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The Agile Hazard Log approach

T. Myklebust, R. Bains and G. K. Hanssen

SINTEF ICT, Trondheim Norway
T. Stålhane
NTNU IDI, Trondheim Norway

ABSTRACT: During the last years, there has been an increase in the use of agile development methods when
developing safety-critical systems. This is done to shorten time to market, reduce costs and improve quality.
The hazard log lists and tracks all hazards, hazard analysis results, risk assessment and risk reduction activi-
ties during the whole life of a safety related system. A complete hazard log is normally one of the top five
references in a safety case. The agile hazard log approach enables the manufacturer to have a single source for
risk management activities, simplifies reuse and transfer of information between projects.

1 INTRODUCTION adapted to frequent changes may easily become out-

During the last years, there has been an increase in dated, in the sense that it no longer represents the
the use of agile methods and practices when devel- true picture of risks related to the product being de-
oping safety-critical software in order to reduce time veloped. The AHL enables a structured, agile and
to market, reduce costs and to improve quality. flexible approach allowing for more frequent up-
Companies introducing agile methods like dates and a shorter time to market.
SafeScrum should also use an Agile Hazard Log
(AHL) to get the full benefit of an agile approach The AHL may include the Safety Related Applica-
and at the same time satisfy relevant safety standards tion Conditions (SRAC) list, but often the SRAC is a
like e.g. EN 5012X series and IEC 61508 series. separate document. One of the reason that the SRAC
The main reason for introducing the AHL is that: list is a separate document is that it is often closely
 it is one of the main references in the safety related to the contract.
case. A safety case is required by e.g. EN EN 50126-1 has defined Hazard Log as "The docu-
50129 (railway) and ISO 26262 (automotive) ment in which all safety management activities, haz-
 the AHL process is an improved process for ards identified, decisions made and solutions adopt-
the development and maintenance of the HL, ed are recorded or referenced".
especially regarding the stronger emphasis Our suggestion for a definition of an Agile Hazard
on software development log is:
 when introducing SafeScrum, other parts of Information on all safety management activities,
the product development process, the hazard hazards identified, decisions made and solutions
log being one of those parts, has to be in- adopted are recorded. This should be collected and
cluded to ensure that all the main parts of the registered in an adaptive, flexible and effective way.
development process are agile
 the AHL is suited for frequent changes The AHL is developed alongside the product devel-
 the AHL may facilitate a single source ap- opment - i.e. in activities performed alongside the
proach for risk management activities sprints. Sprint is a Scrum term used to describe a
 it simplify reuse and transfer of information development iteration in the Scrum process. The
between stakeholders AHL related work can be time-boxed together with
 and all these agile adaptions shall be per- the Sprints, but is performed alongside the Sprints.
formed without compromising the require- The Sprint review may include the AHL as a topic
ments given in EN 50128 and IEC 61508 when relevant. The development of the AHL should
The introduction of the AHL contributes to avoid preferably be planned together with other alongside
SW design errors. Current standards are weak and activities like the development of the Agile safety
do not match the current and future heavily focus on case by Stålhane and Myklebust (2016), analysis and
software processes. A hazard log which is not well independent tests.
This paper starts with background information relat- whenever a change to identified hazards occurs or a
ed to hazard logs. We then explain both Scrum and new hazard is identified". This implies that the HL
SafeScrum. Further, the requirements for the hazard may be updated in any of the life-cycle phases.
log and the AHL are presented. To ensure an effec- However, the establishment of the hazard log is to
tive project we have included the reuse and template be performed as part of Phase 3 Risk analysis. This
approach. Finally, we present the Agile hazard log can be seen from EN 50126-1 by the fact the majori-
process and relevant agile practices. ty of the detailed requirements to the HL are con-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: a re- tained in the clauses of EN 50126-1 related to Phase
quirement chapter and possibilities related to reuse 3 Risk analysis. Even though Phase 3 Risk analysis
of templates. is the phase where the HL is first established, some
This paper has not included the following phases of the foundation and prerequisites for establishing
in the current process description: Manufacturing, the hazard log is made during phase 2: System defi-
installation and commissioning, operation and nitions and application condition by defining the
maintenance and decommissioning. scope of system hazard analysis and by performing
preliminary hazard identification. In addition to
lifecycle Phase 3 Risk analysis (the phase when HL
