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Year 35 No.

12 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) — Green September 19, 2021

DISCIPLESHIP that impede personal interests. This

is echoed by James in the Second
BOTH A Reading, offering an answer to the
predominating jealousy and selfish
ambition that leads to disorder in

the community. “You covet but do
AND AN not possess. You kill and envy, but
you cannot obtain... You do not
possess because you do not ask.
You ask but do not receive because
you ask wrongly to spend it on your
by Fr. Dindo Purto, SSP On the other hand, there is the
kind of discipleship suited to Jesus’
invitation that the book of Wisdom

J esus was in Ceasarea Philippi. And

it was there that, Peter, together
with the other disciples, finally got
passion, Jesus teaches his disciples
the content of his mission: “The
Son of Man is to be handed over
describes in the First Reading. The
just ones (authentic disciples) are
accursed by the impious whose
it right: “You are the Christ,” the to men, and they will kill him, and formula of life is, “Be like us or
Messiah. Following this episode three days after his death the Son else…” It is easy to confess one’s
is Jesus’ third prediction of his of Man will rise.” The words are faith when everything goes well.
suffering, death, and resurrection. clear and accessible even to the Nonetheless, authentic discipleship
Peter remonstrated and Jesus rebuked simple-hearted, but it seems that the requires so much more, that is, the
him, calling him, “Satan” for thinking followers of Jesus do not measure capacity to stick to God and to live
not as God does, but as human up. Is Jesus impossible to follow? Or an upright life even though things
beings do. do the disciples have other plans in are returned upside down.
The Gospel today plots this mind that do not fit well with Jesus’ Our Christian faith can be both
conflict at the onset. The ending proposal of authentic discipleship? a question and an answer to the
depends solely on the quality of On one hand, discipleship is world. We may be questioned when
the response of his disciples. The not about fitting one’s agenda to the Gospel values we propose do
language of Jesus is very prophetic the demands of the Gospel. There not coincide with the values the
but less reassuring. How many times exists one kind of discipleship that world upholds. But then, we must
has he been misunderstood and is very selective—one that picks remain steadfast even if we are the
dismissed? Mark highlights this even up only what suits and benefits the last to remain standing on account
more. In the second prediction of his person well and dismisses all others of our faith.


Proclaim Christ without Ceasing! him. I cannot keep silent. ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the
Gospel” (1 Cor 9:16). I am sent by him, by Christ himself, to
Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM
do this. I am an apostle. I am a witness. The more distant the
It was a beautiful, sunny morning on November 29, 1970 goal, the more difficult my mission, the more pressing is the
that Pope Paul VI journeyed to the Quezon Memorial Circle love what urges me to it (cf. 2 Cor 5:14). I must bear witness
for his public Mass. He began his homily by noting: “I, to his name…. He is the companion and the friend of our life.”
Paul, the successor of Saint Peter, charged with the pastoral “Jesus Christ: you have heard him spoken of; indeed, the
mission for the whole Church, would never have come from greater part of you are already his; you are Christians. So, to
Rome to this far-distant land, unless I had been convinced you, Christians I repeat his name; to everyone I proclaim him….
of two fundamental things: First, of Christ, and second, of I have the happy duty to proclaim … the name of Jesus, our Lord
your salvation.” and Savior.” We ask ourselves: Do we have this same sense of
“Convinced of Christ: yes, I feel the need to proclaim urgency to proclaim Christ?
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Gloria the just one be the son of God,
God will defend him and deliver
Glory to God in the highest, him from the hand of his foes.
Entrance Antiphon
(Recited when there is no opening song.) and on earth peace to people
With revilement and torture let
of good will. We praise you, we
I am the salvation of the people, us put the just one to the test
bless you, we adore you, we
says the Lord. Should they cry glorify you, we give you thanks that we may have proof of his
to me in any distress, I will hear for your great glory, Lord God, gentleness and try his patience.
them, and I will be their Lord heavenly King, O God, almighty Let us condemn him to a
for ever. Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only shameful death; for according
Greeting Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb to his own words, God will take
(The sign of the cross is made here.) of God, Son of the Father, you care of him.
take away the sins of the world, — The word of the Lord.
P—Grace to you and peace have mercy on us; you take away All — Thanks be to God.
from God our Father and the the sins of the world, receive
Lord Jesus Christ. our prayer; you are seated at Responsorial Psalm (Ps 54)
All—And with your spirit. the right hand of the Father,
Introduction have mercy on us. For you alone R—The Lord upholds my life.
(These [or similar words] may be used are the Holy One, you alone
to address the assembly.) are the Lord, you alone are the E. C. Marfori
Most High, Jesus Christ, with
P—Jesus tells his disciples 
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C7 F Am B♭ C F

