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Beginner's POLISH Wanasz-Biatasiewicz OF EUROLINGUA, To my children Luiza and Seweryn _ ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Induction Geography istry and Plies Beonomics ans E Practical Advice foe Everyday Life “Transporation and Commaniestons Money a Shopping Restaurants Recreation snd Tours Intodetions / Farewells ising Cleaners Holidays “Time / Calendar “The Polish Language Language Lessons Pronunciation Guide [Lesson One: Inoduetons : Leston Two: Arrival at Aiport / Renting a Cat Lesson Thee: Local Tanspottion Lesson Four Hotel a Lesson Five: Asking forDireeons << Leston Six: Atte Restaurant a [Ceson Seven: Shopping Leson Eight Pst Office LLeson Nine: Being a Gest esson Ten: Medial Cae [Leson Eleven: Cocktail Party Key tothe Exercises Vocabulary Expressions Polish English 4 Expressions: English-Polish 1 fs INTRODUCTION ‘Te sich oltre and language of Cental and Eason ‘nie nicl and sue steped ination by hs ‘of history. Yet since the Esser a fesse closed societies for over 40 yea under Tiles know about them, boa ‘Win fl of te rom Cua, ae Gouge Eater Eau by te dae ei foots and ee mae Comele, a Cipieng bic opens Sod expt eee Setupped mate” heh an ena ld peer ‘Sci chagts oe ep op Sp [BUROLINGUA was stated in September 1990 0 mee demand for Central and Easter Europea languages a Inston. Our goal isto primarily eve tats ad ‘who deal inintemationa ade Insight ito the people and customs of & county is enjoyment of a tip for mast Comunale travelers Successful ineraticnal vansactons neessiate Know fules of conduct in varios business stations. Bit basic information about the geography. story ad ‘county to be visited, long with rudimentary language ‘make anyone fee moze a home 11s the above consideration hat have brought about this hope tat i will become your fad and gude da Knowledge of customs, manners and some basis of help you enjoy your vit the fale while Bling and conte among te leas. ‘The book has two parts The fst gives you country (geography. istry, ene, eal ‘hile th second pa consists of language Sons. ‘The language lessons are designed for a !smateur. You wil ear useful phrases aad ss well as baie grammar hints The ‘tammaical problems, oe will hey Pepi ey wl each you cough fot caCGRIER domes Srstons ich Jou wl ind dese ‘ Pn sy nd in etl Eaop_ eS Sta. kn 120727 les) an W has wih pl ot ok owl vot ition bans. Admiral Pande ae ‘of bits of information, sufficient to carry out ‘voivodeships (provinces). its border is 3,538 km (2,198 n a collsatons with tc people of the cOunY you Vs, i Ting $24 em 26 mika) ofc an Meith ele many hors of nok reste 2 Heese ste aces snd vcs who ih Joy land ie Jowln ou, seas igh ae al er yas won mf), A chaste ete of Rend a pele geet of popes oh on oy Gene eer ‘Copan be Sey Lie Fond nd atin Genal Pls lovin he Pomcasan Sa Manan inthe Tara Mountains, 2499 m (6119 10. The lo Poland are the Wisla (Vistula) which 187 km (51 the Osa (Oder) of whieh 742 km (461 miles) Dow ‘These rivers averse Poland (rom south (0 ortho Jakes he Snirdy and Mamey, are Heated in the Region ‘The capial of The Republic of Poland @asez ‘Warszaa (Warsaw) isa cy of oer 1S mon nha the Vistula riser The counts 38 milion isbn Polish ntionahiy. 2/3 of he population Hives ia 830 te Poland is you country: 30 per cet of it reached working age. 50 percent of Poles delet Cahois Major cies: Warsaw (1,532,000 inhabit Krak (715,000, Wroclaw ($93,000), Poza (534 (4,000, Szcascin (381,000) and Katowice 350000), Cimate, Poland ies in a temperate climate falfvay between ocean aed continental, A inte lass from the mile of December 10 Shangeable and. capricious prespring "rough the first Rall of Apel when it sal Soring during which tosis iy oetor a n6a8 Mi cccurs during the suany and ry mons of September and Een ot the presi, which precedes the Serpe average anal tmpertues range between $ and Seca sponge prt the coun, te Sed 30 does Ces nthe sha, me ae thy rarely fal bow -20 depres Celso HISTORY AND POLITICS. TEP he’ simone vibe vik Rasta aa Pee tent le oa eee er ae ‘Aer the death of the last member of the dynasty Poland b flectve monarchy. Kings were elected by the genty andthe [th centry was » pedo of wars which sapped the owas inspite of number of pret victories. Ademps at rermig thes Undertaken bythe last king inthe second half the 18h wovght to an end by the partons of Poland between Ati and Russia. Aer the final pation, Poland king Sania Poniiowski abdiated and Poland ceased 1 exist a6 a0 Poles didnot give up hope of regaining independence, They lange army which fought alongside Napoleon tok part inthe S Nations of 1848 and twice rebelled aguas Rus ‘eting defeat in both cass. The independent Repoble of Sialyreboen (fra bret period of 21 yar) in 1918 the partioning powers. ts borders, the esl of Wars Ursainians and’ Soviet Russa, were confirmed by th Versailles and Riga Jn 1939 olan soo up 10 Hier and as le Sgnle and Soviet invasion from the Bas ‘esa, Pole reed the tse 8 felsanee movement. A governments xe Pah sles fog on anos lo i ott ven betwen 1989 scons signed ty the ali powers imposed new fone ovpled with Soviet domination and tbe commnist system, Mooney id ot accep the new, Waliarian ort. A series of ermine in 1980 with anaionwide wave of strikes which She way fe crest of the independent trate union nea the imposition of marl law in December 1981 Poot ble to sop the press of change and atest the decay of the "Gormuniat system. AMierclctions held asa esl of the round table Tittein 