2 BACKGROUND is established), the HL is specifically mentioned
with respect to updates or reviews as part of lifecy-
2.1 Introduction to hazards log
cle Phase 10: System acceptance, Phase 11: Opera-
There exist several techniques that can be used when tion and maintenance, Phase 13: Modification and
performing hazard identification. We may use his- retrofit and Phase 14: Decommissioning and dis-
torical safety experience and hazard logs, lessons posal.
learned, trouble reports, hazard analyses, and acci-
dent and incident files. When an acceptable edition The European railway regulation for "the com-
of the "Definition of system" exists, the hazard iden- mon safety method for risk evaluation and assess-
tification should start. The system definition is an ment" (402/2013) hereafter denoted CSM, requires a
important document for developing both the Hazard hazard log (hazard record). Whereas EN 50126-1
log and the safety case. The system definition is also presents requirements to the HL on a rather detailed
of crucial importance for the production of evidence level, CSM presents the requirements on an overall,
to be included in the safety case. With a frequently generic level. The reason for this may be that CSM
changing world, the system, and thus the system’s define three approaches (application of codes of
definition, has to be changed frequently. One way to practice, comparison with similar systems or explicit
handle this is to change from a waterfall process to risk estimation) for risk acceptance that may put dif-
an agile process. ferent constraints on the HL. Important aspects to
Risk analysis includes the process whereby hazards highlight for requirements to the HL, is that CSM
are characterized for their likelihood and severity. requires that the HL is created or updated by the
The likelihood may be expressed either in terms of Proposer of the change, e.g. the manufacture or the
frequency or in terms probability. The risk calcula- infrastructure manager, during design and imple-
tions may furthermore be performed either quantita- mentation until acceptance of the change or delivery
tively or qualitatively. In relation to quantitative cal- of the safety assessment report. Once the system has
culations the risk may be calculated as a product been accepted and is in operation, the HL shall be
between likelihood and severity, however, other maintained by the infrastructure manager or the
possible methods of calculations exists. railway undertaking in charge of operation of the
The AHL and the process described in this paper system under assessment. CSM therefore requires
forces the manufacturer to be specific about the haz- that the responsibility is transferred between the
ard process, enabling the Certification Body (CB) to Proposer (responsible for the design/change) and the
be proactive and to plan its work according to the actors responsible for the operation of the system.
applicant’s schedule. Other aspects to highlight related to the HL is that
We have started the work to include the AHL into CSM presents concrete requirements to the system
the SafeScrum process. This is part of our general definition, which will determine the scope of the risk
work towards including all or most of the safety assessment and the HL. This is also the case for EN
lifecycle phases activities into SafeScrum. 50126-1. CSM further emphasizes that the expertise
EN 50126-1 is one of the few international safety from a competent team shall be used as part of the
standards that require a hazard log to be developed hazard identification. The risk management process
and it is therefore natural to investigate some of the is also, according to CSM, iterative and ends when
overall requirements to the HL in this standard in compliance with the safety requirements necessary
order to provide parts of the basis for the develop- to accept the risk is demonstrated.
ment of the AHL. According to EN 50126-1: 1999, The Agile hazard log satisfies all the require-
the HL "shall be updated throughout the life-cycle ments mentioned in EN 50126-1:1999 chapter The generic standard series IEC 61508 does holders and to plan further development. Some of
not have requirements for a HL but includes as part the iteration may only include test results and
of phase 3: requirements for hazard and risk analysis similar work and as a result does not deliver a
(see Fig. 2 below). IEC 61508-1 includes three ob- system increment.
jectives: "The first objective of the requirements of - Work is normally done by a self-managed devel-
this subclause is to determine the hazards, hazard- opment team, having complimentary competency
ous events and hazardous situations relating to the and skills to solve the tasks in the project. There
EUC (Equipment Under Control) and the EUC con- is no project leader in the Sprint team. Instead, a
trol system (in all modes of operation) for all rea- scrum master has the responsibility of keeping
sonably foreseeable circumstances, including fault the process running and dealing with problems
conditions and reasonably foreseeable misuse. that might arise during development. Each work-
The second objective of the requirements of this ing day starts with a short meeting where each
subclause is to determine the event sequences lead- member explains their results from the previous
ing to the hazardous events. workday, any problems they have encountered,
