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This book is for many can be a great revelation for someone a great

test, for questions that seeks and finds the answers everyone,
always worried about humanity, and already seemed to have their
right decision.

What are the possibilities of man? Are they limited? In addition, if

limited, then what? Limits of human capabilities is not - all a matter
of training the brain. It is the brain, a unique tool of human
cultivation, will help everyone to transform his or her lives.
Supports in this work will be an effective method of training
attention function.
Copyright © 2016 by Kate Murray. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems,
or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recorded or otherwise without written permission from the author.

ISBN-13: 978-1537179407
ISBN-10: 1537179403

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy #BESTSELLER

2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Social Confidence
4. Adrenal Fatigue
5. Persuasion
6. Parents Mistakes
The human brain - a wonderful mechanism created by
nature. He coordinates the work of all systems of the body, and the
second receives and produces a huge number of nerve impulses that
allow us to move, breathe and know the world senses. However, as
with all other components of the body, it gets tired and gradually
loses its speed and clarity.

Often with age without much joy, we notice that it becomes

increasingly difficult to concentrate, take it in your mind and
remember. The reaction slows down, and mental images are no
longer as bright as a child. There comes a sad thought, "I'm getting
old ..." Really nothing can change?

You Can!

Any organ of our body is no longer active and work correctly if there
is no load. The monotonous, monotonous work, lack of new faces,
impressions and sensations, many stresses and emotions lead to the
fact that the brain just turned off. The less we give him opportunities
for development, the faster it loses its efficiency. However, it is a
reversible process, and return him to power, former sharpness and
clarity as possible. Your brain needs exercise!
1. American Writer Tips.
2. About Cerebral Hemispheres.

Part I – How Mindfulness Training Affects Our Neurons

Part II – Memory Training

Simple Effective Tips:
1. Get enough sleep, to improve memory!
2. Read useful books!
3. Learn by heart poems!
4. Computer games improve memory!
5. To improve memory - works with numbers!
6. Rid yourself of the daily routine!
7. Always learn new!
8. Tell about yesterday.
9. Learn English (Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, etc.)
10. Often have sex.
11. Do not sit on a rigid diet.
12. Women's contraception improves memory!
13. Soya - the best tool for the development of memory.
14. Always breakfast.
15. Forget about laziness.
16. Sport - a good way to improve your memory!
17. Listen to music.
18. Always think about the good.

Part III – Speed Reading

1. Obstacles to the rapid reading
2. Who has studied speed reading
3. Why read quickly
4. Is it possible to learn speed-reading at home?
5. Exercises to increase reading speed
a. Lesson 1: Concentration of attention
b. Lesson 2: Suppression of articulation
c. Lesson 3: Train visual skills when reading
d. Lesson 4: Speed-reading and information management
e. Lesson 5: Speed-reading and memory development

Part IV – Visual Memory

1. Visual memory, what is it?
2. Eidetic memory, what is it?
3. Visual memory - an important media
4. How to improve visual memory?
5. 6 exercises for the development of visual memory

Part V – Unlimited Concentration

1. Attention exercises
2. Tests to determine the concentration
3. Attention training
4. Charging for the brain
5. Physiological aspects
6. Helpful hints

About the Author
Check my other book; it may be useful to you
Unfortunately, the human uses his mind is not at full capacity.
However, the situation can try to change, training the body on a daily
basis. This is what will be discussed in the submitted article.

Brain Training - a very important and necessary activity. After all,

today scientists have shown that only 60 years to the human body
reaches its peak of development. Previously, it believed that at this
time brain activity has significantly decreased. Modern scientists
have shown that brain activity does not depend on themselves
neurons (the amount of which decreases with age), and the quality of
the connections between them. These communications can be
maintained and further enhanced by active intellectual activities.
American Writer Tips.
At all times, people knew that the most important activity is to train
the brain. That's about it in his book in 1936 wrote the American
writer Dorothy Brand. It has provided some simple but very effective
exercise to enhance brain activity.

1. Every day you need to allocate an hour when it is necessary

to reduce the maximum speech activity. Those with no one
to talk. If necessary, the questions to be answered in
monosyllables, clearly and in fact.
2. In half an hour a day to think about one thing. Since the first
to do it will be very hard, training should be started 5
3. A quarter of an hour a day to say, without using words to
me, my, me.
4. We need two hours a day every day to make a plan of
activities and strictly follow it.
5. On the day, you need to put yourself 12 tasks. They all must
have to perform. These exercises will not only train the
brain, but also make people look at themselves and the
world more widely.

These exercises will not only train the brain, but also make people
look at themselves and the world more widely.
About Cerebral Hemispheres.
All people must know that the brain consists of two hemispheres.
Therefore, the right is responsible for intuition and creativity, the left
- for logic and math skills. Ideally, these two hemispheres one
develops in parallel. However, you can try to develop a certain
quality of training only the desired part of the brain.

The right hemisphere

Train right brain may consist of the following exercises:
1. It is necessary to pay more attention to the creative activity.
So, you can go to a museum or to do drawing.
2. We need to think of the next day. In this case, it turns on
creative thinking, which is responsible for precisely the right
3. On the street you can also train your brain. You just have to
look into the faces of people and assume what they are
thinking now.

Such exercises can be very much. It is only necessary to try as much

as possible to use imagination. By the way, it is perfectly develop the
right brain with the baby game.

The left hemisphere

1. Several other training can be brain (in this case it will go to
the left hemisphere). What exercises will be relevant in this
2. We need to try as much as possible to solve crossword
3. Good train left brain mathematics. We need to solve
problems, gradually increasing their complexity.
4. It is also necessary to solve logic problems.

It is said that for the development of the brain and body need to use
(but mirrored). If you want to develop the left brain, you need to
train the right arm and leg. And vice versa.
Part I – How Mindfulness Training
Affects Our Neurons
Our brain is plastic - new neural connections can be formed into
adulthood. Moreover, with the help of special exercises can we
stimulate the development of these relations and to train certain
areas of brain function and.


The first time I saw Jonathan, he's only sixteen and he was in the
tenth grade. He entered the office shuffled his jeans hung low on his
hips, and long blond hair falling over his eyes. He said that the last
couple of months he was bad and sad, and occasionally for no
apparent reason he began to cry. I learned that his school was the
company of close friends, and with the study there were no problems.
He was indifferent, almost dismissively he said that the house
everything was normal: older sister and a younger brother of his
getting out, and irritated parents, as always. It seemed that there was
nothing unusual in Jonathan's life happened.

And yet, something definitely went wrong. Tears and low mood
accompanied by Jonathan uncontrollable fits of rage. Ordinary
situations where, for example late sister or brother took his guitar
without permission, causing him intense anger. Just being with
Jonathan, I sensed his frustration and burnout. He admitted that he
also noticed in his sleep problems, decreased appetite, and suicidal
thoughts. But I found that Jonathan is no attempt suicide and was
not planning on it.

Sudden outbursts of irritability could speak as one of the main signs

of deep depression, especially in children. But they might as well
belong to the symptoms of bipolar disorder is often inherited and
often manifests itself in adolescence.
We started classes aimed at training of mindfulness skills. The idea
was that these techniques create a temporary state of activation of the
brain every time we repeat them. With regular repetition of short-
term state of becoming long-term and permanent. So through the
practice of mindfulness is transformed into a character trait.

Imagine a bicycle wheel, which in the center of the axis, and from it
to the rim spokes differ. Rim - is all that we can pay attention to: the
thoughts and feelings, perception of the world, or sensations in the
body. Axis - this inner space of consciousness, from which comes
awareness. Spokes indicate the direction of attention on a specific
part of the rim. Awareness focused on the axis of the wheel, and we
focus on different objects - points on the rim. Axis is a metaphor of
the prefrontal cortex.

If you have only recently engaged in the training of conscious

attention, you might want to compare it with the development of a
musical instrument. Initially, you concentrate on certain elements:
the strings, keyboard, or mouthpiece. Then you practice the basic
skills: play gam-chords, consistently focusing on each note or we.
Targeted and regular practice allows you to develop a new ability. It
actually strengthens the areas of the brain necessary for the new

"If you have only recently engaged in the training of conscious

attention, you might want to compare it with the development of a
musical instrument"

Training awareness also helps develop skill - set a goal and go for it -
just as a musical instrument stands out. It is developed through
observation and contributes to the stabilization and retention of
attention. The next step is to learn to distinguish the quality of
awareness of the object of attention. Jonathan and started the stage
with a "scan" of the body.

