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Name: Sunny Kumar

Mobile Number: 9113792731

Personal Email Id:

in 3rd Person…

He is a final year undergraduate student pursuing Int. Mtech in Mathematics and Computing at
IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. Being a student of Mathematics and Computing, he has gained a broad base of
knowledge of various algorithms and data structures. I consider him very adaptable for his exposure
to a wide variety of technologies. Due to his ability to stick to a problem/challenge for a long time,
he generally comes with a new perspective leading to some efficient solution.

He had developed the skill of brainstorming by the practice of sports programming that helped him
to find innovative and optimized solutions for the complicated problem.

He has completed 1 internship in the Software Engineering profile at Samsung Research India
Bangalore. Because of his breadth of experience, I believe that he would make an excellent addition
to the team.

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