The third objective of the requirements of this and their plan for the day.
subclause is to determine the EUC risks associated - The team interacts with a product owner (in a
with the hazardous events". normal agile setting), which is responsible for de-
These objectives corresponds well with the EN fining requirements and providing feedback to
50126-1 requirements for the HL. The required haz- the development team.
ard and risk analyses may, even though not required - There is no detailed requirement specification up-
by IEC 61508, be included or referenced in a HL. front in a normal agile setting but an SRS (safety
requirement specification) is included in the
SafeScrum process. High-level requirements are
1 Concept kept in a product backlog, which is a list of fea-
tures the system needs to have. Prior to each
sprint, in a sprint-planning meeting, the product
2 Overall scope definition owner prioritizes the features that shall be devel-
oped in the sprint. The team details the tasks, es-
timates time for development, and add the tasks
to the sprint backlog, which is a list of features
3 Hazard and risk analysis that are going to be implemented in the upcoming
- The sprint ends with a sprint review meeting
Figure 1. Extract of Figure 2 in IEC 61508-3. where the team demonstrates the resulting incre-
ment and the product owner provides feedback to
the team.
2.2 SafeScrum
The SafeScrum process is based on a collabora-
tion between research and industry, involving lead-
ing Norwegian providers of safety-critical systems
such as e.g. dynamic positioning, and offshore fire
and gas detection systems. An illustration of the
main part of SafeScrum is provided in Fig. 1. All the
main components of the Scrum process are kept:
- Work (software development) is done in short it-
erations called sprints with a fixed length, e.g.
three weeks.
- Scrum uses incremental development. This is an
old idea – much older than agile development. It
is defined in ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 3.1377 in-
cremental development - a software development
technique in which requirements definition, de-
sign, implementation, and testing occur in an
overlapping, iterative (rather than sequential)
manner, resulting in incremental completion of Figure 2: The SafeScrum process when mainly considering
the overall software product. phase 10 of IEC 61508 and phase 6 of EN 50126
- Each iteration delivers an increment, which is a
part of the system that can be tested or used as a
basis for providing feedback to relevant stake-
SafeScrum extends the basic Scrum model in or- product owner (e.g. the customer), and with the as-
der to make the process applicable for development sessor. The key principle is to uncover and correct
and certification of safety-critical software: problems as early as possible in development. This
- The SRS are included as this is required by the can be communicated by incremental development
safety standards. In addition practices like safety of an Agile Safety Case by Stålhane and Myklebust
stories Myklebust and Stålhane (2016) and the (2016).
backlog are included to ensure that the software
engineers fully understands the requirements.
- The product backlog is split into two parts, one 3 THE AGILE HAZARD LOG AND RELATED
with functional requirements and one with safety REQUIREMENTS
requirements. Alternatively, the safety require-
ments can be tagged for identification. In addition The Agile HL has to satisfy the relevant safety
we provide information to link functional re- standards so the requirements for an Agile HL and
quirements relevant safety requirements. With an ordinary HL are more or less the same.
these links we can keep track of how each item in In the EN 5012X series, the main requirements
the functional product backlog relates to the items related to hazard identification and hazard processes
in the safety product backlog, i.e. which safety are included in EN 50126-1 and EN 50129, while
requirements are affected by which functional re- the requirements and information in EN 50128 is of
quirements? The linking can be done by using little help except that the validator has to ensure that
simple cross-references in the two backlogs and the related hazard logs and remaining non-
can also be supported by adding an explanation of conformities are reviewed and that all hazards are
how the requirements are related if this is needed closed in an appropriate manner through elimina-
to fully understand a requirement. The linking of tion or risks control/transfer measures.
e.g. stories to hazards and corresponding safety
requirements can be part of the AHL work. This
is useful when we want to trace how changes in
functional requirements affect safety require-
- All development and change of requirements and
code are traced. The trace information is a fun-
damental part of the information that has to be
provided to the assessor in order to prove con-
formance to the standard. Based on experience so
far, we see that clever use of tools together with
tool interoperability are important to automate
production and maintenance of documentation
and traceability.
- We have included an additional role for internal Figure 3. Backlog and hazard analysis
quality assurance within the SafeScrum process.
This person , who is part of the team, will contin-
uously verify that all quality assurance tasks have Note that the majority of requirements related to