He had to lie down on the floor and focus on the parts of the body
called me. We are consistently moving from the toes to the nose,
stopping periodically to specific sensations he said. When Jonathan
was distracted, he had mentioned that he was distracted, let it go and
focus again, as he did with the breath. Dive into the bodily sensations
directed his attention to the new site on the wheel rim awareness. He
found the area of tension or relaxation and notice what distracted,
moving inside the wheel sector, which is the sixth sense.

Then I taught Jonathan meditation in motion: he made twenty slow

steps around the room, focusing on the feet or legs, and using a
similar approach. When Jonathan realized that distracted, he simply
returned the note back. This set the stage for objectivity. the
concentration of an object changes with each practice, but the feeling
remained the same awareness.
Part II – Memory Training
You catch yourself thinking that bad memorize a variety of
information: phone numbers, associates the names, dates of birth

Your memory is constantly lets you down at the wrong time? How to
improve memory?

I will share with you a little secret - in order to improve memory - it

needs to be trained!

Our memory has an unlimited amount, many cells for a variety of

information; just we have not learned to use them!

I want to offer you effective tips that will allow you to keep in your
head a lot of interesting information!
Simple Effective Tips
1. Get enough sleep, to improve
The process of storing information occurs when you are sleeping.
Then the brain switches from getting into a state of preservation:
During the phase of sleep with rapid eye movement all the events of
the day, are classified and linked with other already accumulated
memories and knowledge.

Researchers from the University of California at Berkeley have

studied the process of memory loss in adults and found that it is
associated with poor sleep. Moreover, other research has shown that
full sleep helps children improve academic performance. By
combining these results, we obtain the main conclusion: in order to
improve memory, you need to sleep no matter how old you are.
Every adult needs eight hours of sleep, maybe a little more or less, it
is individually.

The best way to remember the information you need is to focus on it

just before you go to bed.

We all know the rule about 8 hours sleep, which suggests that our
brains to fully rest and recover you need to sleep at least 8 hours a
day. For daily process huge amounts of information, the brain needs
a rest, so remember, if you want to improve your memory, get
enough sleep.
2. Read useful books!
When you read - your own brain, and automatically stores the read
information, and if it is a vital and positive - even more so!

In your brain come up vivid images, turn on the imagination!

After reading the highlights you can take notes. And after a while to
get through his notes, reread the story and try to recover as
completely as possible in memory.

But simultaneously with the same reading books can be, for example,
ignore the tab. And each time, closing the book, remember, had to
stop on a page.

How to improve memory in between times more? Try to remember

numbers near telephones. This, by the way, can help in an
emergency. It is also useful to keep in mind the series and number of
his passport. Periodically, remember the names of their classmates
or to memorize the prices in the stores. The latter, incidentally, will
help to save.

Reading - a great workout for your memory, and you have increased
your vocabulary words, increased intelligence!
3. Learn by heart poems!
Think about how many verses you know by heart?

But your child knows many poems, unlike some.

, after graduation, people rarely faced with the need to learn by heart
verses. Children in this respect surpass many adults. Therefore, if
there is a great desire to train the brain, but do not know how to
develop memory - learn poems with your child. This council will
provide an opportunity to not only improve memory, but also get
many emotions from exploring the beautiful poetry!

Learn poems with your child - it will not only train your memory -
but also give you many pleasant sensations of beauty!
4. Computer games improve memory!
Fans of computer games will be interested to know that they not only
kill time at the computer, but also improve your memory.

But ... .For memory is enough for 30 minutes of the game, but not
the whole day.

When you play a puzzle game - your brain thinks, remembers the
action chooses a particular strategy, planning future events.

Many experts are of the opinion that the activity of the brain activity
is the very factor that hinders the psychological human aging. But
not everyone can travel the world and constantly doing something
new, to keep your mind sharp. And video games just might be a great
solution to this problem.

The tests, conducted two weeks later, found that playing 3D games,
students showed improvement in cognitive function. In particular,
memory operation have improved to about 12%.

Know the measure - not to get carried away, because this thing
before a fall!
5. To improve memory - works with
"Why, I can remember all the small stuff, and serious things have to
almost fight to wrest from creeping sclerosis?" – Judy Oliver (my

Admit honestly, you well know and remember the multiplication


Today, people just do not themselves represent without various


Do you practice your count in the mind (preferably in a column, as in

school) all their purchases in stores (even though the check in).

Not only do you get the brain to work and train and memory!
6. Rid yourself of the daily routine!
Give your memory the opportunity to get some fresh air!

Try to make spontaneous and unconventional behavior.

For example, you can change your route to work every day - to other

Instead of coffee in the morning - you can drink fresh juice!

Try not to look at the keyboard and try to print a few suggestions by
blind dialing!

These here are simple ways you can rid yourself of annoying routine,
reduce the effects of stress!
7. Always learn new!
What you always wanted to learn to do, but how you do not always
have enough time?

Today is just perfect for this day to try their hand at a new lesson!

Try your hand at a new lesson - this may be exploring the mysterious
secrets of the pharaohs or diving!


New - it's always interesting and always motivates ads fire to the
blood, new emotions!

Do the same for yourself what you are afraid to do before or justify
the lack of time!

Give your brain and memory work actively!

8. Tell about yesterday.
Try to remember and tell your friend how you spent the day

But start with the story of the end! It will be more difficult - but it
will be just right for your memory!

Do it this way: at any time look at the clock and try to remember
what you were doing at the same time yesterday. Think of all the
details. What did you do? Who were you? What were you wearing?
What were you thinking? Try to give detailed answers to these
questions. Many people who have tried this exercise, leave very rave
reviews about it, and talked about the fact that this exercise is very
interesting to perform.

When you remember the past - your memory is activated and will not
be able to erase the former information it may deem unnecessary!
9. Learn English (Spanish, Chinese,
Portuguese, etc.)
The process of learning new languages has beneficial effects for the
development of the brain. Catching just one week, you can
significantly improve memory. And the result can be made to
preserve and increase, if you regularly practice.

Learning a foreign language - is the best method of training the

memory, even in the life of this knowledge will be very useful!

Try every day to learn new words by 6-7!

You'll see in a few weeks, your memory will work as a watch!

10. Often have sex.
Scientists have brought that those people who have a rich love life -
almost never suffer from dementia!

If you are hard to memorize the phone numbers or reading a book,

you and here come to the aid of sex. British researchers say that
during orgasm the vessels actively circulates the blood, which is rich
in oxygen and beneficial hormones. This is not only the blood
reaches all the organs and systems of the body, it reaches the
hypothalamus - the brain department, which oversees the work of
memory and learning centers, and thus improves memory and
learning ability.

And this is because having sex, as well as sports - oxygenates the

body and also helps brain cells to grow more rapidly, activating the
hypothalamus, and he, in turn, is responsible for the memory!
11. Do not sit on a rigid diet.
My dear reader, remember - when you are sitting on too hard and
almost calorie-free diets - you lose not only weight, but also the

Scientists have brought that women who sit on harsh diets -

information is processed very slowly!

Do not skip your breakfast. Carbohydrates contained in porridge and

bread, are a major source of energy for the brain. Keep a strong sense
of hunger, it is seen that the normal reaction of people eating higher
rate than those who are on a diet or eating irregularly.

It is better to go on a balanced diet and do not hurt yourself!

12. Women's contraception improves
This is nonsense, but experts have brought an interesting fact that in
the process of memorizing a good influence have female
contraceptive pill.

The longer a woman uses them - the effect is the best.

And most interesting is that contraceptive drugs bring positive

results even when a woman stops taking them.
13. Soya - the best tool for the
development of memory.
Scientists have brought an interesting fact that the people who sit on
the soy diet have an excellent memory!

Medical tests have shown that the people sitting on a diet rich in soy
products have a delicious memory. Try to enter in your menu soy
meat, tofu and soy milk (2 times per week).
14. Always breakfast.
Make it a habit to always eat breakfast in the morning!