1989 the epposton ener Parliament, and in September 1989, ‘the it nn communist goverment was formed ECONOMICS Hct ron st cnet Oa ea cae ca Se Ra ausd tae eee ee cab oral eet Se to oo ar oe fares vot ac i ee a rin oe ol rer oe te ee aarp ee eee eS cael re er a ae ee Se ee Fe Major Indasttes. Poland is one ofthe lags podem of aupeous nds goods nthe word Te count fs numer fourm Earp a the pct of mining machitery and equipment. Slr and pyrite ‘ores hve become the ba forthe evelopment be rdton sult ck and quien wih wich made. Copper, wich tas only fecenly bee decvered in Poland, has been gly ‘ponble for » podctonsneease ithe eect egieing Inds Some of Pounds most sucess expos ae rlleg sock ars and electrical locomotives The achievements of te posta ‘Bonin indy a ale woh ong Te ayn nia and Soren produce se. demanding exsomers Pic yckiag cat vessel sale ‘ound he word and iunphed in Alan ae Natural Resources. Natu bas genera endowed Pld wih ll the bake neesary rescues fra modem economy. Mia col ‘ours (7,000 lon fos pf a depth of 100m, Bo a fd gas bane cnbled Poland (a take second place ia Europe scion of energy fav mein spt of an ot compete ask {petroleum The abundance a ich depois of apt ead andi Solr reek salt potion and Be wean Of 1 mates (Oe “gonsircton purposes (Limestone, marl, gypsum, granite, and Fhe epic Poland not only t sts her own ness foe SSS he ae emitter seer geanier ce mca. Maas ipod ~arge quantities include petroleum, iron ore and phosphorites ARTS Major monuments of the past include the Wawel Royal Case in Krak othe Renaissance town of Zamodé in the east of the eu, [But I is the spiritual hestage tht is primarily responsible foe he ison contnuty and universal relevance of Poh ult ‘The composer Frederic Chopin was bom in Poland; he began composing while sill in Poland and Polish fk susie motifs permeate his Work. Chopin piano competitions are organized in Warsaw eeny five years, stacting (lene Young mucins fom all or the word Polish contemporary music Douishes as wel, with compar sch a. Kraysvot Penderecki, Andre) Panunik, Witold Luteslawski and Henryk Gsrecki Poland also has a vibrant jazz commnity Gee came immensely popu in the 1950s just afer the end of the Sialinit period). Leading Polish jazz musicians inclide Michal Urbaniak or the late Kreysato Komeda, who has seored a numberof Roman Polask's films Poi im scureny in an evolving pid, which may til come to atch the gear days of Polsh cinema in he Nae SO “Te Desslogi’s serie of ins by Krzr Kieowsk, won the Btrocan Cear Awards, Andrej Wajdss‘Man of Io fil aoa. {601970 and 1980 worker sien a Gals won the Glen Palm at the Cannes Fm Fesinal a 198, wile a he 1990 Canes Fl. Festal the Poi cess Kigty lands was avard is for et mam ole Rzard Dugas Itai Polish experimental theater Ias also won a permanent place on the stages of he word hanks 0 te wok of Tes Kates rots Slawonit Mok isthe bet ko ote playrigh Tiree oleh writers were avated the Noel pie foe Tita the novelist Henk Senki, the autora Quo Vai ‘Wasa Reyne (otha he ist quar of is cet) 8 "scaly, the poet Caesaw Mise (19 “Tolsy, Poland is a counry at a Buropean esr Of cultures and cultural spheres eoeTEe PRACTICAL ADVICE FOR EVERYDAY LIFE, a ere ee cern Seieesesc ra ‘TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS Roads “The bes way of waveling o Poland is by plane orca. The rods are 00d, There ae four basic clases of roa in Poland Frotornays| “ia rads all iternationa highways designated with the ever" and highways liking Poland's chet towns secondary roads nel roads inking other localities. “other rads Alloa in Poland, inespecive of ther clas, re provided with a ull ‘ange of ad signs. So ae the transit routes across the cities. Along the main ods, rivers and tourists can repose on ear park sites leat Inthe most scene spots. The more frequented roads are dotted with Toadkide motels, many of whic offer good meals snd 3 sound nights Seepin cozy roms. ‘The sped limit or automobiles: Tin evily populated areas - 60 km ph =chewhere “890 km ph ‘The speed mit for caavan-eiers autos heavily populated areas 6D km ph, “dkewhere 70k ps ‘ntowss and heavily populated ares the public ansportation vehicles palling of the sop have the right of way Road Service fa be cet of cr wale on he route der cn gp 7 filet neairie cer Suchen aye sn ie ops ct re ei ‘cs et atm mi Moeey Foca Wa V3 _ichffes lp oe allowing ons : ence ea SIM P2Mot offer consign the following services in repair of damaged eas in sve sans, aa fouling or epaiaion of damaged care tnedial rcitance, ining spa ea, impo of sae pars require forepar Feel ‘The filing station network is sfficiemly dense. Lewes foc, however. can be bought only i larger towns, Color odes fr fal ‘ype ae red 98 octane gasoline (premium) Yellow 98 cane garoline een 86 octane gasoline ‘The eters ON stand fo diese fue ‘The price per on ier of gasoline lhe average Earopean ae Public Transportation Buses and Teamways these are the cheapest means of warsporaton In every ei. Before boar, buy a tke ata nearby RUCH Bem Sand, hen cance! itn special machine once onboard. Taxi Because af inflaton, the charge o ax mete slip by fitor that shoul be leary displayed inthe vehicle. Alera the ter ad passenger should gre on the price befor, In Wasa cll radio a al eephone 919 Car Rentals tis recommended to arrange thereat hefore depart cuEh JOM ‘evel agen. In Poland, jou can make eecsnyamangonents it RBIs 'RENT CAR at the sort eer Fos IUDGET or HERTZ atthe spt or the Maat Hotel Wasa ‘lie where you ea rent scar ar: