappy parents. (6) the last of the sentence?” cried the Queen. “Yes,” said Poldo. “The spell will end when the prince (7) ” That very evening the King and the Queen sent forth ambassadors to ask for ihe hand of the loveliest princess of all Fairyland, Princess Adatha of the Adamant Mountains, But so afraid was Adatha of (8) into something else, that she refused the offer. 156 The King and the Queen then made a request (9) the hand of Princess Alicia of the Crystal Lakes. But Alicia also was afraid of being turned into (10) else, and she too refused the alliance. So did the Princess of the Golden Coasts, the Princess of the Seven Cities, and many (11) Finally the only princess left in all Fairyland was a princess who herself lay under an en- chantment. A jealous witch had turned her golden hair bright blue, and given her a nose a foot long. This unhappy maiden was the only princess willing (12) poor Rolandor. A B Cc D 1 | to bring forth to brought forth ovate beet will bring forth 2__| is stored were stored was stored will be stored 3 {lay lie laid lying 4 | find found : finds finding 5S jat by from off 6 Have you found You have found Found you have | had you found 7 marries married marrying to marry 8 | was turned is turned being turned having turned 9 _| before for from because 10_| something anything nothing, somebody it_| other the other others another 12 | accept accepting to accept being accepted Test 20 Read the text below. For each of the empty space (1-12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). PRINCE SNEEZE Part 10 The wedding day (1) . The Prince, though perhaps a little pale from his confined life, looked very handsome, and (2) his ugly bride to the altar like a man. Just exactly as the marriage ceremony was half over, a spasm @) the muscles of the Prince’s face; the poor young man felt strongly inclined (4) Though he could be seen (5) heroic efforts to control the impulse, the audience got very nervous and panicky. All (6) in vain! The Prince sneezed, “Ker choo!” A terrific clap of thunder rent the air, and everybody looked about to see what (7) The effect of the sneeze was an odd one. As it had occurred exactly at the moment when the Prince was half-married, the spell had reacted upon itself. “Just like a kick from a gun,” Dr, Pill said next day. The cats became dogs again, and the dogs became cats; the elm trees became cross, elderly gentlemen (8) their families; the poor, excited Roman senators, 157 fauns, nymphs, satyrs, celebrities and historical personages, went back to their pictures; and to cap the climax, the ugly bride became once more her sweet and lovely self. While everybody (9) _ , who should walk out of the sacristy but the Court Astrologer! An instant later, he (10) into the affectionate arms of the faithful wife who had wound him up for twenty-one years. After the wedding reception, the Prince and his bride (11) a honeymoon to the Enchanted Islands. As for Poldo the poodle, he (12) Prime Minister and lived to a fine old age. A B Cc D 1 arrive arrives arrived arriving 2 | lead led would lead has led 3__| contort comorting contorted will contort 4 to sneeze sneeze sneezes sneezing 5 | make making makes made 6 | was were have been is 7 has happened __| have happened had happened will happen 8 looking for looking at looking about looking after 9 | were cheered was cheering is cheering was cheered 10 | falling have fallen had fallen has fallen 11 | gone on went on goon going on 12_| is created were created was created creates 158 SECTION IV WORD FORMATION Nouns Task.1 Study the information in the table. Noun Suffixes -er added to a verb is used for the person who does an activity: writer, worker, singer,... (sometimes -or, as in actor, sailor, supervisor,...) -er/-or are also used for things which do a particular job: fin-opener, projector, ... -er and -ee can contrast with each other, meaning “person who does something” (-er) and “person who receives or experiences the action” (-ee): employer/employee, .. -(Hion is used to make nouns from verbs: communication, pollution, admission, ... -ist (person) and -ism (activity or ideology): marxist/Marxism, terrorist/terrorism, ... -ist is also used for people who play musical instruments: pianist, violinist, ... val is added to some verbs to make nouns: arrival, refusal, ... ness is used to make abstract nouns from adjectives: happiness, goodness, weakness, ... -ment is used to make abstract nouns from verbs: excitement, enjoyment, .. -hood is used to make abstract nouns, especially family terms, from nouns: childhood, brotherhood, ... -ship is used to make abstract nouns, especially status, from nouns: friendship, member- ship, partnership, .. -(i)ty is used to make abstract nouns from adjectives: honesty, loyalty, ... Task 2 Do the exercises. Practise the noun formation. 41, Form corresponding nouns. to add- to admire: to celebrate. to compose-, to cooperate- to decorate- to devote- to dictate- to educate- PEN AVR eN 159 10. to examine- AL. to inyite- 12. to observe- 13. to protect- 14, to subtract- - 15. to translate- 2. Make nouns from each of the following adjectives and nouns. 1, true (happy) 2. asign of (weak) 3. to treat somebody with (kind) 4. his own greed and (selfish) 5. in early (child) 6. happy (adult) 7, to live in peace and (brother) 8. a religious (sister) 3. Give the noun form of these verbs. I. improve (get better) — govern (contro! affairs of a country, city or town) manage (direct or control business) elect (choose somebody by voting) spell (Lo write a word} inform (tell someone something) discuss (talk about something usually seriously) jog (running as a form of exercise) SIAN 4. How do you cail someone who does the following? someone who drives a car is a someone who translates is a someone who studies the mind is a someone who studies the economy is an someone who teaches children at school someone who acts in movies is an someone who plays football is a someone who designs buildings is an someone who takes pictures is a 10. someone who employs people is an 11, someone who works on a ship is a SEI AWRYN 5. Use the word in bold to form the noun which refers to the person who does that job. 1. A person who acts for a living is called an 2A is someone who earns money from wri ing music, 3. She didn’t become famous as a until her 17th novel was _ published. 