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Daftar Isi
Perihal Halaman
Kebanksentralan 2
Pengetahuan Umum 25
Bahasa Inggris 41
Bank Soal 49
Overview tentang Bank Indonesia 58
No. Soal dan Pembahasan
1 Salah satu instrumen kebijakan moneter yang dilakukan oleh bank sentral adalah menetapkan jumlah maksimum kredit yang dapat disalurkan oleh perbankan,
kebijakan ini disebut :
a. credit restriction
b. credit ceiling
c. credit control
d. credit guarantee

Credit Ceilings established on maximum rates of expansion with allowance made for certain priority categories. Banks, savings institutions, public credit
institutions, and life insurance companies. Reduction of banks' rediscount quota at the central bank by an amount at least equal to the excess over the limit.
Credit ceilings have been adopted by many OECD countries in the belief that they allow rapid and precise control of activity, inflation and the balance of

2. Instrumen kebijakan moneter dapat digolongkan menjadi 3 cara yang berbeda yaitu ….
a. salah semua
b. menurut orientasinya dipasar barang, menurut deskripsinya, dan menurut instrumen kebijakan moneter
c. menurut orientasinya dipasar keuangan, menurut instrumen mempengaruhi sasaran operasionalnya, dan menurut diskresinya
d. menurut orientasinya dipasar keuangan, menurut orientasinya di pasar barang, dan menurut orientasi di pasar uang dan pasar barang

Instruments of monetary policy and their functions can be distinguished:

1. Reserve requirements, obliging institutions to hold an amount of money on an account with the central bank, with the aim of absorbing liquidity in
the money market and/or augmenting control over money growth (monetary control).
2. Standing facilities for the (automatic) provision or withdrawal of liquidity at the end of the day at rates forming the ceiling and the floor,
respectively, for short-term market interest rates.
3. Open-market operations; i.e. transactions effected by the central bank at its own initiative to steer interest rates, possibly within a corridor formed
by the rates on the central bank's standing facilities.
4. Averaging provisions for the automatic stabilisation of short-term interest rates. In most countries, these provisions are embedded in reserve
equirements. An averaging provision attached to reserve requirements offers institutions the opportunity to vary the daily amount held on a
reserve account at their own discretion, so long as the requirement is met on average for the period as a whole. The averaging provision absorbs
fluctuations in liquidity needs both at an individual and at the macroeconomic level; in effect, it widens the scope for banks to actively manage their
liquidity and thereby smoothes (very) short-term interest rates over the greater part of the maintenance period.

The operational target of monetary policy is an economic variable, which the central bank wants to control, and indeed can control, to a very large extent on a
day-by-day basis through the use of its monetary policy instruments. It is the variable the level of which the monetary policy decision making committee of the
central bank actually decides upon in each of its meetings. The operational target thus (i) gives guidance to the implementation officers in the central bank
what really to do on a day-by-day basis in the inter-meeting period, and (ii) serves to communicate the stance of monetary policy to the public. Today, there
seems to be consensus among central banks that the short-term inter-bank interest rate is the appropriate operational target.

Monetary policy is aimed at preserving price stability. In some countries, central banks operate under mandates that refer to additional objectives such as full
employment, maximum sustainable growth, stable interest rates or stable exchange rates. To meet their objectives, central banks intervene in financial
markets. It is through the orientation in financial markets that monetary policy affects the real economy. In other words, financial markets are the connecting
link in the transmission mechanism between monetary policy and the real economy. I will focus on the first part of the transmission mechanismonly, i.e. the
transmission from the monetary policy instrument to financial markets. Monetary policy affects financial markets through various channels. However, the
transmission process from monetary policy to financial markets and finally to the real economy has a single source: the monetary policy instrument. Typically,
the monetary policy instrument is a financial market price which is directly set or closely controlled by the central bank. For most central banks with floating
exchange rates today, the monetary policy instrument is a short-term interest rate. Under fixed exchange rate regimes, a particular exchange rate serves as
the instrument. Under monetary targeting regimes, the instrument is typically the quantity of central bank money in the banking system

3. Dalam mengamati kondisi stabilitas sistem keuangan, otoritas harus memperhatikan tidak hanyaa siklus bisnis, namun juga siklus keuangan (financial cycle)
berikut merupakan karakteristik siklus keuangan…
a. Siklus keuangan dari fase boom dari bust
b. Siklus keuangan tidak selalu searah dengan siklus bisnis
c. Siklus keuangan merupakan siklus jangka menengah
d. Siklus keuangan selalu serah dengan siklus bisnis

Business cycles are usually assumed to be between two and eight years in length, the study finds that financial cycles range from eight to 20 years. "financial
cycle" refers to the self-reinforcing interactions between perceptions of value and risk, risk-taking, and financing constraints. Typically, rapid increases in credit
drive up property and asset prices, which in turn increase collateral values and thus the amount of credit the private sector can obtain until, at some point, the
process goes into reverse. This mutually reinforcing interaction between financing constraints and perceptions of value and risks has historically tended to
cause serious macroeconomic dislocations.

Statistical features of the financial cycle obviously differ in various respects. First, financial cycles comprise expansions and contractions of financial conditions
rather than of the real side of the economy. In this graph, the proxy for the financial cycle is an aggregate of credit and housing prices. Second, the duration of
financial cycles varies and is generally longer than the duration of business cycles. Third, the amplitude of the financial cycle varies more than the business
cycle. Fourth, the synchronicity of financial and business cycles appears fairly low. The business cycle does not appear to drive the financial cycle. However,
there is a relationship between financial bust phases and serious macro-financial disruptions Siklus keuangan selalu serah dengan siklus bisnisConventional
time-series plots of financial cycles, on the face of it, suggest that the financial cycles are not at all alike. Conventional time-series plots (in calendar time) may
obscure some of important regularities that all cycles share. Put differently, calendar time might not be the best way to compare cycles over time
4. Berikut merupakan tujuan pengawasan Bank Indonesia di bidang makroprudensial kecuali…
a. Sistem keuangan yang efisien
b. Resiko sistemik yang teridentifikasi sejak dini dan termitigasi
c. Financial imbalances yang minimal
d. Akses keuangan yang terbatas

Macro-prudential surveillance aims to mitigate the impact of early systemic risk by identifying macroeconomic and financial risks that could lead to a large
number of financial institutions becoming insolvent or significant disruptions to vital parts of the economy. Macro-prudential risks can include trade and
financial imbalances, large capital inflows and outflows, asset market bubbles, interest rate risk, inflation risk, liquidity risk, sovereign debt risk and dramatic
changes in market sentiment. Mitigating such risks is a key part of macro-prudential surveillance, thus improving the stability of the financial system and the
overall economy.

The interaction of financial markets and the real economy needs close monitoring since the instability of the financial system can be very costly. A smoothly
operating, stable and efficient financial system is a major pillar for growth, output and employment. Central banks have adopted macroprudential analysis as a
widely used method of detecting vulnerabilities in the financial system. This involves, among other things, the identification of financial soundness indicators
(FSIs) and the methods used to analyse them. Observing potential signs of heightened risks in the financial system is important for central banks, as they rely
on such insights to be able to take both preventive measures and appropriate action in crisis management.

5. Perkembangan inflasi sangat diperhitungkan oleh pelaku usaha karena akan mempengaruhi ….
a. biaya produksi yang harus dikeluarkan
b. biaya bunga pinjaman yang harus dibayar
c. semua jawaban benar
d. tingkat profit yang dihasilkan

In a period of demand-pull inflation, with rising economic growth, the firm will see rising demand and it is able to increase prices. In this case, it may be able to
increase profits, at least in the short term. Though if the inflationary growth leads to a boom and bust – it may be followed by a recession where demand and
profits fall. In a period of cost-push inflation, it depends whether firms are able to pass their rising costs of production onto consumers. If markets are very
competitive and demand weak, firms may face pressure to absorb cost rises by reducing profit margins.
Inflation will affect interest rate levels. The higher the inflation rate, the more interest rates are likely to rise. This occurs because lenders will demand higher
interest rates as compensation for the decrease in purchasing power of the money they are paid in the future. Interest rate levels are a factor of the supply
and demand of credit: an increase in the demand for money or credit will raise interest rates, while a decrease in the demand for credit will decrease them.
Conversely, an increase in the supply of credit will reduce interest rates while a decrease in the supply of credit will increase them. An increase in the amount
of money made available to borrowers increases the supply of credit. For example, when you open a bank account, you are lending money to the bank.
Depending on the kind of account you open (a certificate of deposit will render a higher interest rate than a checking account, with which you can access the
funds at any time), the bank can use that money for its business and investment activities. In other words, the bank can lend out that money to other
customers. The more banks can lend, the more credit is available to the economy. And as the supply of credit increases, the price of borrowing (interest)

6. Rupiah sebagai mata uang negara kesatuan republkik Indonesia (NKRI) merupakan salah satu simbol kedaulatan negara yang harus dihormati dan dibanggakan
oleh seluruh warga negara indonesia, berikut ini adalah hal-hal yang wajib dilakukan untuk menghormati simbol kedaulatan negara tersebut, kecuali…
a. Menyayangi rupiah sehingga transaksi dilakukan dengan matauang asing
b. Merawat dan memperlakukan rupiah dengan baik
c. Menggunakan rupiah pada setiap transaksi di wilayah NKRI
d. Mengajak lingkungan sekitar untuk menjaga dan merawat rupiah dengan baik

Bank Indonesia Regulation (No. 17/3/PBI/2015) :

Regulation on the mandatory use of Rupiah within the territory of Republic of Indonesia is needed to support the Rupiah exchange rate stability that
constitutespart of the purposes mandated to Bank Indonesia in the Law regarding Bank Indonesia,namely to achieve and keep the Rupiah value stability. In the
event that the domestic foreignexchange market undergoes an over demand for foreign exchange, the use of foreignexchange for transactions within the
Territory of the Unified State of the Republic of Indonesiawill give an additional pressure against the Rupiah exchange rate whereby this is potential to
disturb the Rupiah value stability.In line with Bank Indonesia's authority in regulating Rupiah therefore it is deemed necessary toregulate the mandatory use of
the Rupiah within the Territory of the Unified State of theRepublic of Indonesia both for cash transactions and non-cash transactions.Regulation on the
mandatory use of the Rupiah within the Territory of the Unified State of theRepublic of Indonesia is also intended to further make effective the
implementation of theprovisions of the Lawregardingthe currency that requires the use of Rupiah in any transactionhaving the purpose of settlement payment
for other obligations that must be fulfilled by usingmoney, and/or other financial transactions
7. Slogan tiga D dalam mengidentifikasi uang palsu terdiri dari :
a. Dilihat, dilipat, diterawang
b. Diraba, diterawang, dirasa
c. Dilihat, diraba, dipandang
d. Dilihat, diraba, diterawang

8. Jumlah jenis pecahan uang Rupiah tahun emisi 2016 yaitu…

a. 6 pecahan uang kertas dan 5 pecahan uang logam
b. 7 pecahan uang kertas dan 4 pecahan uang logam
c. 8 pecahan uang kertas dan 3 pecahan uang logam
d. 8 pecahan uang kertas dan 4 pecahan uang logam

9. Peran bank Indonesia dalam mendukung ekonomi digital yaitu ….

a. Memberikan sanksi peada penyelenggara teknologi finansial yang terdaftar di indonesia
b. Menghambat inovasi di bidang keuangan
c. Mewajibkan semua penyelenggaran teknologi finansial mengajukan izin
d. Perlindungan konsumen dan mitigasi resiko sistem pembayaran

Trends in the development of payment systems, continues to increase both in nominal and volume of transactions. One of drivers is the extremely rapid
development of information and communication technology, creating a range of innovations that enable people to perform electronic payment system
transactions anywhere and anytime.Those innovations include financial services through ATM machines and ATM/Debit card, credit card, electronic money (e-
money), fund transfer, ease of getting cash as well as a variety of payment gateway services/payment processor that currently thrives in Indonesia. Various
services have helped people in gaining access to finance more easily. A variety of financial products has grown rapidly and become an integral part of our daily
lives.The increasing ease, diversity and frequency of transactions in payment systems services certainly have consequences not only for consumers but also for
the providers and authorities in the field of payment systems. Consumers require clear and accurate information about the benefits and risks of payment
system services to better mitigate the risks they are exposed to.To address those needs, Bank Indonesia formed a special division that handles payment system
services consumer protection namely, the Division of Consumer Protection Payment System, which is initiated on August 1, 2013. This division activities are
including both cash and non cash. Follow up to the consumer’s compliant will be made by Bank Indonesia with applicable mechanism, education, consultation
and/or facilitation. Any payment system provider (bank and non bank) may not charge any cost to consumers for any applied complaints.The payment system
relates with transferring of fund from one party to another. The various means of transferred, from the simple barter system then using money as a means of
exchange, now payment system become more sophisticated and foster in many areas including institution and related regulation as well. Bank Indonesia, in
which regulate the payment system in Indonesia, has responsibility to ensure the payment system run smoothly.Dealing with the responsibility, Bank
Indonesia has referred to the principles of payment system policies, i.e. safety, efficiency, equitable access and customer protection. Safety means that
payment system must be sound and the risk can be mitigated properly. Efficiency means that users have the convenience of preparing from a range of
payment methods with access provide nationwide at low cost. The issue of equitable access, meaning that Bank Indonesia must ensure that all payment
systems in Indonesia pertain the equitable access principle in their operation, so that there isn’t monopolistic practice turn out to be barrier for payment
players to entry the industry. The last is customer protection that require all players to adopt principles for fair consumer protection in their system
operations. For cash instrument, Bank Indonesia policy is built around a clean money policy and guaranteed nationwide availability of currency fit for

10. Dalam formulasi nilai tukar IDR/USD, kondisi berikut adalah benar…
a. Apabila nilai tukar IDR meningkat maka berarti rupiah mengalami depresiasi
b. Apabila nilai tukar USD menurun maka berarti rupiah mengalami apresiasi
c. Apabila nilai tukar USD menurun maka berarti dollar mengalami depresiasi
d. Apabila nilai tukar IDR meningkat maka rupiah mengalami apresiasi

In the
In the chart above, we can see the IDR/USD currency pair.This chart essentially prices the Indonesian rupiah in terms of the US dollar. So, if the chart value is
falling, it means that the rupiah is getting stronger while the dollar is getting weaker. If the chart value is rising, it means that the dollar is getting stronger
while the rupiah is getting weaker. This chart plots the relatively price of both currencies over the last year. So, here, we can see that the dominant trend is
very clear in terms of how the dollar has been progressing against the rupiah.Rising currency values are generally unfavourable for export markets, and these
latest trends will not likely benefit Indonesian companies that sell their goods to foreign consumers. But when we think of where these trends are likely to be
headed in the future, it is important to remain focused on the actions of the US central bank, the Federal Reserve. Most of the trend activity in the last year
has been based on the fact that the Federal Reserve is likely to start raising interest rates before the end of this year. Rising interest rates are positive for
currency values. So, if these expectations turn out to be the case, we can expect some significant changes in terms of the how the rupiah is likely to perform.
Rising interest rates in the US would likely mean rising currency values in the USD/IDR. If this occurs, we can start to expect falling currency values to once
again benefit export companies that are based in Indonesia.