Krak, Gas, Wives Katowice Lid, Szczecin. International dive’ ens ese 13 connect Poland with many ics in Europe. The extensive lsh Ralway (PKP) prove goo! conection even with owns thoughout Poland. Most rains cary tWo clases: las for mare eonforabe ave an secon or econo. The pills connections are by fast inter ity tains or by expres tains. Communications ‘Pouage stamps are sl at post ices Iteration phone calls can the made from post offices (operator call, iret al) oe from Ieaclpivate ham phones (ect dl). Tokens for telephone boots ‘antiought at post oices and hacs. Post offices in towns are open fe the hours £20, (© AM-8 PM) but are closed on Saturdays and ‘Senay. In large cites, ove pst office remains open 24 hours a day Using tokens can prove to be 2 problem with long distance calls ‘Magnetic cards are mach easier ows. Telephones accepting magnetic ‘a ave bce intaled i the majonty of Wars hotels They can Also be found at Otgcie Aiport. at he raleaysiations and main post (lfces. Soon they will be aso avaiable on the sets of major cities. “Tere ace two Kinds f cans. One has a capacity of 0 unis. The ter contains 100 units ‘Use ATT Calling Card o call the US and mere than 6S counties ATA operator 0-010-480-0111 MONEY Bie ‘Te Plsh onlay Ui 120 (6.2 wih com re abr gr) Tec bak ce re In ceaton Be Goat. A lage range of com es Tae eee sit 20 and SO gral sesamiae 2 changed in uti or bureaux deciuaga en Sect tung ghye e F i Theale weld onofical caren alee Gt mon a Poland tnd an be wed ely nome ue Ginna checks us scoped i ke BE SHOPPING Shops ae generally open from 11 AM to 7 PM. Def open earlier and close later (without ane break), 24 ote fare, Products of Polish folk arts and eats are avaiable in ‘ops: DESA oes ine ar, painting, seulpure: FEWER ‘wide selection of imported goods ofall Kn Clothing Sizes Women's Dresses, Ete Bai 32 American 10 Continent 0 Men's Suits Bish and American 36 Continent 46 Men's Shirts Bish and American 14 Continental. 36 ELECTRICITY Vonage is 220 AC, SOeyeles. American plugs dono ft Polish ots SBringng akong your own adapters andwansfrmes i advisable RESTAURANTS: “The artof cooking has Jong tation in Poland. Some iypical dishes Tre fecoot sour sour soup, hunters stew, pork chop with cabbage, avi with cheese an bee ie InPoand the gastronomic system consists of ‘Restaurants which ar divided into several categories from tuxury to fuepag TV. Asal they serve fll range of meas, ic, breakfast, ‘Gimer and supp. Besides separate restaurants located in all cities, Tighe extegorg hot also operate sch facilities. In many cites here we Specie’ restaurants which serve Polish regional and foreign eben Higher estegory restaurants also provide entertainment ‘Bars also see full range of meals, but are intended for quick, volume Dasines. With prices lower than in restaurants, the most popula are the mil bars, which serve vegetarian dishes made of milk and mile by-products ases as wells vegetables Cofteeshops serve coffe, tea, cold beverages, panties, aleohol (ines, brandis) Coffer shops in hotels also serve breakfast. In Poland colfee shops are ipa places for social rendezvous ‘Cocktail bars serve: milk cocktails, ce ream, beveragss pss Tans serve range of meals ke resturants In Pond breakfast is served ffom 7-10 AM. dinner 1-5 PM. and supper 6-9 PM. ‘Te proper way 1 wse your viens i a litle diferent from the “Amencan way. Fa with your knife inthe ight hand andthe fork it {your let hand throughout the mel 16 RECREATION AND 1 oun : olan isa county of many young people and eration a omovant role in everyday ile : cies play ee Tint All ccs tae ble bring pale tes not advise ore your bicycle in large cis de ey ie, Insone es psa designed ike pe te ne They ‘eotitcd with an nrtoal ietoerap showings wie eye Gh ‘blue background. x [A number of private health clubs as well as golf cous ae a eginning to spring up around the county. Weekend trips outside of the city ae very pop a most Polish Inetropoltan arcs He within easy Fach of forests ives ores ‘he Polish mountain regions with the towa of Zakopane, known the “winier capital of Poland, atthe foot of the Taty movatins (highest peaks Rysy 2499), offers speticula views along with ample Sppomuntis for skin, biking and ock climbing. ‘The Mizar aks se choice spots for kayaking, canoeing, waterskiing or simply ean tnd caching sone fish, The Bale cossine ($00 Kometes) wih Wide say acess also a popular vacation dextnation hig sn waa as of he coy mak pS as are cence Ela nas i aps acon, ie PRZER wisn Tors tung sae wt he st HOSES Ronan fee among. ea ancy of ob wi ge, Tae Pi au up ei on ee sce eu teh Pein mts 8a a Te Ofsw national park oer he instal gh of eit 20 ‘ace eas pac ihe mse ‘Te soiary water wil find peace, tranguiity nd wasp the Bieszcrady- mounains in the soutbeast Finally & 7 the county offer many opportunites for camping or Jpuning Henin wil find wild hoa, dee, hae and pheasant Hikes ‘an fry walk through frets and across meadows. even won they ae pate propery. Plants towns and cities conan valuable architectural monumens, “The OL Town of Krak and Warszawa have been listed as Cis‘ monuments by UNESCO (ies designated a6 consiting par of Imanking's cultural Renae). A further class T monument isthe Salt ‘Mine in Wilccka (near Kraksw) with underground. chambers and Sats carved in rock sal. Many smaller towns offer unique 15 well such as Zamoss, Kazimier” Dolny, Keigd or In mothers Poland many interesting monuments can be found Jn towns which inthe 13-14 centuries belonged to the Teutonic Knights: the