160 One who works at a particular occupation or activity is an office An is someone who will be able to go through your accounts and work out how much money you have. to the castle are expected to come during visiting times only. A woman who plays the piano as a profession is a | like listening to music, especially when Sally’s playing the violin. She i is a pro- fessional . we eI 6. Complete each of the sentences by inserting the noun formed from the verb in brackets. Kids love secret codes. Parents love impressing friends and family with well-behaved children. It’s the perfect (1) (combine). Discuss with your kids a Q) (state) or (3). (act) that is code for “remem- ber your manners!” Maybe you'll tap your wrist and ask your son if he forgot his watch. Or you’l! say, “I've been looking forward to this dinner all day.” Others won’t know that you just secretly told your kids to straighten up. Kids will find (4) (appreciate) in not being embarrassed by their parents. 7. Complete each of the sentences by inserting the noun formed from the verb in brackets. Rules for the dieter: Don’t criticize other’s food (1) (choose). It’s okay to express (2) (disapprove) at the gigantic proportions on your plate. Children should hear adults’ (3) (discuss) healthy eating and smart choices — not diets and jean sizes. Don’t be a food (4) (push). 8. Complete each of the sentences by inserting the noun formed from the verb in brackets. Express your (1). (gratify) frequently by thanking others. Be creative! Study the (2) (differ) between needs and wants. Follow the (3) (recommend): make a gratitude list. Remember that there is no (4) (expire) date on gratitude! 9. Choose the correct item. 1, He’s a man of great ... A generousness C generosity B generoushood D generously 2, I'll always remember my ... as a very happy period of my life. A childness C childish B childhood D childless 161 3. We can’t go on unless we have his ... A agreement C disagree B agreeable D agreeability 4, She takes great care about her ... A appearment C appearance B appearness D apparition §. She said nothing in her ... A defensive C defence B defend D defendant 6. His daughter's success gave him great ... A satisfied C satisfactory B satisfaction D disatisfaction 10. Fill the blank spaces with the appropriate word from the list. relationship partnership fellowship friendship membership ownership 1, It’s the story of an extraordinary between a boy and a seal. 2, They offer students counselling and . 3. The club has a of more than 500. 4, Marriage should be an equa 5. The restaurant is under new . 6. [I'm really interested in the between mothers and their children. 11. Use the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. My teacher says there has been a big. in my English lately. (improve) 2. Selling the house is just one that is open to us. (possible) 3. Why did you do that? I thought you had more than that. (intelligent) 4. The singer gave a brilliant ‘on stage yesterday. (perform) 5. Have you seen her magazine ? She must have over 200 editions. (collect) 6. On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of (sad) 7. Animal owners were given leaflets and brochures on how to look after their pets in order to prevent towards animals. (cruel) 8. She has the to pass the exam first time round providing she works hard. (able) 162 Adjectives suffixes Task 1 Study the information in the table. Adjective Suffixes able/-ible with verbs means “can be done”: readable, countable, edible, flexible, ... ~ive is used to make adjectives from verbs: active, passive, ... -al is used to make adjectives from nouns: brutal, legal, ... -ous is used to make adjectives from nouns: dangerous, furious, ... -ful is used to make adjectives from nouns or verbs: hopefitl, useful, forgerfil, ... -less is used to make adjectives from nouns or verbs: useless, harmless, cloudless, ... -ic/-ical is used to make adjectives with nouns: economic/economical, ... -ish can be added to most common adjectives and means “resembling or being in a simi- lar state”: childish, boyish,..., or “to make them less precise”: reddish hair, she’s thirtyish, come about eightish -y is usually added to uncountable nouns meaning a material: sandy, milky, foggy,.... . Task 2 Do the exercises. Practice the forming of adjectives with the help of suffixes. Consult the dictionary in case of any difficulty. 1, Match the adjectives forming suffixes with the appropriate words. 1. interest, tire, bore A. -ic 2. romance, sympathy, science B. -(i)ous 3. practice, nature, logic Cc. -ful / -less 4. like, rely, sense D. -ing / -ed 5. ideal, real, individual E. -al 6. mood, stuff, happiness, cloud F. -(i/a)ble 7. self, child G. (/eynt 8. decision, create, imagination H. -ish 9. importance, tolerate, difference L i 10. mystery, ambition, danger J 11. hope, care, help K. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ul 2. Make an adjective from each of the following nouns. 1, interest — 2. enthusiasm — 3. fluency — 4. sensation — 5. nation — 163 6, democracy — 7. help — 8. hunger — 9. experiment — 3. Form adjectives from the given nouns if possible. !!!! Not all adjectives ending in -ful have a positive meaning Positive meaning -ful Negative meaning -/ess Beauty Brain Care Charm. Event Faith Harm Help Hope. Home Pain Peace Penny Power Sleep Taste Thought Time Use. 4, Complete the sentences using an adjective ending in —ful or in —less. 1. I liked the story very much. [ thought it was . (delight) 2. The man felt no fear when he went hunting. He was really a hunter. (fear) 3. My friend talks all the time. His words are . (end) 4. Children should be to their parents. (thank) 5. Bright flowers make the room look . (cheer) 6. Only a very craftsman could make such a beautiful piece of furniture. (skill) 5. Unscramble the words, 1. full of cheer: heerelflu 2. not happy: pypunha 3. in a gentle way: ylentg 4. the opposite of able: nbleau 5. in a kind way: lykdin 6. involving a lot of risk: edganorsu 164 6. Complete each sentence by inserting the adjective formed from the word in brackets. 