Our brain activity is directly dependent on what food we eat. Start

the day with a proper breakfast - and alertness, concentration, good
memory you provided.

To improve the mental activity in the morning is better to use: fish,

broccoli, blueberries, currants, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, fruits and

Your brain during sleep burn a considerable amount of calories!

Eat breakfast - and you will be overcome forgetfulness for a day.

15. Forget about laziness.
Remember, at the lazy people will never be a good memory! Struggle
with laziness.

Recently we opened a Japanese technique effective against laziness,

which is called "Kaydzen", also called "Principle 1 minute."

The rule of this method reads that you are engaged in their work
(teaching, sports, reading) for exactly 1 minute - and no more!

But lessons should take place every day at exactly the same time but
1 minute!

You know that 1 minute of time - it's nothing, it's a little - so the
classes some business will take place quickly, easily and with

You can even forget about Leni, she did not have time to knock you.

The same actions that you can take 1 hour of time, and you
understand it and find any excuse, only to do nothing - can stretch
for 1 minute!

You'll see, you'll be every day to develop the habit with the help of 1
16. Sport - a good way to improve your
Wise people always say, "When you exercise your body, your memory
is trained, too!"

And it's really true!

When you keep your body in good physical condition - increased

processing capacity and data storage in the memory, as you have
self-esteem rises!

Sports saturate the brain with oxygen and reduce the risk of diseases
such as cardiovascular, diabetes - with portability that memory
17. Listen to music.
While listening to your favorite tracks are sound vibrations that
cause the brain waves! With the help of these waves, we remember
information faster.

If you want to improve the process of storing data, to maximize the

concentration of attention, then no doubt you can enjoy the music of
Mozart and Haydn, because their works are distinguished by a
special melody and harmony. Undeniable positive effects of classical
music on the human intellect and brain, while there is a significant
improvement in memory and accelerated learning.

Neuroscientists believe in the positive effect of classical music on the

concentration of attention, so the music is ideal for library reading
rooms. The quiet sound of music gives you an opportunity to
improve the process of storing and processing information, thus
reducing the time to achieve the desired results. Increase
concentration will help the music of composers such as Tchaikovsky,
Mendelssohn and Debussy.

From all the above it follows that the classical music of the Baroque
promotes memorization, has beneficial effects on concentration, as
well as other intellectual processes.

Best Music for memory training - classic!

18. Always think about the good.
The brain - a memory machine. Take an old photo album or school
diary and remember. Spend time with your memories. However,
remember only the good. Do not look at photos of people, which are
associated with bad memories. Cover them with your hand or a piece
of paper. Allow the mind to reflect, to remember. Positive emotions
from the memories to help you cope with problems.

The most malicious enemy of memory - irritability and negative

mood! Bad thoughts, apathy to everything - make us scattered and
poorly we remember anything.

But positive people, smile, good thoughts - make our memory to

work as "excellent"!

Often remember the pleasant!

Part III – Speed Reading
We often catch myself thinking, that does not manage to capture the
essence of all the information that comes to us during the day from
the newspapers, the Internet, books, etc. To help solve this problem
is speed-reading. Speed-reading helps a lot to reduce the time that a
person spends on reading and comprehension of any text. Speed-
reading can be free to learn at home - 5 prompt exercise - way to
master speed reading at home.

Most of the words that we read - it is water, which serves as a binder,

the most important thing is usually expressed in a few words. When
reading scientific texts brain trained person reads only these major,
important words, without dwelling on the words-chords.

However, do not assume that through speed-reading, you will not be

able fiction, not at all. Speed-reading helps to closely associate
reading fiction with the "view" of scenes from the book in his head;
ie, reading a book, you like watching a movie, created by your own

At the same texts that you will not read for their own pleasure, you
can spend a lot less time, while in in any case not at the expense of
understanding the text.
1. Obstacles to the rapid reading
1. One of the major obstacles to the rapid reading is a habit of
mentally pronounce the text himself. As a result of our brain,
in addition to visual, and yet I have to process the voice
information, which significantly reduces the rate of reading
material. Thus the first step towards the development of
speed reading will cease pronunciation of the text.

If the reading is accompanied by mumbling aloud or lip

movement (articulation), you can get rid of her, holding between
his teeth an object or gently biting his tongue. If the pronunciation
of the ligaments occurs at the level (but without the expressed
utterance sounds) and the brain, the best way to suppress this bad
habit will be the special exercises. During the reading of a person
proposed to repel a pencil or a finger a certain tact, to say to
himself, tongue twisters and poems, sing, count to 20 - in other
words, to do something that prevents pronouncing himself the

2. Another "obstacle" to learn speed reading skills are the so-

called regression - reflexive eye movements and re-reading
paragraphs and sentences. It is estimated that due to
inattention or the presence of difficult-to-understand text
passages man returns to read up to 10-11 times! Fix this
problem, you can use a cardboard bookmark, or, for example,
a sheet of paper, which must be closed already digested

3. Another reason for the low reading rate is poorly developed

peripheral vision, not allowing a glance voluminous parts of
the text. In this case, the recommended training vertical
reading, in which, looking at the middle of the line, people
will see it whole and will be able to move to the next line as it
were, in a vertical line.
Exercise is best to narrow the texts (e.g., newspaper columns) or
Schulte table, is a square of 25 cells. In each cell randomly inscribe
the numbers from 1 to 25 and then from a distance of about 30
cm, with eyes fixed on the central figure, trying to find the rest of
the order.
2. Who has studied speed reading
Roosevelt mastered speed reading

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of the fastest and the most
voracious readers of all government leaders. Various sources report
that he was able to read a paragraph at a glance, finishing reading
any book, as a rule, in one sitting. Roosevelt studied speed reading

It is known that Roosevelt started in this area with an average read

speed, which decided to improve the work seriously. Among his
achievements was first increase area initially covered during the
pause, up to four words and subsequently brought Roosevelt this
number up to six and more, up to eight words.

A method of speed-reading Balzac

Here's how Balzac described his way of reading: "The absorption of

thought in the process of reading I have reached a phenomenal
ability. Looking grasped seven-eight rows at once, and learned the
meaning of the mind at a speed corresponding to the speed of the
eye. Often a single word allowed to learn the meaning of an entire

How to read Washington

Washington was reading the morning paper just loud. He carefully

listened to the lyrics, mumbled, and prevented its neighbors. He
alleged that reading aloud helps him understand the meaning of the
text and separate the truth from falsehood.

The monk Raymond Lully knew techniques of fast reading


Italian monk who lived in the Middle Ages, Raymond Lull suggested
reading system that allows you to quickly read the book, but up to 50
years of the last century has been the lot of speed-reading the few
bright thinkers and politicians, who developed this skill yourself.
Among the famous people who possessed enough speed-reading list
of such greats as Honore de Balzac Napoleon, Pushkin,
Chernyshevsky, Lenin, John F. Kennedy.

Stalin Speed reading

In Stalin's library, I had almost the entire Russian literary classics:

and separate books and collected works. Especially a lot of books and
was Pushkin. In his library were all Russian and Soviet Encyclopedia,
a large number of dictionaries, especially the dictionaries of the
Russian language and the dictionary of foreign words, all sorts of
reference books.

Most of his books, Stalin was looking, and many read very carefully.
Some of the books he read several times. Stalin read the book, as a
rule, with a pencil, and often with a few color pencils in hands and on
the table. He pointed out many of the phrases and paragraphs,
making notes and writing in the margins. Stalin viewed or read
several books a day. He said some of the visitors to his office showing
a fresh stack of books on his desk: "This is my daily rate - 500 pages."

Karl Marx made the book "slaves"

Karl Marx said: "Books - my slaves" - and streak marks and notes
fields of each book read to them, bending and laying the necessary
pages to him.