magnificent case in Malbork, ot Torfied cathedral in Frombork, Other interesting monuments of the past include the ‘municipal foification in Pacrksw, andthe park and palace complexes fanging from Keen (near Poena) inthe West, though Wilandw ia ‘Wars, to arcu the southeast (Connoiscurs of modem art can visit 8 muscum of socialites a ‘exalishe inthe palace in Koaldwka ear Lublin, the ial howe of ‘monuments of communist heroes which Un rccaly soc in the ‘market squares of many Polish owns INTRODUCTION / FAREWELLS ‘Greetings in Poland sre more formal snd more guide by rules than in Amenca. Formal getings ae: ‘Wile shaking hands isthe common form of gceing, men often Kis nies hands Iti customary to introduce lady to gealeman and 3 ‘suhorlinae to a superioe, as well as a younger person to an ole ‘person. The same aplis when a handshake i called for reid = Hi Serwus Hello vISITING = at ci fuisnot polit to come cmpy handed. Ifyou happen oe ined oa party ats Polish home, don't forget give your bot a bus ob Fowers, The Poles are crazy about Mowers! Thy love ese hey tn thay do eeeive them on every occasion, even the lea impor Candy or atite of wine alo make good gift Song alcoholic drinks ae usually drunk unde CLEANERS: Prana isa genetic nam of te company whi offers dry cleaning | and laundry services. Express or normal servic isavalable HOLIDAYS ‘The following public holidays ae observed New Yeats Day Usnuary Easier Monday date vars Tabor Day May 3rd May Consiation 3May Corpus he date vases “Assumption 1S August AllSsints Day November Polish Nationa Day 11 November Chrismas 25 and 26 December Allofices, schools and shops ae closed on these da Months ofthe year yeu January ly February maree “March Keviecied April *May June sIly slempied August wresiei September piddricnik ~October Tistopad November ‘gules “December ‘ea godrina? dest ésma. Zakwadrans dom, Wado dziewin Driesgé po dsc (O kee godznic? Za dw godziny. Migrydaiewitg a driesiaa. Kiedy? ‘adzesieé mint. “nk dago to pote? ‘Time ofthe day ‘ypobsie Po olny wwccaée wen0cy ie sw ciage dia a ‘THE POLISH LANGUAGE, "The Polish language belongs othe group of Slavic languages, which “consitute the Indo-Earopean family of languages alongwith the “Germanic, Romance and several ote linguistic groups, “The Slav languages developed from one comuon predecessor, the ‘Proto-Skvi language, Tntally divided ino three dialects, the Ea, ‘West and SoithSlvi, ProtoSlavic gave se to the Vasous Slavic Tanguages. The most widespcad among them at present is. Russian, ‘which belongs tothe Easier group. Among te west Slavic languages, Polish isthe largest. tis spoken by 38 milion people n Poland and by ome five milion abroad. Polish asa recorded tradition of 880 years fd yer ich Heratre which Nourshed particulary during the literary Periods ofthe Rensisance (ihe 16th century) and Romanticism (he 1th century). The postwar years have scen a new era in Polish Ieratore. Daring these years the socal and politcal changes in Poland reales in a considerable democraizaton of literary (ce standard) ‘Polish and inthe wie disibation of literary works among society. ‘Polish has some characteristic phonetic features, eg. nasal vowels and fee parle series of dental alveolar and palatal consonant “Another important feature the tone sess, which s always placed 08 the penultimate sabe ofthe word As wih the majority of Slavic languages, Polish is inflected, ic. nouns, Jronouns, numerals and adjectives are difeenited according 0 ase fd numbers (Seclenson), wl vtbs change thee forme cconing 0 persons and tenses (cojugation). LANGUAGE LESSONS PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ee tee Fe Hs eneing Ph rman: ‘Mow Posh plysyabie words res the st be tone omy = houses ower bicyole {sbrapoe = goodnight informacj= formation | _Monoslabi words unite wit he preceding o following wor stole -on the table naomerse «om bieyle tn sme verbal forms and words of foreign rig ending wth ka = hae ik, he ses alls om the third slab (counted fom the | ad) byiyimy = wemere mys emusic smtemaiyka - mathematics Polish gelling is fundamentally phonetic Le one ter of the alphabet Corresponds to one sound Some sounds are marked by combinations two lel: , Ue dd U2, st rch. Others are marked with aed marke 6.866.822, ‘THE POLISH ALPHABET Latin characters are employed in Plish asin English, but asthe pronunciation dtfer inthe two languages, we give below all he Polish feuere and combingions of leer, wih heir sound in alphabetical onde, VOWELS: a,¢,i,0,1, (0.3.48 CONSONANTS: b,c, df 8.).(GH). ik hmn Ps SUM char per ou ste cab Pre Be een eg——r enema pe gee Promonclation {ike win English cot like French on nasal owe! ike bin English Book ‘ike tein Engh ts {ike chin English cheap ‘before vowels ase Ike hin English hat ike chin English church like din English daupber ike sin English woods ike Jin English journey ‘ex softy prooounced befor vowels as ar [ke Js English dsc ine: Examples sx the shin Enlsh shop T fket inengian tle ask «oy ft thewin Engh ood ee hatin Ske vin Eng vet bal an J Mein English mi cules J hes in English el Exe J Mee in Eaglsh measure aunt ike sin Engh please ‘chleb - bread me eran eke fr stodap 10 porate Arad - pander widdly = tise Iho the man far «pai fire ~ mountain fre - ho Weg = wine Jan John awa = coffer hata dai Jamaé - to break maka - moter te night fed = hoe nana ean towy ~ new ka = daughter akg - room er phy tray - eee Slow - sting oom ie ow 2 sata - cupboard {alr ~ plate iy » big ‘wods = waer syn son baw = toy ‘wedi he wil