1. It was a very decision. (fool) 2. The supermarket was situated in a square. (center) 3. Gold is a very metal. (value) 4. Mark twain wrote many stories. (humour) 5. Susan feels quite in this warm light room. (comfort) 6, The runner was a man of build. (athlete) 7. The group of boys studied the sky through a telescope. (star) B.A person soon puts you at your ease. (friend) 7. In the following paragraph there are fourteen words ending with -ible or -able, some of which are misspelled. Read the paragraph, locate the misspelled words and write the correct spellings in the space provided below the paragraph. Most people thought that Michael, an e/igable bachelor, was an adorable, personible man. Mattie, however, found him detestable. Some time ago, Michael promised to take Mattie to a fashionible restaurant for a remarkible dinner. As Aorrable as it sounds, Mi- chael took Mattie to the local McDonald’s. Most of the food there was either inedable or undigestable. Mattie was as irritable as possable when she told her roommates about her terrible date. “Whoever finally marties that contemptable Michael,” Mattie said, “is certainly not going to be in an enviable position.” 8. In the following sentences, the final four letters are omitted from each -ible or ~able word. Complete each word with the appropriate ending. 1. Last night’s movie about the invis____ man was so incred_____ that it was laugh____. 2. My irrespons. litte brother is usually kept away from anything break___- 3. Are these new clothes really comfort____, or do people only wear them because they are fashion___? 4. | think I would be less irrit___ if my professors were more flex. 5. 1 don’t think voting twice in national elections is permiss__—_. 6. It’s always valu____ to have a friend who is depend 7, My employer said that it isn’t suit, __ to have a secretary whose handwriting is illeg 165 9, Choose the correct item, I didn’t enjoy the film. The story was so... . I 2. I don’t feel very.... about the future. In fact, I’m very worried. 3. I didn’t enjoy the restaurant at all. I thought the food was really ... . 4. You can never trust what he says, He’s so ... . 5. The museum is certainly very .... There are so many amazing things to see. 6, ‘It isa... moment,’ he told journalists. 7. Was King Arthur a real ... figure? 8. Kathy seems to take a very... role in the relationship. 9. We've decided to go to a quiet fishing village with a... harbour. A B c D 1 believing unbelievable disbelief _| disbeliever 2 optimism optimistic optimum optimistically 3 disgust disgusting disgusted disgutedly 4 unreliable reliable reliability unreliability 5 impressed impression impressive impress 6 histerical historable historic history 7 historical historic histeric histor 8 pass passivity passion. assive 9 picture picturesque pictured yp apioted place. 10. Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in the space in the same Working full-time can be a very (1) ... experience for most people; long hours and the pressure to be (2)... in a (3) ... society both contribute to the build-up of anxiety. If you’re feeling (4) ..., there’s no better way to relax than to exercise. However, many people return from work too (5) ... to move. People are criticized for being lazy and (6) .,. and for watching too much television which is not (7) ... to our health. Taking regular exercise can be both relaxing and (8) ... and people who feel healthy often also feel more (9)... . you don’t need to be especially (10) ... to take up a sport: simply choose one that is (11) ... to your character. STRESS | I SUCCESS | 2 COMPETE | 3 NERVE | 4 EXHUAST | 5 ACTIVE | 6 BENEFIT | 7 PLEASURE | g CONFIDENCE | 9 ENERGY | 19 SUIT " 166 Adjectives prefixes Task 1 Study the material in the table. Adjectives Prefixes Prefixes are often used to give adjectives a negative meaning. The most common adjec- tive prefixes are un-, in- and dis-: uncomfortable, inconvenient, dishonest, ... in- becomes im- before a root beginning with ’m’ or ’p’ (immature, impatient), ir- before a word beginning with 'r’ (irregular) and il- before a word beginning with 'l’ (ilegal, illiterate). in- does not always have a negative meaning; it often gives the idea of inside or into: internal,... over- and under- can be added to adjectives and Past Participles, and mean “having too much of a given feature (over-)” and “having too little of a given feature (under-)”: overcooked, underdone, ... Other common prefixes are: a- meaning: on, in, of, not, without; anew ab- meaning: away, from: abnormal anti- meaning: opposing, against: antisocial hyper- meaning: more than normal: Ayperactive mal- meaning: bad, wrongful: maladjusted non- meaning: absence, negation: non-alcoholic pre- meaning: before in time, place, order or importance: prearranged sub- meaning: nearly, approximately: subtropical super- meaning: above, beyond, over: superhuman snutansntaneelOSI sn os nerioma tar aniste Do the exercises. Practice the formation of adjectives with the help of prefixes. Consult the dictionary in case of any difficulty. RSP A 2c RR 1. Add appropriate prefix to make a new adjective. 1, social — 2, honest — 3. legible — 4, mature — 5. acceptable — 6. responsible — 7. leading — 8. happy — 9. fed — 167 10, developed — 11. done ~ 12. crowded — 2. What's the opposite? Choose the correct item. 1, honest A dishonest C inhonest B unhonest D imhonest 2. careful A caring C care-free B careless D careness 3. loyal A unloyal C unloyal B disloyal D inloyal 4. possible A impossible C dispossible B unpossible D inpossible 5. cooperative A incooperative B uncooperative € imcooperative D discooperative 6. active A unactive € disactive B inactive D nonactive 3. Unscramble the words. 