11. Neraca pembayaran adalah statistik yang mencatat transaksi ekonomi antara penduduk dengan bukan penduduk pada periode waktu tertentu. Neraca
pembayaran terdiri dari…
a. Transaksi finansial
b. Semua jawaban benar
c. Transaksi berjalan
d. Transaksi modal

The balance of payments (BOP), also known as balance of

international payments, summarizes all transactions that a country's
individuals, companies, and government bodies complete with
individuals, companies, and government bodies outside the country.
These transactions consist of imports and exports of goods, services,
and capital, as well as transfer payments, such as foreign aid and
remittances.A country's balance of payments and its net international
investment position together constitute its international
accounts.The balance of payments divides transactions in two
accounts: the current account and the capital account. Sometimes
the capital account is called the financial account, with a separate,
usually very small, capital account listed separately. The current
account includes transactions in goods, services, investment income,
and current transfers. The capital account, broadly defined, includes
transactions in financial instruments and central bank reserves.
Narrowly defined, it includes only transactions in financial
instruments. The current account is included in calculations of
national output, while the capital account is not. The sum of all
transactions recorded in the balance of payments must be zero, as long as the capital account is defined broadly. The reason is that every credit appearing in
the current account has a corresponding debit in the capital account, and vice-versa. If a country exports an item (a current account transaction), it effectively
imports foreign capital when that item is paid for (a capital account transaction).If a country cannot fund its imports through exports of capital, it must do so
by running down its reserves. This situation is often referred to as a balance of payments deficit, using the narrow definition of the capital account that
excludes central bank reserves. In reality, however, the broadly defined balance of payments must add up to zero by definition. In practice, statistical
discrepancies arise due to the difficulty of accurately counting every transaction between an economy and the rest of the world, including discrepancies
caused by foreign currency translations.

12. Sistem transfer dana elektronik yang penyelesaian setiap transaksinya dilakukan dalam waktu seketika disebut sebagai …
a. Core banking system
c. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
d. Kliring

BI-RTGS is a system for electronic funds transfer among participants, specifically banks, in the rupiah currency with settlement processed in real time on an
individual transaction basis. Since operated by Bank Indonesia on 17 November 2000, BI-RTGS plays an important role in processing the payment transactions,
particularly for processing of high value payments (amounted Rp 100 million and above) and urgent financial transactions or categorized as High Value
Payment System (HVPS).BI-RTGS is designed to ensure settlement can be done in gross, real-time, final and irrevocable. Settlement of the transactions are
processed on individual basis in real time and can not be revoked. The real time means that the debiting of the sending participant account and crediting of the
beneficiary participant account take place immediately after receipt of the transfer order and completion of the validation process by the system at the
operator. Meanwhile, the settlement of customer transaction on their accounts depends on the conditions and standards of processing system in the internal
system of participants, thus there can be time difference between the settlement on the BI-RTGS and the receiving funds on the customer's account.

13. Bentuk instrument langsung dalam pengendalian kebijakan moneter adalah …..
a. Penetapan suku bunga
b. Ceiling kredit dan penetapan suku bunga
c. Ceiling kredit
d. Operasi pasar terbuka

The most common direct monetary policy instruments areinterest rate controls, credit ceilings, and directed lending (lending at the behest of the
authorities, rather than for commercial reasons). The three main types of indirect instrument are open market operations, reserve requirements, and central
bank lending facilities. Direct methods of monetary control areappealing for several reasons. They areperceived to be reliable, at least initially,in controlling
credit aggregates or boththe distribution and the cost of credit.They are relatively easy to implementand explain, and their direct fiscal costsare relatively low.
They are attractive togovernments that want to channelcredit to meet specific objectives. Incountries with very rudimentary andnoncompetitive financial
systems, directcontrols may be the only option until theinstitutional framework for indirectinstruments has been developed.Against these advantages,
however,must be set the costs of inefficientresource allocation and ineffectivenessarising from the evasion and inequity thatdirect instruments entail. To the
extent thatcredit ceilings are based on amounts extendedby particular institutions, they tend to intensifythe distribution of credit and limit competition,
including the entry of new banks.Moreover, there is a tendency for controls tomultiply, as the authorities struggle to thwart
attempts to circumvent the initialones. This can result in a complex,multi-tiered structure of interestrates and credit controls.

14. Berikut ini yang merupakan peran LPS dalam Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan Indonesia adalah ….
a. Sebagai otoritas kebijakan moneter, makroprudensial,dan sistem pembayaran
b. Berperan sebagai otoritas fiskal yang memiliki tugas utama untuk mengelola keuangan negara (perpajakan dan utang pemerintah)
c. Merupakan otoritas resolusi bank, baik masalah solvabilitas, maupun bank gagal
d. Berperan dalam menerapkan aturan prudensialdan melakukan pengawasan mikroprudensial untuk menjaga kesehatan individual institusi keuangan

Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC/ LPS) is a continuation and a perfection of government’s deposit insurance program regarding blanket
guarantee during the year 1998 to year 2005. Blanket guarantee policy could increase public confidence on banking, but in the other hand it can initiate moral
hazard in bankers as well as depositors. Besides, the policy burden the government’s financial condition. By considering negative impacts and the
improvement in banking condition, Indonesia government decided to end the blanket guarantee. However, government thought that Indonesia still needs
deposit insurance program to maintain public confidence in banking and minimize risk of moral hazard and risk of burdening the government’s financial
condition. Deposit Insurance program is run by Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation, as stipulated in Law No. 24 of 2004 concerning Indonesia Deposit
Insurance Corporation.

According to the law, IDIC is allowed to do the purchase and assumption scheme if a bank fails and it is decided to be rescued, the assets and liabilities with the
most powerful legal status of the bank must be removed from the failed bank. if there is no buyer for the asset and the condition of the financial market is not
in good condition, then the assets and liabilities of the failed bank will be accommodated temporarily by the bank broker (bridge bank) managed by IDIC. The
establishment of the intermediary bank will be regulated in the form of derivative regulations in the form of IDI regulations.With a bail-in system, a systemic
bank is required to own or issue convertible bonds that may at any time be converted into equity shares in times of crisis. Its expected, with the bail in the
average capital adequacy ratio of the bank could be in the range of 20 percent and should be enough to ensure that there is no financial and banking crisis.But
if it turns out that the capital bearing is not enough, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) will hand over the failed bank to the IDIC. If in a state of financial
crisis the bond market slumped and did not allow the agency to issue bonds, then Financial System Stability Committee (FSSC) will consult with the president
and ask the president to find another funding source.

15. Manakah dari pernyataan berikut ini yang tidak benar mengenai keanggotaan KSSK…
a. Ketua dewan komisioner Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sebagai anggota dengan hak suara
b. Gubernur Bank indonesia sebagai anggota dengan hak suara
c. Menteri Keuangan sebagai koordinator merangkap anggota dengan hak suara
d. Ketua Dewan komisioner Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan sebagai anggota dengan hak suara

The Financial System Stability Committee or abbreviated as KSSK organizes the prevention and resolution of Financial System Crisis to carry out the interests
and resilience of the state in the economic sector. KSSK members consist of:
1) Minister of Finance as coordinator and member with voting rights;
2) Governor of Bank Indonesia as member with voting rights;
3) Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority as a member with voting rights; and
4) Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Deposit Insurance Corporation as a member without voting rights.

The Financial System Stability Committee (Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan — “KSSK”) was formed under Law 9/2016. KSSK consists of the Minister of
Finance, the Governor of Bank Indonesia (“BI”), the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan —
“OJK”) and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation (Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan — “LPS”), each of them
represents their respective institutions to supervise, control and handle any Systemic Bank issues during both normal or financial crisis situations.The KSSK
members include the finance minister, who is also the coordinator, the governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), the chairman of the Financial Service Authority (OJK)
and the chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Deposit Guarantee Institute (LPS). For its work plan, the KSSK will meet every three months, with the
next meeting scheduled for July 28, 2016. It will also formulate a code of ethics and a working system for the secretariat.

16. Dalam pengisian instruksi transfer melalui BI-RTGS, peserta BI-RTS wajib memenuhi ketentuan mengenai prinsip pengenalan nasabah (know your customer
principles) dan aturan mengenai tindak pidana pencucian uang (anti money laundering). Sehubungan dengan itu maka ….
a. Nasabah pengirim dan penerima transfer harus datang langsung ke kantor bank
b. Identitas mengenai data nasabah pengirim dan penerima trnasfer harus diisi secara lengkap dan benar
c. Yang yang akan ditransfer harus dihitung dengan benar
d. Transaksi hanya untuk yang bernilai kecil yaitu Rp 50 juta ke bawah

BI-RTGS participants consist of all banks and non-bank institutions. Membership of BI-RTGS participants is divided into Direct Participants and Indirect
Participants. Direct Participants are participants who can send RTGS transactions using their own identity. Meanwhile, Indirect Participants can send RTGS
transactions using the identity of the direct participant.The legal relationship between the participant and Bank Indonesia as the BI-RTGS System Operator is
stipulated in the agreement for the use of the BI-RTGS System. The agreement stipulates various clauses regarding the rights, obligations and responsibilities
between participants and the BI-RTGS System operator.In addition to the terms and agreements between participants and operators that form the basis of
daily BI-RTGS operations, there are also technical matters that are regulated using the BI-RTGS Bye Laws. The provisions in Bye Laws are technical agreements
between participants that have not been regulated in BI provisions or in an agreement.In filling out the transfer instructions, participants must comply with the
provisions regarding know your customer principles and the rules regarding the crime of money laundering. For this reason, the identities regarding data of
customers sending and receiving transfers through BI-RTGS must be filled in completely and correctly.

17. Pihak yang terlibat dalam penerbitan obligasi adalah sebagai berikut kecuali…
a. Perantara
b. kustodian
c. Lembaga pemeringkat
d. Pegadaian

Bonds are simply debt but in the form of security. "Issuer" for a withdrawal is the borrower or debtor, while "resigner" is the inviter of the loan or creditor and
the "coupon" for the withdrawal of loan interest that the debtor must pay to the creditor. With this postponement, it is permissible for the invitee to obtain
long-term investment financing from outside the company.

a) Broker-Dealer, which is often referred to as a stock broker or broker dealer, is a Person who carries out the business of buying and selling Securities for
his or her own account. Securities traded can be in the form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other derivative products. To be able to trade on a stock
exchange, the securities brokerage broker must generally be registered as a member of the stock exchange concerned. The terms of membership of a
stock exchange are usually determined by the joint authority (Self Regulatory Organization) where the stock exchange is located.
b) Custodian Bank is a financial institution that is responsible for storing and maintaining various assets of investment companies collectively. Where, the
assets referred to here include all types of securities including stocks or bonds. The Custodian Bank carries out the administrative process up to the
recording of each instrument deposited. The Custodian Bank is very responsible for everything. The recording process is carried out including buying and
selling of shares, sending letters of confirmation of transactions, to disbursing deposits or sending monthly reports.
c) Credit rating agency or credit rating agency is a company that issues credit ratings for issuers issued by the government or a company. The credit rating
will measure your creditworthiness and your debt repayment ability. The support given will affect many parties who are charged with the resignation
issued. There are five rating agencies recognized by OJK in rating negotiations, namely Fitch Ratings, Moody's Investor Service, Standard and Poor's (S&P),
and PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO).

18. Definisi dari resiko pasar (market risk) adalah ….

a. Resiko yang timbul dari pergerakan variabel pasar antara lain suku bunga dan nilai tukar yang dapat merugikan bank
b. Resiko yang timbul akibat kegagalan ounterparty memenuhi kewajibannya
c. Resiko yang disebabkan bank tidak mematuhi atau melaksanakan peraturan yang berlaku
d. Resiko yang timbul karena ketidakmampuan bank memenuhi kewajiban yang jatuh tempo

The term market risk, also known as systematic risk, refers to the uncertainty associated with any investment decision. Price volatility often arises due to
unanticipated fluctuations in factors that commonly affect the entire financial market. Nevertheless, the most commonly used types of market risk are:
1) Equity risk, the risk that stock or stock indices (e.g. Euro Stoxx 50, etc.) prices or their implied volatility will change.
2) Interest rate risk, the risk that interest rates (e.g. Libor, Euribor, etc.) or their implied volatility will change.
3) Currency risk, the risk that foreign exchange rates (e.g. EUR/USD, EUR/GBP, etc.) or their implied volatility will change.
4) Commodity risk, the risk that commodity prices (e.g. corn, crude oil) or their implied volatility will change.
5) Margining risk results from uncertain future cash outflows due to margin calls covering adverse value changes of a given position.
6) Shape risk, risk when hedging a load profile with standard hedging products having a lower granularity.
7) Holding period risk, risk that a firm's sales quote giving a potential retail client a certain time to sign the offer for a commodity, will actually be a
financial disadvantage for the offering firm since the market price's on the wholesale market has changed.
8) Basis risk, the potential risk that arises from mismatches in a hedged position.

19. Pasar keuangan adalah kumpulan berbagai pihak untuk mengadakan transaksi keuangan dimana pihak yang kelebihan dana menyalurkan dana kepada pihak
yang mengalami kekurangan dana. Secara garis besar pasar keuangan dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu :
a. Pasar obligasi dan pasar saham
b. Pasar modal dan pasar saham
c. Pasar modal dan pasar uang
d. Pasar barang dan pasar jasa

A money market is a component of financial market where short-term borrowing can be issued. This market includes assets that deal with short-term
borrowing, lending, buying and selling. A capital market is a component of a financial market that allows long-term trading of debt and equity-backed

20. Operasi pasar moneter yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi uang beredar yaitu ….
a. Reguler
b. Quick tender
c. Kontraksi
d. Ekpansi

One popular method of controlling inflation is through a contractionary monetary policy. The goal of a contractionary policy is to reduce the money supply
within an economy by decreasing bond prices and increasing interest rates. This helps reduce spending because when there is less money to go around: those
who have money want to keep it and save it, instead of spending it. It also means there is less available credit, which can reduce spending. Reducing spending
is important during inflation because it helps halt economic growth and, in turn, the rate of inflation.There are three main tools to carry out a contractionary
policy. The first is to increase interest rates through the central bank. In the case of Indonesia The BI Rate is the rate at which banks borrow money from the
central bank, but in order to make money, they must lend it at higher rates.WhenBI increases its interest rate, banks then have no choice but to increase their
rates as well. When banks increase their rates, fewer people want to borrow money because it costs more to do so while that money accrues at a higher
interest. So spending drops, prices drop and inflation slows.
21. Aktivitas penyaluran kredit yang melibatkan entitas dan aktifitas dengan pihak di luar sistem perbankan reguler disebut ….
a. Money laundering
b. Shadow Banking
c. Systematically Important Bank
d. Open Banking

A shadow banking system is the group of financial intermediaries facilitating the creation of credit across the global financial system but whose members are
not subject to regulatory oversight. The shadow banking system also refers to unregulated activities by regulated institutions. Examples of intermediaries not
subject to regulation include hedge funds, unlisted derivatives, and other unlisted instruments, while examples of unregulated activities by regulated
institutions include credit default swaps.The shadow banking system consists of lenders, brokers, and other credit intermediaries who fall outside the realm of
traditional regulated banking.It is generally unregulated and not subject to the same kinds of risk, liquidity, and capital restrictions as traditional banks are.