ake aba ~ og, LEKCJA PIERWSZA ZAPOZNANIE, Due pary spotylaa sie w samoloce do Warszaws: Jan i Eva Kowalsy, Mara j Sse Urbaniak Jan; Coy mogg sig pecstawic? Nazywam sig Jan Kowalski 16 moja 2ona Ewa Kowalse, “Voret: Prayemni mi paistwa pomna’. Nazyoam sip est Urbanisk fo jest moja 20na Maria Urbanisk. Przepaszam, ale sys lekki akcen w pana angielski? Jan: Myjesteimy Polacy. Opuéilimy kraj ponad 1013 em imieszkamy w USA. Bpdziemy sip aivni c2vé po tak ) ‘luge iebecnosc Maria: Zobacrycie pastwo doze zmiany! Czy macie rodzing sw Place? Ewa: Ota, vy Hénet: —Zapewne nie moga sig doczekaé aby was zobaczyé Janz Taki sktada, 2 nie bpiemy miei duto wolnego czasu; to est plwnie pod suzbowa Borel: Caymsigpusino zaaecie? Jan: Jajesiem awokatem a moja tna ckonomistg. Prowadziny ‘Migdzynarodowa Fim Konsutingowg 1 mins ‘ozaloteiv oda w Warszawie Soret: 2yezpsukceséw. Ja pracujg w handla zagraniczaym ‘i wiem, 2ejest due zapotrzebowani na tego rodzaj Fm. Jan: Mote bedziemy mogl wspéipracowad w preyzlosi! % LESSON ONE, INTRODUCTIONS ‘Two couples meet on a plane on the way fo Warsaw. Jan and va Kowalski, Mara and Jere Urbaia Jan; Please allow met iatoduce myself, My name is San Kowalski and tis is my wife Ewa Kowal Jénef; Nice to meet you. My name ie Set Urbana and this is sy wife Maria Urbanak. Do I detect sight accent in your English? Jan: Were Polish but we lft the country over 10 years ago ad have bee living inthe USA sine, Its going tobe oto becoming back afer such along time Maria: You wil se aloof changes! Do you sil have family in Poland? wa: Oh, yes, quite a large one! ézet: Ym sure they cant wait see you Jan: Unfortunately we won't have much ree time; hiss primarily a business wip ‘ézet: Oh, what do you do for ving? Jan: ma lawyer and my wife isan economist. We onan Teterational Consulting Fem and we're thinking of cstablishing a branch oie in Wars éret; teil bea succes! T workin foreign tae myself aod Know that thee is a large demand for such usiesses! Ja: Maybe we could work together some day! Taye — eh mic ge My VOCABULARY lawyer bur its going to be (oe) tine Jong sch old primarily Trade and busines r lam country years Sligh, beh have (io have) tome, forme roaaina ‘smolt toi (ve) a ‘olny we reso wyeawad dapewne ‘apoananie ‘miany ona ZWROTY (Czym se pan jmuje? {sto zmian Nuzywam sp Milo mi panavpania pozmaé Pozwolgpastwo, 269 eedstnig died dobry! obey wien do widzenia! ‘ebrance! ikaie! OBJASNIENIA, ied dobry [EXERCISES 1.-Copy the ext read it aloud and transate it 2. Dil the phrases: Daikajg Pros. Dried dobry! 2. Transate int Polish Good moming. Good evening. Thank you. How are you? Good-tye. 4. Transate ito English ‘Dae dobry pani. Dzie dobry! Jak si pani ma? Doskonale ‘Aan? Dziphue,dobeze, Do wideenia! ‘ZAPAMIETAS REMEMBER Eva, Maria feminine names Jan, net masculine names ti czckad the negation nies put before the verb 2 GRAMMAR. 1 WORD ORDER ‘The word order in a Polish sentence is much more el Brelsh though the natal word orders aly suse tan in SUBJECT VERB-ORJECT ete, ‘Advebils and particles may be putter athe Beginning othe end tthe sentence, or even nthe middle eg. tego chlopea nie mam that boy I dont Know (era translation) rgiy ne bylem w Warszawie never was notin Warsaw xt wide ja ulicy- often T Se ber inthe street NEGATIVE AND INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES ‘To form negative sentences mle (oot) is placed before the verb in Pais, even if there is another negative Woed in the sentence, ey sigdy nie bylem. (U never was) In English only one negative permissible ins sentence, but the Poles say! never was ot Interrgatve sentences are formed by placing the inerrogative parce zy at the beginning ofthe sentence, not by reversing the postions of the subject andthe ver, asin English eg: Cay pan X jest w dom? (5 MeX at ome’) ‘THE FAMILIAR AND POLITE FORM OF ADDRESS: Inthe so-called ‘faa? form of aes, the personal pronouns 1 (ou-Sp.) and wy (you-PL) are sed with the second person Sigua sd Plural, respectively, of the verb. This form i employed when ‘Mdcssing relatives, intimate fiends and children. The ‘polite’ form of address consists of the word pan (ME. Sit seleman) for male persons and pan (Mrs, madam, ly) fr female esons, and ie conjugate wit the tid person ofthe verb 68 Coy ‘ma pan bile?” (Have you a ticket”. This form is used when ddcessing indvidvals, soqainaaces. sangers and siperon Distwo when adcesing couples (Me and Mis.) or gouns of ope, EXERCISE Write the flowing sentences i the Interogative Form, ‘Brample: Pan Urania eka ma pania Kowal (Cy pan Urtaniak czcka ma pani Kowal? Jan crcka ma Ewe. Sita pana 8 Pan. prverasa pana B. 4 LEKCIA DRUGA PRZYLOT / WYNAJECTE SAMOCHODU pasuerowie wysiadiy ma loisku Warscana Oty Jin: Qe ou Ween ates Po now w om 'ygodnia Jn:__‘Bylo mam bro peyjemne pasa porn na woo Jem piomy Ww hone bea KONTROLA PASZPORTOWA Kontroler: Posty paszpoc. Jans Prose Kontroler: zig. Cry méwipan po polsku? Pana mxzwisko jest Kowal Ew “Tak, opuseilgmy ra 10 lt emu Kontroler:Rozumiem, Jak dug zamieragpfswo pout? Jan: Do ygodni, Kontroter: Cay bp pastwo mieskaturodziny? Jam: Nie, w Hotta Victor Kontrler: Dzikujp. Pros ez do onto cen KONTROLA CELNA, CCetntk: obey wicca. Cry mace patswo co o oxen? Jan: Nie, yk rsery oss male prezenty da rosin Cela Cay more pan ooworyé zg wicks? Jan: Prop bardzo, Catns Warystko w por, Posey pci LESSON TWO a WYPO2YCZALNIA al ARRIVAL AT AIRPORT /RENTING A CAR. —— eee The page ave dcobuted t Vizar oe sew ee ee mek ne a —— ‘We're very glad to have met you and we will