1. faster than the speed of sound: suopeicrsn. 2. unable 10 have babies: iienrftel 3. floating on water: laotaf 4, still living and not dead: vaile 5, if you are wrong about something that you thought you knew or saw: eisamntk 6, not polite: cimloitp 7. being planned or happei 8. designed to destroy enemy tank: nait-atkn 4. Complete each sentence with an adjective that best fills the gap. understaffed overweight maladjusted supernatural abnormal hyperactive immoral _ illegible 168 1. It’s to be rich while people are starving and homeless. 2. His handwriting is totally . 3, My parents thought it was for a boy to be interested in ballet, 4, A child who is too active and is not able to keep still or be quiet for very long is a child. S.A child behaves badly and is unable to form good relationships with people because they have emotional problems. 6. My luggage was by five kilos. 7. I was sure in his powers. 8. They are not having enough workers, | think, the office is 5. Choose the correct prefix. 1, legal A il- B im- C re- 2. even A mis- B trans- Cc un- 3. certain A in- B dis- Cc un- 4. fortunate A un- B in- Cc im- 5. direct A il- B un- C in- 6. possible A ir- B im- Cc un- 7. regular A il- B im- C ir- 8. moral A in- B il- Cc im- 6. Match the prefix with the correct words. 1. im- A. organized, honest 2. dis- B. responsible, regular, reparable 3. il- C. logical, legal 4, ir- D. possible, pregnable 5, in- E. lucky, able, tidy, stoppable 6. un- F, decisive, correct 169 7. Write a new word using a prefix: un, mis, dis or in, 1, friendly 2. reasonable- 3. informed- 4, valuable, 5. appropriate. 6. interpreted. 7. approved, 8. predictable. 9, attentive 8. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words from the box. disinterested inaccurate invisible indecent untidy immobile unimportant unusual 1, You can’t go out in that dress -- it’s positively ! 2. She could see a figure sitting , facing the sea, 3. He continued speaking and dwelling on details. 4. He was fined $300,000 for making statements to Congress. 5. Her clothes were in an heap on the floor. 6. Her response was 7. The house was surrounded by trees and from the road. 8. A lawyer should provide advice. 9. Put the word in brackets into the correct form. You will have to use prefixes and/or suffixes. 1, He was sitting in a seat on the train. (comfort) 2. There was a light coming from the window. (green) 3. He was acting in a very way. (child) 4. This word is very difficult to spell, and even worse, it’s (pronounce) 5. 1 try not to go to the supermarket at Spm because it’s (practice) 6. You shouldn’t have done that! It was very of you. (think) 7. He didn’t pass his exam. He was for the second time. (succeed) 8. There was the need for construction when the fighting stopped. (war) 9, The party was. , everything went wrong. (disaster) 10. The film was so that we left before the end. (bore) 11. Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very (common) 170 10. Choose the correct prefix to make negative forms of the adjectives. 1, Helen is____ certain whether to go to France or not. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir- 2. It’s totally ___ rational but I’m afraid of spiders. A dis- B im- Cc il- D un- E ir- 3. It's____ legal to drive when the light is red. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir- 4, Itwas___ possible to sleep because of the noise. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir- 5. He gave the editora___— honest account of events. A dis- B im- Cc il- D un- E ir- 6. Why did you write this sentence? It’s completely ___ logical. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir 7. It will be ____ polite to refuse his invitation. A dis- B im- C i-- D un- E ir 8. He had an__ reliable car. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir- 9, She was taken to hospital suffering from an ___ regular heartbeat. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir- 10. The campaign was hopelessly organized. A dis- B im- C il- D un- E ir- 171 Word Formation Tests Test 1 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. Buckingham Palace has sent out (1) for the INVITE wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Officials have not disclosed who is invited but (2) who follow the | JOURNAL royal family say half of the guests are family and friends. The rest will be leading British (3) , VIPs from all over the POLICY world, and a scattering of stars and celebrities. Of those invited to the ceremony at London’s Westminster Abbey on April 29, a third will go on to attend a (4} reception at Buckingham | CELEBRATE Palace hosted by Queen Elizabeth, and then half of those will go on to a dinner party hosted by Prince Charles, William’s father, [alr l— Test 2. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. For those who want a (1) stylist affair, the UNIQUE Wynn Las Vegas offers its “elegant affair” package. Check that out: $23,090 buys a dedicated wedding (2) ; Private CONSULT limousine, private check-in, all the (3) ceremony | TRADITION elements, beauty salon services, multiple spa (4) , golf TREAT. package for two with personal caddy for cach, two nights in a 2,490 sq. ft villa, and more. But couples don’t need to shy away from the Wynn because of that package, the Wedding Salons at Wynn Las Vegas offers several other packages that range from basic through the Wynn ceremony, at much more (5) prices. REASON 172 turf] ea | bo | me Test 3 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. Enetgy drinks packed full of caffeine may be (1) for children. That’s the (2) of a new report from the University of Miami. Study author Judith Schaechter said popular drinks like Red Bull and Monster Energy have no health benefits. Many of the ingredients used to make them are not regulated. Dr. Schaechter warned that children with conditions such as diabetes, mood swings