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About Our Teams

For nearly two decades now, FusionTomo has been leading the way Technology
in the fields of business management and technology. “Technology made
large populations
1. Vision
possible; large
a. Leading the way with innovative business practices.
populations now make
b. Creating new technologies to make your life easier.
2. Reliability
a. Practices built on rock-solid foundations.
b. Consistently achieving a 90%+ customer satisfaction -Joseph Wood Krutch
c. We are there for you 24/7. Our goal is to create
3. Adaptability new and exciting
a. Constantly examining the needs of our clients. technologies to make
b. Custom business plans to fit your needs. running your business
4. Family simple and effective.
a. FusionTomo has been family owned and operated Our team of top software engineers is constantly innovating with
since its conception. new software and services to remove some of the burden on your
b. We treat our employees and our clients like family. thriving business. When you spend less time worrying about how
simple processes will be accomplished, you can spend more time
innovating yourself.
Department Director Purpose
Innovating new
Technology Stephanie Tyler
ways to get ahead Your team:
Creating business 1. Software — Our state-of-the-art software simplifies
Organization Leonard Bowie plans for new processes like taking orders or handling support tickets. We
businesses work closely with our clients to develop software that
Taking care of day- handles a variety of needs.
Management Isaac Lee
to-day business 2. Communications – We’ve developed our own custom
Increasing the communications network. FusionTomo now makes
Optimization Alyse Worden efficiency of your communication between your employees easier than ever.
3. Philosophy -- The human species' use of technology began Organization
with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. “The achievements of an
The prehistoric discovery of how to control fire and the later organization are the results
Neolithic Revolution increased the available sources of food of the combined effort of
and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel in each individual.”
and control their environment. Developments in historic
times, including the printing press, the telephone, and the -Vince Lombardi
Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication
and allowed humans to interact freely on a global scale. The Whether you are an
steady progress of military technology has brought weapons entrepreneur with a brilliant
of ever-increasing destructive power, from clubs to nuclear idea or an existing business
weapons. leader looking to expand your
assets, FusionTomo’s crack
Technology has many effects. It has helped develop more advanced team of business experts can
economies (including today's global economy) and has allowed the help your develop your new
rise of a leisure class. Many technological processes produce company’s business plan. We
unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural have financial experts
resources, to the detriment of Earth's environment. Various available as well to help you
implementations of technology influence the values of a society and work with banks to secure
new technology often raises new ethical questions. Examples financing for your new venture.
include the rise of the notion of efficiency in terms of human
productivity, a term originally applied only to machines, and the Philosophy – We believe that nothing is more beneficial or necessary
challenge of traditional norms. to our world than making sure that businesses thrive and succeed.
Business is what makes our world great. It connects people both
We believe that new and exciting technologies are the best way to
through the products and services it offers as well as by bringing
move business and society forward. Our ever evolving practices
them together as part of one big corporate family.
ensure that your business and ours will be second to none.
The conception of your business is one of the most crucial times in
its existence. Making sure you start off with a rock-solid business
plan as the foundation of your business is the best way to succeed.
After all, if an Olympic runner is forced to start his race in a vat of
mud rather than a solid starting platform, chances are he may not
even make it much past the starting line. Your business is that
runner, and we want to help you sprint your way to victory.
All great businesses have had to start somewhere, and while we all thinking of new and exciting ways you can use that machine to
like to think we can make it on our own, sometimes a little help is produce something wonderful, rather than worrying constantly
all you need to push yourself in the right direction. Our years of about if it’s going to break down tomorrow or not.
experience in helping businesses get started is the best possible way
to ensure that your business gets the shot of adrenaline it needs to
take off like a rocket in to space.

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right
-Peter Drucker
As leaders in the field of business management, we know how to
make your business function. FustionTomo offers multiple levels of
business management. Let us manage the smaller aspects of your
business, like sales and paperwork, so that you can focus on leading
your company into a bright and glorious future.
Employment Services – We offer various levels of employee
services. We can do the hiring for you so that you only need to worry
about what needs to be done and not how it needs to be done.
Management Services – If your business has gotten to the point that
it’s too much burden to manage it on your own, our management
services can help you relieve that burden. Our management experts
will help you develop a chain of command that helps you focus on
important tasks without having to delegate individual
Philosophy – We believe that business is like a machine. It should
just work without you having to constantly monitor whether or not
the individual bits and pieces are working properly. Let us inspect
and maintain your machine for you. That way, you can focus on
“If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of
-B.C. Forbes

All businesses have the potential to land on hard times, and

FusionTomo is here to help you pull yourself back out of the mire.
Our Optimization and Restructuring experts are there to help you
reorganize the functions and execution of your business to get you
back on top.

Philosophy – Sometimes the machine that is your business starts

running slowly, or even breaks down altogether. Sometimes gears
need to be oiled and parts need to be replaced; and that calls for an
expert. If you knew nothing about cars, you wouldn’t attempt to fix
a broken engine yourself. Instead you would hire a mechanic. Let
FusionTomo be your mechanic, to get your business machine running
so smooth and fast, you’ll hardly remember there was even a
problem to begin with.

“Business is the driving force of this world, and only by embracing

it can we become a truly unified planet.”

-Craig Stronin, FusionTomo CEO

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