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Allied School (Farid Town Campus) Sahiwal

Final Examination Session (2020-2021)

Level IV (Group A)

Name: ____________________ Date: _____________________

Day: ______________________ Subject: Math

Q No. 1 2 3 4 5 T. Marks Signature

Marks 15 10 15 30 30 100

Q#1: Fill in the blanks. /15

i. 14.25 × 1000 = ________________

ii. 45 ÷ 5 = ____________
iii. 4569 m in centimetres is equal to ________________ cm.
iv. 259 m converted to cm will be _______________
v. 750 g = ______________ mg.
vi. 569 kg 555g = ________________ g.
vii. 215 g + 995 g = __________ kg ___________ g.
viii. There are __________ ml in 8l.
ix. 1000 ml is equal to __________ l.
x. 15 l 12 ml is same as ______________ ml.
xi. Millilitre is a ______________ unit than litre.
xii. Complete the sequence 0.1, 0.3, _______ ,0.7
xiii. In 527.819, the place value of 9 is _______.
xiv. 0.75 as a fraction is written as __________.
xv. 41.86 × 4 = _____________
Q#2: State whether the following are true or false. /10

i. 12.45 + 6.7 = 19.15 _________

ii. 210. 15 ×10 = 2101.5. _________
iii. 5 km converted to m will be 500 000 m _________
iv. The distance between two countries is measured in Kilometres. _________
v. The sum of 1500 g and 2 kg is 3500 g. _________
vi. To convert kg into g, we multiply by 100. _________
vii. 25 l is equal 25 000 ml. _________
viii. 13 l 450 ml is equal to 1 345 000 ml. _________
ix. 4 h 35 mint is equal to 275 minutes. _________
x. The sum of 13 h 45 min and 10 h 10 min is 23 h 55 min. _________
Q#3(a): Select the correct answer from the given options. /10

i. 2 h 20 min are equal to:

a. 4800 sec b. 3600 sec c. 8400 sec
ii. 5 years 10 months are equal to
a. 50 months b. 70 months c. 125 months
iii. The sum of 435 ml and 18 l 625 ml equals to
a. 19 l 60 ml b. 19 l 600 ml c. 19 l 6 ml
iv. 45 l is equal to
a. 4500 ml b. 45000 ml c. 450 ml
v. The sum of 39 kg and 59 kg can be written as
a. 9800 g b. 98000 kg c. 98 kg
vi. Convert 18 cm to mm.
a. 18 mm b. 180 mm c. 18000
vii. 5789.16 × 100 is equal to
a. 578916 b. 578.916 c. 57.8916
viii. 434.88 ÷ 8 is equal to
a. 543.6 b. 54.36 c. 5436
ix. 30 cm 5 mm – 9 cm 7 mm is equal to
a. 21 cm 2 mm b. 21 cm 8 mm c. 20 cm 8 mm
x. The suitable unit for a dose of medicine is
a. Litre (l) b. millilitre (ml) c. gram

Q#3:(b) Write the suitable unit of length for the following measurements. /5
i. Height of your friend. _____________
ii. The height of a window. ____________
iii. The thickness of the door. ____________
iv. The thickness of a cardboard. ___________
v. The distance between your house and your school. __________

Q#4: Answer these questions.(attempt any ten) /30

i. 7 h 34 min 25 sec – 3 h 20 min 12 sec

ii. 41 l 11 ml + 28 l 34 ml
iii. iii.29 kg 544 g + 36 kg 350 g
iv. Write vertically and solve: 15.1 × 13
v. Convert the following:14 kg 750 g into g
vi. How many Seconds are in: 1 hour and 15 mint
vii. Convert the litres into millilitres. 129 l.
viii. How many weeks are there in : 4 months.
ix. How many days are there in : 7 weeks.
x. Solve : 145 ÷ 5
xi. 45 L convert into milliliters.
xii. Convert 4 months into weeks :
Q#5: Answer any three of the following questions: /30
i. Find the area and perimeter of each of the following rectangles. L = 4 cm , b = 3 cm

ii. Find out the breadth of rectangle if length is 6 cm and perimeter is 20 cm.
iii. Write in long division form and divide. 182.97 ÷ 9

iv. Convert into centimeters. a. 12 m 30 cm b. 35 m 42 cm

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