and heart, kidney or liver diseases may have negative (3) to the drinks and could even die after drinking them. Nearly a third of American children between the ages of 12 to 14 (4) buy these beverages. Sales are (5) rising. American teens say the drinks help them at school. HARM CONCLUDE REACT REGULAR STEADY urietoolr le Test 4 J gumeesasmoct ‘jelsiisiniges cos aoeeeeasyenanmniemnci pom Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals « at the end of each fine to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. Austria is a (1) destination for outdoor enthu- siasts. Go (2) _ in the Alps, enjoy the hiking trails, cycle along the paths or go (3). in its lakes. Yes, lakes. Even though Austria is surrounded by land, the Bodensee is a great water destination. Whatever your (4) WONDER SKI SWIM CHOOSE 173 May be, the fresh air is balm for your soul. Although Vienna is its capital, other cities such as Salzburg, Innsbruck and Linz draw many (5) . Austria is also known for its influence on the | TOURISM opera and classical music. No trip could be considered complete without watching at least one (6) . PERFORM You will come across (7, sites, statues, quaint | HISTORY cafes and restaurants. It truly is a (8) city. One of | ROMANCE the highlights is indulging on the sweets. The Sachertorte is (9) delicious but there are hundreds of other | ABSOLUTE options for you to try. You are on vacation, right? Enjoy it! \o}oo|afen}un] a juo/ro}e Test 5 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided, Some of the best Florida beach destinations for (1). VACATION aren’t (2) those that earn national | NECESSARY (3) as the best beaches. They may not have | RECOGNIZE the best sand or the biggest waves, but what they do is cater to SPECIFY (4). crowds that love them just the way they are, There are other (5). opportunities including wa- | RECREATION ter sports and family-friendly (6) and water parks. AMUSE 1 2 3 4 5 6 174 ess Test 6 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. Madeira is located in the (1) __ Atlantic EAST Ocean southwest of Portugal and off the coast of Africa. The is- land is (2) beautiful with spectacular views and | BREATHTAKING something for everyone. About the only things lacking on Madeira are flat land and (3) beaches. The Madeirans SAND use terraces and bridges to (4) for the flat land | COMPENSATING and take the short trip to the (5) island of Porto NEIGHBOR Santo to sit on sandy beaches. Madeiran vacation is recommended to anyone who loves (6) islands, perfect weather, MOUNTAIN and beautiful flora. aitn| | ue] le Test 7 Read the text below, Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. The letter of (1) =. shows a prospective} APPLY Q) that you know how to write a letter. While this |} EMPLOY may be of decreasing (3) in an electronic age, many | (!MPORTANT employers still value it (4) , both as a skill in its own HIGH right and as a test of your ability to communicate (5) CLEAR and (6) . EFFECTIVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 175 Test 8 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. Rio de Janciro is a city of (1) __ beaches, | SAND (Q) football, sensual samba and pulsating Carnival. | ENERGY It is the place where you go to forget all the (3) of | TENSE (4) life and enjoy some time alone with your partner. DAY Right in Rio de Janeiro, on the Copacabana beach, is one of the fin- est hotels of Brazil -- Copacabana Palace. Catering to the rich and (3) since 1923, Copacabana Palace is one of the first FAME hotels in Rio to be built on the seashore. Forming a part of Brazil’s (6) heritage, the hotel prides itself on its consummate | HISTORY services, delectable cuisine, (7) opulence and elegant | LUXURY (8) . RESIDE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Test 9 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the e1 nd of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. Cocoa trees grew wild in the jungle, and the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations of Central America used them to make. a (1) , Tather bitter drink for special occasions. Centuries later the Aztec Empire fell, and the Conquistador Her- nan Cortés brought cocoa beans back across the ocean to Spain. SPICE (2) chocolate spread across Europe — it GRADUAL was the (3) (4) ____ sof Kings and |FASHION CHOOSE| Queens, the (5) and the rich, just like caviar or champagne today. At the end of the 19th Century milk was added, and at last someone devised a way of making chocolate to eat as well as to drink. But it wasn’t until the 20th century that chocolate became (6) for everyone. So chocolate has been on an epic journey, but its (7) is enduring: prized once by Aztec warriors and today by millions of people around the world. NOBLE AFFORD POPULAR 176 - mafes}an] fog |e |e Test 10 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. It starts with that telltale little tingle, and within a day or two, you have nasty little red sores around your mouth. No likes to have a cold sore outbreak, but (1) there are new (2) available to help TREAT you (3) __ ___ the pain and speed the | MINIMUM @ oo HEAL If you're (5) getting cold sores, your doctor CONSTANT may decide to (6) an antiviral medication — | PRESCRIPTION either a cream or ointment or an oral medication. one FORTUNATE alae) aw, Test 1 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fi answer boxes provided. in the space in the same line. Write your word in the Our skin is (1) affected by (2) __ factors, including sunlight, cold weather, too dry air and so on. As a result, the process of aging speeds up and makes our skin look much less (3) and youthful than we want it to. However, with the (4) of modern cosmetic which gives us great natural revitalizing, rejuvenating and anti aging skin care products, silky smooth skin is not just a dream for many of modern ladies over 30. Besides, they can always try various (5) approaches that have deen used for centuries and have proven their (6) CONSTANT NUMBER