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Money Making Ideas: 21 Smart

Ways to Increase Your Income

We could all use some extra cash, and there are lots of ways to make it.
We found the best money making ideas and smart ways to increase your
At a certain point, you can’t save any more money; there just isn’t anything left to
cut. And really, saving money is not nearly as impactful as making more.
So whether you want to increase your income to pay off debt, save for a home, take
a vacation, or retire early, we have ways to do it. What to know how to make
Here are our favorite money making ideas.

Your Career
You are already spending a big chunk of your day at your job so you might as well get
the most out of it you can.

1. Fill The Voids

People get hired to do certain things, but they don’t always do all of those things.
Every job has parts that no one wants to do.
Look around your workplace and identify those jobs, even better if they are things
your boss doesn’t want to do, and start doing them.
And don’t wait to be asked to do them, just dive in and do them. Doing the scut work
is what makes you indispensable at a job.

2. Know Your Worth

You’ve been filling the voids, and nothing is happening. Everyone is grateful, but no
one is promoting you or giving you a raise.
It’s time to start looking for a new opportunity. In fact, you should always be looking
for a new opportunity even if you are 100% happy with your current job.

The average raise within a company is a measly 3%. The raise when you move to a
new company is 15-20%. If you’re not sure how much you should be making you can
check out sites like PayScale to find out.

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