Hitler speed-reading system

Curiously, Hitler also had a reading system. In my spare time and

during unemployment, he swallowed indiscriminately political,
scientific and technical literature, which is in the brochures, tracts,
pamphlets and in the rapidly exploding little book quenches thirst
for knowledge. Initially, he leafed through the book, usually from the
end, and checked whether it was worth reading them. If the cost,
then I read exactly what he needed to protect his own way still other
examples of his ideas, established since the time of Vienna and
Munich. He actively worked through the publication only if they
reported the facts, which, he believed, was to be ever ready as
evidence. Every day, early in the morning or late at night, worked
through a large book. Hitler did not thoroughly studied, universally,
but never went without zeal. He calmly pondering just what he
admitted. According to the Secretary, in his personal library was not
a classic, no one works, characterized by humanity and spirituality.
That is what he sometimes regretted that he was doomed to give up
reading fiction, and can only read science.
3. Why we read quickly?
Who needs speed-reading? The answer to this question is very
simple. Anyone who seeks to know the new, this skill will be useful.
Learning how to learn speed-reading, and spending a few months on
what to learn this technique in practice, you can then save a huge
amount of time.

In turn, slow reading is not always justified. Most people do not

finish the book before the end of it because of the large amount of
time. In addition, reading slowly, chances to lose interest in the story
and again throw the book without having read.

For some specialists reading relevant literature - is part of work

duties, giving the opportunity to grow, develop and become an expert
in their field. For these people to master speed-reading technique - a
professional necessity.
4. Is it possible to learn speed-
reading at home?
Nowadays, there are many specialized courses for "little money"
promises to teach everyone who wants to read at speeds of up to
3000 words per minute. Training sessions last from a month to
three. But, is it worth spending time and money to attend such
courses, if you can develop a speed reading at home without any
investment? Such independent learning even has its own advantages:

Free choice time for training allows to train during the hours
when it is most convenient and rewarding.
Methods of learning speed reading exercises and
descriptions are public information, which can be found in
special manuals, sold in any bookstore.
The lack of distractions.
The ability by choosing the duration of training, learning
time control.
5. Exercises to increase reading speed
It's hard to imagine that even 20-30 years ago, to find the answer to
any question, it was necessary to go to the library, borrow books on
the subject you are interested in and where to look for the desired
material. Nowadays, simply specify the appropriate request a search
engine and get a wealth of information on your topic of interest.

Now there is no shortage of information, but there is a problem of its

overabundance in which a person is lost. In the modern information
space must be able to navigate to make this space useful. One of the
most useful skills is the ability to quickly, and most importantly, the
benefit to receive the information, which we see in their laptops, e-
books, iPhone, iPad and all other sources of information, including
newspapers and books.

The ability to quickly read the article, book, textbook, as well as to

understand and learn the material will allow you to become more
efficient, more successful than you were before. And most
importantly, it will save your time, which becomes one of the most
important resources. This section contains useful material on how to
master the technique of speed reading with a high level of effective
perception of the information.

Today, spending time on the development of speed reading

methods, you will be able tomorrow to receive and process more
information, remaining master of your time saved.
For a start look at all the lessons, try the exercise, if any, you are
given skill quickly, then don’t stop for a long time in this lesson. For
example, many people do not experience problems with attention
when reading and are able to go directly to Lesson 2. Pay more
attention to the lessons and exercises, which are:

1. It seems useful to you.

2. Make you trouble.

Optional exercises held in the following sequence, which is indicated

in the lessons, most importantly to reach the goal for each part.
Lesson 1: Concentration of
You've probably noticed that the book is an interesting read in one
breath and faster boring textbook. Also, for example, when reading
an interesting book, you gradually accelerate, immersed in the
process of reading ... Warning for speed reading is very important,
and most importantly, it can be trained.

The essence of attention problems. Inattention when reading

can be expressed in the fact that when you read, you have to go back
to the previous sentence, as you read it mechanically, but have not
penetrated into the meaning. The more often you return, the lower
your pace. Because the first step to increase your reading speed is to
work with your attention and concentration when reading.

The attention and interest. Often you yourself might notice that
in the first minutes of the reading process is much slower than a half
hour after the start. You like "you accelerate." In fact, increases your
level of attention. Especially if the book is interesting, and you caught
the plot. What is more interesting for you book, the more your
attention and the faster you are reading?

- But can you do so that attention was focused on the text does not
even the most interesting in the first minutes, which will
undoubtedly increase your reading speed?

- Can! Try the following exercises and recommendations.

Recommendation 1.1. Games
Try to always find something interesting in the routine, making any
action in the game. Therefore, what good parents who want their
child to do some boring work. Games are common to many living
beings; it is embedded in us at the genetic level.

The game is important excitement!

Passion (French hasard.) - Passion, enthusiasm, quick temper,

excessive vehemence. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia). To create a
gambling game based on the upcoming process of reading, you must
decide on the rules of the game and set clear conditions for the
victory in this game. If you are given this difficult, you can use the
examples and recommendations below.

Competitiveness. For example, if you read the tutorial before the

exam, you can make a competition with friends; see who will read a
textbook or who respond to more questions from the textbook, you
can ask each other. Competitiveness in the learning process - is the
main weapon of the teacher (I know from experience) that can
increase the interest in learning. The vast majority of people in a
reckless attempt to "be better" opponent. Therefore, individual
lessons are not as effective as a group. And in reading, you can find
an opponent yourself!

Personal bests. Another factor creating excitement in reading can be

a struggle with ourselves in order to achieve a certain result. For
example, reading a book, you can pinpoint your reading speed, let
the number of pages per hour, and then try to beat your own record.
Personal records can be put in speed, in number of pages, number of
books in the development of material and much more.
Recommendation 1.2. Motivation
Try to motivate yourself that readable material may be useful to you.
Try to list all the possible benefits that will give you the text read.
Suppose they are not significant, but the main thing to find them.
Then visualize it, dream and start reading.

Even if it's a boring textbook to be read in preparation for the exam,

you have to understand that this knowledge will be useful and, in the
end, a good mark on the subject will please even your mother.
Exercise 1.3. External stimuli
Some people have a very important ability: they can be engaged in
some business, when around them the noise and bustle. Often it is a
matter of habit, for example, when a person is living in a small
apartment or dorm, and he had to adapt to difficult conditions and
be able to do, not paying any attention to that.

Difficult conditions make a person more alert; teach him to

disconnect from external stimuli and to do what he wants.

Try to create artificially currently difficult environment, try to focus

on reading now when you are listening to music, when people walk
around. Go to the street in the park on a day off and read on a bench,
trying to ignore the others, and passers-by.
Exercise 1.4. A state of trance
The state of trance, according to observations expert on hypnosis M.
Erickson, is characterized by increased attention, not the ability to
respond to external stimuli, as well as the ability to ignore the signals
of certain senses. So, in a trance a person can take a position that is
inconvenient in a normal state, and hold in this position for quite a
long time.

For example, reading an interesting book, and his legs crossed, in

half an hour during the break, you may find that one leg severely
stiff. But while reading you did not think about the leg, you were in a
state of heightened attention to the book, you have to work so much
visual perception, the signals from other senses is simply not
perceived by the brain.
Additionally. To get rid of constant returns to already read
(regression) to understand the meaning, you may also be useful
exercise from Lesson 2 and Lesson 4. Getting rid of articulation
allows equating the concept of "read" and "understand" the text, so
that you will not mechanically pronounce read about itself, and
therefore, will not be read separately from the understanding and the
creation of sensual images read. Lesson 4 Material aimed at training
the search skill required information in the text, which can also help
you not to come back to the already read.

Note. If you think that the proposed exercise you are too easy, you
can move on to the next lesson. After all, every person is different,
and different skills can be given in different ways: one - a little
easier, the other - a little more complicated.
Lesson 2: Suppression of
Most people have a habit of reading the text, pronouncing it myself.
If you want to read the text quickly, it should be done "silently", i.e.,
freeing themselves from the articulation.

The problem of articulation. Articulation - pronunciation of the text,

is a significant element of the reading. Articulation helps to give read
the words sound design. As a phenomenon of articulation has its
pros and cons.

Pros articulation: articulation allows us to improve our speech,

to understand how words sound. It is important when reading
poetry and fiction.

Cons articulation: articulation slows down the reading, and to a

lesser extent helps to quickly understand the meaning of reading,
highlight the text of the desired information.

