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Lesson 7

The Powers of the Mind

Act Out:
1. Go online to Through its search engine, look for the entry
“Creating a Mind Map”.
II – Essay
1. How does the knowledge of the first and right brain hemisphere help in improving
- People can alter their study methods and study schedule to suit their personality
type by learning their dominant brain type (either left or right). Left-brained
persons, for example, should study in a calm setting. They should use math,
science, language, and logic to their advantage. They should be conscious that
they need to work on their creativity and their ability to deal with ambiguity.
Right-brained people, on the other hand, should aim to be more organized by
creating lists, outlines, and to-do lists. People with a dominant right brain can
use their inventiveness to their advantage.
2. Do you agree with the left and right brain thinking theory? Why or why not?
- It's a fallacy that people are either right-brained or left-brained. Despite the fact
that we all have distinct personalities and abilities, there's no reason to suppose
that these variations are due to the dominance of one side of the brain over the
other. There is no evidence of right or left dominance in recent studies using
brain imaging techniques.
3. What is a mind map? Explain.
- A mind map is a visual representation of ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking
tool that aids in the organization of information and aids in the analysis,
comprehension, synthesis, recall, and generation of new ideas.
4. In your own opinion, which mind mapping technique is better? Justify your answer?
- The Spaghetti on the Wall Method is a better mind mapping technique because
after gathering raw data, you can focus on really building a structure around the
key idea and connecting the notions. This strategy allows you to be more
creative with your ideas and make connections between diverse parts in your
mind map.
5. Why do you think mind-mapping techniques can help improve learning?
- For a variety of reasons, mind maps are an excellent learning tool. Students can
use them to brainstorm ideas for creative projects (alone or in groups), as well as
plan and structure work such as essays, reports, and presentations, because they
enable the brain to establish associations between diverse keywords, phrases,
and images. Mind maps can also be used as a revising tool. Because they may be
used to break down difficult information and increase retention and recall, mind
maps are also a fantastic revision tool.
III - Choice one topic from the list below and create your individual mind maps about it.
(Use short bond paper)
● Brain Lateralization
● Mind Mapping
● Stress
● Adolescence

IV- Answer the question briefly. Write your answer in a short bond paper.
What is the advantage of using a mind map in your studies? Explain.
- Personally, I find mind mapping to be a fantastic tool to use in my studies, especially
when a topic has a lot of subtopics. It provides me with a high-level overview of the
subject and makes it simple for me to comprehend the entire flow. By simply analyzing
the mind maps I generated, I will be able to boost my memory and retention.

“ You are today where your

thoughts have brought you,
you will be tomorrow where
your thoughts take you”
*James Allen *

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