been performed Hanssen et al (2016). HL in EN 50126-1 and EN 50129 are on the HL it-
- When a sprint is planned and in cases where exist- self and to a lesser degree specific requirements on
ing code is being changed, the team must do a the process (even though EN 50126-1 states when in
change impact analysis Myklebust et al 2014 to which life-cycle phases the HL shall be updated or
evaluate whether the change will affect the safety reviewed). In the current paper, both the Agile HL
of the system. requirements (described in the current chapter) and
- Each sprint ends with a sprint review meeting, the process is described in chapter 5.
which also encompasses a RAMS evaluation to
ensure that the last increment does not violate the According to EN 50126-1:1999 the hazard log
safety functionality of the system. shall include or refer to details of:
a) the aim and purpose of the Hazard Log
A process like SafeScrum may help a develop- b) each hazardous event and contributing com-
ment organization in addressing some of the prob- ponents.
lems that we have identified through the survey c) likely consequences and frequencies of the se-
Myklebust et al (2017). Short iterations open for quence of events associated with each hazard.
frequent evaluation of the design and of the safety d) the risk of each hazard.
function of the system. It also forms a basis for fre- e) risk tolerability criteria for the application.
quent communication, both within the team, with the
f) the measures taken to reduce risks to a tolera- Compared to EN 50126-1, CSM regulation pre-
ble level, or remove, the risk for each hazardous sents the requirements to the HL (hazard record) on
event. a more generic level. It states that:
g) a process to review risk tolerability. - Hazard record(s) shall be created (or updated
h) a process to review the effectiveness of risk re- where they already exist) by the proposer dur-
duction measures. ing design and implementation until ac-
i) a process for on-going risk and accident re- ceptance of the change or delivery of the safe-
porting. ty assessment report. A hazard record shall
j) a process for management of the Hazard Log. track the progress by monitoring risks associ-
k) the limits of any analysis carried out. ated with the identified hazards. Once the sys-
I) any assumptions made during the analysis. tem has been accepted and is in operation, the
m) any confidence limits applying to data used hazard record shall be further maintained by
within the analysis. the infrastructure manager or the railway un-
n) the methods, tool and techniques used. dertaking in charge of the operation of the
o) the personnel, and their competencies, in- system under assessment as an integrated part
volved in the process. of its safety management system.
The list presented immediately above represents a - The hazard record shall include all hazards, to-
rather detailed list of requirements to the HL. Expe- gether with all related safety measures and
rience obtained by two of the authors of this paper system assumptions identified during the risk
from projects that have followed EN 50126-1 has assessment process. It shall contain a clear
shown that: reference to the origin of the hazards and to
- In relation to requirement b) in the list above, the selected risk acceptance principles (three
often a limited set of top hazards (typically principles in the CSM regulation: application
five to 12 hazards in the railway signalling of codes of practice, comparison with refer-
domain) are defined and a larger number of ence systems and explicit risk estimation) and
hazardous events are defined that may lead to clearly identify the actor(s) in charge of con-
a hazard occurring. trolling each hazard.
- In relation to requirement c) in the list above, - All hazards and related safety requirements that
different approaches exist, e.g.,: cannot be controlled by one actor alone shall
o Detailed calculation by Fault Tree Anal- be communicated to another relevant actor in
ysis to determine frequencies (and con- order to find jointly an adequate solution. The
sequences) for the sequence of events hazards registered in the hazard record of the
(causes) associated with each hazard. actor who transfers them shall only be re-
o Engineering judgement of the conse- garded as controlled when the evaluation of
quence and frequency of the sequence the risks associated with these hazards is
events associated with each hazard. made by the other actor and the solution is
- In relation to requirement f) in the list above, a agreed by all concerned.
number of hazardous events may be controlled
by instructions in manuals, operational rules, When comparing the requirements to the HL
traffic rules etc. A potential challenge may be from EN 50126-1 and CSM as presented above, it
to safe guard that future changes within manu- appears that the communication aspects when sever-
als, operational rules, traffic rules do not nega- al actors are involved and the responsibilities of the
tively affect risks related to the hazards in the HL are to a larger degree covered by CSM than EN
HL. 50126-1.
- In relation to requirement k) above, it may be The AHL has to satisfy the relevant safety stand-
potentially challenging to determine the limits ards so the requirements for an AHL and an ordinary