No matter how useful articulation, read it interferes information

material. As a result of talking about myself reading the text, we
spend much more time than would be spent if simply seeing the text
and creating visual images in my head reading, aware of it.

Completely get rid of articulation is not necessary, it is important just

to be able to suppress it in the desired time to speed read.
Exercises 2.1. Alternative text
To begin, try to feel how you perceive the text without articulation.
While reading instead pronounce himself read the text, try to
pronounce your words well-known sequence.

Nonsense. You can start by casting himself (or ears) of any sound
combinations, which typically use popular artists songs: tra-ta-ta, la-
la-la, and so on. At the same time recitative try to understand the
content of the text, which read. Take a book and exercise is easier to
understand the meaning of the text, making it difficult to pronounce
it yourself by saying your chosen nonsense.

Phrases. It is also good to help a variety of proverbs, poems, songs,

tongue twisters, the main thing that they were doing pronunciation
of the most readable text inconvenient or even impossible for you.

Score. Too complicated intricate phrases, on the other hand, should

not distract you from the perception of readable text. For instance,
suitable will account numbers to yourself 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 20. Maximum
convenient to count to 20, as the names of all the numbers in this
range consist of a single word, whereas the composite numerals may
confuse you, disturbing not only pronouncing, but also the
perception of readable text.

If you already feel the strength to understand the text, suppressing

the articulation in such a way, you can move on to the exercises of
the second group. They will aim to develop and reinforce the skills of
reading, without articulation.
Exercises 2.2. Spoiler for articulation
Stir articulation can also be acting physically on the very vocal
apparatus. The effect of these exercises, unlike the previous ones, is
achieved by the articulation during reading becomes physically
uncomfortable, and the body tries not to use it.

These exercises develop the ability to refuse the articulation in

reading at any time, when you will need.

Finger near lips. During the reading, (for a start is better to use a
simple text) keep a finger at the lips, as if you want to show a gesture
of "quieter". Start reading the text and at the same time try to control
the tongue and lips, try, so they did not move, and just glide through
the eyes of the text. It is advisable to slide on the text at the same
speed. At first, this can be done is not fast, gradually accelerating,
subject to the successful perception of sense without reading
pronunciation of the text.

If this exercise does not cause you difficulty, or vice versa, you are
unable to get rid of the articulation of the proposed method, try
different variations of this exercise.

Modifications. To complicate exercises can hold a pencil teeth. Try to

keep the tongue and lips did not move. You can also try to control the
language, it does not touch a pencil. Or vice versa, you can try to
press the tongue against the teeth.

Note. If you constantly use only one of the proposed exercises, you
get used to perform it on the machine, which is contrary to the goal
of any exercise designed to get rid of articulation. The main thing is
to put yourself in a position most uncomfortable for readable text of
pronunciation. So strive to diversify the types of interference when
reading your articulation.
Exercise 2.3. Music
While reading, you can listen to relaxing music, watching music
development. Ideal jazz, as well as the uneven pace of the
composition, which may prevent you pronounce the text. To enhance
the effect, you can also sing a melody.

Some experts on speed-reading (for example, Oleg Andreev) even

offer to use specific rhythms of articulation suppression. However, it
should be noted that this exercise is not for everyone. Some people
quite easily abstracted from the sound of music and just do not pay
attention to it, while others can not read with extraneous noise.
Exercises 2.4. Keeping pace
Another useful way to suppress the articulation of speed reading is
an exercise you can give a name to "keep the pace." For its
implementation you will need to quickly lead the index finger under
the line with the text, trying at the same time as quickly read it. On
the pronunciation of in this case you just do not have enough time.
You should try to read the text at the same pace as the movement of a
finger. To get started, try to read simple texts, which do not require
intense concentration and the maximum available for perception.

It is better not to get involved in this exercise, and do it only in cases

where other exercises do not help. Abusing the supervision of a
finger moving along the lines, you can degrade their visual skills, you
will read about in the next lesson.

Do the exercises until such time until you reach the goal - the ability
to read text without of pronunciation (articulation). Then move on
to the next lesson. However, do not try to always read the "silence",
since the articulation has a positive side.
Lesson 3: Train visual skills when
The ability to see the entire text once in a paragraph or even a page,
to understand its structure, do not read from left to right and top to
bottom (or, as they say, "on the diagonal") - this is an important skill
during fast reading. Therefore, visual skills also need to train, but in
real life, they may come in handy when driving a car, in team sports,
etc. The tutorial presents a special table and a simulator for training

Now that you already can with some success to suppress the
articulation in reading, you can start to work on the visual skills that
help to better perceive the information. As you know, the main
emphasis in the speed-reading is made on visual skills. If you want to
read faster, you should be able to see large amounts of text, not
reading it line by line from left to right, and the entire whole,
diagonally from top to bottom.

Perhaps for many, this may seem strange skill. After all, as you can
read the text does not consistently and completely? Can!

Remember as a child you read by syllables, and you seemed like a

miracle, as adults read so fast. The secret is that we do not read the
word consistently; we see it in its entirety. And why stop short?
Entirely possible to see the whole sentence, a paragraph, or even the
entire page. The main thing - to learn it, get used to.
Exercise 3.1. Schulte Tables
Many authors suggest using the Schulte tables for training visual
skills when reading. Schulte table consists of cells, which are
arranged in a chaotic manner of. In our lesson offered in Table 5 by 5
cells, as close in size to the width of the book page or a standard text
page. For training visual fast reading skills, try to find all the speed of
succession and note the time to find out how fast you can do it.

How to do it faster? To quickly find the numbers, try to look at the

entire table at once. To do this, move away from the monitor screen a
little further (50 cm and beyond), trying to concentrate on the
central cell, and at the same time to look at the entire table at once
peripheral vision. Remember how you look at the picture, you do not
look for the queue for some of its elements, as you can see in its
entirety. Also proceed with this table.

Now try to look for the number, without moving the eyes (and,
especially, his head), but just looking at the entire table. If this
sounds complicated, move further away (if you allow vision).
The essence of the exercise is to find all the numbers without moving
the eyes and focusing on all cells simultaneously.
Exercises 3.2. Exercises for eyes
Use exercise to the eye, such as the "alphabet", when you need to
mentally write all the letters of the alphabet, moving only his eyes. In
addition, you can perform some standard exercises for the
development of:

alternation of observed objects from near to far and vice

frequent blinking for 10-15 seconds,
squinting and subsequent relaxation of the eye,
and others.

Be sure to make a pause in reading, preferably every hour or even

half an hour. Try to choose to read a book with a wide brim - so your
eyes are less tired.
Exercise 3.3. Top down
In order to learn to read the texts of the vertical eye movement (from
the top down, or read on the diagonal), begin with a simple. Try to
read newspapers and magazines with narrow columns of "top-down"
of the text, without using eye movement "left to right". It also suited
the simple verses, but it is better to use the children's poetry with the
plot, so you can read text that is focused on the deep meaning. In
addition, using common text editors installed on any computer, you
can draw any text distributed as a column, and then print or read on
the screen.

Once you feel the ease and be able to read without articulation and
vertically, you can gradually move to the poems and columns of
greater width, or even books with narrow pages. Over time, you will
feel that it is quite easy.

Do the exercises until such time until you reach the goal. Start with
Schulte tables, gradually moving to the skills of "vertical reading."
At the same time you can learn the next lesson.
Lesson 4: Speed-reading and
information management
It is no secret that most of the texts are only a small part of the useful
information that you must learn quickly to find. This skill comes
more often from the reading experience, but you can speed this
process by using special exercises.

If you already have some success with the suppression of articulation

and reading "top down", then you are likely to encounter a problem
of poor assimilation of the read information. And there is nothing
strange. During a quick read in your brain to process goes much
more information than the usual reading, with the volume you have
not learned to cope. Here are ways to, as well as specific techniques
and exercises to manage information when speed-reading.

