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My name is . I’m from SJKC Tampoi.

Today I’m
going to share with you a story about 16 pages long written by Kate
Gladden and Suzee Leong. The title of the story is The Peacock and The
Once there lived a crow who did not like her feathers. She always
admired the colourful feathers of the peacock and wanted to be one
among them.
One day, the crow saw many peacock feathers on the ground. Seeing
those peacock feathers an idea struck. She gathered them and stuck them
into her wings and tail and a few up from her head to look exactly like
the peacock.
Then, she went to join the flock of peacocks but was mocked and thrown
out. "Putting on peacock feathers will not make you a peacock," the
peacocks said to her. 
Sad and humiliated, she returned back to her fellow crows. But, none of
her fellow crows wanted her company after all her insults.
Then an old wise crow came and told him “we should accept us the way
we are. Don’t try to copy others blindly.
The crow realized her mistake and regretted what she did. She tore off
the entire peacock feathers stuck to her feathers and accepted herself
again as a crow. Then, she went and apologized to her fellow crows for
insulting them. They became friends again. The crow was finally
completely happy.
The moral of the story is we should accept us the way we are and learn
to improve ourselves positively.
Don’t made unnecessary comparison with others and become sad. Learn
to be happy in what you have instead of looking at what you don’t have.
There will always be someone who will have more or less than you
have.  Person who is satisfied with what he or she has, is the happiest
person in the world.
Thank you.

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