of analyses and scope of that hazard log when HL are more or less the same. It is the processes that
the system is complex and when there are a are different. For the AHL, it is recommended to in-
number of actors involved. Each actor may clude all the hazard log requirements from the safety
have different responsibilities in terms of de- standard EN 50126 together with communication
velopment of the system (for example differ- aspects included in the CSM regulation, which also
ent actors developing different parts of the corresponds perfectly with the Agile mind set.
system) and the operational aspects of the sys-
tem. In certain cases there may be several
HLs that need to interact, e.g. the different ac- 4 REUSE OPPURTUNITIES AND TEMPLATES
tors may each control their own HL.
Much of the work invested in generating a hazard
log can be reused in later hazard logs. Reuse of in-
formation and documents and the use of templates 5 THE AGILE HL PROCESS FROM SYSTEM
have several benefits – e.g. DEFINITION TO THE AGILE SAFETY CASE
 Increased productivity of information and doc-
uments The Agile HL process that we have developed is il-
 Reuse of documents and information available lustrated in Fig. 4. These agile adaptions have been
as part of the tools developed without compromising the requirements
 Reduce effort of making HLs given in EN 5012X and IEC 61508.
 Move information and documents more easily
among projects and different products First, we describe the activities and the necessary in-
 Quick and effective process when developing formation.
new documents System definition:
Reusable information could be included in a The system definition is an important document for
DOORS database or similar, while relevant docu- developing both the hazard log and the safety case.
ments are e.g. PHA (Preliminary Hazard Analysis) The system definition is also important for the pro-
and safety stories. duction of evidence to be included in the safety case.
If a safety product, for which a HL already exists, With a frequently changing world, the system, and
is modified, the new HL can be based on the existing thus the system’s definition, will also have to be
one. We mainly need to argue for the changes and changed frequently. One way to handle this is to
their effects. This is considerably less work than change from a waterfall process to an agile process.
producing a new HL every time. The Agile Safety Plan:
Reusable information and documents have low A safety plan is required by EN 50126, but is not re-
extra costs when developed and low cost when re- quired in IEC 61508. The Agile Safety Plan has
used. This is information or documents where parts been described by Myklebust et al in (2016). The
are reused as is, while remaining parts need to be Agile Safety Plan satisfies the EN 50126 require-
adapted for each project. This holds e.g. even for ments and at the same time enables an agile devel-
each sprint for some documents. If we think reuse opment process.
right from the start, the changes between projects or Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA):
iterations will be reduced. The reusability opportuni- There exist several techniques to help in hazard
ties will increase if we use generic failure modes. identification performed as part of e.g. the PHA. Use
When doing modification of an already certified historical safety experience and hazard logs, lessons
product, only a few documents are new – see learned, trouble reports, hazard analyses, and acci-
Myklebust et al (2014) – e.g. documents required for dent and incident files. When an acceptable edition
new tools that may introduce hazards. These new of the "Definition of system" to be evaluated exists,
documents should be based on templates or reuse of the hazard identification may start.
similar documents or be automatically generated to SRS:
reduce the documentation costs further. The specification of the safety requirements is part
The development of new documents carries a of phase 4 in both EN 50126:1999 "system require-
high costs. It is therefore beneficial to make use of ments" and IEC 61508-1 "overall safety require-
available templates that have been published as in- ments". The "System Safety Requirements Specifi-
dustry papers, e.g. "change impact analysis" Mykle- cation" and the "Software Requirements
bust et al (2014) or published by organizations de- Specification" are two of the requirement documents
veloping guidelines like e.g. Misra listed in EN 50128:2011.
( and AAMI ( Alongside activities:
It is an important part of the SafeScrum mind set The AHL is developed alongside the software de-
to reduce the amount of documentation and the as- velopment. Alongside development is activities per-
sessor should be involved early in the project to dis- formed outside but alongside the sprints. This work
cuss the level of information that need to be deliv- can be time-boxed together with the Sprints. The
ered to the assessor. The assessor may have access development of the AHL should preferably be
to the HL database itself or printouts from the HL planned together with other alongside activities like
database. Which documents the assessor needs, the development of the Agile safety case Stålhane
should therefore be discussed before starting to de- and Myklebust (2016) and independent tests. This
velop any new document. activity is performed by e.g. independent testers,