22. Sosialisasi ciri-ciri keaslian uang Rupiah yang dilakukan Bank Indonesia merupakan upaya pengendalian uang Rupiah palsu secara….
a. Preventif
b. Edukasi
c. Peemtif
d. Represif

Bank Indonesia continues to make efforts to combat counterfeit Rupiah currency, both from the preventive side by strengthening the quality of the safety
element, socialization and education regarding the authenticity of Rupiah currency to protect the public from the risk of becoming victims of counterfeit
Rupiah currency as well as supporting repressive efforts to provide a deterrent effect on perpetrators. counterfeiting money through cooperation with law
enforcement officials.To prevent becoming a victim of receiving counterfeit Rupiah currency, the public is urged to be able to recognize the authenticity of
Rupiah currency through the 3D method (Viewed, Touched, Overcasted), and to always maintain and care for Rupiah so that it is easy to recognize its
authenticity. In the event of finding money with questionable authenticity, the public can make a clarification to the Bank Indonesia office or through the
nearest bank, as well as report to the local Police if they find a criminal act of counterfeiting Rupiah currency in their environment.Cooperation between Bank
Indonesia and the National Police in dealing with counterfeit Rupiah currency is carried out in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (NK)
between BI and Polri Number: 21/7/NK/GBI/2019-B/105/VIII/2019 dated 30 August 2019 concerning Cooperation in the Framework of Supporting the
Implementation of Duties and Authorities of Bank Indonesia with the Indonesian National Police. This cooperation is realized, among others, by examining
evidence for disclosing cases of counterfeit Rupiah currency, providing expert testimony in disclosing cases of counterfeit Rupiah currency, socialization /
education related to Rupiah currency, and coordination and exchange of information. One of the tangible results of the efforts to prevent and combat the
practice of counterfeiting Rupiah currency was the destruction of counterfeit Rupiah currency.

23. Berikut merupakan cakupan pengawasan oleh Bank Indonesia, kecuali…

a. Moneter
b. Sistem pembayaran
c. Sistem keuangan
d. Makroprudential

1) The goal of Bank Indonesia is to achieve and maintain the stability of the rupiah. This goal is stipulated in article 7 of Act No. 3 of 2004 concerning
Bank Indonesia. Rupiah stability is defined, among others, as stability of prices for goods and services reflected in inflation. To achieve this goal,
Bank Indonesia decided in 2005 to adopt the inflation targeting framework, in which inflation is the primary monetary policy objective, while
adhering to the free floating exchange rate system. Exchange rate stability plays a crucial role in achieving price and financial system stability. For
this reason, Bank Indonesia also operates an exchange rate policy designed to minimise excessive rate volatility, rather than to peg the exchange
rate to a particular level. To carry this out, Bank Indonesia holds powers to conduct monetary policy through the establishment of monetary targets
(such as money supply or interest rates) with the primary goal of keeping inflation at the government-prescribed level. On the operational level,
these monetary objectives rely on the use of instruments, including open market operations on the rupiah and forex money markets, setting the
discount rate, prescribing a minimum reserve requirement and regulating credit or financing
2) The payment system relates with transferring of fund from one party to another. The various means of transferred, from the simple barter system
then using money as a means of exchange, now payment system become more sophisticated and foster in many areas including institution and
related regulation as well. Bank Indonesia, in which regulate the payment system in Indonesia, has responsibility to ensure the payment system run
smoothly.Dealing with the responsibility, Bank Indonesia has referred to the principles of payment system policies, i.e. safety, efficiency, equitable
access and customer protection. Safety means that payment system must be sound and the risk can be mitigated properly. Efficiency means that
users have the convenience of preparing from a range of payment methods with access provide nationwide at low cost. The issue of equitable
access, meaning that Bank Indonesia must ensure that all payment systems in Indonesia pertain the equitable access principle in their operation, so
that there isn’t monopolistic practice turn out to be barrier for payment players to entry the industry. The last is customer protection that require
all players to adopt principles for fair consumer protection in their system operations. For cash instrument, Bank Indonesia policy is built around a
clean money policy and guaranteed nationwide availability of currency fit for circulation
3) BI's adoption of macroprudential policies aims to prevent and reduce systemic risk, promote a balanced and quality intermediary function and
improve financial system efficiency and access to finance. BI's macroprudential oversight has the authority to supervise indirectly or directly at
related financial institutions, by coordinate with OJK. Macroprudential supervision is carried out through monitoring, stress identification as well as
risk assessment of previously identified potential risks. Based on this process, BI will issue a risk signal. If the assessment shows that financial system
stability is well maintained, BI will carry out the supervisory process as usual. In the event that the risk shows an increase which deserves caution, BI
will take a policy response through the formulation of macroprudential policies. Finally, if the risk signal indicates a potential crisis, BI will activate
the Crisis Management Protocol.

24. Dalam melindungi perlindungan konsumen jasa sistem pembayaran, tidak semua pengaduan dapat ditindaklanjuti oleh Bank Indonesia. Pengaduan yang dapat
ditindaklanjuti oleh Bank Indonesia memiliki syarat berikut kecuali…
a. Tidak terdapat kesepakatan antara arbitrase dan pengadilan
b. Konsumen telah menyampaikan pengaduan kepada penyelenggara dan telah ditindaklanjuti namun tidak memperoleh kesepakatan
c. Tidak terdapat kesepakatan antara konsumen dengan penyelenggara
d. Merupakan masalah perdata yang tidak sedang dalam proses atau belum dapat diputus olwh lembaga mediasi, arbitrase, atau pengadilan

The increasing ease, diversity and frequency of transactions in payment systems services certainly have consequences not only for consumers but also for the
providers and authorities in the field of payment systems. Consumers require clear and accurate information about the benefits and risks of payment system
services to better mitigate the risks they are exposed to.To address those needs, Bank Indonesia formed a special division that handles payment system
services consumer protection namely, the Division of Consumer Protection Payment System, which is initiated on August 1, 2013. This division activities are
including both cash and non cash. Follow up to the consumer’s compliant will be made by Bank Indonesia with applicable mechanism, education, consultation
and/or facilitation. Any payment system provider (bank and non bank) may not charge any cost to consumers for any applied complaints.
Bank Indonesia will only process complaints that meet the following requirements:
1) Consumer has submitted complaint to be responded by
2) Both parties have not reached an agreement
3) Complaints are civil matters that are not in the process or have not been settled by a mediation, arbitration or judicial institutions
4) Consumer experienced financial losses

25. Pelaku pasar valas adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali….

a. Dealers
b. Kontraktor
c. Investor
d. Arbitrageur

Investor is any person who devotes capital to an investment in the hope that they will see a return from it. Investors differ from traders in terms of the length
of their investments and their day-to-day involvement in the markets. Investors usually tend to take a long-term view on their positions, whereas traders will
try to take advantage of Forex shorter-term volatility An forex dealer is a type of financial institution that has received authorization from a relevant regulatory
body to act as a dealer involved with the trading of foreign currencies. Forex arbitrage is the strategy of exploiting price disparity in the forex markets. It may
be effected in various ways but however it is carried out, the arbitrageur seeks to buy currency prices and sell currency prices that are currently divergent but
extremely likely to rapidly converge.

26. Pelaku pasar valuta asing yang bertransaksi karena adanya keuntungan yang diantisipasi tetapi tidak pasti akibat dari perubahan nilai tukar disebut…
a. Arbitrageur
b. Dealers
c. Pialang
d. Speculator

A speculator utilizes strategies and typically a shorter time frame in an attempt to outperform traditional longer-term investors. Speculators take on risk,
especially with respect to anticipating future price movements, in the hope of making gains that are large enough to offset the risk.Speculators that take on
excessive risk typically don't last long. Speculators exert control over long-term risks by employing various strategies such as position sizing, stop loss orders,
and monitoring the statistics of their trading performance. Speculators are typically sophisticated risk-taking individuals with expertise in the markets in which
they are trading.
27. Indeks Harga Perdagangan Besar (IHPB) adalah …
a. Indeks yang mengukur perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada harga eceran barang dan jasa yang diminta konsumen dari waktu ke waktu
b. Indeks harga yang diterima petani
c. Indeks harga dari bahan baku produk antara dan peralatan moda mesin yang dibeli oleh sektor bisnis atau perusahaan
d. Indeks yang menggambarkan pergerakan harga dari komoditi yang diperdagangkan di suatu daerah

The Wholesaler Price Index

(IHPB) is a description of price
developments at the wholesaler
level (Firm or Company Level). It
includes price developments in
the Agricultural Sector, Mining
and Quarrying Sector, Industrial
Sector, Export Goods Group, and
Imported Goods Group at the
national level. The publication of
the 2019 Wholesale Price Index
is a continuation of the previous
publication published annually
by the Central Statistics Agency.
The data presented in this
publication is the Indonesian
IHPB figures for 2019 with the
base year 2010 (2010 = 100).
The IHPB data is obtained from
the results of the monthly
Wholesale Price Survey in 2019
in 34 provinces throughout
28. Pemutus Kondisi krisis sistem keuangan adalah…..
b. Koordinator KSSK
c. Anggota KSSK dengan hak suara
d. Presiden

The Financial System Stability Committee or abbreviated as KSSK organizes the prevention and resolution of Financial System Crisis in order to implement and
maintain the state in the economic sector. KSSK has the following duties and authorities:
1) To coordinate in the context of monitoring and maintaining Financial System Stability
2) Deciding and Handling the Financial System Crisis
3) Addressing Systemic Bank problems, both in normal Financial System Stability conditions and in Financial System Crisis conditions
4) To make decisions regarding the governance of the Financial System Stability Committee and the secretariat of the Financial System Stability
5) Forming a task force or working group to assist the implementation of the duties of the Financial System Stability Committee
6) Establish criteria and indicators for assessing the condition of Financial System Stability
7) Assessing the condition of Financial System Stability based on input from each member of the Financial System Stability Committee, along with
supporting data and information
8) To establish coordination steps to prevent a Financial System Crisis by taking into account the recommendations of each member of the Financial
System Stability Committee
9) Recommend to the President to decide to change the status of Financial System Stability, from a normal condition to a Financial System Crisis or
from a Financial System Crisis to a normal condition.
10) Recommend to the President to decide on steps to handle the Financial System Crisis
11) Submit the handling of the systemic bank solvency problems to the Deposit Insurance Corporation
12) Determine the steps that must be taken by members of the Financial System Stability Committee to support the implementation of the handling of
Systemic Bank problems by the Deposit Insurance Corporation
13) Determine the purchase decision by Bank Indonesia of Government Securities owned by the Deposit Insurance Corporation for Bank handling
14) Recommend to the President to decide on the implementation and termination of the Banking Restructuring Program.

29. Resiko dalam sistem pembayaran dikatakan sistemik apabila….

a. Peserta tidak dapat memenuhi kewajiban karena kesalahan sistem operasional
b. Ketidakmampuan peserta memenuhi kewajiban, menyebabkan ketidak mampuan pemenuhan kewajiban peserta lain yang menyebar secara
c. Peserta tidak memiliki cukup dana pada saat jatuh tempo kewajiban, namun mampu untuk masa yang akan datang
d. Peserta tidak dapat memenuhi kewajibannya saat jatuh tempo

Payment risk can be divided into fivetype.

1) Credit risk, namely the risk when one of the
participants is in the system payment cannot fulfill its
obligations when due or in the future;
2) Liquidity risk, namely the risk when one of the
participants is in the system payment does not have
sufficient funds to fulfill its obligations at maturity,
although it may afford at that time will come;
3) Legal risk, namely the risk when the legal framework
is weak or legal uncertainty that could cause or
worsen credit risk and liquidity risk;
4) Operational risk, namely the risk that is caused by
factors operational, such as a technical malfunction or
error operations, which could cause or worsen credit
risk and liquidity risk; and
5) Systemic risk, namely the risk when one participant is
incapacitated to fulfill its obligations, or to crash the
system causing the other participant's inability to
comply obligations that are due. Furthermore,
payment failure it can spread so widely that it can
eventually endanger the financial system or market.

30. Obligasi merupakan instrumen yang relatif memliki tingkat resiko yang lebih rendah dibanding instrumen lainnya dan berbentuk obligasi pemerintah ataupun
obligasi korporasi. Obligasi diperjualbelikan di ….
a. Pasar komoditas
b. Pasar uang
c. Pasar modal
d. Pasar valas

Capital markets are venues where savings and investments are channeled between the suppliers who have capital and those who are in need of capital. The
entities that have capital include retail and institutional investors while those who seek capital are businesses, governments, and people.Capital markets are
composed of primary and secondary markets. The most common capital markets are the stock market and the bond market.Capital markets seek to improve
transactional efficiencies. These markets bring those who hold capital and those seeking capital together and provide a place where entities can exchange
31. Berikut ini cara merawat Uang Rupiah dengan baik dan benar ….
a. Semua benar
b. Tidak distaples
c. Tidak dicoret-coret
d. Tidak dilipat

Bank Indonesia urges the public to always protect and take good care of Rupiah currency so that Rupiah currency is fit for circulation in the community. Money
fit for circulation will make it easier for the public to recognize the authenticity of rupiah currency. For this reason, the community should always protect and
care for rupiah properly through the 5 Don't: Don't Fold, Don't Cross Out, Don't Staple, Don't Crush, and Don't Wet it.Regarding the information circulating in
the public regarding original Rupiah currency that is stamped or crossed out, the Rupiah is classified as Rupiah which is not fit for circulation, but is still valid as
a means of payment transactions. People who receive original Rupiah in these conditions can exchange it at Bank Indonesia or the nearest Commercial Bank.In
accordance with the mandate of Article 25 of Law Number 7 Year 2011 concerning Currency, it is prohibited for everyone to damage, cut, destroy and / or
change the Rupiah with the intention of degrading the honor of the Rupiah as a symbol of the state. Sanctions for violating these provisions are imprisonment
for a maximum of 5 (five) years and a maximum fine of Rp1,000,000,000.00 (one billion Rupiah).Meanwhile, to ensure the authenticity of Rupiah banknotes,
one easy way to do this is by using the 3D method (seen, touched, dreamed). Both the 3D method and other methods of recognizing the authenticity of
money, such as using tools in the form of a UV lamp and a magnifying glass, require direct physical paper money and cannot be done only through photos or

32. Pengaturan dan pengawasan moneter diperlukan untuk mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan moneter yang juga merupakan bagian dari stabilitas sistem
keuangan secara keseluruhan. Berikut merupakan cakupan pengawasan moneter dan pasar uang oleh Bank indonesia, kecuali….
a. Pasar valas
b. Pasar uang
c. Penyelenggaran jasa sistem pembayaran
d. Lembaga penunjang pasar uang

Supporting Institution is a supporting institution that participates in supporting the operation of the Capital Market and has the duty and function of providing
services to employees and the general public.These Supporting Institutions consist of Custodian Banks, Securities Administration Agencies, Trustees and
Securities Ratings. All of them are supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
1) Custodian Bank is a bank that has received approval from the Financial Services Authority to act as a party that provides custodian services for
Securities and other assets related to Securities and other services, including receiving dividends, interest and other rights, completing Securities
transactions, and representing holders. accounts that are customers.
2) Securities Administration Bureau is a company that can carry out business activities based on a contract with an Issuer for registration of Securities
ownership and distribution of rights related to Securities as a Securities Administration Bureau and has obtained a license from the Financial
Services Authority.
3) Trustee is a party representing the interests of debt securities holders or sukuk to prosecute both inside and outside the court regarding the
interests of the debt securities holders or sukuk without a special power of attorney.
4) Securities Rating Company is an Investment Advisor in the form of a Limited Liability Company that carries out rating and rating activities. In
carrying out its activities, a Securities Rating Company must first obtain a business license from the Financial Services Authority.