ATTRACT DEVELOP NATURE EFFECTIVE 177 furl] ole) Test 12 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. The Algarve is the most (1) region of Portugal and it’s one of Europe’s favourite holiday destinations well known for Q) year round sunshine and excellent sandy beaches. These (3) from secluded coves with amazing cliffs to vast stretches of (4) sand all sea washed by the fresh and clear Atlantic ocean. Inland you will find quaint villages barely touched by (5) _ . Traces of the Moorish (6) are still evident in the local (7) . The orange groves and blossoming almond trees add colour to this (8) region in contrast with the whitewashed (9) houses. Due to the mild nature of the weather the Algarve is ideal for many outdoor sporting activities such as water sports, golf in one of the (10) world-class golf courses, tennis, horse riding, and many more. SOUTH GLORY VARIOUS GOLD TOURIST PRESENT ARCHITECT FERTILIZE TRADITION NUMBER roloofafafulatulrn) a 178 Test 13 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. A sore throat is a common (1} condition also MEDICINE known as “pharyngitis”. Sore throats can be caused by viruses, bac- teria or substances such as alcohol, tobacco or (2). : POLLUTE Sore throats that do not (3) antibiotics or other | REQUIREMENT (4) medications can usually be self-treated by | PRESCRIPTION some simple (5) __ . The common “mild” | INTERVENE sore throat is (6) one which is slightly TYPICAL (7) when swallowing, has a red/irritated PAINFUL (8). and may include a low-grade fever. APPEARANCE, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Test 14 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. The first foppy disk was invented by a team of (1) at IBM in the year 1971. The team was headed by Alan Shugart and the main (2) in the team was David Nobile. The (3) at IBM wanted to create a device which could store (4) for the users as backup for their software programmes and other files. These floppy disks were known as memory disks in the beginning. The first floppy disk was 8” in diameter and was made of plastic material and had (5) iron oxide. These floppy disks were a great success. Later the disk faced some (6) due to its big size and (7) over a longer period. Many companies started on improving the (8) floppy. RESEARCH DESIGN PROFESSION INFORM. MAGNET LIMITATE NON-RELIABLE ORIGIN 179 cofalafiunjmalujrele Test 15_ Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your word in the answer boxes provided. The first telephone was made by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. dd) believe that another (2) HISTORY Elisha Gray also invented the telephone at the same time INVENT Q)_ and both the inventors rushed to | INDEPENDENCE the patent office to get their (4) patented but INVENT Graham Bell got the patent first on March 7, 1876. Graham bell was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh Scotland. His father was a teacher of “visible speech” and helped teachers teach the deaf. Graham’s mother, a portrait (5) and PAINT a (6) lost her power of (7) _ MUSIC when Graham was just twelve. Graham used to help his fa- HEAR ther in (8) and acquired expertise in “visible | DEMONSTRATE speech”. 1 2 3 | 4 | 5 6 7 8 180 SECTION V GAPPED TEXTS Test 1 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Obesity is a common problem today, thanks (1) Tt occurs when you end up eating more calories than you actually burn. Eating habits, genetic makeup, and the nature of lifestyles all together contribute to obesity. Being obese not only weighs you down, (2) including stroke, arthritis, diabetes, etc. In today’s fast-paced life, most people lead a poor way of life (3) including pizzas, burgers, chips, etc, that taste great, but are loaded with high calories. If you are serious about your obesity and are looking (4) , consider green tea dieting. The green tea diet plan is specifically designed (5) in a healthy way. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals from the body. Plus, it increases the metabolic rate in the body which in turn (6) _ To top it all, green tea also limits the intake of unhealthy and unwanted fats in the human body as it reduces appetite. Ato help people lose weight B and eat too much unhealthy food C for ways to reduce your weight D to our inactive and poor lifestyle E when you are hungry F helps you to reduce weight G but also leads you to other health risks H it helps you much 1 2 [3 4 5 6 Test 2 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Losing weight is much easier (1) . Problems in maintaining weight are usually encountered by those (2) mainly through crash dieting. Since they do not follow a specific healthy diet plan, the weight issue keeps on arising time and again. Putting on weight or (3) _ can be very depressing, after all the initial hard work, is important (4) to maintain a stable Therefore, body weight. 181 It is always better to get into (5) , than to continue dieting. Exercise will keep you active and you will also be able to eat all those food items that you avoided during your diet period, though in moderation. Just ensure that you burn (6) through regular workouts. A some useful tips B resuming your previous shape C to make efforts D who lose weight quickly E than maintaining the weight loss F the habit of regular exercise G remain in that awesome shape H those extra calories 1 2 3. 