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Policy Brief

October 2020

The Coronavirus and the Trump Administration

Summary of findings
 This study shows the way the Trump Presidency has downplayed the COVID-19 pandemic.
 The action against the pandemic resulted in the United States being the country with more reported cases than any other
industrialized nation.
 The Trump administration response, lead into a weakening the country’s capability, delayed federal action, and the denigrated
the scientific community

Introduction Equipment (PPE). His role had a “bump effect” which

At the end of 2019 a newly discovered disease in Wuhan, explained by Erlanger in his post in the New York Times as
China has been discovered by local Chinese authorities, the “when people are confused and afraid, they tend to trust
virus first started to spread inside China. The Chinese their governments, because to think that the authorities are
government was slow in reporting the outbreak to the themselves confused and afraid, let alone incompetent, is
World Health Organization (WHO), and it resisted full too much to bear” (Ladkin, 2020).
transparency thereafter and rejected any claims from the
WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and The complication of the handling of the COVID-19 has given
Prevention (CDC) to provide desperately needed scientific the result that more Americans are dying because of it
expertise in epidemiology and molecular virology (Stewart, (Ladkin, 2020). The Trump Administration decided to dismiss
2020). the advice on pandemic preparedness given by the previous
administration by disbanding the pandemic response office
Summary of Research as part of an effort to streamline NSC operations (Rutledge,
In the initial weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, there were 2020). What was done is that Trump and his administration
more than 15 million posts on twitter about the seriousness of decided to change the nation’s pandemic response, leading
the situation; afterwards the amount of posts related to the into a weakening into the country’s capability, delayed
COVID-19 was over 417 million (Pérez-Dasilva, Meso-Ayerdi, & federal action, and the denigrated the scientific community
Mendiguren-Galdospín, 2020). The latter is worth mentioning (Yamey & Gonsalves, 2020).
because twitter is one of the main platforms where President
Trump gives his statements and influences people. Research Findings
To sum up, it has been evidently that President Trump’s
Not only that, the Trump administration downplayed the downplaying of the situation has been impactful to the
seriousness of the pandemic and took minimal preventive American people, let alone himself, where in the recent days
actions during the early stages of the pandemic. The United he has been diagnosed with the COVID-19. A proof of what
States, having around a 4 percent of the world’s population, was is stated above is the latest presidential debate held on
having more reported cases than any other industrialized September 29th, 2020, where Trump mocked his rival Joe
country, the same way, it started to lead with the COVID-19 Biden for using a face mask, he also questioned the experts’
death tolls (Drezner, 2020). opinions on the effectivity of masks. Likewise, with the
medical discharge and still being carrier of the virus, Trump
With Donald Trump’s denial of responsibility, there was a late decided to take off his mask demonstrating once again that
action in testing Americans if whether or not they had the virus he does not acknowledge the seriousness of the situation.
as well as the lack of acquisition of Personal Protection

1. Drezner, D. (2020, August 19). The Song Remains the Same: International Relations After COVID-19. The IO Foundation, 1-18.
2. Ladkin, D. (2020). What Donald Trump’s response to COVID-19 teaches us: It’s time for our romance with leaders to end. Leadership, 3, 273-278.
3. Pérez-Dasilva, J. Á., Meso-Ayerdi, K., & Mendiguren-Galdospín, T. (08 de May de 2020). Fake news and coronavirus: Detecting key players and trends through
analysis of Twitter conversations. El profesional de la información, 1-22.
4. Rutledge, P. (2020). Trump, COVID-19, and the War on Expertise. American Review of Public Administration, 50(6/7), 505-511.
5. Stewart, P. (2020). When the System Fails. Foreign Affairs, 99(4), 40-51.
6. Yamey, G., & Gonsalves, G. (2020, April 24). Donald Trump: a political determinant of covid-19. The BMJ, 369.

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