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The Effects of Globalization on Developing Countries

Developing countries are effected positively and negatively in

many aspects, from internal affairs to external affairs.
Globalization can have very drastic impacts on a country both
positive and negative. I will examine the effects both positive
and negative of globalization on developing countries economy,
Trade process, education and health system. Globalization can
have very drastic impacts on a country both positive and
negative. ... However, globalization has had its negative effects
on these less developed nations. Globalization has increased
inequality in developing nations between the rich and the poor.
The benefit of globalization is not universal.
List the advantages and disadvantages of globalization

Increased free trade and communication between nations,

along with increased access to technology, media, education,
healthcare, consumer goods, and other resources are often
considered advantages of globalization. Some disadvantages of
globalization include exploitation of developing countries,
cultural homogenization, and adverse effects on local
economies and the environment. Globalization is a complex
issue, and while some argue that it reduces global poverty,
others argue that it actually increases wealth inequality
Why is globalization important

Globalization is the process of international integration arising

from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other
aspects of culture. Advances in transportation and
telecommunications infrastructure, including the rise of the
telegraph and its posterity the Internet, are major factors in
globalization, generating further interdependence of economic
and cultural activities.

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