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2 DIRECTION: In a three- paragraph essay, explain the importance of being ready

and prepared for a job interview. In your own words, make a list and explain each, the
things needed to remember and know before attending a job interview.

Job interviewing is an important step in the employee selection process and it is the

gateway to the dream of every person. Most people are tensed when they are in a job
interview, they find it one of the most stressful things that can happen in their life.
However, being ready and prepared can make the job interview effortless and
uncomplicated. By preparing, people will feel much more in control, cool and calm in the
process of the interview and it also makes them feel confident. There are a lot of things
that needed to remember and know before attending a job interview and they are;

(1)Get familiar to the company your applying to. Through researching the company we
will be able to get familiar with their history and what they do, want they can offer to you
and what can you expect from them. Knowing such information will help us to impress
the interviewer and it is a good thing because it shows that we actually take time to
learn about the company.(2)Read the job description that they created. The job
description is a list of the qualifications, qualities and background the employer is
looking for in an ideal candidate. We must align our self with what they are looking for
so that the employer will see that we are capable or qualified to the job. And also by
examining the job description, we will have an idea to the questions that they may ask
to us.(3)Practice interview questions. Having knowledge of what are the question that
they might ask on us is a great way to prevent us from panicking in the interview and
through practicing it will us to have confidence to answer interviewer’s questions.

(4) Practice the body language and the tone of your voice. It is one of the most
important to be prepared of. We want to be positive with our voice rather than cloudy
and sad voice, talk steady not super fast and we should not stutter because it shows
lack of confidence.(5) Dress well. We should dress appropriately and look professional
whenever we are going to attend a job interview. The interviewer will first judge us on
the outside before we start talking and it is also their first impression to us that is why
we should dress well. Some of us just wing job interview but it is the way that will lead
us in our dream job, so we should take some time to prepare and be ready because it
will help us in achieving our goal which is to work in their company.

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