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Name: Umair Iqbal

Student ID: c0156684


• Briefly introduce yourself (again)- here please notify me of your preferred pronoun, if
you would rather be referred to by a nickname, and/or if there is anything specific you
would like me to know about you or how I can best support you as an instructor.

• Honestly reflect on what you foresee your greatest struggle in this class to be.

• What are you hoping to accomplish in the course of completing your degree? What
are you hoping to learn and practice in this class in particular? What do you want to
do with the knowledge you cultivate here?

My name is Umair Iqbal. And I am from Pakistan. It would be preferred to use “He” pronoun. I
am enrolled in BBA. Well, I don’t have any kind of specific nickname so you can call me by my
name. As an instructor, you can help with my lengthy assignment, grammar and reference.

Honestly speaking the greatest struggle during class would be my time management. Because I
am not good at time management and there are certain things which I must have to do on time.
Sometimes, it could happen that my assignments are not on time but as a student of this
institution it is my responsibility to overcome and to try best to do everything on time.

I am hoping to accomplish best knowledge and understanding of English language which will
help better to understand other courses while completing my degree. My biggest fight with the
English language is grammar therefore, I am hoping to learn and practice more about the
grammar than any other thing. First thing which I would love to do is to share my knowledge
with others, second thing which I will do is to adopt this knowledge in my life.

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