To read faster and it does not lose effectiveness, learn to structure

the information and to visualize it on the basis of the picture, it is
close to you, make notes, build flowcharts and mind-maps.
Structuring information in a quick reading is also an important
foundation of storage, which will be discussed in the next lesson.
Exercise 4.1. The purpose of reading
Try to read a book or any material initially put a goal to your reading.
If desired, you can create a profile, which you will easily make it of
interest to you material from the book. It is not excluded that the text
may be 99% did not the information you need, and only 1% of the
percentage of useful material, which should be able to competently
take from the offered volume.
Exercise 4.2. Notes
Many texts have a similar structure, for example, sections in the
textbook of history. By studying a certain age, you have to
understand that there is evidence that it is peculiar to this age -
rulers, wars, laws, economic conditions, specialization in production
and so on. Reading the historical text, do not forget to pay attention,
first of all, on these facts, structuring them in my head. Prepare a
scheme of study of the text, understand that you want to learn from
it for himself, make some important headings (categories) on the
basis of which you will be able to structure and subsequently
reproduce the text read.

You can also read books and to recharge your vocabulary. To do this,
a new word, record it, and be sure to specify which page you found it,
so you could go back to the context. After reading, take some time to
work with the dictionary. Such actions will help to significantly
enrich your verbal arsenal.

Reading many books simply meaningless without note-taking, or at

least without putting specific marks and bookmarks in the text, so do
not neglect the structuring and summarizing reading at least in my
Recommendation 4.3. Paragraphs
There are certain features of the written language, which will help
you to better focus on the page while reading a book.

For example, everyone knows that the standard unit of text is the
paragraph. Each new paragraph should begin when the previous
point in some way disclosed. Therefore, the speed reading can be
guided precisely into paragraphs, as informative text units. If you
have mastered the techniques of previous lessons and can accept the
text of a paragraph entirely, go to the actual book page and attempt
to find the meaning of each paragraph, without reading it, just
covering his eyes.

Paragraph (German Absatz - red line, literally - the ledge.) 1) indent

the first line of text or writing; 2) of the text related semantic unity
and dedicated indent the first line.

Each paragraph has a so-called key (meaning) words and phrases.

Train like the search to find their numbers in Schulte table. Since the
paragraph is a complete unit of meaning of the text, it can be
assumed that the problem statement in the paragraph should come
first, and the solution of the problem can be expected somewhere in
the end of the paragraph. This scheme works in most cases, although
there are exceptions.
Exercise 4.4. Recovery of gaps
There is another useful exercise, which allows to learn to find the
necessary information in the text at a rapid reading. For its
implementation requires two small strips of paper of length equal to
the height of the leaf. Using these strips must be closed and the first
few letters of the last page, as shown below:

Even if in this case is difficult to guess what the words are closed, you
need to try to understand the meaning of the text. If this exercise is
given to you easily, then you can try to increase the speed of reading
or close more text strips, and soon you will learn to glide easily
through the text, understanding its meaning.
Lesson 5: Speed-reading and
memory development
When you learn to read quickly, you will be able to develop a
sufficiently large amount of information. However, the fast reading
skill may be useless if the old will be forgotten, it is not strange, in
principle, with this amount of information. This information is
necessary to be able to remember.

Development of memory while speed reading is in fact a necessary

skill because if you are reading quickly and not able to memorize
information, this process does not make sense. There are many fee-
based courses to help you master the ability to remember the good
old, but in my book, you'll find some useful exercises and
recommendations for improvement of memory with fast reading for
such a small price, you will agree.

Essentially, the work memory when the fast reading can be divided
into two stages:

Hold reading for attention - a short-term storage of the

read information, which allows you to remember learned
information only for a short time. The development of short-
term memory is partly due to the techniques and exercises
that have been proposed in the lessons on hold attention
when reading and information management.

Long-term storage of the reading material. It often

happens that after reading you well remember that just
read. However, after a certain time, for example, the next
day you can not remember much of what is learned
yesterday. To avoid this, there are special repetition
Exercise 5.1. Hold reading for attention
The lesson for the training of attention (Lesson 1), it was noted that
if you are reading an interesting book, is likely to read, you will
remember more easily than if you are reading a boring textbook for
you. It would seem banal truth, but should pay attention to several
properties that contribute to a better absorption of interesting text:

Emotionally. Interesting text brings to you the emotions that always

help better memorization. The brightest (emotional) moments
people will remember for a lifetime. Emotions caused by text, also
help to remember its meaning or even literally concrete facts.

Visualization. If the book you are interested in, then while reading,
you are immersed in the meaning of reading. This dive is
characterized by the fact that the body is trying to reproduce the text
into visual images, involving perception and other senses. Thus,
interesting text is rendered, the sound becomes (that fast reading is
not very good), and you can associate it with a certain kinetic, taste
and olfactory responses of your body. The text, which is reproduced
by various senses, remembered better, as it has greater sense of
association and, consequently, more factors, which will help him to
remember at the right time.

So, to better remember the text, you can use the same methods as for
the training of attention when reading.

In addition, in the previous lesson (Lesson 4), there are exercises to

improve the perception and understanding of the text read that will
help improve the efficiency of its short-term memory.
Exercise 5.2. Long-term storage
Conducted scientific studies show that long-term storage of the text
is done by not only his understanding and visualization, as using
multiple repetitions. And the most important thing is not the
number of repetitions (or paraphrases sessions memories), read and
correct the intervals between them.

In XIX century German scientist, experimental psychologist,

Hermann Ebbinghaus showed the so-called "forgetting curve" or
"Ebbinghaus curve" that shows how the process of forgetting

According to today's specialists, there are 2 popular mode of rational

repetition of the material studied.

1. If you have two days in which to

store the old, better to repeat the
material as follows:
The first iteration - once at the end of the reading;
Second occurrence - 20 minutes after the first iteration;
Third repetition - 8 hours after the second;
Fourth repetition - 24 hours after the third.
2. If your time is not limited, and you
want to remember information for a
very long time, the following are
considered optimal repetition of
information sessions:
The first iteration - once at the end of the reading;
Second occurrence - 20-30 minutes after the first iteration;
Third repetition - 1 day after the second;
Fourth repetition - 2-3 weeks after the third;
Fifth repetition - in 2-3 months after the fourth repetition.
In this mode, you get the results of studies in a couple of weeks, and
if you take 2-3 months, you can significantly increase the speed and
quality of reading.
Part IV – Visual Memory
We get out of the world a wealth of information. As is known, more
than 80% sold by us through your eyes. What - what goes unnoticed
that - that leaves a trace in our soul and returns to our head after a

Visual memory fills our memories vivid picture of the past, a lot of
details, elements that are difficult to describe in words very, very long
time. We remember our life bright and full of thanks to well-
coordinated work of our eyes and our brain.

What is the visual memory? How it works, how to integrate the

memory of the other senses? How to improve visual memory, and
1. Visual memory, what is it?
Visual Memory ... To explain what it is, it is not so difficult. For
example, where are you - which you eat on the bus, to another
country, for example. With you together - about forty people, which
you first saw during the landing in the vehicle. So, before you cross
the border, the bus stop and all the passengers, including you, they
come out of it and mix with passengers from other buses. It takes
about 20 minutes A man with a well-developed visual memory (in
this case - the memory for faces) can easily single out from the crowd
is not only a man who sat next to for the past two hours, but most of
the travelers from their coach. Man is not so good with the visual
memory to remember the two - three who sat in his field of vision.

Or here's another example. Assume 10 years ago you were in Serbia.

And now, at the mere mention of it on TV, or in conversations with
friends, do you imagine a bright and clear picture: the rolling green
mountains, and among them - small beautiful house.

Now it's time to define the visual memory. What does it all - the
same, is it?

Visual memory - type of memory that is associated with the work of

the visual analyzer. Responsible for maintaining and then for the
reproduction of visual images.

There are several types.

Iconic. Its duration is less than a second. Information that

has not been used at this time is lost.
Short-term. Lasts 30 seconds.
Long-term. Especially long-term visual memory.
2. Eidetic memory, what is it?
Also, eidetic memory is allocated in a separate group. This ability,
which have not all men more often - children, teenagers, artists. It is
an opportunity to keep in mind bright and clear images of objects
seen a long period. Eidetic well see the image even after she
disappeared from their sight.

Eidetic - well-developed photographic memory. Some use this term

as a synonym for visual memory, we are considering a photographic
memory as part of the visual.

