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Make up a research project

СРМП Research project

Choose a theme (at the crossing psychology and specialty) and develop a research structure that
includes the following items:

1. Theme.
2. Object of research.
3. Subject of research.
4. Purpose of research.
5. Problems (2 – theoretical; 2 – practical).
6. Research hypothesis.
7. Research methods.
8. Selections (who and how many tests subjects; justification).

1. Theme.
Working conditions and psychological climate in the team of the National Nuclear Center
2. Object of research.
The psychological climate in the team of the National Nuclear Center
3. Subject of research.
The relationship of working conditions and psychological climate in the team
4. Purpose of research.
The study of the informal psychological atmosphere and working conditions in the staff of the
nuclear center
5. Problems (2 – theoretical; 2 – practical).
1) Study of styles of interpersonal relations in the works of scientists;
2) Methods of measuring the degree of cohesion / disunity in the team;
3) Organization of study of working conditions and psychological climate in the team;
4) Development of recommendations for improving psychological climate
6. Research hypothesis.
It is assumed that the team breaks communication links and, as a result, the psychological
climate deteriorates due to difficult working conditions.
7. Research methods.
- methods of studying the psychological climate;
- methods for assessing working conditions;
-mathematical methods: correlation of working conditions and psychological climate
8. Selections (who and how many tests subjects; justification).
40 people.
The entire staff of the nuclear center takes part in the study, including:
- head of the center;
- deputy head of the center;
- shift supervisors;
-apparatus water cleaning;
- locksmiths;

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