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Are Health and Happiness Related?

I personally think that health and happiness very related. “The happier you are, the more
health you get”, I think it’s a suitable sentence for the topic of the day. In our own lives, there is
plenty of evidence to prove that health and happines is related. An example is myself, Alhamdulillah
I have never had covid at all, it’s because I’m always happy. According to article I read, it stated that
feeling happy will strengthen our immune system.

I found that Finland is the happiest country in this world. I thought what made Finland is the
happiest country, because I’m curious, I read many article about it. In the article I read, it was
explained that because they have positive things, such as free education and health care, low crime
rates, comfortable social security, and their citizens are prosperous. I also found that Denmark is also
one of the happiest countries after Finland, it also has the same reason as Finland.

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