Experience has shown that it is beneficial for the safety analysts, safety responsible and safety case
assessor to have access to this kind of information author. This is important to ensure a coordinated de-
from the assessor's premises rather than requiring velopment.
the assessor to be present at the manufacturer's Safety stories:
premises. However, the assessor could review some Safety stories have been described earlier by both
of the information, as part of audits and technical Myklebust et al (2016) and Paige et al (2011). Safety
meetings. stories is a safety practice developed to ensure that
the agile requirements management process encom- Often there are different formats of the product
pass the safety requirements together with required backlog and the Sprint backlog. A backlog is gener-
measurements and techniques. The safety story card ally seen as a list of requirements which includes
will create a common problem understanding be- e.g. safety stories (features, safety requirements and
tween the software developers and the safety stake- technical tasks) which the Sprint team and those per-
holders. Safety stories are stored in the safety-part of forming the alongside activities maintains and
the product backlog which, at a given moment, are known to be neces-
Safety stories are user stories that include one or sary and sufficient to complete a project or a release.
more safety requirements. If an item in the backlog does not contribute to the
project's goal, it should be removed. The backlog is
the primary point of entry for knowledge about re-
quirements, and the single authoritative source de-
fining the work to be performed.
"Backlog splitting" as a practice was introduced
as part of the introduction of SafeScrum Stålhane et
al. (2011). In SafeScrum, all requirements are split
into safety critical requirements and other require-
ments and inserted into separate product backlogs.
Alternatively, the safety requirements are tagged.
Adding a second backlog is an extension of the orig-
inal Scrum process and is needed to separate the fre-
quently changed functional requirements from the
more stable safety requirements. The backlog does
normally not describe every item at the same level of
detail. Features and tasks which are expected to be
delivered in the near future, should be broken down
into fine-grained items and accompanied with details
such as acceptance tests. The staffing of the Sprint
team and the duration of the sprint, together with es-
timates of each item decides which items that can be
selected for development. The alongside activities
and the team performing the alongside activities may
also have an effect.
The backlog that originally was developed for the
software engineers may greatly help in the under-
Figure 4. The Agile HL approach): Process from system defi- standing of the requirements and as a result ensure
nition to the Agile Safety Case. The numbers with black back- that requirements are implemented correctly. The
ground corresponds to the phases in IEC 61508 safety lifecy- SRS is often difficult to understand for a software
cle. engineer so the process and practices introduced by
the agile community are helpful for the developers.
E.g. it is difficult to understand since an SRS may
6 RELEVANT AGILE PRACTICES state that the product shall satisfy IEC 61508 and
nothing more. The Backlog may then help the SW
A practice in software development is a working ac- designers to introduce less hazards.
tivity. In order to be a practice, it must be repeatable. "Backlog refinement meetings":
In this paper, we have limited the practices to agile This practice is also known as backlog grooming.
practices but some of them may also be used when Story time is a similar practice.
following a waterfall/V-model approach. Backlog refinement as defined by
We have evaluated the most important agile prac-
tices for Safety Critical Software (SCSW) and de- grooming/ (slightly modified and added safety
scribed adaptations of three of them. aspects by the authors) is defined, in an agile ap-
The top three practices was established as a com-
proach as: When the product owner and some, or
bination of the most frequently used practices and
our evaluation of how the practices fit into develop- the rest of the team, review items in the backlog
ment of safety critical software and ensures an im- to ensure the backlog contains the appropriate
proved hazard log process together with an im- items, that they are prioritized, and that the items
proved hazard log. at the top of the backlog (most important) are
"Backlog" together with "backlog splitting": ready for delivery - i.e., implemented (then they
are not in the backlog anymore). This activity oc-
curs on a regular basis and may be an officially be) a social event where different teams can interact
scheduled meeting or an on-going activity. with each other and discuss their work.
Especially, there will normally be several such This is valuable. Doing a demo forces the team to
meetings in the first phases of a project. Some of actually finish stuff and release it (even if it is only
the activities that occur during this refinement of to a test environment). Without demos, we kept get-
the backlog include removing user stories that no ting huge piles of 99%-finished stuff ".
longer appear relevant, creating new user stories In relation to performed sprints, Sprint Review,
