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TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021

1. READING ( Membaca )

My daily routines

I always wake up at 5 am in the morning. After take a bath, i pray

subuh. My mother is preparing our breakfast when i prepare everything for
school. Then, i breakfast together with all part of my family. At 6 am i should
be go to school. I go there by bike. My school attend in 6.30 sharp to 11.20 am
everyday. I reach home in mid day. Time for isoma. They are take a nap,
praying and lunch until 2 pm. In the afternoon, i always play with my friends
until 5 pm. I get dinner at 6.30 pm. After doing homework and study, i go to
bed for sleep. This is the end of my day.

Menjawab 5 pertanyaan berdasarkan teks daily routine.

1) What time do you always get up in the morning ?
2) How do you go to school ?
3) How long do you get study at school ?
4) What time do you get your isoma ?
5) When your day will end ?

2. MENDENGAR ( Listening )
Kalimat/ percakapan melalui audio Cooking Dialogues 2: Noodles,
siswa dapat memahami kalimat/ percakapan dengan menemukan jawaban
yang tepat untuk pertanyaan yang disajikan

1. What is the man making?

2. How is the daughter going to help?
3. How many people are going to eat noodles?
4. How much will she put into the pot?

3. BERBICARA ( Speaking )
Siswa dapat memperkenalkan dirinya dengan mengungkapkan data
pribadi Perkenalan Diri ( Introducing yourself )
My name is … My favourite Food is ...
I’m … years old My favourite colour is ...
I live at … My hobby is …
I’m in grade … My future goals is I want to be a …

 Untuk praktek Reading dan Listening cukup difotokan hasil pekerjaaannya
 Untuk praktek Speaking harus divideokan
 Foto tugas dan video dikirim melalui WA
 Dikumpulkan paling lambat 31 Maret 2021.

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