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Lab assignment Day-3 for class room-2

(List,Tuple, Dictionary and String )

Q1. Write a program that will create a list of N numbers and search an
element using linear search.

Q2.Count and display the number of vowels, consonants, uppercase, lowercase

characters in string.
Q3.Input a string and determine whether it is a palindrome or not.
Q4. Program to count the number of times a character appears in a given string using
a dictionary.

Q5.Program to count and display frequency of a word appears in a given string using
a dictionary.
Q6. Write a program for Bubble sort.

Q7. Write a program for insertion sort.

Q8. Write a program that will read a string and display the words of the
string in revrese order.

Example: myString="Silicon Institute of Technology"

Output: Technology of Institute Silicon

Pradipta Kumar Pattanayak

Silicon Institute of Technology

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