33. Dasar pertimbangan Utang Luar negeri pemerintah adalah sebagai berikut :
a. Kebutuhan pembiayaan
b. Kemampuan membayar kembali
c. Semua jawaban benar
d. Batas maksimum kumulatif utang

Governments have three basic methods for financing their expenditures: they can use tax money collected, they can borrow money, or they can simply print
new money for this purpose. Each of these methods has its own drawbacks.For a variety of reasons, borrowing can be the best option. When governments
borrow, a common form that this borrowing takes on is the issuance of government investment securities. That's how the United States government does it,
by issuing Treasury Bonds, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bills.The government debt is simply the balance of these securities that are outstanding at any point
in time. To the government, it is a debt. To those who purchase these securities, it is an investment. Governments that always honor the commitments to
repay these securities according to the terms at issuance, and don't use inflated money to do so, will be selling them to people who get what they expect out
of their investments: those governments will more likely have superior credit ratings, which means that they will have no problem using this method of
financing in the future.
The consequences of a government being in debt can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, the funds received at the time of issuance of the
securities has been used for some specific purposes. It is possible for the benefits of these purposes to outweigh the negative consequences.Economists have
placed the potential negative consequences into three categories: crowding out, for which different opinions exist as to whether crowding out actually occurs
or not; an increase in the trade deficit, which can occur only if crowding out occurs, and the effects on future budgets, which is an obvious and real negative
consequence. Future budgets must include interest payments, which means that some government revenue cannot be used for any other purpose, including
tax relief: in the long run, all govnerment spending will have to be paid for with money received from taxpayers, so future generations will have to pay for
today's spending.Debt indicators; including maturity profiles, reimbursement schedules,sensitivity to interest rates, and debt’s composition in foreign
currency.Ratios of external debt or exports to GDP are useful indicators todefine debt’s evolution and reimbursement capability. Within thecontext of
considerable public sector indebtedness, the relationshipbetween debt and tax income is also relevant to ponder the country’sreimbursement capabilities.

34. Berikut merupakan potensi manfaat dari Open Banking, kecuali….

a. Mengurangi biaya layanan jasa keuanangan
b. Meningkatkan kompetensi pelaku jasa keuangan dengan inovasi berkelanjutan
c. Meningkatkan potensi pembiayaan kepada nasabah-nasabah baru
d. Meningkatkan resiko likuiditas akibat perpindahan dana antar bank yang cepat

Open banking is a system that

provides network data for financial
institutions and banking to users
through the Application
Programming Interface (API)
feature.Data sharing is often
accomplished through an
application programming interface
(API), an intelligent conduit that
allows for the flow of data
between systems in a controlled
yet seamless fashion .APIs have
been leveraged in banking settings
for years. Given breakthroughs in
advanced analytics and the market
traction of numerous nonbank
fintech companies, however, APIs
are receiving renewed attention as
a means to enhance the delivery of
financial services to both retail
consumers and business
customers.Bank Indonesia
encourages the role of the industry
to develop the direction of open banking in the framework of the payment system in Indonesia through the involvement of the preparation of Open API
Standards (Application Programming Interface) and the interlinkages between banks and financial technology (fintech). This involvement is realized by
providing opportunities for industry and the public to provide input and responses to the Consultative Paper on Open API Standards in the context of Open
Banking and Interlinking Banks with Fintech for Payment System Service Providers (as attached). The Open API standard enables banks and fintech to disclose
financial data and information related to payment transactions from their customers on a reciprocal basis (the principle of equality). This is then supported by
contractual cooperation in the use of open API technology (Open API).This Open API standard is the embodiment of Vision 2 and Vision 3 of the 2025
Indonesian Payment System Blueprint (BPSPI), which is to support the implementation of open banking in the payment transaction area in order to encourage
digital transformation by banking and the interlink between banks and fintech. The Open API standard aims to: (1) promote efficiency, security and reliability
of payment systems, (2) increase innovation and competition, (3) encourage financial inclusion including financing to MSMEs, (4) reduce shadow banking risk,
and (5) ) mitigate the risks from using Open API. The Open API standard will be implemented in stages and prioritized for Payment System Service Providers
(PJSP) that meet the criteria in terms of size (size & scale) and business complexity (scope).

35. Pasangan garis di sisi kanan dan kiri uang yang akan terasa kasar apabila diraba disebut dengan ….
a. Rectoverso
b. Benang pengaman
c. Tactile effect (blind code)
d. Watermark

Tactile features on currency notes are used in many countries

around the world, which allows citizens with visual impairments to
handle money more easily. Indonesia’s currency notes are printed
with a tactile feature in the corner so that visually impaired
citizens can easily tell what denomination they’re holding.
Bank Indonesia shall determine the code for the blind in Rupiah
banknotes in consultation with PERTUNI (Indonesian Blind
1) The Rp 5 thousand rupiah denomination with five pairs
of lines.
2) The Rp2 thousand denomination with six pairs of lines,
3) The Rp.1,000 denomination with seven pairs of lines
4) the Rp20 thousand denomination blind coded in the
form of two rectangles which were previously invisible
to the eye and felt rough when touched (intaglio print),
located to the left of the main image on the front of the
5) the Rp50 thousand bill, blind coded in the form of two triangles, which initially did not appear to be visible and felt rough, located to the left of the
main image on the front of the bill.
6) the Rp. 100,000 denomination, with a blind code consisting of two circles that were initially invisible to the eye and felt rough, located to the left of
the main image on the front of the bill.

36. Penukaran Uang Rupiah dapat dilakukan untuk pecahan yang sama atau pecahan yang lain untuk kondisi pecahan berikut ini kecuali….
a. Uang Rupiah hilang atau musnah
b. Uang rupiah yang sudah dicabut sepanjang belum melebihi 10 tahun sejak tanggal pencabutan
c. Uang rupiah cacat
d. Uang rupiah rusak sebagian

Quoted from the official website of Bank Indonesia, money unfit for circulation includes shabby money, defective money, damaged money, and money that
has been revoked and withdrawn from circulation.If the damaged money has identifiable characteristics of authenticity and meets the criteria for replacing
damaged money, the bank is obliged to exchange the damaged money for currency fit for circulation in the amount of damaged money exchanged. If the
characteristics of the authenticity are difficult to know, the exchanger is obliged to fill out a research request form for damaged money for further research.
The money can be sent in proper packaging to BI. The results of the research and the amount of reimbursement will be notified at the first opportunity.

Here are the terms for the exchange of damaged money to be replaced according to nominal value:
1) Physical banknotes> 2/3 (greater than two thirds) of original size and identifiable authenticity of the banknote.
2) Damaged money is still an entity with or without a complete serial number and> 2/3 (greater than two thirds) the original size and authenticity of
the money can be identified.
3) Damaged money does not constitute a single unit, but is divided into at most 2 (two) separate parts and the two serial numbers on the damaged
money are complete and the same and> 2/3 (greater than two-thirds) the original size and the authenticity of the money can be recognized.

Exchange for damaged money that is replaced does not match the nominal value:
1) Physical banknotes ≤ 2/3 (less than or equal to two thirds) of original size.
2) Damaged money is not a single unit, but is divided into at most 2 separate parts and the two serial numbers of damaged money are different

Bank Indonesia provides reimbursement at nominal value to people who exchange money revoked and withdrawn from circulation. With a note, it is still
within 10 years from the date of revocation and its authenticity can still be recognized. Article 23 paragraph (4) of Act Number 3 of 2004 concerning Bank
Indonesia states, "the right to demand exchange of currency which has been revoked, no longer applies after 10 years from the date of revocation"

37. Inklusi keuangan dapat berkontribusi positif terhadap stabilitas sistem keuangan melalui :
a. Pembatasan pembiayaan ke UMKM mendorong diversifikasi aset bank yang mengurangi resiko portofolio kredit bank secara keseluruhan
b. Meningkatkan rasio procyclicality
c. Peningkatan jumlah deposan kecil yang akan meningkatkan baik jumlah maupun kestabilan basis simpanan skala retail di perbankan
d. Inklusi keuangan yang menurun berkontribusi kepada lebih baiknya transmisi kebijakan moneter
Financial inclusion is the provision of affordable,
accessible andelevant financial products to
individuals and businesses thathad previously not
been able to access these products. Financial
Inclusion has both positive and negative impacts
on financial system stability. The positive impact
of increased financial inclusion is that it can
increase diversification of bank assets, reduce
procyclicality risk, increase the number of savers,
thereby increasing the stability of the deposit
base, and increasing the transmission of monetary
policy. Meanwhile, the negative impact of
financial inclusion is that it can reduce credit
standards because financial institutions try to
reach the lower class of society by lowering loan
conditions. And it can increase the risk of a bank's
reputation because increasing financial service
facilities in the country will lower the standards
for the establishment of financial institutions and
can cause instability due to inadequate
regulations from microfinance institutions

Traditionally, banks operating in emerging

markets (EMs) have not viewedfinancially
excluded individuals, and micro, small and
medium enterprises (MSMEs)as profitable target
customer segments.However, technological advances are increasingly reducing the cost of servingthese customers and opening up a potentially significant
growth opportunity forbanks. To be successful in achieving financial inclusion, it’s essential for a country to have a strong political commitment and
coordination across relevant public and private stakeholders, and be able to create an enabling environment and wide-reaching policies that promote
responsible financial access, financial capability, innovative products and delivery mechanisms, and high quality data to inform policy-making.Financial
inclusion means that individuals and businesses have access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet their needs transactions,
payments, savings, credit and insurance delivered in a responsible and sustainable way. Also, being able to have access to a transaction account is a first step
toward broader financial inclusion since a transaction account allows retail banking to increase they saving deposits by having more people to store money,
and send and receive payments. Financial access facilitates day-to-day living, and helps families and businesses plan for everything from long-term goals to
unexpected emergencies. As accountholders, people are more likely to use other financial services, such as credit and insurance, to start and expand
businesses, invest in education or health, manage risk, and weather financial shocks, which can improve the overall quality of their lives.

38. Operasi Intervensi valuta asing tidak dapat dilakukan terus menerus oleh Bank Sentral karena….
a. Menggerus cadangan devisa
b. Mempengaeruhi jumlah uang beredar
c. Membutuhkan kebijakan khusus
d. Meningkatkan biaya kebijakan moneter

Foreign exchange operations are one of

the indirect instrumentscan be used in
Open Market Operation, where the
central bank trades currencyforeigners in
the foreign exchange market to influence
the money supplyand exchange rates. For
example, if the central bank buys foreign
currency (andpay in its own currency)
means the central bank has addedthe
money supply. In addition, the demand
for foreign exchange is increasingcan lead
to weakening of the exchange rate
itself.The sale and purchase of foreign
currencies can be done on an outright or
outright basisswap. Buying and selling on
a spot basis is useful when the foreign
exchange market is in a countryit is more
developed than its financial market.
Other usesThis instrument is for
sterilization when a lot of foreign
investment (meansbring foreign currency
in for exchange) in, to keep the amount
of moneycirculating. In addition, when
the currency itself weakens and is
depressed byone way or another, the
central bank can also use this
instrumentto maintain exchange rate stability by selling foreign currenciesdemanded by the market. However, such operations cannot be carried out
continuously because of the amount of foreign exchange reserves (foreign currencies held by bankscentral) there is a limit.
39. Sarana Transaksi Bank indonesia termasuk penatausahaannya dan penatausahan surat berharga secara elektronik dan terhubung langsung antara peserta
penyelenggaran dan sistem BI RTGS disebut sebagai….
a. Core banking system
b. Kliring
c. BI-Scriptless Securities Settlement System (BI-SSSS)
d. Transfer online

Bank Indonesia-Scripless Securities Settlement System (BI-SSSS) is a means of transactions with Bank Indonesia including it’s administration and Securities
administration electronically and connected directly between participants, organizers and the System of Bank Indonesia - Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS
system).BI-SSSS integrates Bank Indonesia transaction system and Securities administration system. Bank Indonesia transaction activities, including (i) the
implementation of Open Market Operations (OMO), (ii) provision of funding facilities by Bank Indonesia to the Bank, and (iii) implementation of the
Government Securities transactions (SBN) for and on behalf of the Government. While the Securities administration activities include (i) settlement, (ii)
registration of ownership, and (iii) the coupon payment / Securities redemption. Activities and administration of transactions conducted in an integrated
system and is connected directly (on-line) between Bank Indonesia and the market participants. In addition, the BI-SSSS includes information systems among
the participants and host of BI-SSSS, securities settlement systems and securities administration system.According to it’s function, the BI-SSSS participants
consist of: (i) publishers namely Bank Indonesia and the Ministry of Finance, (ii) participants are Bank Indonesia, Bank, Money Market Brokerage Company and
Securities Company, and other institutions approved by Bank Indonesia such as Indonesian Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), and (iii) the participants as the
owner of the securities account such as Bank Indonesia, banks and the Sub-Registry.Securities Settlement through BI-SSSS conducted seamlessly with
participants’ funds settlement system through the BI-RTGS system enables participants to take advantage of the BI-SSSS settlement facility in Delivery Versus
Payment (DVP) that can be performed rapidly and instantaneously thus minimizing Securities settlement risk.