4 5 6 cour cuonese ancrecneaersinminns wane l OSES Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. ’The Ocean Club’ is a five star resort (f) near Nassau, the capital of Bahamas. The exotic location and serene beauty of the resort adds Q) . Moreover, it is easily accessible to tourists, connected via regular (3) . The 185-mile distance from Miami to Nassau International Airport just takes (4) , dropping you right at the island. Paradise Island is located across the harbor from New Providence Island and Nassau, (5) The Ocean Club Resort lies on the east end of Paradise Island, (6) , world leaders, and travelers and residents, who wish to enjoy privacy and luxury in service. A about an hour B flights from Miami C situated on the Paradise Island D contains around 106 rooms E to its versatility F the capital of the Bahamas G is an enchanting Japanese tea ceremony H which is frequently visited by celebrities 1 [2 3 4 5 6 182 Test 4 Read the text ‘below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6), There are two choices you do not need to use. The Cotton House Resort is (1) located on a renowned private island estate, Mustique in St. Vincent & Grenadines, West Indies. It is surrounded by the Caribbean Sea to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. The Cotton House resort pampers its guests with (2) The spa presents a wide range of massages and treatments to stimulate and restore GB) , The various treatments given here promote re- laxation, healing, balance and peace of mind and body. The enthusiasts are attended by a team of skilled professionals, (4) to suit a variety of personalized needs and lifestyles, The spa complex also houses a boutique and gym. The boutique exhibits © , while the gym is (6) A at a5 minute drive from the Mustique Airport B a world class luxury resort C physical and mental harmony D who have developed a range of innovative programs E a well equipped fitness center F the Cotton House Spa G an array of Cotton House logo wear H the most exclusive private islands {1 [2 3 L4 [5 6 Test 5 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Reenrebunncwmemomstcaler ry ohana Sepmeesopee og stissne en Nails may be just a small part of your body, but are (1) by others. This calls for styling them on (2) While there are various styles prevalent in today’s time, French manicure is (3) of styling the nails. The best part is that it goes with the formal as well (4) . In French manicure, you polish the tips of the fingernails (5) . Thereafter, the nails are with sheer polish of neutral color, French manicure goes very well with people (6) or nails of moderate length. A with white nail paint B apply two coats C very much noticed D who have short nails 183 E the most elegant way F as the casual look G shape your nails Ha regular basis 1 2 3 4 5 6 ‘s _Test 6 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Tattoo art is not a recent development; it has been practiced (1) by the Eurasians. Sailors, warriors, outlaws and others used to ink designs or patterns expressing their profession. This art of the Neolithic times have seen several developments to reach (2) . What used to be the property of pirates, outlaws and biker’s gang has now become (3) for the modern people. From schoo! emblems to personalized symbols and Celtic designs, people have found many ways to express themselves, their beliefs and traditions (4) . Tattooing as an art is gaining immense popularity and has led to the introduction of something known as tattoo studios (3) to ink your body. However, if for any reason you don’t want to visit a tattoo studio to get a tattoo, you can put a design (6) yourself. A on a part of your body Ba popular body decoration C where skilled artists use modern tattooing equipments D since the new Stone Age E design you can choose F the present modern era G with their tattoos H to wear a tattoo 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test 7 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. With tattoo studios coming up at every nook and corner, the number of ink lovers is (1) . This form of body art that was once used to mark the identity of a groups of pirates and bikers. Today it is to a certain extent popular with (2) . From celebrities to common man, many can be seen sporting some whimsical tattoo design to be a part (3) . Neverthe- less, you can see many customers looking for a rework done on their existing (attoo designs 184 of Celtic letters which proves to be of no significance after (4) . Therefore, if you intend to ink your body permanently, it is advisable to choose a design that is significant rather than just a random design you can’t relate to later on in time. A dragon is one such tattoo design (5) of inking your body. This supernatural creature is quite well-known (6) and holds different meanings to different people and cultures. ‘A people of all age groups B of all dragon tattoos C that will serve the purpose of your decision D also on the rise E in the world of tattoos F a certain period of time G of the so called trendy crowd H both beautiful and terrifying 1 2 3 4 [s 6 Test 8. Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. The development of cars has had an enormous effect on (1) , all round the globe. This invention gave them the freedom of move- ment, making the world (2) . Cars have changed our life completely and there is no denial to the fact that it is almost a neces- sity (3) now. With globalization, the perspective of (4) has changed. Now, that object of necessity has changed (6) , it is more about the taste and liking of a person. Whether you want to buy a car for functional or status purposes, it will do (6) to know that there are many varieties of cars avail- able in the market today A four-door sedans B not affordable for daily transportation Ca smaller place to live in D owing a vehicle E good for you F of every home G into a matter of status H people’s way of life 1 2 3 4 5 6 185 (RRL et SADC AN OMRIRREE Kal PIED IS EEE MEW ck TEE sua HN Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two cholces you do not need to use, Great Britain is (1) . Britain lies towards the northwest of Continental Europe. It is a big island encircled by around 1,000 small islands. It is located only 35 km from France. It includes Scotland, Wales and England. England is of these. The Tyne, the Thames, the Severn and the ificant rivers (3) . It is the native land of great minds (4) . It is also home to the world’s (5) _ , the inventor of the hovercraft, JK Rowling — the author of the Harry Potter books and the world’s richest football club (6). A like Darwin, Shakespeare, Newton