in response to newly discovered need and re- sprint demo and the delivery of increments,
assessing. We also need to consider the relative SafeScrum has defined a criteria for "Definition of
priority of stories, assigning estimates to stories Done". This definition includes a definition of done,
which have yet to receive one, correcting estima- when the product or system shall be placed on the
tes in the light of newly discovered information, market. SafeScrum's incremental lifecycle delivers
splitting user stories which are high priority but new functionality in small bits at a time through
too coarse grained to fit in an upcoming iteration  safety- and user stories, increments (may include
several iterations/sprints), and releases.
The backlog refinement is important to fully under- To align SafeScrum with regulations and safety
stand the safety requirements. The RAMS or e.g. the standards, Done-ness criteria have also to address:
safety manager may be involved in the backlog re-  The alongside activities that must be com-
finement meetings to ensure vital safety feedback. If pleted during and after the last Sprint. This
in doubt regarding safety requirements related to includes V&V activities and information and
legislation or standards, the assessor should be con- documents to be produced including delivery
sulted ASAP. to the relevant parties involved
The backlog refinement meetings may improve
 Authorization and the required documenta-
the understanding of the requirements and as a result
ensure that requirements are implemented correctly. tion in that context for some domains like
"Sprint Review": e.g. the Railway domain
also named Demonstration Meeting and Sprint
demo. The Sprint Review takes place at the end of
the Sprint and is designed to gather feedback on 7 CONCLUSION
what the team has completed. This practice is a good
opportunity for the team to show its work and to in- The Agile HL approach takes the best from the two
spect the overall aspects for the product backlog. worlds: conforming to safety standards and agile
In SafeScrum, after a planned number of sprints processes and practices. We have presented recom-
Myklebust et al (2016), the project should deliver a mendations for the AHL requirements: it is recom-
potentially reviewable product increment. This mended to include all the hazard log requirements
means that at the end of each incremental sprint from the safety standard EN 50126-1 together with
(may have several iterative sprints before an incre- communication aspects included in the CSM regula-
ment), the team has produced a coded, tested and re- tion, which also corresponds perfectly with the Agile
viewable piece of software. In an iterative sprint be- mind set. A safety process has been suggested in-
tween each increment they demonstration can be volving amongst other things, safety stories,
anything that can be explained and discussed in rela- SafeScrum and alongside engineering. Adaptation
tion to a story/requirements. The RAMS responsible of the agile practices as follows may result in further
person or e.g. the safety manager may be involved in improvements of the process: backlog together with
the sprint review to ensure safety feedback. The backlog splitting, sprint review and backlog refine-
demo is a practical approach to ensure that design ment.
errors are discovered and that the original intent of The AHL approach further represents an im-
the requirement is implemented. Implementation er- proved process, e.g., by being suited for frequent
rors can also be errors due to the tools, use of the changes, for the development and maintenance of
tools, coding and models. Already implemented po- the HL. The process is especially improved in rela-
tential hazards may thus be revealed at the earliest tion to the stronger emphasis on software develop-
possible time. ment.
According to Kniberg (2015): "A well-executed
sprint demo, although it may seem undramatic, has This work has also shown that there exist possi-
a profound effect: The team gets credit for their ac- ble improvements of IEC 61508-3, by requiring the
complishment. They feel good. Other people learn use of hazard log as a single source of risk manage-
what your team is doing. The demo attracts vital ment activities. This task performed by the validator
feedback from stakeholders. Demos are (or should could preferably also be required in the IEC 61508
series without requiring who shall perform the task:
"the validator has to ensure that the related hazard T. Myklebust, G. K. Hanssen and N. Lyngby. A survey of
logs and remaining non-conformities are reviewed the software and safety case development practice in the
and that all hazards are closed in an appropriate railway signalling sector. To be presented at ESREL 2017
manner through elimination or risks control/transfer
R. F. Paige, A Galloway, R. Charalambous and X. Ge.
measures." High-integrity agile processes for the development of safety
critical software. Int. J. Critical Computer-Based Systems,
Vol.2, No. 2, 2011
Acknowledgements: This work was partially
funded by the Norwegian Research Council under Kelly T. Software Certification: Where is Confidence Won
grant #228431 (the SUSS project) SINTEF SEP pro- and Lost? SSS2014
ject "Safe Software" and "The Agile Safety Case"
project. T. Myklebust, T. Stålhane and N. Lyngby. The Agile
Safety Plan. PSAM13, 2016 Seoul.