40. Penyempurnaan layanan Sistem Kliring Nasional Bank Indonesia (SKNBI) oleh Bank Indonesia meliputi hal-hal berikut kecuali….
a. Kenaikan batas maksimal transfer menjadi Rp 1 Milyar
b. Kenaikan batas maksimal transfer menjadi Rp 500 Juta
c. Penurunan Biaya transfer kliring menjadi Rp 1 juta
d. Penambahan jadwal pengoperasionalan kliring menjadi sembilan kali

According on Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) Number 21/8 / PBI / 2019 concerning the Third Amendment to Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 17/9 / PBI /
2015 concerning Implementation of Funds Transfer and Scheduled Clearing by Bank Indonesia, and technical provisions in the Regulation of Members of the
Board of Governors Number 21/12 / PADG / 2019 concerning the Implementation of Fund Transfers and Scheduled Clearing by Bank Indonesia.Refinements to
this policy include the addition of the fund settlement period for the Funds Transfer Service from 5 (five) times a day to 9 (nine) times a day; (ii) Additional fund
settlement period for the Regular Payment Service, from 2 (two) times a day to 9 (nine) times a day.In addition, an increase in the maximum limit of
transactions that can be processed on Funds Transfer Services and Regular Payment Services from previously a maximum of IDR 500 million per transaction to
a maximum of IDR 1 billion per transaction.Adjustment of fees for Funds Transfer Services imposed by Bank Indonesia on Banks (SKNBI Participants) which
previously were charged Rp. 1,000.00 (one thousand rupiah) per transaction to Rp. 600.00 (six hundred rupiah) per transaction; and Adjustment of fees for
Funds Transfer Services charged by Banks (SKNBI Participants) to customers previously charged a maximum of IDR 5,000.00 (five thousand rupiah) per
transaction to a maximum of IDR 3,500.00 (three thousand five hundred rupiah) per transaction.

41. Arti ciri khusus rupiah yang bersifat covert adalah ….

a. Unsur pengaman yang dapat dikenali langsung dengan panca indera (dilihat, diraba, diterawang)
b. Unsur pengaman yang belum dapat dipalsukan
c. Unsur pengaman yang hanya dapat dideteksi dengan menggunakan peralatan laboratorium/forensik
d. Unsur pengaman yang dapat dideteksi dengan menggunakan alat yang sederhana seperti kaca pembesar dan lampu ultraviolrt (UV)

The security element in banknotes includes money materials and printing techniques. The selection of the security element is an important aspect so that
money is difficult to counterfeit. It should be realized that the difficulty of counterfeiting money does not depend solely on the security element, but is also
influenced by the design image, color and printing techniques. The security element of Rupiah banknotes can be distinguished based on the covert security
features and the covert security features. Most security elements are open and easily visible to the public. Detection of this safety element can be done with
the naked eye (visible), by touching the hand (visible to touch), or by using simple equipment such as a magnifying glass and ultra violet. Detection of a safety
element that is not open can only be done with a machine that has a certain sensor which has a high enough degree of certainty and speed to identify the
safety element.

42. Definisi dari resiko pasar (market risk) adalah ….

a. Resiko yang timbul dari pegerakan variabel pasar antara lain suku bunga dan nilai tukar yang dapat merugikan bank
b. Resiko yang disebabkan bank tidak mematuhi atau melaksanakan peraturan yang berlaku
c. Resiko yang timbul karena ketidakmampuan bank memenuhi kewajiban yang jatuh tempo
d. Resiko yang timbul akibat kegagalan counterparty memenuhi kewajibannya

Market risk is defined as the risk to a financial portfolio from movements in market prices such as equity prices, foreign exchange rates, interest rates, and
commodity prices. Market risk is the potential loss of value in assets and liabilities due to changes in market variables (e.g., interest and exchange rates, equity
and commodity prices). This covers assets and liabilities in trading books, but also could include the market risk of assets and liabilities classified as available
for sale, or even hold-to-maturity assets and liabilities. Banks often limit the scope of market risk to the assets and liabilities in their trading books, which is in
line with the definition of market risk in the regulatory solvency regime for banks.

43. Kondisi perekonomian suatu negara dapat dilihat dari sisi eksternal maupun internal. Kondisi eksternal tercermin dari …
a. Perkembangan neraca pembayaran
b. Perkembangan investasi
c. Perkembangan inflasi
d. Perkembangan jumlah uang beredar

From the perspective of macroeconomic indicators, investment is a significantdeterminant of economic development in general, as well as the development
indicator ofeconomic entities in the micro segment. Investments are an essential element of any economicpolicy, because their implementation provides a
platform not only for economic development, butalso are prerequisite for the stability of economic and social trends. Foreign direct investment playsan
important role in the financing of the global economy, and it represents the most frequentfeature in financing the national economies of developing countries
and countries in transition.Demand for foreign investment in the global market is large, and thus the governments have beenconducting many activities in
order to create a more favorable environment to attract investors. The foreign capital may affect economic development in three ways. First, it enlarge the
domesticinvestment rates. To the extent that a country has a mismatch between savings and investment as a resultof balance of payments deficit, the inflow
of foreign capital can help boost investments in the country.Second, it increases business efficiency. The increase in productivity is resulting from the increase
inefficiency, based on the transfer of experiences, new knowledge and new technologies that are brought inwith foreign capital. Third, it stimulates the
economic system and the business. The existence of efficientcompanies in the market can stimulate local competitors to innovate business in order to survive
in themarket. In this way, it increases the quality and diversity of local producers in a country that is therecipient of capital.Acceleration of the economic
development and the rapid pace of the development is linked to the rate of accumulation. Accumulation is one of the main factors ofdevelopment.

44. Berikut ini adalah pernyataan yang benar mengenai kebijakan moneter kecuali…
a. Instrumen langsung diantaranya penetapan suku bunga pinjaman sementara instrumen tidak langsung adalah penetapan cadangan wajib minimum
bagi perbankan
b. Instrumen kebijakan moneter terdiri dari instrumen langsung dan tidak langsung
c. Kebijakan monter adalah kebijakan yang digunakan dalam bentuk pengendalian moneter untuk mencapai perkembangan kebijakan perekonomian
yang diinginkan
d. Keijakan moneter melalui operasi pasar terbuka merupakan jenis kebijakan moneter langsung

Monetary policy can use both direct and direct instrumentsindirect. Direct instruments are instruments of controlmonetary policy which can directly affect
operational objectivesdesired by the central bank. As for indirect instrumentsis an indirect monetary control instrumentinfluence the operational goals desired
by the central bank.The two main things that are controlled are price (interest rate) and quantitysavings and credit that exist in the banking system or
institutionsnon-bank finance. This direct control can be done throughdirect policies issued by the central bank or byaffect the balance sheets of commercial
banks. This control is calleddirectly because there is a 'one-to-one' correspondence relationship betweenoperational instruments and objectives. For example,
setting a credit ceiling can bedirectly affects the amount of domestic credit that can be channeledby banks, which in turn will affect the amount of

Meanwhile, indirect instruments are an attempt tocontrolling the monetary amount by influencing the bank balance sheetcentral. One thing that is important
in indirect instruments is the bankcentral money can affect the position of base money or bank reservethis in turn can affect credit and money supply. This
method is called indirect because of the bankcentral to achieving policy objectives by influencing market conditionsmoney through one of its functions as an
owning bodythe authority to circulate money by influencing its conditionsunderlying the demand and supply of money. In addition, efforts tocontrolling this
monetary amount is done by influencingthe balance sheet of the central bank itself, particularly items on the side of its own passivity, namelyreserve money
which in turn will affect interest ratesthe extent and quantity of money and credit in the whole systembanking,for example the minimum statutory reserve.If
this minimum statutory reserve is increased, the bank's capacityMonetary Control Instruments

Both direct and indirect monetary policy instrumentshas a variety of forms and each hascharacteristics and advantages or disadvantages. Direct instrument
formwhich is widely used is interest rate controlceilings), credit limits, and program credits / special credits (directed credits)central bank. Meanwhile, in
general there are 3 main formsindirect instruments, namely OPT, primary reserves (reserverequirements), and short-term funding facilities or
facilitiesdiscount.The straightforward instrument has the advantage that it canused as an effective tool for the central bank tocontrolling the price (in this case
the interest rate) or quantity (inthis is the maximum amount) of credit, especially in the early stagestemporary development or crisis. Besidesthat is, for
conditions when financial markets are not yet developed or banksCentral does not yet have adequate facilities to useindirect instruments, direct instruments
are very importantand effective. The disadvantages include disturbing and deterringfair competition in financial markets, disrupting the mechanisma free
market, and incur costs that may not bequantified

45. Peran bank Indonesia didalam pasar keuangan adalah sebagai ….

a. Otoritas pengawas mikoprudensial
b. Investor
c. Peminjam
d. Otoritas moneter, sistem pembayaran, dan makroprudensial

As the central bank, Bank Indonesia has five main roles in maintaining financial system stability. The five main roles that cover policies and instruments in
maintaining financial system stability are:
1) First, Bank Indonesia has a duty to maintain monetary stability through, among others, the interest rate instrument in open market operations.
Bank Indonesia is required to be able to determine monetary policy appropriately and in a balanced manner. This is because monetary stability
disturbances have a direct impact on various economic aspects. Monetary policy, through the application of too tight interest rates, will tend to kill
economic activity. Vice versa. Therefore, to create monetary stability, Bank Indonesia has implemented a policy called the inflation targeting
2) Second, Bank Indonesia has a vital role to play in creating healthy performance in financial institutions, particularly banking. Such performance
creation of banking institutions is carried out through supervisory and regulatory mechanisms. As in other countries, the banking sector has a
dominant share in the financial system. Therefore, failure in this sector can cause financial instability and disrupt the economy. To prevent this
failure, an effective banking system of supervision and policy must be enforced. In addition, market discipline through the authority in supervision
and policy makers and law enforcement must be carried out. The available evidence shows that countries that apply market discipline, have strong
financial system stability. Meanwhile, law enforcement efforts are intended to protect banks and stakeholders as well as encourage confidence in
the financial system. To create stability in the banking sector in a sustainable manner, Bank Indonesia has prepared the Indonesian Banking
Architecture and a Basel II implementation plan.
3) Third, Bank Indonesia has the authority to regulate and maintain the smooth operation of the payment system. If failure to settle occurs in one of
the participants in the payment system, serious potential risks will arise and disrupt the smooth operation of the payment system. This failure may
create contagion risk, causing systemic disturbances. Bank Indonesia has developed mechanisms and arrangements to reduce risks in the payment
system, which tends to increase. Among other things, by implementing a real time payment system, known as the RTGS (Real Time Gross
Settlement) system, can further improve the security and speed of the payment system. As the authority in the payment system, Bank Indonesia
has the information and expertise to identify potential risks in the payment system.
4) Fourth, through its research and monitoring functions, Bank Indonesia can access information deemed to threaten financial stability. Through
macroprudential monitoring, Bank Indonesia can monitor financial sector vulnerabilities and detect potential shocks that impact financial system
stability. Through research, Bank Indonesia can develop macroprudential instruments and indicators to detect financial sector vulnerabilities. The
results of the research and monitoring will then serve as recommendations for the relevant authorities in taking appropriate steps to reduce
disruptions in the financial sector.
5) Fifth, Bank Indonesia has a function as a safety net for the financial system through the central bank's function as lender of last resort (LoLR). The
LoLR function is the traditional role of Bank Indonesia as the central bank in managing crises in order to avoid financial system instability. The
function of LoLR includes providing liquidity during normal and crisis conditions. This function is only given to banks that are facing liquidity
problems and have the potential to trigger a systemic crisis. Under normal conditions, the LoLR function can be applied to banks that experience
temporary liquidity difficulties but still have the ability to repay. In carrying out its function as LoLR, Bank Indonesia must avoid moral hazard.
Therefore, consideration of systemic risk and strict requirements must be applied in the provision of such liquidity.

46. Manakah diantara hal-hal berikut yang bukan merupakan faktor yang menginisiasi penerbitan denominasi atau desain uang baru ?
a. Kebutuhan masyarakat akan uang pecahan baru rupiah
b. Amanat ketentuan perundang-undangan
c. Tingkat likuiditas dan kuantitas pemalsuan masih rendah dan tidak mengkhawatirkan
d. Perkembangan teknologi baru pada bahan uang dan unsur pengaman

In every issuance of money, efforts are made to ensure public trustmoney is maintained. Therefore, any money that is issuedmade as well as possible in order
to be accepted by the community. BesidesTherefore, efforts are made to ensure that an emission can be published or circulated in timewhich is quite a long
time. The issuance of new money can only be done on ancertain considerations so that they can be avoided too oftenissuance of new money. Following are
outlined some guidelines forissuance of new money.20 Article 20 of the Bank Indonesia Law states “Bank Indonesia is the only oneinstitutions authorized to
issue and circulate rupiah currency as wellrevoke, withdraw and destroy the money referred to from circulation ”.21 This division of money supply
management into four phases is known in the RegulationsBank Indonesia (PBI) No.6 / 14 / PBI / 2004 dated 22 June 2004.The basis for the consideration of the
issuance of new money includes, among othersthings as follows:
1) Simplification of calculation units to facilitate transactions cash payment, namely by rearranging existing divisions. This change is meant to be a new
2) Become more practical and efficient for pricing, calculations, and recording.
3) The existing fraction cannot accommodate the development of the factors economy such as inflation rates and exchange rate changes so a new
fraction is needed which will make the unit of calculation easier in cash payment transactions.
4) Changes in money (material and technique printing) in order to improve the quality of money or efficiency procurement.

These changes can be done withconsideration:

- There is a policy to make changes tomeasures of money in order to standardize measures, changes in techniquesprinting, as well as adding or replacing
security elements (securityfeatures) as well as design images so that the quality of money becomes betterwell.
- The rate of counterfeiting money has increased so thatendanger the economy and public trustagainst rupiah currency.
- Especially for coins so that there is fairness between valuesintrinsic at face value

47. Faktor-faktor yang dapat menimbulkan cost push inflation adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali….
a. Tingginya permintaan
b. Melemahnya nilai tukar
c. Tingginya inflasi di luar negeri
d. Peningkatan harga komoditas global

Cost-push inflation occurs when overall prices increase (inflation) due

to increases in the cost of wages and raw materials. Higher costs of
production can decrease the aggregate supply (the amount of total
production) in the economy. Since the dezmand for goods hasn't
changed, the price increases from production are passed onto
consumers creating cost-push increase in the cost of input
goods used in manufacturing, such as raw materials. For example, if
companies use copper in the manufacturing process and the price of
the metal suddenly rises, companies might pass those increase on to
their customers.Increased labor costs can create cost-push inflation
such as when mandatory wage increases for production employees
due to an increase in minimum the wage per worker. A worker strike
due to stalled to contract negotiations might lead to a decline in
production and as a result, higher prices ensue for the scare product.