and the Beatles B Manchester United Ca part of the United Kingdom D showing the main landmarks E biggest foreign exchange market F the largest of ail G bigger than that H flowing through the country 1 [2 3 4 138 6 _ Fest 10 es See Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. AGT ES Aa ar naiastee MRE Playing water games is a good way (1) , in spite of the heat around. Water is toved (2) and of- fers your party the option to be a little ‘different’ (3) _ A kids’ party without games is equivalent to no party at all. Games give an excitement to the party. And if they are water games, all the more better! The choice of water games depends (4) . You can either choose to go wet and wild or just switch to games that have water as (5) . While the former requires you to inform the guest (6) , the later does not. A on the nature of your party B to make your party cool C one of their basic elements D players will have a bucket in hand E by almost all the kids 186 F team to fill their bucket G than the usual H to carry certain essentials with them [i [2 3 da TS 6 Test 11 Read the text below, Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use, On a warm, pleasant Saturday in June, the people of Middletown gathered . Cody, Peyton and Klugh, (2) the, made their way through the noisy crowd. Cody’s pet ferret, iff, ran alongside. “J wonder what’s going on,” Cody said to his friends. “It looks like the mayor is going to speak.” The mayor of Middletown stood (3) and called the crowd to order. “Next Saturday our town will celebrate its bicentennial,” he said. “Middletown will be 200 years old!” the crown cheered. “Today,” the mayor continued, “we are announcing a special contest. One hundred years ago, (4) , a time capsule was buried in the oldest building in Middletown. An anonymous donor offered a $ 1,000 reward to the person (5) . The winner will be declared (6) . Good luck and happy hunting!” A during the town’s centennial celebration B where he stood C at the town square D who finds this time capsule E on the bandstand F in the evening G town’s youngest and most curious detectives Hat the next Saturday’s festival 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test 12, Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Temperature is measured in degrees. You may not realize it, but there is more (1) for measuring temperature. The scale most often used in the United States (2) . On this scale, water 187 freezes at 32 degrees (32 F) and boils at 212 degrees (212 F). This is the scale that an American weather forecaster usually reports. Most people around the world use another scale. This scale, called the Celsius, (3) . In the Celsius scale, water freezes at 0 de- grees (O° C) and boils at 100 degrees (100° C). Another scale, (4) , establishes a point of absolute zero, or the point at which molecules have the lowest energy. Unlike the other scales, temperature in the Kevin scale is not measured in degrees, but in Kelvin (K). This scale is closely connected (5) . The differ- ence in freezing and boiling points of water in both the Celsius and the Kelvin scale is 100 degrees, giving both scales the same magnitude. The Kelvin scale is used (6) when working with scientific formulas are more easily expressed when starting at absolute zero. A when it’s cold B than one scale C with the Celsius scale D is called the Fahrenheit system E the Kevin scale F as the international standard G is based on the metric system H for measuring 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] . Test 13 Read the text t below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Squash belongs to the plant family Cucurbita. Popular in Australia and South Africa, a butternut squash tastes somewhere (1) . It has a sweet, nutty taste, which goes sweeter (2) . Butternut squash happens to be a very healthy fruit and is a good source (3) » potassium, magnesium and manganese. Its vibrant orange colour is also an indication of rich antioxidant content. ft is a seasonal crop and is found in abundance (4) : This bell-shaped vegetable can be cooked and prepared (5) From baking it, to roasting it, to toasting it, to mashing it, to steaming it, to grilling it or even trying to frying it, you can do a lot (6) with this vegetable. A when it is most ripe B of experimental cooking, C between a pumpkin and a sweet potato D'with variations to suit 188 E in many different ways F of fibre, vitamin C and A G butternut squash soup H during the winter season I 2 3 4 5 6 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Businessmen, team leaders and managers all over the world spend a lot of time talking to those (1) . The communication can be (2) from discussing targets and problems to trying to close a deal. There are times when some of these people realize that, for some reason, they are not able to understand 3) or a fellow employee wants. There is just one reason for this; they are "NOT” listening to what the other person has to say. If you ever want (4) , you have to start listening to what the other person says, If you can’t listen, then you might as well not talk. If you are smart, then you will talk (5) and without trying to insult the other person. Talking with confidence will help you express your point ef- fectively. If your voice lacks conviction, then the person listening to you is likely to think you don’t know (6) . A because your failure to listen B these guidelines will help you C they work with everyday D what you are talking about £ what the client F to improve your communication skills G to the point H about anything 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test 15 Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to use. ‘Warm welcomes and great ocean views greet you at the Sheraton Virginia Beach Oceanfront Hotel. Situated on the exclusive northern end of the Virginia Beach Board- walk, our direct beach access lets you step (1) of Virginia Beach, - 189

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