definitely stay BP a paren er a a Mort Cox ee en ans Cay weeng jest wliczony precbicg? Here you go. i tcpicicn sue esky i Yo en , ‘Yes, we et he country 10 yeas ago 1 see, How long do you plan on saying? Two wees Ave you going tobe staying with your fy? Jam: No, the Hote Victoria Oticer: Thank you, Please proceed o estos customs, Oct: Good evening. Do you have anything to dae? Jan: No, jus personal belongings and same small presents for ‘ur family Omcer: Could you please open the large sites? BEM Thera y's, Omer: Eveqhing is inorder. Please provee CCAR RENTAL Jam; Look theres the Hence. Wecan ent a car Herta Rep: Gs evening. how may Thin you? Jan: Weidlikeo eat car for ovo weeks. Herts Rep: Do you hve any preference? Jan: Asmallone wll do “Hertz Rep: Weve gota Volkswagen Golf for $500 week, Jan; sha with ulimit mileage? ‘Hertz Rept Yes. anit inches insurance to. Perfect, Well take it 38 sees tha fartao dobre tenzyna theremy cel ‘ceyny (ehcemy) oo ay 2y beiecie ey mie ey ies Sogo (aoe sate gee pine fatove atl ie ik tak ely konitla enler oniolacelna Iomisko Iaezie macie (mie, mamy) le iesokae mde (mezemy) sazwisko saprwie apenno evganiczny ic pdlegaceleniy owe. VOCABULARY sires see perfect, very good asline Wwe ake hy offer ve would ike diy you, if 900 going o yourave ‘ethat Jong 00d thank you where ready hotel ow much how yes then fend oficer sport incles you hve, to have, WeRave Thave small stay live list name repair ‘efiney, suely ‘litt by ee ‘umber » smogs (oe) ine opens putin mabe orworay planowaé ani ran paso pasaterowic paszpon pure opel pretenty prochieg prachita opona| moe ozmaé, 2naé ora (w por) prrchodtie prayjemnie recry ‘meena ‘Saja benaynows tae telefon toy) {dnd (ypodie PL) tytko w Fontkcic Zapirachowanie alone ZwROTY (Czy mace zaminr. 2 ‘Wexym mogs poméc? Cay mace? ecayosbine ray, can speak left personal Open plan Mrs. You Mr, You Mr-and Mrs, You passenger passport Took in Polish resents mileage faire help rect, know tre, in order proceed Bld, ice Tree, understand belongings ‘asoline station, pump there yes telephone here week, weeks ist only intouch demand cextablish EXPRESSIONS ‘Are you going to..(do something!” How may Ubelp you? Doyoutave..? persnal Belongings OByaSNIENTA EXPLANATORY NOTES, Tojet ies ‘This ismy Darga ‘rsa waka shee foe sande EXERCISES 1, Copy the text, reat loud, and translate it 2, Teale into Polish 2 fio ete customs? {have nohing to declare. This snot ew Twit duy-free? May go now? ZAPAMIETAS REMEMBER Cie jst cprava cena? Where isthe customs? ‘ie mam nc do oclenia. TThave nothing to dela Tone jst owe This is not new. Cay jet woe ot? Is this duty-free? Gy jest poblizu saci Ts there a gasoline pump tenzyaowa? ‘around bere? Gib jest warsrat samochodowy? Whete can I find a garage? Mam przbia open. havea atic (Cay ode mi pan naprawis Will you pleas epi his re? ‘pone? le tobyuiekosziowae? How much will the work 605? Kiedy Biz gtowe? ‘When wil tbe ready? a — ee REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS Nom = PERSONAL PRONOUNS Cen sities (myst Dat she Note Thecass ae pind in tbe Gramma par of Levon 3, ee sete It oh . Yee orotic ee on-be ona oni Reflexive prononh in be spp t any of ee peony as Gn mc-mi cehesce Facto J eng teceniag ve ysl, inset, ene el ease Dat flecmi tbie“c Jemma eng) Joma me Soames mses Hee nicmig cet -clp Jego-29 4-8 e-nie panes Wir sbi w se Examples: Wie sei w sre oe Sy pis Nean se myself inthe mio, EXERCISE 3. Tramlatino Posh fom: my-we wy-you_onithey one thy one -hey Nam my-ve 7-308 on tey ney aesthg Sh eelonete, They ae sor ih Dat mam em iim iim iim a Ae as ws ihrichjenie jenie Tint. tami mami nim imi Tor ont owes onich oni omic i Tn oth the singular and pr more than one form ocars in ene ane ad acon, ‘The forms beining With mare es pptons an he ean forms are ved nal cscs ‘re shot fons, cco, ml, mado ot hve independent ses. EXERCISES 4, Tama ino Engl, Ai! Ona czy gut, Zoam je. Ne mam ich 2 Tanti Poti Whee islet? Have youscn him? Yes, he was hee, Wie ‘shenow? 2 LEKCJA TRZECIA ‘TRANSPORT LOKALNY TAKSOWKA et Poster ier et ii jet poss) sve? Jetta ma evo. Csi pa te? ‘Nafaltor, Tu sq nse agate “To sig nic amidst do bagaiks, Masry whtyé cos adach Naresciew oma! le sg naleey? 15 nvych. Pros esa dla pana Drigkuj bardzo, Do wideniat Daigkae! Thanks ot. Good: bye! LESSON THREE LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Yer ibeta . Teor ieee = Where ate you going? olibor. Heres our luggage. 1 won't iin the rank it have opt som on he ot Finally home! How much dol ove you? 1s zoys ere you go and keep the change “Thank you! taxi stop change here pur finally keep Polish cureney EXPRESSIONS How much? How mich docs the tx 10 the aipor cost? Toke my bane tos EXPLANATORY NOTES ‘Which way is ‘Non? Sout? Eat? Wee? EXERCISES on 1, copy he text ead it alo and wars 2 at stn wea Se rh ce ZAPAMIETAJ REMEMBER aksignarpwata migscowole? Whatis the name ofthis place? Buigipromndcitadroga? Where docs this oadleadio? Tejestkibmetrsw sqddo How many Klometersisitto. Waseny? ‘Warsaw? ff te se hall % a aa GRAMMAR ai tae tte ine Pot ag Seep reteset mec ee ere uray fe cone viene ea hee Genders “Tere af three genders in Polish: Masculine, Feminine and Neuter, ‘he gender of noun is indicated bythe termination of ts Nominating Singular ease (see Cases below) masculine are - most nouns ending ina consonant in the Nom Sing feminine are nuns ending in 8-1 rnevier are nouns ending in -0, Wis ecesary wo know the gender ofa noun tobe able to select te fomeet form of an adjective or pronoun which is 10 be