Unexpected causes of cost-push inflation are often natural disasters,

which can include floods, earthquakes, fires, or tornadoes. If a large
disaster causes unexpected damage to a production facility and results in a shutdown or partial disruption of the production chain, higher production costs are
likely to follow. A company might have no choice but to increase prices to help recoup some of the losses from a disaster. Although not all natural disasters
result in higher production costs and therefore, wouldn't lead to cost-push inflation.Other events might qualify if they lead to higher production costs, such as
a sudden change in government that affects the country’s ability to maintain its previous output. However, government-induced increases in production costs
are more often seen in developing nations.Government regulations and changes in current laws, although usually anticipated, may cause costs to rise for
businesses because they have no way to compensate for the increased costs associated with them. For example, the government might mandate that
healthcare be provided, driving up the cost of employees or labor.

Example of Cost-Push Inflation

➢ The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a cartel that consists of 13 member countries that both produce and export oil. In
the early 1970s, due to geopolitical events, OPEC imposed an oil embargo on the United States and other countries. OPEC banned oil exports to
targeted countries and also imposed oil production cuts.What followed was a supply shock and a quadrupling of the price of oil from approximately
$3 to $12 per barrel.2 Cost-push inflation ensued since there was no increase in demand for the commodity. The impact of the supply cut led to a
surge in gas prices as well as higher production costs for companies that used petroleum products.
48. Berikut adalah manfaat dari penggunaan Bank Indonesia Real Time Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS) yang bersifat no money no game, kecuali….
a. Sarana transfer dana antar bank yang praktis, cepat, efisien, aman, dan handal
b. Fokus melayani transaksi bernilai kecil yaitu transaksi Rp 100 juta ke bawah dan bersifat segera
c. Meningkatkan kepastian penyelesaian akhir (settlemet finality) setiap transaksi pembayaran
d. Memproses transaksi pembayaran yang termasuk High Value Payment System

BI-RTGS is designed to ensure that the final settlement can be done in gross, real time, final and irrevocable settlement. Settlement of BI RTGS transactions is
carried out on a per transaction basis and cannot be canceled. Real-time settlement is limited to the process of sending transactions from sending participants
to Bank Indonesia to be forwarded to receiving members. Meanwhile, the time for the final settlement of customer transfer transactions to their accounts
depends on the conditions and standards of the internal processing system for sending and receiving transactions in the participant, so there may be a time
difference between the final settlement at BI-RTGS and the receipt of fund transfers in the customer's account.Transaction Queue System is implemented in
BI-RTGS. Transactions can be entered into the queue system if when they are sent, the participant does not have sufficient funds. This condition occurs partly
because participants are still waiting for incoming transactions from other participants. Transactions at BI-RTGS can only be processed for final settlement if
the participant has sufficient funds (no money no game principle). Transactions that have been queued can be completed as soon as the participant receives
an incoming transaction or deposits additional funds. This queuing application requires participants to manage their liquidity wisely, so that all transactions can
be completed properly at the end of the day.

49. Pada pertengahan tahun 1960-an inflasi mencapai 600%. Hal ini disebut …
a. Hyperinflasi
b. Superinflasi
c. Inflasi akut
d. Abnormal inflasi

Hyperinflation is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy. While inflation is a measure of the pace of
rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month.Hyperinflation is a term to describe
rapid, excessive, and out-of-control price increases in an economy, typically at rates exceeding 50% each month over time.Hyperinflation can occur in times of
war and economic turmoil in the underlying production economy, in conjunction with a central bank printing an excessive amount of money.Hyperinflation
can cause a surge in prices for basic goods—such as food and fuel—as they become scarce.While hyperinflations are typically rare, once they begin they can
spiral out of control.

50. Otoritas yang berfungsi untuk mengeluarkan fatwa-fatwa terkait produk padaindustri keuangan syariah adalah…
a. Majelis Ulama Indonesia
b. Dewan Syariah Nasional – Majelis Ulama Indonesia
c. Assosiasi bank Syariah Indonesia
d. Badan Arbitrase Syariah nasional

The Islamic finance industry in Indonesia has the potential to continue to grow and has great benefits for the economy. The Sharia-based Non-Bank Financial
Industry (IKNB) has also become a pillar of strength in the Islamic financial industry, whose development is expected to contribute to the development of the
Islamic economy in Indonesia.Sharia IKNB is a field of activity related to activities in the insurance industry, pension funds, financing institutions, and other
financial service institutions, which in practice do not contradict sharia principles. In general, their activities do not differ from conventional IKNB. However,
there are some special characteristics, with products and transaction mechanisms based on sharia principles.

Among them are what is carried out by the Sharia-based Islamic Financial Institution (LKS) which is imposed by the National Sharia Council of the Indonesian
Ulema Council (DSN MUI), namely Mudharabah Financing (Qiradh), Musyarakah Financing, Ijarah Financing, Wakalah, Musytarakah Mudharabah Akad, and
Kafalah Akad.OJK as a regulatory and supervisory institution in sharia finance also has the function and authority to integrate policy directions, strategies, and
development stages in the Islamic financial industry, including in the Sharia IKNB. Of course the regulatory instruments issued are also in accordance with
sharia principles, involving the DSN MUI.
51. Peserta BI Scriptless-security system (BI-SSSS) mencakup peserta sebagai berikut ...
a. peserta penerbit yaitu Bank Indonesia dan kementrian keuangan
b. Peserta transaksi dan sekaligus sebagaipemilik rekening surat berharga yaitu Bank Indonesia dan Sub-Registry
c. Peserta transaksi yaitu Bank Indonesia, perusahaan pialang pasar uang dan perusahaan efek. Serta lembaga lain yang disetujui oleh BI seperti LPS
d. semua jawaban benar

Securities Settlement through the BI-SSSS is conducted seamlessly with the Participant's fund settlement system through the BI-RTGS System, which enables
BI-SSSS Participants to utilize the Delivery Versus Payment (DVP) settlement facility which can be carried out quickly and immediately so that the risk of
Securities settlement can be carried out. minimized.In accordance with their functions, BI-SSSS participants consist of; (i) issuing participants, namely Bank
Indonesia and the Ministry of Finance, (ii) transaction participants namely Bank Indonesia, banks, Money Market Brokerage Companies and Securities
Companies, and other institutions approved by Bank Indonesia such as the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), and (iii) ) a transaction participant and
simultaneously owner of a securities account, namely Bank Indonesia, a bank and a Sub-Registry.

52. Negara yang menerapkan hukuman penjara dan denda bagi counterfeiter adalah ....
a. rumania
b. afrika selatan
c. Indonesia
d. Meksiko

In Rumania, Counterfeiting constitutes a criminal offence and, as such, is punishable under criminal law. Two types of crime are stipulated under the law: those
that are considered to pose a threat to the public and those that are not. The penalties for the former are more severe. A request for criminal prosecution is
one option for rights holders seeking to stop infringing acts. Criminal prosecution is usually sought where the rights holder has insufficient information on the
counterfeiting chain (eg, manufacturer, importer and distributor), since it involves an investigation stage. In practice, criminal proceedings are very slow and in
most cases the prosecutor finds that the counterfeit activities represent no threat to the public; consequently, the penalties imposed on the infringer are
minimal. For this reason, rights holders tend to avoid filing criminal complaints.
Counterfeit law in South Africa offers quick and effective results that ordinarily take years of court proceedings to conclude. The procedure allows for a
complainant to confiscate goods reasonably suspected to be counterfeit pending the outcome of the dispute. This can significantly minimise damage to brand
owners before the case is finalised. Both criminal and civil proceedings can be instituted against infringers, allowing the complainant two opportunities to hold
offenders liable for their unlawful actions. As evident from the above, convicted counterfeiters face hefty penalties for their actions.

In Indonesia, counterfeiting is regulated in Law Number 7 in 2011 regarding Currency. The criminal provisions upon this issue are explained in Chapter 10,
consisting of Article 35. . Anyone who counterfeits the Rupiah as set forth in Article 26 section (1) shall be subject to sentence with imprisonment for 10 (ten)
years and subject to sentence with fine no more than Rp10.000.000.000, 00 (ten billion rupiah). (2) Anyone who stores physically in whatsoever means of
which is known as counterfeit Rupiah as set forth in Article 26 section (2) shall be subject to sentence with imprisonment for 10 (ten) years and subject to
sentence with fine no more than Rp10.000.000.000, 00 (ten billion rupiah). (3) Anyone who circulates and/ or purchases counterfeit Rupiah of which is known
as counterfeit Rupiah as set forth in Article 26 section (3) shall be subject to sentence with imprisonment for no longer than 15 (fifteen) years and subject to
sentence with fine no more than Rp50.000.000.000, 00 (fifty billion rupiah).

The Industrial Property Law and the Federal Criminal Code establish which activities related to counterfeiting are considered to be crimes. All criminal actions
must be initiated before the General Attorney’s Office, which will prosecute and integrate the official file before it is sent to a federal court. According to
Mexican law, some counterfeiting crimes can be prosecuted ex officio and some can be prosecuted only if the injured party complains to the competent
authorities. In light of this, if a rights holder becomes aware of the existence of counterfeit goods that directly affect its mark, it must file a criminal petition
with the General Attorney’s Office.

53. Apabila aliran modal masuk semakin besar, maka nilai tukar akan cenderung....
a. stabil
b. bergejolak
c. melemah
d. menguat

Capital inflows generate higher demand for both tradables and nontradables and lead
to ahigher relative price of nontradables and to appreciation of the real exchange rate.
This isnecessary so that domestic resources will be diverted to production of
nontradables to meetthe increased demand. Where there are supply constraints,
capital inflows associated with higher consumption put more pressure on the relative
price of domestic goods than capital inflows associated with higher investments, which
have significant imported goods content.FDI leads to less credit and money expansion
because it is less, and only briefly, intermediated through the local banking system.
The inflation potential of FDI may thus belower than that of commercial bank loans.

FDI flows could be related to investment in imported machinery and equipment; these
imports do not suffer from constraints in local supply capacity and thus have almost no
appreciation effect. The spillover effects of FDI may also improve local productive
capacity through transfer of technology and managerial know-how . As countries with a better investment climate attract more FDI, local productive capacity
could improve before FDI flows, reducingpressure on the real exchange rate. FDI is also a more stable flow than bank lending andportfolio investment.
Appreciation of the real exchange rate due to FDI is less than appreciation due to more volatile private flows that do not necessarily increase productive
capacity, such as portfolio investments
54. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perencanaan jumlah dan jenis pecahan Uang Rupiah yang akan dicetak yaitu ...
a. semua benar
b. asumsi tingkat inflasi
c. asumsi pertumbuhan ekonomi
d. perkembangan teknologi

Bank Indonesia issued Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 21/10 / PBI / 2019 concerning Management of Rupiah Currency. This PBI concerning Management
of Rupiah currency includes planning, printing, issuing, circulating, revoking and withdrawing, as well as destroying, to provide rupiah currency that is fit for
circulation, denominated in accordance, on time according to community needs, and safe from counterfeiting, with due regard for efficiency. and national
interests. It is stated that Bank Indonesia plans the Rupiah currency to be printed by taking into account the assumed inflation rate, assumptions for economic
growth, technological developments, policy changes in rupiah prices, the public's need for types of currency denominations. Certain Rupiah, level of
counterfeiting, and influencing factors;

55. Gangguan dalam sistem pembayaran dapat membahayakan stabilitas sistem dan pasar keuangan karena ......
a. mengganggu proses transmisi kebijakan moneter
b. berpotensi menyebabkan timbulnya sengketa antara nasabah dengan penyedia jasa sistem pembayaran
c. semua benar
d. mengganggu penyelesaian kewajiban pembayaran sehingga kepercayaan masyarakat turun

The financial system plays a very important role in the economy. As part of the economic system, the financial system functions to allocate funds from parties
experiencing a surplus to those experiencing a deficit. If the financial system is unstable and does not function efficiently, the allocation of funds will not work
well, thus hampering economic growth. Experience shows that an unstable financial system, especially if it results in a crisis, requires very high costs for its
rescue efforts.Indonesia experienced valuable lessons during the 1998 financial crisis, at which time the costs of the crisis were very significant. In addition, it
will take a long time to revive public confidence in the financial system. The 1998 crisis proved that financial system stability is a very important aspect in
shaping and maintaining a sustainable economy. An unstable financial system tends to be susceptible to various shocks that disrupt the economy's wheels.
In general, it can be said that financial system instability can result in several unfavorable conditions, such as:
1) Monetary policy transmission does not function normally so that monetary policy becomes ineffective.
2) The intermediation function cannot run as it should be due to improper allocation of funds which hinders economic growth.
3) Public distrust of the financial system, which generally will be followed by panic behavior by investors to withdraw their funds, has led to liquidity
4) The very high cost of salvaging the financial system in the event of a systemic crisis.
56. Berikut adalah tema yang digunakan sebagai standarisasi elemen desain uang rupiah, kecuali ...
a. pahlawan nasional
b. seni dan budaya
c. flora dan fauna
d. bendera Indonesia

57. Gerbang Pembayaran Nasional (GPN) meliputi fungsi sebagai berikut ...
a. Standard mechanism security
b. Penerbit
c. Instrumen Infrastructure Services
d. Standards, Switching,Services

Bank Indonesia issued regulations regarding the National Payment Gateway (GPN), or National Payment Gateway. GPN is a system consisting of Standards1,
Switching, and Services which is built through a set of rules and mechanisms to integrate various payment instruments and channels nationally. With the GPN,
the processing of domestic retail payment transactions will be able to be carried out with interconnection (interconnected) and interoperability (mutually
interoperable). This regulation is expected to support the realization of a national payment system that is smooth, safe, efficient and reliable, and in
accordance with developments in information, communication, technology and innovation.The scope of the NPG includes domestic payment transactions
which include three things. First, Switching interconnection, which is the connection between one Switching network and another Switching network. Second,
payment channel interconnection and interoperability, namely the connection between networks in one payment channel and another and conditions that
allow the use of payment instruments on infrastructure other than the infrastructure of the payment instrument issuer concerned. Third, payment instrument
interoperability, which is a condition that allows the use of payment instruments in infrastructure other than the infrastructure of the payment instrument
issuer concerned.
58. Apabila sebagian uang digunakan untuk membeli efek, surat berharga, mata uang asing, maka motif memegang uang adalah ....
a. Motif spekulasi
b. motif berjaga-jaga
c. motif ekonomi
d. motif spekulasi

Demand of money according to speculation motive occurs because of the uncertainty and expectation factors that influence a person in holding money. In
determining the need for money for this speculative motive, a person is influenced by the expectations of future income from various forms of assets that are
possible to own. Keynes uses the interest rate as a measuring variable for future income expectations so that the need for money for speculative purposes is
affected by changes in the interest rate.According to Keynes, people want the amount of cash to exceed the transaction requirements because of the motive
for the desire to store wealth in the form of cash. This stored cash means to function as a store of value or a hoarder of wealth. The demand for money for
speculation is influenced by the interest rate. The higher the interest rate, the lower is the public's desire for cash for speculation. There are two classic
reasons for this.

