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12- 05 -21

My name is Laura Sofia Peraza Romero. I was born in Soacha Cundinamarca but
actually I am living in Cajica. I am coursing the seventh semester of business
administration in Unitec. My essential qualifications are: the ability of leadership,
verbal and writing skills, creativity, research skills, time management and
multitasking abilities. The Character traits are individual parts of my personality and
behavior some of them I would say that are: I am passionate about my work.
Because I love what I do, I have a steady source of motivation that drives me to do
my best. I am highly organized. I always take notes, and I use a series of tools to
help myself stay on top of deadlines. I like to keep a clean workspace. I am honest,
I am always sincere and truthful and I don’t feel comfortable participating in any
deceptive practices. I am patient, I am able to tolerate setbacks, delays or
unexpected challenges without becoming anxious or angry. Stress can be a big
motivator for me. A healthy amount of pressure helps me produce efficient, quality
work by giving me a picture of what I can do better or what I can improve to solve
these kinds of situations. Finally, I would like to get the opportunity to work in
organizations of the public and private sector, of production of services or
production of goods, national or multinational, in the areas of Marketing,
International Business, Human management or Finance.

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