used i ‘conjunction with cases ‘There are seven eases in Polis Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Instrumental, Loctive and Vecaive ‘The Nominative answers the question: who? what? (English sbject) ‘TheGenitive answers the question: whose? of whom? of what? (Eaglish possessive) ‘The Dative answers the question: to whom? to what? (English indirect object) ‘The Accusative answers the question whom? what? (English direct object) ‘TheTastrumental answers question: by oe with whom? by ce vith what? ‘TreLocative answers the question: about whom? or about hat? and is always preceded by a preposition Sich as w (in). (on), 0 (about), przy (eX! 10 po alter), ie, ina sentence answers anus where? se Vocative isthe ase frm used when adesng a person o thing amples: What that? Tha isle tbe Beams Gp je? To sth EXERCISE 1, Tana nto Polish ‘Who isthat? That is lhe picture. Thats fhe table, and has abe desk, Where is athe student? LEKCJA CZWARTA HOTEL, | try wien, Nazywam sip Jan Kowalski, Mam zarezervowany poks) dwuosobowy, “ak, reczywice Pros wypeli te formularze.Bpdp nied potrzebowal ob3 passport. Pros bardro, Daipkj. Tu 9 khveze, poksj numer 214. Peter pomate paste Zanes agave Girie matemy zaparkowaé samoch? Py eae [Naparkingu otelowym, 2 tytu budyako, osstuca Ewa: Ole odtincpodawane jest riadaie? Recep: Sniatane moan jw mass esau od 6s do 11g rao Podajemy ric! do pk. Jan; lake inne utog fers? Recep: Many kanorwymiany walt pocts obo w hala, ak ic? fryer try sklepy zupominkami, Basen Iapielowy 2najdje sg w podria LESSON FOUR HOTEL, (CHECKIN Jan: Good evening. My name isJan Kowal. havea reservation [or double rom, Cer: Yes, here iis Please fill out these forms, And wil eed ‘oth your passports ‘ Here you go. (Gerk; Thank you, Here ae your kes, rom number 214 ‘A porter wll belp you with you gage Jan: Where can we park our car? (rk: In the hotel packing fo, inthe Back ofthe aiding SERVICE ima: At whatsime is breakfast served? Gerk: Our restaurant is open for breakfast from 6 to 1 AM. service is avaiable a wel What other services do you offer? ‘There isan exchange counter and a post office ight herein the lob along with a hairdresser and thre git shops. The Svimming polis inthe Basement 3 VOCABULARY ' pxscistS 3 femiten fm ’ ols goin pour wc Poh Ese tes 2 Tanta vant ey tomy room. Peseta iy ee) eh Ys acting term oe ton = =e Bears Firs, oven fee ie: ma a eg ati te ye ee — ae ee yes? est? pon re Bee am cole a oming Beieiicicta n> Dope hefeeme an me, contra “ie ee i gr Mimsy? Do youhave um ek Sa fics et so con? a Sr Prey Syne om ine rere antbok alr nine on aes oar hp faves te ie ve ee eee plow ymin es oe towel prt ee yd. ‘ap Es et openly. lt pape ur nnn ote bake sims otc 6 ano. Plese valeme Upat 6 AML ZwROTY EXPRESSIONS Prog dat tercory do pena, Please have these tes wae B XS edsigowtent” Wen cantare hom ms? Fata: ocumanid © Tyeot opat tomas Tak jesdzgaas sip That igh ‘erovnikiem, a : Past Komaley Mra Mis Kowalski Progr onichunck May Ihave my bil ples? OBIASNIENIA EXPLANATORY NOTES exe tose Benson ee Pak otcossbowy ee 3 Swsontomy oobi oom israel fom bv ojora romeais 2 3 GRAMMAR DECLENSION OF NOUNS. Inflected nouns, adjectives and pronounce are sud tobe “declined ang ‘tnethod of thei infection is called their "dclension. This weeded also wed to denote the main groups info which nouns and adj, sxe divided. Masculine nouns coding in consonant Singular Nom. koi horse pan senleman Gen. Konia pana Dat. kosiowi anu ‘Ace. Konia Pana Instr. koniem pasem Loc. okoniv © pan Voe. oni! paniet Ploral Nom. konie Gen. kort Dat. koniom ‘Ace. konie Test. kext Loc. okoniach fpanach ‘Vor. konie! anovwic! Most malin oun fom th pra by abing-1- or, wie te Cag ies inn iors ening sas tess a easy ; Nie nous ating ne rcs ne sng ite Goisetngn wanna sc icc mec | 54 auger Vee. Seki! EXERCISES 1. Give the different cases ofthe masculine nouns: Polak, student both in singular and plural 7 2 Give the diferent cases ofthe feminine nouns: wods, wieb both in singular and plural pak lady Pani ania pant panie pad paniom panie paniaml opaniach pani! LEKCJA PIATA, PYTANIE O KIERUNEK an i Ba 2decyowal sp wy do miss Jar ‘Mote nie powinismy wychodzié wieeorem,zeubiny ip Ewa: Nie, amy miasozupenie dobre, cho, Pare godein posi) an: A edna, zebiismy sip. wa: Spytaimy 0 dogs w kaviam Jan: Preepasoam, ery mote pan/pani mi powievie, jak uaié do Hotel Victoria?” Tojestbardzo duleko, Musrapastwo pojechsétrammaje, Kesey? = Terymastha, Prystanck jest a rogiem na lew. Deikaje. Dobranoe, 56 LESSON FIVE ASKING FOR DIRECTIONS po and Ea cede 900 onthe fn. May be we shouldat be going ou at nigh, wel gt ost! - a VOCABULARY yt Kawiamia rote ‘se powinniiny pa poviedzeg povinnicie Pojecha (eamwajem) strc) praystanck rahe tram) wzynaicie soya sig (pytt sig) ask adecydowae si 2eubie sip ‘upetie dobrze wi ‘ZWROTY rupee dobeze riedsleko bardzo daleko sted OBJASNIENIA (2 mote pnp ovis, pa je. To jest tam mrss ew rows o. poem serge oleae faraway ood night alter all you are ‘ae, colfe shop maybe ‘We shoud, few tell you should to go, 10 take a tam have stop tozetto thirteen decide set lost well enough go out EXPRESSIONS well enough not very far ‘very fa from here EXPLANATORY NOTES (Can you tell me wher is? 1 there onthe ight Go toxthen tum lefvtake the first turning ‘on the left s EXERCISES: 1. Cony he 2, Tanne into Polish Weer Wee? Ths way TAPAMIETAS x powadai ta droga? Pesan, bem Cry mte gaa mi pore? coy mp maps? (mote pani sta Sree? Pr pokarat Sakspeyr alice? rn ki W avo. Pow tpi leo. pita wis siako etn dk