First, if the interest rate increases, it means that the opportunity cost of holding money is getting bigger so that people's desire for cash is getting smaller.
Conversely, the lower the interest rate, the greater the desire of the public to save cash.Second, there is the Keynes hypothesis which assumes that the normal
interest rate occurs, that is, if there is a change, according to a certain interest rate it is expected that it will return to the normal interest rate. If in fact the
interest rate is above normal, the public's expectation is that the interest rate will not rise and it is even expected to fall to the normal interest rate so that the
price of securities is estimated to increase (capital losses). As a result, the number of securities increased so that the demand for cash was getting smaller.
Conversely, if the interest rate is below normal, the public estimates that the interest rate will rise to the normal interest rate. The price of securities fell so
that people sold their securities because the cost of holding cash had increased.

59. Setelah menyediakan penelitian laboratoris atas barang bukti tindak pidana uang palsu yang perlu dilakukan oleh ahli Bank Indonesia ....
a. semua benar
b. memenuhi panggilan sidang
c. pemberian keterangan ahli
d. memantau putusan pengadilan
The role of evidence for expert statements in criminal cases is keeping counterfeit Rupiah is very necessary to make light of a case andgain a certainty in
deciding a case. Thereforein proving guilt of the Defendant in a case of alleged criminal actionsaving fake Rupiah requires expertise outside the field of law, or
the expertise related to this type of case is required by the Judgeis an expert on Rupiah Currency. Article 184 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code
(KUHAP) stipulates informationexpert as valid evidence and has value as evidenceit is important in criminal case examination. Description whichgiven by the
expert may affect the judge's conviction however the statementit cannot stand alone and must be accompanied by evidenceother. Expert statements are used
by the Judge to be used as materialconsiderations in making decisions. Based on expert informationregarding the characteristics of counterfeit money, it can
be seen that the role of the expert inprovide information related to the criminal case of keeping Counterfeit Rupiahis indispensable to make light of
matters.The synergy between Bank Indonesia and law enforcement officials, especially the Indonesian National Police, in the effort to eradicate rupiah
counterfeiting was also established in the form of providing expert testimony on Rupiah Currency in the investigation of criminal acts of currency
counterfeiting up to the trial stage. Bank Indonesia also provides a Counterfeit Analysis Center (BI-CAC) laboratory to carry out laboratory checks on evidence
of rupiah currency that is suspected of being counterfeit. In addition, Bank Indonesia and Bareskrim POLRI also collaborated in teaching educational programs
implemented both at Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian National Police.

60. Tanda penyertaan modal seseorang atau pihak pada suatu perusahaan atau perseroan terbatas disebut...
a. capital gain
b. obligasi
c. dividen
d. saham

Capital gain is the profit one earns on the sale of an asset like stocks, bonds or real estate. It results in capital gain when the selling price of an asset exceeds its
purchase price. It is the difference between the selling price (higher) and cost price (lower) of the asset.Bonds are units of corporate debt issued by companies
and securitized as tradeable assets. dividend is the distribution of some of a company's earnings to a class of its shareholders, as determined by the company's
board of directors. Stock is a type of investment that represents an ownership share in a company. A stock is an investment. When you purchase a company's
stock, you're purchasing a small piece of that company, called a share.
61. Berikut ini adalah contoh peserta Pasar Uang Antar Bank (PUAB), kecuali ...
a. Bank swasta nasional
b. Bank BUMN
c. Koperasi
d. Bank Komersial

The interbank money market is an activity of lending and borrowing funds betweenone bank to another. The flow of funds between banks can also be done
through placementsfunds in the form of deposits from one bank to another bank.PUAB participants consist of state-owned banks, commercial banks, national
private banks and / or banksForeign. In conducting transactions at the PUAB, PUAB Participants can useBrokerage Company.PUAB transactions through a
Brokerage Company can be carried out either onat the time of issuance of the PUAB Instrument or at the time of transferownership of PUAB Instruments
before maturity

62. Fungsi Bank Indonesia Scriptless Securities Settlement System (BI-SSSS) adalah untuk....
a. Menatausahakan trading surat berharga Bank Indonesia
b. Setelmen dan penatausahaan surat berharga Pemrintah dan Bank indonesia
c. menatausahakan Lelang Surat berharga Pemerintah
d. semua benar

BI-SSSS integrates Bank Indonesia transaction system and Securities administration system. Bank Indonesia transaction activities, including (i) the
implementation of Open Market Operations (OMO), (ii) provision of funding facilities by Bank Indonesia to the Bank, and (iii) implementation of the
Government Securities transactions (SBN) for and on behalf of the Government. While the Securities administration activities include (i) settlement, (ii)
registration of ownership, and (iii) the coupon payment / Securities redemption. Activities and administration of transactions conducted in an integrated
system and is connected directly (on-line) between Bank Indonesia and the market participants. In addition, the BI-SSSS includes information systems among
the participants and host of BI-SSSS, securities settlement systems and securities administration system.
63. Permintaan valas pada umumnya berasal dari ...
a. Ekspor barang
b. Pembayaran utang luar negeri
c. Impor barang
d. Impor barang dan pembayaran utang luar negeri

Based on the factors that influence it, there are three main factorsmay affect foreign exchange demand, namely as follows:
1) Import Payment Factors, The higher the imports of goods and services, the greater the demand for foreign exchange the domestic currency
exchange rate will tend to depreciate. Conversely, if imported decreases, demand for foreign currency decreases, which encourages exchange rate
appreciate local currency
2) Capital Outflow Factors, The greater the capital outflow, the greater the demand for further foreign exchange encourage the depreciation of
domestic currency exchange rates. Capital outflows include debt payments of Indonesian residents (both private and government) to foreign
parties and placement of funds from Indonesian residents abroad.
3) Speculative Activity, More and more foreign exchange speculation activities are carried out by speculators , the bigger demand for foreign currency
thus encouraging the depreciation of the domestic currency against foreign currency

64. Untuk dapat menetapkan sistem nilai tukar tetap dibutuhkan dukungan cadangan devisa yang besar karena...
a. pada saat ada pembelian valas, bank sentral wajib menjual valas pada level yang ditetapkan
b. Bank sentral harus mempertahankan nilai tukar pada level yang ditetapkan
c. pada saat ada pembelian rupiah, bank sentral wajib membeli rupah pada level yang ditetapkan
d. semua benar

Every exchange rate system has advantages and disadvantages. System that being applied will depend on the situation and economic conditionsthe country
concerned, in particular the amount of foreign exchange reserves held,economic openness, the foreign exchange system adopted (free, semi-controlled, or
controlled), and the volume of the domestic foreign exchange market. Value systemexchange rate still has advantages because of the certainty of exchange
rates formarket. However, this system requires large foreign reserves becauseit is imperative for the central bank to maintain exchange rates at levels
set. Moreover, this system can foster world trendsefforts not to hedge (hedge) their foreign currenciesagainst the risk of changes in exchange rates. This
system is generally implemented incountries that have large foreign exchange reserves, with a foreign exchange systemstill relatively controlled.
To be able to establish a fixed exchange rate system requires the support of large foreign reserves because when there is a foreign exchange purchase, the
central bank is obliged to sell foreign currency at a stipulated level, The central bank must maintain the exchange rate at a set level, and when there is a
purchase of rupiah, the central bank is obliged to buy the rupiah at a specified level. The floating exchange rate system has the advantage of notthe need for
large foreign reserves, because the central bank does not have tomaintaining the exchange rate at a certain level. However, the exchange ratefluctuating too
much can add uncertainty to the business world.This system is generally applied in countries that have foreign exchange reservesrelatively small while the
foreign exchange system adopted tends to be free

65. Yang tidak termasuk jenis uang nontunai adalah..

a. semua jawaban benar
b. uang kartal
c. uang kuasi
d. uang giral

Currency is money issued by the state based on applicable laws and is valid as a legal means of payment. In Indonesia, currency consists of coins and
banknotes, and can be used as a medium of exchange for foreign currency which is used as a means of international trading transactions.Giral money is money
issued by commercial banks in the form of securities. Demand money can be used at any time as a means of payment. Some examples of demand deposits
include checks, namely a written order by the account holder to a designated bank to pay a certain amount of money and Giro, namely deposits at a bank
whose withdrawals can be made at any time by using a check or other securities or by overbooking. Quasi-money is a type of money that cannot be used at
any time in its payments due to time constraints, namely time deposits and savings deposits. Quasi money consists of deposits, savings and foreign currency
deposits owned by domestic private companies.
66. Efek yang diterbitkan oleh suatu perusahaan terbuka yang memberikan hak kepada pemegang efek untuk memesan saham dari perusahaan terbuka tersebut
pada harga tertentu setelah 6 bulan atau lebih sejak efek diterbitkan disebut ....
a. dividen
b. warrant
c. capital gain
d. saham

Warrant is similar to Right Issue, but the differences lie on the Trading Period and Redemption Time that start 6 months after the issuance of Warrant. Warrant
also has a medium trading period of 2-3 years. Meanwhile, Right has a shorter trading period of less than a week generally. Most of stock warrants are similar
to call options in that they provide the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares of a company at a specified price (strike price) before the warrant
expires. Unlike a listed option, a warrant is issued by a company instead of an option writer. A stock warrant is issued by an employer that gives the holder the
right to buy company shares at a certain price before the expiration. The easiest way to exercise a warrant is through your broker. When a warrant is
exercised, the company issues new shares, increasing the total number of shares outstanding, which has a dilutive effect. Warrants can be bought and sold on
the secondary market up until expiry. If the current stock price is below the strike price, the warrant may still have some time value and can still have value in
the market.

67. Pemilihan masing-masing sistem nilai tukar mempunyai kelebihan/keunggulan dan kelemahan/kekurangan sehingga tidak bisa salah satu sistem dapat
dianggap lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sistem yang lain. Berikut merupakan pertimbangan dalam memilih sistem nilai tukar, kecuali....
a. besarnya volume dan kondisi likuiditas pasar domestik
b. keterbukaan ekonomi
c. sistem devisa yang dianut
d. tingkat inflasi

Every exchange rate system has advantages and disadvantages. System that being applied will depend on the situation and economic conditions the country
concerned, in particular the amount of foreign exchange reserves held, economic openness, the foreign exchange system adopted (free, semi-controlled, or
controlled), and the volume of the domestic foreign exchange market. Value system exchange rate still has advantages because of the certainty of exchange
rates for market. However, this system requires large foreign reserves because it is imperative for the central bank to maintain exchange rates at levels
set. Moreover, this system can foster world trends efforts not to hedge (hedge) their foreign currencies against the risk of changes in exchange rates. This
system is generally implemented in countries that have large foreign exchange reserves, with a foreign exchange system still relatively controlled.

68. Berikut ini adalah permasalahan yang ditimbulkan dalam penanggulangan pemalsuan uang, kecuali...
a. penegakan hukum yang belum optimal
b. keterbatasan kerja sama dengan penegak hukum Internasional
c. pemahaman masyarakat terhadap ciri keaslian uang belum optimal
d. infrastruktur counterfeit analysis yang masih belum optimal

Preventive measures to tackle money counterfeiting is by doingface to face with various activitieslayers of society and agenciesauthorized in a series of
eventssocialization of authenticity of rupiah currency andbuild a central database of Counterfeit Rupiah which is called a BankIndonesia Counterfeit Analysis
Center(BI-CAC). Bank Indonesia remainscooperate with various agenciesfor prevention and controlfake money like Botasupal, POLRI, International Police
Organization, Attorney, Court andsociety at large, by stayingguided by the function and rolerespective enforcement agenciesthe law. Through BI-CAC, BI could
perform analysis & research about the level ofcounterfeit. The result will be used as a reference for choosing & decidingsecurity features to be used on
Rupiah.BI-CAC may also provide information related to the area of detectedcounterfeit, counterfeiting technique and relationship among counterfeitcases for
law enfocement.
69. Bank indonesia dalam menjalankan kebijakan moneter dapat menggunakan instrumen moneter langsung dengan mengeluarkan ketentuan sesuai
wewenangnya, yang dapat digolongkan sebagai instrumen moneter langsung adalah....
a. cadangan wajib minimum
b. fasilitas diskonto
c. operasi pasar terbuka
d. pengendalian suku bunga

Direct Monetary instruments are instruments of controlmonetary policy which can directly affect operational objectivesdesired by the central bank. As for
indirect instrumentsis an indirect monetary control instrumentinfluence the operational goals desired by the central bank.The two main things that are
controlled are price (interest rate) and quantitysavings and credit that exist in the banking system or institutionsnon-bank finance. This direct control can be
done throughdirect policies issued by the central bank or byaffect the balance sheets of commercial banks. This control is calleddirectly because there is a
'one-to-one' correspondence relationship betweenoperational instruments and objectives. For example, setting a credit ceiling can bedirectly affects the
amount of domestic credit that can be channeledby banks, which in turn will affect the amount of moneycirculating.

Meanwhile, indirect instruments are an attempt tocontrolling the monetary amount by influencing the bank balance sheetcentral. One thing that is important
in indirect instruments is the bankcentral money can affect the position of base money or bank reservethis in turn can affect credit and money supplyhis
method is called indirect because of the bankcentral to achieving policy objectives by influencing market conditionsmoney through one of its functions as an
owning bodythe authority to circulate money by influencing its conditionsunderlying the demand and supply of money

70. Serangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam rangka pemantauan atas kondisi sistem keuangan di daerah dalam rangka menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan dan
mendukung pembangunan ekonomi daerah yang inklusif dan berkesinambungan merupakan defenisi dari....
a. UMKM Go digital
b. Regional Financial Surveillance
c. Protokol manajemen krisis
d. Surveilans Mikroprudential

1) MSMEs go digital This means that MSMEs use technology to develop their business potential.
2) Regional Financial Surveillance (RFS) is a series of activities that include assessment or 'surveillance' and examination of various risks affecting
regional financial stability in order to maintain SSK and support inclusive and sustainable regional economic development.
3) The Crisis Management Protocol (PMK) is a system of rules that describes the correct (or considered correct) practices and procedures that must be
carried out in a formal situation, in the financial system it is important in crisis resolution efforts because PMK will help financial authorities react
and take appropriate and coordinated steps to deal with the crisis in quick time.
4) Macroprudential duties carried out by BI and microprudential carried out by the OJK. Microprudential policies focus more on the supervisory
system conducted by OJK on the analysis of individual development of financial institutions.
No. Soal dan Pembahasan
1. Berikut adalah jenis pasar keuangan dunia, kecuali...
a. Eurocurrencies
b. Ekspor-impor
c. Obligasi Uang
d. Eurobond

1) Eurocurrency is currency deposited by national governments or corporations, outside of its home market. Commonly it is currency held in banks
located outside of the country which issues the currency.
2) Importing and Exporting are means of Foreign Trade. Foreign trade is carried out in goods and services – which includes imports, exports, and the
balance of foreign trade – is presented separately for goods and for services. The total imports, exports, and balance of foreign trade are presented
as summaries of goods and services.
3) Bond is an instrument of indebtedness of the bond issuer to the holders. The most common types of bonds include municipal bonds and corporate
bonds. Bonds can be in mutual funds or can be in private investing where a person would give a loan to a company or the government.
4) A Eurobond is a debt instrument that's denominated in a currency other than the home currency of the country or market in which it is issued.
Eurobonds are frequently grouped together by the currency in which they are denominated, such as eurodollar or Euro-yen bonds.