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the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
that as the Messiah, he will
God the Father. Amen.
be delivered into the hands of The Lord up holds my life.
men and be put to death. The Collect
way to glory is through humility P — Let us pray. (Pause) 1. O God, by your name save
and suffering. But the disciples O God, who founded all the me,/ and by your might defend
fail to understand him because commands of your sacred Law my cause./ O God, hear my
they are thinking of their own upon love of you and of our prayer;/ hearken to the words
personal glory that they hope to neighbor, grant that, by keeping of my mouth. (R)
receive when Jesus is acclaimed your precepts, we may merit
as the Messiah. to attain eternal life. 2. For the haughty men have
Knowing what is in their Through our Lord Jesus risen up against me,/ the ruthless
hearts, the Lord places a little Christ, your Son, who lives and seek my life;/ they set not God
child in their midst. In God’s reigns with you in the unity of before their eyes. (R)
kingdom, whoever humbles the Holy Spirit, God, for ever
himself and serves the “little 3. Behold, God is my helper;/
and ever.
ones”—the poor, those with the LORD sustains my life./
All — Amen.
neither power nor voice—will Freely will I offer you sacrifice;/ I
be considered great. will praise your name, O LORD,

Liturgy of the word for its goodness. (R)
Penitential Act
First Reading (Wis 2:12, 17–20)
P—Brethren (brothers and
Second Reading (Jas 3:16—4:3)
sisters), let us acknowledge our
sins, and so prepare ourselves to The godly life of a just person becomes Jealousy and self-aggrandizement
celebrate the sacred mysteries. a reproach to the wicked. They seek lead to conflicts and disputes. One
to do away with him because he is a who follows the Lord’s teaching on
reminder of their wickedness. The humility lives a life of service and
P—Have mercy on us, O Lord. of peace.
just one foreshadows the Lord Jesus
All—For we have sinned against
who will suffer, die, and rise for the A reading from the Letter of
you. salvation of mankind. Saint James
P—Show us, O Lord, your mercy.
All—And grant us your salvation. A reading from the Book of BELOVED: Where jealousy and
P—May almighty God have Wisdom selfish ambition exist, there is
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, THE WICKED say: Let us beset disorder and every foul practice.
and bring us to everlasting life. the just one, because he is But the wisdom from above is
All—Amen. obnoxious to us; he sets himself first of all pure, then peaceable,
P—Lord, have mercy. against our doings, reproaches gentle, compliant, full of
All—Lord, have mercy. us for transgressions of the law mercy and good fruits, without
P—Christ, have mercy. and charges us with violations of inconstancy or insincerity. And
All—Christ, have mercy. our training. Let us see whether the fruit of righteousness is
P—Lord, have mercy. his words be true; let us find out sown in peace for those who
All—Lord, have mercy. what will happen to him. For if cultivate peace.
Where do the wars and —The Gospel of the Lord. C—May we honor all people
where do the conflicts among All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus especially those who help us
you come from? Is it not from Christ. in our daily needs rather than
your passions that make war the gods of money, sports, fame,
within your members? You Homily (Sit) and politics. We pray. (R)
covet but do not possess. You Profession of Faith (Stand) C—May we not prejudge
kill and envy but you cannot anyone on account of color,
obtain; you fight and wage war. All—I believe in one God, the
Father almighty, maker of heaven race, gender, appearance, or
You do not possess because and earth, of all things visible disability. We pray: (R)
you do not ask. You ask but do and invisible.
not receive, because you ask C—May we maintain our
I believe in one Lord Jesus humility before the Lord, as
wrongly, to spend it on your Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
passions. we face this pandemic through
God, born of the Father before
all ages. God from God, Light our faithful observance of health
—The word of the Lord. protocols to stem the tide of
All —Thanks be to God. from Light, true God from
true God, begotten, not made, CoViD-19 transmission. We
consubstantial with the Father; pray: (R)
Alleluia (Cf. 2 Thes 2:14) (Stand)
through him all things were C—May all our brothers and
All—Alleluia, alleluia. God has made. For us men and for our sisters who passed away from
called us through the Gospel to salvation he came down from this life be admitted to God’s
possess the glory of our Lord heaven, (at the words that follow, up Kingdom where peace and joy
Jesus Christ. Alleluia, alleluia. to and including and became man, all are surely found. We pray: (R)
bow) and by the Holy Spirit was
Gospel (Mk 9:30–37) incarnate of the Virgin Mary and C—Let us pray for the urgent
became man. concerns of our community
P—A reading from the holy For our sake he was crucified and our personal intentions
Gospel according to Mark under Pontius Pilate, he suffered (pause). We pray: (R)
All—Glory to you, O Lord. death and was buried, and
rose again on the third day in P—Father, give us a humble
JESUS and his disciples left heart that seeks to please not