Remember, you've probably heard stories that some - a man with

remarkable accuracy reproduces the details he had seen some time
ago the picture. Or the people who are ready, without stopping to
recite a variety of poems. It's all individual, possessing a well-
developed eidetic or photographic memory.

There are unique cases eidetic. For example, Italian bibliophile

Antonio Malyabeki, who lived in the late 17th - early 18th centuries,
each of them read books could recite by heart at the end of his life. In
addition, there were more than 40 000 ... Or the 40th US President
Ronald Reagan memorized texts just by looking at them.
3. Visual memory - an important
Interestingly, the use of visual images it allows a person to encode a
lot of memories.

We just enough to remember, for example, looks like a nice man,

which we find in the cafeteria at lunchtime. Remembering about it,
we see a picture. Now imagine that we need to describe his friend,
who had never had the honor of meeting with this handsome. What
need of words? Hundreds. He is tall and broad-shouldered, and his
hair was long, but not very much, to the shoulders, like this - the
actor of this - the film, and his beard is as one - that ...

It turns out that the image carries information of hundreds of words

that remember, you will agree, is much more difficult. It is unlikely
that a friend will be able to repeat heard. Rather, it will be
remembered now the image that she heard was formed on the basis
of descriptions.

Further. It seems that we only remember the picture. In fact, it is

not. The visual image is complemented by a large amount of
information received from the other senses.

For example, five years ago, you traveled abroad in the famous
restaurant. And then, walking down the street, vaguely hear that
someone - that mentions the name of the foreign institution in a
conversation. Before you immediately gets the picture: you're sitting,
and before you chic table with cloth hanging to the floor, gathered in
several places, twilight, on the table is a glass of wine, and a lot of - a
lot of flowers around.

Is this all? No! Surely, you almost feel faint smell, which probably
came from the kitchen then. And felt a light freshness, because when
you were in a restaurant, air conditioning worked well, and you are a
little chilled. Also, of course, in my head swept live music, a quiet and
unobtrusive that you then heard. To all, to hear the name of reason -
that immediately improve your mood. Because then, 5 years ago, this
restaurant is your current overseas husband made you an offer.

All this is because the visual memory is not working alone. To it is

added, and the auditory, olfactory, tactile, emotional. The picture is
complemented by the results of the senses, thus forming a more
complete, the finished image, filled with a lot of information.
4. How to improve visual memory?
Visual memory training can significantly improve a person's
capabilities as a whole. Education, work, everyday life ... will be
nothing but a plus in each of the areas. Man is able to more deeply
perceive objects around, so it becomes more attentive, focused.

How to develop visual memory? There are many ways. For example,
you can find on the internet special games - simulators. Most of them
is the same idea. You for a certain period of time are displayed
various objects - pictures, facial features, etc., after which the image
disappear and offers to recall that the sequence in which it was
6 exercises for the development of
visual memory
Mixing things up unfamiliar people, because they do not remember
their faces? Unable to keep in mind how to spell the word
"palliative"? I did not manage to capture the underground circuit in
the memory, and you and then choose the wrong move? Obey in all
things visual memory!

Visual memory - an important gift that some have developed from

nature, while others work to muddle through. But do not despair:
Like most skills, it is quite amenable to training with exercise system.
Exercise 1. Break up the image into
separate elements
Some remember easier than the whole - if you find it difficult to
capture in the memory circuit or an image, you can split it into
several elements, and remember each of them. Note that this
principle has long been used in teaching a variety of tasks that
require visual memory. For example, students learning Chinese
characters commonly complain that they can not even remember
how to spell one or another of them. However, this only occurs as
long as they do not possess a specific set of so-called "key" and
"Phonetics". Both categories include a limited number of graphic
signs, which make up a large part of the Chinese characters. Bringing
tens of thousands of characters to a couple hundred keys and
phonetics, students begin to memorize written signs much faster.
The same principle is also suitable for storing the majority of
subjects with a standard structure. You can capture in the head
person's appearance, listing in the mind first category of clothing,
which is currently on it - for example, "jacket, jeans, sneakers," and
then subjected to the same analysis of each garment, "white sneakers
with three longitudinal blue stripes, gray laces "and the like.
Exercise 2: Solve puzzles to care
What seems like child's play, actually - a powerful training for visual
memory? The different arrangement of the triangles on the cup from
which you drink hero image? Comparing the two pictures, which do
not significantly differ from each other, your brain learns to attention
to detail. Which of the items is the closest, but what next? In
answering this question, it trains your brain's ability to build a
geometric perspective. In what order were things that needed to
remember? This type of puzzles uses the part of visual memory,
which is relevant to the correct perception of space and composition.
Exercise 3: Develop synesthesia
How sound is the building? And what is the taste of this shade of
color? This is more than just a game: by linking visual elements with
certain sounds, smells, tactile sensations, you are forcing the brain to
create complex associations that will help him to find in memory the
information you need. Synesthesia allows visual images deeper
"root" in the brain, since it makes use of the structure to activate the
other one a touch nervous system structures. Note that the ability to
perceive the same things using different sensory systems have long
been used in daily life precisely in order to facilitate us to memorize:
For example, most people find it easier to remember metro line by
their color rather than the official name, and it is for the sake of the
subway map at the time we began to make not just a color, namely,
the same, the "traditional" colors for each branch. Developing
synesthesia, and you strengthen your ability to be creative - we know
that this talent is often owned by gifted musicians, writers and
Exercise 4. Draw irregular patterns
Worst of all those stored images and objects that do not have a clear
logic. There are people who are well oriented in New York or St.
Petersburg, but lost in Moscow or Madrid because of the fact that the
latter lacks a regular city plan. Here's another exercise that will
perform better since childhood - too powerful influence it has on the
development of visual memory. Take a piece of stone with irregular
patterns of veins (it is unlikely that you have on hand will be a piece
of marble or malachite, but you can use a detailed picture of these
minerals or chipped usual kibble) and try to sketch it with colored
pencils on paper. You will see how this is no easy task: every two
lanes will be its shape, length and thickness, color shades. We'll have
to work hard. When the draw, clean and original, and the drawing -
and now try to draw the stone surface from memory. Take your time
- if the first image memory will be far from perfect, repeat the
exercise several times.
Exercise 5. Memorize the image as a
sequence of words
Many people that brings visual memory, has an excellent ability to
memorize words. This exercise is not only built on the already
mastered our ability to break the whole picture to the elements, but
also on our brain's ability to substitute objects symbols. If you can
not remember the person nodding acquaintance, try to remember it
as a verbal description, and most detailed, "He has blue, with dark
dots and red-veined eyes. His nose is slightly snub, it can be seen a
few freckles. His lips were chapped and red. " Verbalization allow the
pack escape the visual memory of the details in boxes verbal
descriptions. When you learn these phrases and begin to pronounce
them, your brain will inevitably pose of the face, which correspond to
these definitions - and, as you will notice, it will be easier to restore
in the memory the image of a real person's face, rather than coming
up with abstract images under these descriptions.
Exercise 6. The most common items and
remember the details of the entourage
The brain does not remember the details, if you do not put them in
front of such a problem. After talking with a friend you met on the
street, and continuing to go its own way, try to remember: what was
he wearing? What gestures did in the conversation? How he looked
the street behind him - if there were, for example, the bench, and if
so, how many they were and how they were? Forcing the brain to
look for answers to these questions, you train the mechanisms of
access to its own memory, and along with the attention to detail,
because the brain are accustomed rather quickly on these random
meetings to celebrate what looks like the source and in what scenery
there is a conversation with him. However, beware of false memories
- go back and verify that: instead of whether the brain of some
element of the entourage, which you invented vainly tried to get away
from it?
Despite the fact that up to 80% of all information we perceive
through sight, but not all people use all of its features. Trained visual
memory significantly expands the possibilities of man, giving him
the kind of a head start in learning, work, and just in everyday life.
Trained visual memory allows a much broader look at any object that
makes a person more alert and focused.
Part V – Unlimited Concentration
Attention - this ability to focus on a particular human occupation, as
well as to keep certain information in the reserves of short-term
memory. If this property has a certain disorders, the person becomes
diffused and uncollected.