sid ym ext, end it alood and translate it MF ow far ist from here .2 Knot far. Whats REMEMBER Where does this oad lead to? Excuse me, Iam lost Can you help me? Have you a map? (Can you guide me? Please point ‘What ithe name of thisteer? Turn tight Tum lt there here far not very far ‘ery fr fom here this way GRAMMAR LEKCJA SZOSTA WRESTAURACSI DECLENSION OF NOUNS tao, ny moge mw zpanem Urbaniakiem? Neuter nous be ay elfonie Sse liad Maw san Kowa oanaliny w samooce. Nem cto siy.tenven vice xeric Be Gon cba viceia crywicie!Panigtm! Da Bese vicar Bis om" , hee tito feces san Cin zag pdstaw pin cid fee oem tvicraie Te onkbie wie Zpeyjennotciapoyeemy. i ay er spiny sig w Hotes Victoria oj weeoem. ae Ja: Spotsiny es Waal, do obacrcin Nom nite vicesia a Pe eat Det tom ‘vice Ween ee be ‘ricesin, a Ir. tart fresnel ee cect Beara Teer: Cry pafstwo mogs v2 amv? { Nec Site! fuel E J: Tak Mario, co dla ibe? DIMINUTIVE Maras Pops ot kolet 2 dik 4 Weare feat of Poth nons i i capbiliy of forming Bata wezmg zope szzawiowa sting. ; Annan. eg: Kapeasz (a) Kagel Apa om ext ‘lave sz te ae ein fay Ife cp: maka (nade) "mans IMR, ama amiss ay wlan Christian nas wih efeene 10 une PP" lala Bar: Bai én Dia maie al peezona ge Ker: Apa EXERCISE 5 wezmg onde wolowy na zimno a poem et ee 1, Give he diferent eases of the neater noun: lato -summes r= ‘am both inthe singular and pra. eter: Coy pod cot do pica? Yee: Motes zamnswigbutlkpczerwone4® wo ot Kelner: Oczywicie Bret: Bylo wspaiaty obiad! Deipkujemy tardy Jan: Bylonam bardzo milo. Kelner cry m rack? 2Y MOS prox Kelner: Prog taro. a (Czy moge zapacié VIS Kelner: Oczywice Jan: Pros bard. Kelner: Daipku Dobranoe! a LESSON SIX [AT THE RESTAURANT ss salt le est Me ie ts Ts jonni en Kowal, We met on be lane iat ofcourse! Tremember Jum eo ke fone yUand your Wie dinner ex Fry “at; We woud ove 10 come! jez Letsmetat the Hotel Vitoria a8 PM net, Wonderful! See you then! Fy, ane resturant Water Are you ready toner? Jims Yeu. Mari, go ahead. Maria: Cou pease have te bot and the bor? Bea: Iwi have he soe soup and the verison. Jee Wut go abe ints Cou have he ie an the os goose? Water: Andyou si? sia: have the cold best ongue and then the val ello. Males Anying dik? 6 ee Jan: Could we havea botleof dey rd wine? vocanutany Wate cosy Sia: Twas enc ak orey ma ice o ‘otk a Jie Hrmowrle. Wa! Coddvepeachneacyy “en filet. a Mate Hoey a s ‘go10wy ae ecole vse Ea = Wate ee ee = mie ee — eee Moke Ma tei = mh pieczone jee amigaé a a = rachuneke = = Tie = = Sache eee woteawoe aa wolowe be saméwieaie << zor ome See Seas caer 2 eCemein Scomrconnet : Sona ame Tobyio, > : a. ad war by tg, 2. Transat into Rit: the veal sap? ‘TAPAMIFTAL Gi et te rau? Pros mi peri ian PEEP EE PRAY i Maser pleaser. Are you ready to onic — EXPLANATOR V Nom Here’ the menu May te the menu? rik tae ‘The dinner was won Dark celta beer? H Gopy the ex, read it aloud, ae transac it ‘Could pes REMEMBER Wher isa good resturant? Please bring mea cup alas ‘Tock knife plate Pepper at Sugar Vinegar ‘read and buter iii GRAMMAR ‘VERBS: ots ve acl re ees os ent, pasty future Fen fo in pis of veh atv mp and peeve) ‘ei nthe Imprfecive asec ats 0 sn of m nemo A eUsk caneter conned acon on wh atu in 2 pe uc of pking, wiht rego Hse ems Ths pect a ee ses a Figen iene Pec teme Flue fe | vec in the perfective aspect desribes on action which has Been {ite dstnicy completed therfore can noha «present ese, avons tense and fture tense, “= Prout Teme Wtf cyt toned whe kno Siogle ; ine coun vn tueonces gaetil we ee ae Porat ig myiieny — xyumy very we wy iis exec te Choe ext EXERCISE in the Present Tense: | rip tei examen LEKCJA SIODMA ZAKUPY Jan Eve al ipa zakupy na Stare Mint, “Shp 2 mob scan ‘Spenedawea: — Czym mogy shutye? ee ee Sy Se pdoby? ‘a BEI Be sp prety, Prcprsan pa Sprstaver: Tao NG arc treater Seeds: Ocrwiie, Po. Be hime Spacer: 25 aych ES Co teme ry epee Spemiores Tk, Spee a doa i cs ape c= tei ean print asi maces 9a Com ca Tak, mam rzczywicie. \W ym perypak zaleeam 6, ‘cay poteebna jest eet? ’ ae Nic jest ozebma, Cry mote esaere en? pace \Witaming Cw ableae s armaceuta: PRO peach kop palo ime. Zateymay sew ays uti coy mote pm pokazaé mi dae mow pls? wa stone, Cry sata pan tanear We slep, po prams am Coegos segs? oo Ta, dgiego welinego pla, cps na dese Spreedawca: Jak numeri pan os wn: 2. Spraedanca: _Jnkichce pani koe? ‘Bezowy ub bao. Cray nb raat ote bE Ewe: Spreedawcat Jak en? we posta msi mone py e? Jans Pharmacist: Jan: LESSON SEVEN SHOPPIN Leather Goods St Salesperson: Can Plp you? Eee Tim just king around, thank you, da: Lookat these aps They ars beaut) Doyo, think Blizabeth might kc one? Eva: Shewould love itt Excuse me, mis! Salesperson: Yes? Ewa: ‘Coal pleas havea Hook that hag om eet Salesperson: Cerin. Hee you go. Eva: ow mochisi? Salesperson: 25 a9, Eva: Make it Doyou accep credit cards? Satesperon: Yes weds, Wale st i tw pins para Inve cold ay MSU and pls, Do you Yes Loin ta, ” “Ten, 1 ecommend this parmacist Do needa peseription? se ist No, has not necessary. Can gt you anything Cees al pe Some vitamin © ables plese, Pharmacist: Here you 0 bua neds to bya winter coat They Sopa sal oui Could you pease show me whee he overeat ae? Inthe back ofthe soso he gt hand side. Are yo ooking for someting i paral ‘Yes ong woo coat ats waterpof, Selesperson: What size doyouwea Ewa: 8 Salesperson: And what color are you looking 67 Eve Beige oc brown. Black any would be ie to. Salesperson: Howabouthisone Ea ike it, Cou ton? 1

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