from there and began a journey accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and the world but you alone. Show
through Galilee, but he did not is seated at the right hand of us your love in answer to our
wish anyone to know about it. the Father. He will come again prayers so that we may continue
He was teaching his disciples in glory to judge the living and the mission of your Kingdom
and telling them, “The Son of the dead and his kingdom will which you have entrusted to
Man is to be handed over to have no end. us through Christ your Son
men and they will kill him, I believe in the Holy Spirit, and our Lord.
and three days after his death the Lord, the giver of life, who All—Amen.
the Son of Man will rise.” But proceeds from the Father and
they did not understand the the Son, who with the Father and Liturgy of
saying, and they were afraid the Son is adored and glorified, the eucharist
to question him. who has spoken through the
prophets. Presentation of the Gifts
They came to Capernaum I believe in one, holy, catholic, (Stand)
and, once inside the house, and apostolic Church. I confess
he began to ask them, “What P—Pray, brethren…
one Baptism for the forgiveness All—May the Lord accept the
were you arguing about on of sins and I look forward to the sacrifice at your hands for the
the way?” But they remained resurrection of the dead and the praise and glory of his name,
silent. They had been discussing life of the world to come. Amen. for our good and the good of
among themselves on the way all his holy Church.
who was the greatest. Then he Prayer of the Faithful
sat down, called the Twelve, Prayer over the Offerings
P—Let us now voice our humble
and said to them, “If anyone prayer to the Father, confident P—Receive with favor, O Lord,
wishes to be first, he shall be that we will receive his gracious we pray, the offerings of your
the last of all and the servant of care. For every petition, we pray: people, that what they profess
all.” Taking a child, he placed with devotion and faith may be
it in their midst, and putting R—Lord, make us humble of
heart. theirs through these heavenly
his arms around it, he said mysteries.
to them, “Whoever receives C—May Pope Francis, bishops, Through Christ our Lord.
one child such as this in my priests, deacons, religious men All—Amen.
name, receives me; and who­ and women forsake the trappings
ever receives me, receives not Preface III
of titles and remain humble (Sundays in Ordinary Time)
me but the One who sent me.” servants. We pray: (R)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For we know it belongs to
your boundless glory, that you
came to the aid of mortal beings
with your divinity and even
fashioned for us a remedy out of
mortality itself, that the cause of
our downfall might become the
means of our salvation, through
Christ our Lord.
Through him the host of
Angels adores your majesty Communion Antiphon works, rich in the gifts of hope,
(Ps 119 [118]:4–5) faith and charity, and may come
and rejoices in your presence for
ever. May our voices, we pray, You have laid down your happily to eternal life.
join with theirs in one chorus of precepts to be carefully kept; All—Amen.
exultant praise, as we acclaim: may my ways be firm in keeping P — And may the blessing of
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God your statutes. almighty God, the Father, and
of hosts. Heaven and earth are Prayer after Communion the Son, + and the Holy Spirit,
full of your glory. Hosanna in (Stand) come down on you and remain
the highest. Blessed is he who with you for ever.
comes in the name of the Lord. P—Let us pray. (Pause)
All — Amen.
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) Graciously raise up, O Lord,
those you renew with this Dismissal
Acclamation (Stand)
Sacrament, that we may come P — Our celebration is ended.
All—When we eat this Bread to possess your redemption both
Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
and drink this Cup, we proclaim in mystery and in the manner
your Death, O Lord, until you by your life.
of our life. All — Thanks be to God.
come again. Through Christ our Lord.
All — Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer
P — The Lord be with you. A BROTHER OF
All — Our Father… All — And with your spirit. MASS MEDIA
P — Deliver us, Lord…
All — For the kingdom, the Solemn Blessing
power and the glory are yours If you are a Grade
now and forever. P—Bow down for the blessing. 12 student, a college
Invitation to Peace (Pause) student, or a young
professional, male,
May the God of all con- single, and interested
Invitation to Communion solation order your days in his
(Kneel) to become a priest or
peace and grant you the gifts a brother involved in
P—Behold the Lamb of God, of his blessing. the apostolate of social
behold him who takes away All—Amen. communication, we
the sins of the world. Blessed invite you to journey
P—May he free you always from with us.
are those called to the supper every distress and confirm your
of the Lamb. hearts in his love. Visit our websites:
All—Lord, I am not worthy All—Amen. or
that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word P — So that on this life’s journey
and my soul shall be healed. you may be effective in good

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