Commission implementing regulation 402/2013 of 30 April

2013 on the common safety method (CSM) for risk evalua-
tion and assessment and repealing Regulation 352/2009


2015/1136 of 13 July 2015 amending Implementing Regu-
lation (EU) No 402/2013 on the common safety method for
risk evaluation and assessment

EN 50126-1:1999 Railway applications – The specification

and demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintaina-
bility and Safety (RAMS)

IEC 61508:2010 series. Functional safety of electri-

cal/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related sys-

Myklebust T., Stålhane T., Hanssen G. K. and Haugset B.

Change Impact Analysis as required by safety standards,
what to do? PSAM 12 Hawaii 2014

Myklebust T., Stålhane T., and Hanssen G. K. Use of Agile

Practices when developing Safety-Critical software. ISSC
2016-08, Orlando.

T. Myklebust, T. Stålhane and N. Lyngby. The Agile Safe-

ty Plan. PSAM13, Seoul.

T. Myklebust and T. Stålhane. The Agile Safety Case.

SafeComp 2016-09, Trondheim.

Kniberg H. Scrum and XP from the trenches. How we do

Scrum. Second edition 2015.

T. Myklebust and T. Stålhane. Safety stories – A New Con-

cept in Agile Development. SafeComp 2016-09, Trond-

Hanssen, G.K., Haugset, B., Stålhane, T., Myklebust, T.,

and Kulbrandstad, I. Quality Assurance in Scrum Applied
to Safety Critical Software. In proceedings of International
Conference on Agile Software Development (XP). 2016.
Edinburgh, UK: Springer: p.92-103.

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