Warning - this is one of the most important characteristics of human

mental activity. By its nature, it can have the following types:

arbitrary - it is a conscious and deliberate focus on any

object or action that are associated with interest, profession,
education or other required;
involuntary - arises unconsciously, due to any unusual event
or the release to the new environment;
arbitrary- occurs automatically when the concentration on
any object occurs at regular intervals (work, studies, etc.).

Speaking about the kinds of concentration, we can say that they are
completely duplicate the classification, which is shown above.

How to develop concentration

Watching a child growing up process, we can conclude that the focus

is becoming more severe with age. Based on years of research and
were made up of regulations that determine the duration of school
lessons and university and later steam. Nevertheless, even after
reaching a certain age, some individuals can be difficult for a long
time to focus and maintain attention on the same object or class. In
this case, the concentration of attention development will require
some effort on the part of teachers (in the case of a child), and on the
part of the subject (in the case of an adult human).

Improved ability to concentrate is achieved by means of continuous

and diligent training. Attention in children is most often produced by
itself. Even those children who are initially quite difficult to get used
to long and monotonous occupations, eventually get used to it. The
educational process aims to completing education; the man was
ready to work not only in terms of basic knowledge, but also in terms
of self-discipline. If, however, with age a person does not acquire
these skills, it is necessary to resort to training through special

Keep a notebook or a piece of paper on which to write your

current action. Every time you're on something distracted,
this tip will help you get back on track.
Choose for a quiet place for you to be out of reach noises. If
you work at home or in a crowded office, then there is
nothing wrong to use earplugs.
Your table should be only the most necessary items to work.
Remove anything that might distract you - souvenirs, photos
and so on.
The pledge of effective work - a feeling of comfort and well-
being. Your workplace should be equipped with comfortable
furniture, as well as in a well-lit and ventilated room with a
comfortable temperature. Also do not forget that the body is
constantly in need of food and liquid nourishment.
Always compile a list of tasks that you need to perform. It is
important no matter what distractions are not, and most
importantly - do not delay started to sweat.
1. Attention exercises
Sometimes in the course of their professional, artistic or household
activities, people find a distraction and restlessness. In this case,
there is a need for a training and properties such as concentration.
The exercises offered by psychologists, allow to develop the
necessary qualities:

For the first exercise, you will need a pencil and a sheet of
paper. Begin to lead the line, trying to concentrate on it all
your attention. When you realize that distracted, draw a
zigzag. You will have a figure, something resembling a
cardiogram, which will help you to assess whether you have
been scattered.
If you have to go a long time on the bus or you're standing in
line, spend time with benefits. Choose for yourself any
object (poster, window, door, etc.), set the timer set time
(enough to start would be a couple of minutes) and try to
look and think about it exactly as long until you hear the
alarm. Every time you manage to fulfill this task, even for a
second without interruption, increase the time period.
Often, reading a book (even a very interesting), we are
distracted by extraneous thoughts and reflections. So
always, keep with them a pencil. Seeing that you are
thinking about something else, except for the plot, place a
mark in the margin opposite the place where you have
finished reading conscious. In addition, the finished page,
mentally repeat its contents.
2. Tests to determine the
Concentration and attention to sustainability - it is important not
only for the characteristics of professional activity, but also in other
spheres of human life. In order to assess these characteristics,
psychologists have developed special tests, which are used for the
interview in the majors. Also, they can go on their own to determine
their degree of concentration:

Münsterberg test to determine the level of care. The subject

is given a sheet of paper on which is printed without any
spaces the set of letters, which include chaotic combination.
For two minutes, the person should find them all and to
underline in pencil, then the result is compared with the
correct answer.
Shule test is a table size of 5 * 5, in which the cells are placed
figures in a chaotic manner the values from 1 to 25. The test
should be in the shortest possible period of said sequence
for each of them. At the same time, it is prohibited from
making any whatsoever notes. Results are evaluated on the
basis of time spent on the job.
Test "10 words" assumes that the subject read out a certain
sequence of words. They are not connected nor in meaning,
or grammatically. Next, the individual will be asked to
reproduce the data words. The sequence of them at the same
time does not really matter.
3. Attention training
Training concentration - it is an objective necessity for those who
want to work effectively, without being distracted by extraneous
classes. To do this, perfectly suited the following techniques that can
be used in between the performance of their duties:

Learn to relax. To do this, set the timer for 5 minutes and

take a comfortable position (sitting or lying). During this
time, your body does not produce any movement (even
involuntary). If you experience this success, then gradually
increase the period of the useful rest.
Sit up straight and stretch your arm to the side. Turn your
head and look at her fingers for a minute. At the same time
in your mind should be absolutely no extraneous thoughts.
Fill a glass with water almost to the brim. Pull the arm with
the vessel forward and concentrate their attention on it.
Your task - not to spill the water for a minute.

The above training method can’t only improve concentration, but

also to balance the nervous system.
4. Charging for the brain
The high concentration of attention - is the result of active work of
the brain. Just as the body needs the morning exercises, such as the
need to have and the human mind. Going to work in the morning, or
while in transport, perform the following set of exercises:

Count from one to 100 and back (with time the problem will
be more difficult, pronouncing, for example, only the even
numbers, or those that are divisible by three).
Select at random any letter of the alphabet and remember
all the words that start with it (if you speak a foreign
language, you can take advantage of this, performing the
task, and you can also set limits on the parts of speech).
Do not hesitate to call the 20 names (further complicate the
task, choosing only male or female).
Select any letter of the alphabet, which you will need to
name the male and female first name, town, animal, bird,
and the product (this is not just a good exercise for the
mind, but also a great idea to usefully spend time with the

Note that all of the exercises to be performed as quickly as possible,

do not hesitate too long.
5. Physiological aspects
Attention is not always connected with the mental capabilities of
man and his psychological features. The important role played by the
physiological component of this issue. That is why improving
attention span is inseparably connected with the normalization of
lifestyle and daily routine:

Make it a rule to get restful sleep. If you go to sleep late and

get up early, then it is unlikely you will be able to give all the
best at 100% in their mental and artistic activities. Let 8-
hour rest will be your immutable rule.
Pay attention to your diet. Try to include in his complex
carbohydrates that are slowly transformed, constantly
feeding the body in general and the brain in particular. Also,
before a day of work is required to drink a cup of coffee or
eat a little dark chocolate.
Make time for activities that bring you pleasure. It could be
a walk, shopping, hobby, fitness, watching movies, listening
to music, and more. Positive emotions contribute to the
development of the hormone dopamine, which has a
beneficial effect on attention.
If none of these methods has not had a proper influence on
the process of concentration, it is necessary to consult a
doctor, who can recommend specific drugs.
6. Helpful hints
Development focus is possible not only by means of special exercises
or techniques, but also through continuous self-monitoring. Thus, to
wean himself biting his nails, pounding on the table, actively
gesticulating or stir feet while sitting.

An important step on the way to the high concentration - a finding

emotional balance. Try to protect yourself from negativity and stress,
as well as plenty of rest. Make it a rule to listen to quiet instrumental
music. Also, surround yourself with objects of those colors that are
beneficial to the nervous system and emotional state (e.g., green and
blue). Also, try not to watch TV, which carry a negative connotation.

For the quality of mental work is necessary to develop both

hemispheres of the brain. For this very useful to periodically change
hands when performing any everyday tasks. So, taking a toothbrush
or a spoon in his left hand (and left-handed - in the right), you call
the activity of those brain areas that have not previously been
Speaking of memory training, it is important to understand that
directly train the specific ability to memorize the material is virtually
impossible. Memory is always evolving in close connection with our
attention, perception, thinking, sense organs and other phenomena
of human nature. Therefore, most of the above exercises produce a
complex effect on our thinking and on our memory as an important
part of thinking.
About the Author
My name is Jack Oliver and me the goal is to make your life easier in
the perception. All you need is knowledge that will help you get out of
a stressful and depressing situation. I like to help people. I hope my
work was not in vain.

P.S. You need to be patient, to go the way of healing with maximum

You can get one of my other books as a GIFT.

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1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy #BESTSELLER

2. Emotional Intelligence
3. Social Confidence
4. Adrenal Fatigue
5. Persuasion
6. Parents Mistakes
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