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Nama : ……………………………

PH Chapter 1 and 2

For number 1 up to 10. Please write down the profession according the
explanation below.

1. A man who keep the school clean is ……….

2. A woman who explains a lesson in the class is ………
3. Mrs. Yuni helps student with problems. She is a …………….
4. Mr Sulaiman keeps the school safety. He is a ………..
5. Rudi Goes Camping. He is a ………..
6. Ani Studies in the class. She is a …………..
7. Ali manages a school. He is a …………….
8. Fatimah and Sari make a bond-fire. They are …………….
9. Aisyah leads a school. She is a ……………
10. Alan manages books in the library. He is a ……………………….

For number 11 – 15. Please use the comparation (perbandingan) according the
picture below

11. How tall is rudi? …………………

12. Ali is ………………..………. Than Ihsan (badannya)
13. Andi is ……………….……. Then Rudi (Usiannya)
14. Ihsan in the ………………………….. (Usiannya)
15. Andi is the …………………… (badannya)

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