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Being a teacher of language is not just my chosen profession; it is part of who I am.

strongly believe that in order to bring about a more just, caring, and open-minded society

we must first understand the experiences of those who are different from us. This is done

through the teaching of language and culture. Knowledge and usage of a foreign language

creates learning opportunities that lead to the ability to navigate and appreciate other

cultural experiences, while being a critical thinker and participant in one’s own culture.

Teaching and learning must both be present in the classroom, and must be done by

both the teacher and the student. I believe that student experiences can not only inform my

teaching, but also make their learning more meaningful for them. I will strive to make my

classroom one where everyone’s experience is respected, and one where everyone is given

the opportunity to learn. Respect is the primary role in my vision of classroom interactions,

lessons, and management.

My views about the role of education and the ideal classroom are informed by

research and study, but also by experiences in diverse classrooms and working with youth.

I have worked with adolescents in non-school contexts, and have learned that they very

often feel that they have no power in their lives. Sadly, schools can be a place where this

idea is reinforced, along with concepts of inequality and disadvantage among races,

genders, classes, abilities, and sexual orientations. While I want to work against prevailing

ideologies as a teacher, I also want to teach my students to think critically about their role

in those systems, and how their choices can affect theirs and other’s places.

While these are my ideals about education, I recognize that as a beginning teacher I

do not have all of the answers for how this will look in the classroom. I know that I will

have to make accommodations across multiple levels to meet the needs to diverse learners.
This is best done through open and honest communication with the students, other

teachers, and guardians to figure out what will best meet the needs of that student. This

might include small changes to the format of the lesson, or much broader changes to make

my classroom an environment that enables, instead of disables. It also comes through

refining practice by being open to trying new methods and practices. I will strive to always

find the best practice for all of my students.

Teachers have tremendous power in shaping the experiences of each child in their

classroom. It is my hope that their experience in my classroom will be one that challenges

them to think, explore, question, and create in a variety of contexts and interactions. I want

them to be excited not only by Spanish language and culture, but also by learning in

general. By entering and learning about a different world in my classroom, they will come

away better equipped to engage in their own world.

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