2. Tugas Bank indonesia dalam menjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran dalah sebagai berikut, kecuali...
a. menetapkan penggunaan alat pembayaran
b. melaksanakan penyelenggaraan jasa sistem pembayaran
c. memberikan persetujuan dan izin atas penyelenggaraan jasa sistem pembayaran
d. menerbitkan kartu kredit dan e-money

Bank Indonesia has the right to establish and enforce payment system policies in Indonesia through the Bank Indonesia Act in Act Number 23 of 1999 which
was subsequently revised in Act Number 6 of 2009. The role of Bank Indonesia in the payment system includes:
1) Authority to give permission and approval to payment service providers to participate in the payment system (Anyone who can issue or process
these payment instruments)
2) Supervision.
3) Determine certain standards of payment instruments and determine what payment instruments can be used in the payment system in Indonesia.
4) Regulate and supervise what institutions are allowed to operate a payment system (both banks and non-bank institutions).
5) Risk control policies, efficiency, governance, etc.
6) Authority in running the Bank Indonesia system - Real Time Gross Settlement or BI-RTGS. BI-RTGS itself is used to make non-cash transactions of
large value. According to data from Bank Indonesia, in 2010, transactions conducted by BI-RTGS alone could reach at least IDR 174.3 trillion.
7) Authority as operator of the interbank clearing system for certain types of payment instruments through the Bank Indonesia National Clearing
System or SKNBI.

3. Frekuensi pelaporan Bank Indonesia kepada publik secara formal dilakukan...

a. Tahunan dan bulanan
b. di akhir masa jabatan gubernur BI
c. bulanan dan semesteran
d. triwulanan dan tahunan

As a form of central bank accountability and transparency, Bank Indonesia issues the Bank Indonesia Annual Report (LTBI). LTBI is published annually to
provide information regarding Bank Indonesia management reports which include reports on the implementation of tasks, challenges and achievements
during the current year. This report also contains information regarding the strategic direction of the organization and financial accountability of Bank
Indonesia, which has been audited by the Supreme Audit Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.The issuance of LTBI is in line with the best practices of the
accountability report, which presents information on the implementation of duties, organizational management and financial management in a
comprehensive report (integrated reporting). LTBI is a communication media and accountability media to stakeholders.Submission of accountability reports is
the mandate of Article 58 Act Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia as amended several times, most recently by Act Number 6 of 2009, which
requires Bank Indonesia to submit a written annual report to the House of Representatives and the Government at at the beginning of each fiscal year. Bank
Indonesia is also required to convey information to the public in an open manner.Monetary policy communications are issued in press releases, press
conferences after Board Meetings, publication of the Monetary Policy Review/Report presenting the background to decisions made and explanations provided
directly to the public, media, economic actors, market analysts and academics.Bank Indonesia communicates monetary policy through the following
- Monetary Policy Review
- Indonesian Economic Report
- Quarterly Report to Indonesian Parliament (ID)
- Press Releases on Monetary Policy ( BI Rate or BI 7DRR)

4. Manakah diantara kerangka strategi berikut ini yang mempunyai aspek akuntabilitas yang relatif rendah…
a. Strategi jangkar nominal implisit (implicit targeting)
b. Strategi penargetan nilai tukar (exchange rate targeting)
c. Strategi penargetan moneter (monetary targeting)
d. Strategi penargetan inlasi (inflation targeting)

Most central banks conduct monetary policy within some sort of monetary policy regime. Such a regime provides a structure for monetary policy decision-
making. In addition to facilitating the decision-making itself, this structure enables the decisions to be communicated more easily to the public. The basic
monetary regimes area regime with an implicit nominal anchor,money targeting,exchange rate targeting andinflation targeting.
1) A regime with an implicit nominal anchor involves targeting a particular nominal variable adopted only internally within the central bank without it
being announced explicitly. A prerequisite for successful functioning of this regime is high credibility of the central bank, which enables the desired
changes in inflation or inflation expectations to be achieved without explicit targets.
2) The Monetary targeting regime focuses on the growth rate of a chosen monetary aggregate. It is based on the finding that in the long term, price
growth is affected by money supply growth. A problem, however, lies in the choice of an appropriate monetary aggregate to target. In an
environment of financial innovation, market computerisation and globalisation, the relationship between monetary aggregates and the price level is
becoming ever weaker. The central bank may also fail to manage the selected monetary aggregate with sufficient precision.
3) Under the exchange rate targeting regime, the central bank tries to ensure nominal exchange rate stability vis-à-vis the currency of a so-called
anchor country via interest rate changes and direct foreign exchange interventions, thereby "importing" price stability from the country.
Maintaining the exchange rate requires an appropriate economic policy mix ensuring a low inflation differential vis-à-vis the anchor country, a
sufficient level of international reserves, and the maintaining of the country's competitiveness and overall credibility, including its institutional and
legislative framework and political stability. One of the major disadvantages of the regime is the loss of monetary policy autonomy.
4) Under inflation targeting, the central bank publicly pre-announces an inflation target (or a succession of targets) that it is determined to achieve.
This involves active and direct shaping of inflation expectations. This regime's decision-making scheme involves the use of much more information
than merely the exchange rate or monetary aggregates, covering the labour market, import prices, producer prices, the output gap, nominal and
real interest rates, the nominal and real exchange rate, public budgets, etc. The particular case of inflation targeting in the Czech Republic is
outlined on page Inflation targeting.
5. Cadangan devisa merupakan….
A. Posisi bersih aktiva luar negeri pemerintah dan bank devisa
B. Posisi bersih aktiva dalam negeri pemerintah dan bank nasional
C. Aset Bank indonesia yang dipersiapkan untuk cadangan pembiayaan ke Bank
D. Hasil keuntungan ekspor indonesia yang disimpan Bank indonesia

Foreign exchange reserves represent the net position of foreign assets of the government and foreign exchange banks that must be maintained for the
purposes of international transactions. Foreign exchange is needed to finance imports and pay off foreign debts.These reserves are used to back liabilities and
influence monetary policy. It includes any foreign money held by a central bank, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Most foreign exchange reserves are
held in U.S. dollars, with China being the largest foreign currency reserve holder in the world.Economists suggest that it’s best to hold foreign exchange
reserves in a currency that is not directly connected to the country’s own currency.

Foreign exchange reserves can include banknotes, deposits, bonds, treasury bills and other government securities. These assets serve many purposes but are
most significantly held to ensure that a central government agency has backup funds if their national currency rapidly devalues or becomes all together
insolvent. It is a common practice in countries around the world for their central bank to hold a significant amount of reserves in their foreign exchange. Most
of these reserves are held in the U.S. dollar since it is the most traded currency in the world. It is not uncommon for the foreign exchange reserves to be made
up of the British pound (GBP), the euro (EUR), the Chinese yuan (CNY) or the Japanese yen (JPY) as well.

6. Ketentuan hukum yang ditetapkan oleh Dewan gubernur yang memuat aturan internal bank Indonesia adalah…
a. Keputusan rapat dewan gubernur
b. Peraturan Bank Indonesia
c. Peraturan Dewan Gubernur
d. Peraturan Gubernur Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia regulations are legal provisions stipulated by Bank Indonesia and are binding on any person or entity and published in the State Gazette. Thus,
Bank Indonesia Regulations bind all persons / entities. Meanwhile, the Board of Governors Regulation is a legal provision that contains internal rules. This
regulation does not apply to everyone, only applies to internal Bank Indonesia. In Law No.23 / 1999 in conjunction with Law No.3 / 2004 there are at least 11
articles which explicitly mandate that certain issues be regulated by a Bank Indonesia Regulation. This is in line with the authority of Bank Indonesia to issue
regulations / stipulations (power to regulate) and the authority to impose sanctions (power to impose sanctions). With regard to the position of Bank
Indonesia Regulations as implementing regulations of law, it should be stated that Bank Indonesia Regulations are very decisive in achieving the objectives and
implementation of Bank Indonesia duties. This is also related to Bank Indonesia's position as an independent state institution.

7. Harga pangan cenderung bersifat volatile karena…

a. Tergantung pada musim tanam/panen
b. Semua jawaban benar
c. Tidak dapat diproduksi di setiap daerah
d. Bersifat tidak tahan lama/mudah rusak

Primary products like food and oil tend to be volatile because:

1) Supply is inelastic in short run. (Supply is
unresponsive to temporary shortages of food)
2) Supply can vary due to the weather/geopolitical
3) Demand is price inelastic – a small change in supply
causes a bigger percentage change in price.

When demand is price inelastic (on left), an increase in supply

causes a correspondingly larger fall in price – Prices are more
volatile.When demand is more price elastic (on right), an
increase in supply causes a smaller percentage fall in price – Prices are less volatile.

Supply is inelastic in the short run

It is not easy to increase the supply of agricultural production in the short term. You need to plant more seeds, trees, which take at least a year. Therefore,
supply cannot easily respond to increases in price. A manufacturing firm can probably pay workers to do overtime and increase supply in response to rising
prices. It is similar to oil – to significantly increase output a firm may need to invest in more oil exploration and drill more oil wells.

Demand is price inelastic in short-run

Because many agricultural products are basic necessities, a fall in
price doesn’t tend to encourage people to buy more food. If
potatoes are cheaper would you eat more potatoes? If coffee
was cheaper, would you drink more coffee? – probably not very
much. Therefore, an increase in supply leads to a
correspondingly bigger fall in price. If demand is more price
elastic, the price wouldn’t fall as much.

Supply influenced by weather/nature

Growing crops is influenced by weather and disease. A sharp
frost can wipe away a crop leading to higher prices. This kind of
volatility is not prevalent in manufactured goods.

Many commodities are made more volatile by speculation (when
investors buy and sell oil futures). Often this speculation is based
on economic fundamentals but speculation can also exaggerate
price movements. For example, if oil prices are predicted to rise,
investors will buy now – causing prices to rise. It is hard to
separate speculation from economic fundamentals as they are
often intertwined. But speculation has a much bigger effect on
the price in agriculture and oil than in manufacturing – where
speculation is largely absent.

8. Wewenang yang diberikan kepada BI dalam rangka penanganan permasalahan stabilitas sistem keuangan akibat pandemi Covid-19 dalam PERPU No.1 tahun
2020 yang kemudian disahkan dalam UU No.2 Tahun 2020 adalah sebagai berikut kecuali…
a. Memberi Surat utang negara dan/atau Surat Berharga Syariah Negara di pasar perdana
b. Menjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran
c. Membeli/repo surat berharga negara yang dimiliki Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan
d. Memberikan Pinjaman Likuiditas Jangka Pendek berdasarkan prinsip syariah kepada kepada Bank sistemik atau bank non sistemik

To support the implementation of the KSSK authorityin order to deal with stability problemsfinancial system as referred to in Article15 paragraph (1), Bank
Indonesia is authorizedto:
1) Provide short term liquidity loans or short term liquidity financing based on sharia principles for Systemic Banks or a bank other than a Systemic
2) Provide Special Liquidity Loans to Systemic Bank experiencing liquidity difficulties and does not meet the requirements of giving short term liquidity
loans or financing short-term liquidity based on the principle sharia guaranteed by the Government and granted based on the KSSK Decree;
3) Buy Government Securities and / or Surat Long-term State Sharia valuable at primary market for handling problems dangerous financial system
national economy, including debt securities State and / or State Sharia Securities published for a specific purpose in the context of the Corona Virus
Disease 2019 pandemic
4) Buy / repo owned by state securities Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) for feeshandling of bank solvency problems Systemic and banks other
than Systemic Banks;
5) Regulate the acceptance and use obligations foreign exchange for residents, including provisions regarding surrender, repatriation and conversion
foreign exchange in order to maintain stability macroeconomics and financial system;
6) Provide access to funding to corporate / private by way of Debt Securities repo State or State Sharia Securities owned by corporations / private
through banking.

9. Tugas Bank Indonesia mencakup berikut, kecuali…

a. Stabilitas sistem keuangan
b. Stabilitas fiskal
c. Stabilitas moneter
d. Stabilitas sistem pembayaran

Fiscal policy is the means by which a government adjusts its spending levels and tax rates to monitor and influence a nation's economy. It is the sister strategy
to monetary policy through which a central bank influences a nation's money supply. These two policies are used in various combinations to direct a country's
economic goals.There are two types of fiscal policy. The most widely-used is expansionary, which stimulates economic growth. It was used to end the
contraction phase of the business cycle when voters are clamoring for relief from a recession. The government either spends more, cuts taxes, or both. The
idea is to put more money into consumers' hands, so they spend more. The increased demand forces businesses to add jobs to increase supply.The second
type of fiscal policy is contractionary fiscal policy, which is rarely used. Its goal is to slow economic growth and stamp out inflation. The long-term impact of
inflation can damage the standard of living as much as a recession. The tools of contractionary fiscal policy are used in reverse. Taxes are increased, and
spending is cut.

10. Area utama tugas bank sentral adalah mencakup…

a. Pengendalian kebijakan moneter
b. Semua jawaban benar
c. Mengelola dan memlihara mata uang
d. Sebagai lender of last resort

As the monetary authority, Bank Indonesia establishes and implements monetary policy to achieve and maintain the stability of the rupiah value. The policy
direction is based on the inflation rate target to be achieved by taking into account various other macroeconomic targets, both in the short, medium and long
term.Monetary policy is implemented by setting the interest rate (BI Rate).The development of these indicators is controlled through indirect monetary
instruments, namely the use of open market operations, determination of discount rates, and determination of the minimum statutory reserve for banks.

1) Open Market Operations : Open Market Operations (OPT) are carried out to influence rupiah liquidity on the money market, which in turn will
affect interest rates. OMO is conducted in two ways, namely through the sale of Bank Indonesia Certificates (SBI) and Rupiah Interventions. SBI
sales are conducted through auctions so that the discount rate truly reflects money market liquidity conditions. Meanwhile, rupiah intervention
activities were carried out by Bank Indonesia to adjust money market conditions, both liquidity and interest rates.
2) Determination of Minimum Statutory Reserves : This policy requires each bank to reserve a number of current assets which amount is a certain
percentage of its immediate liabilities. Currently, this policy is contained in the statutory reserve requirement (GWM) of 5% of third party funds
received by banks, which must be maintained in the relevant bank account at Bank Indonesia. If Bank Indonesia deems it necessary to tighten
monetary policy, the statutory reserve could be increased, and vice versa.
3) Role as Lender of The Last Resort : Bank Indonesia also functions as the lender of the last resort. In carrying out this function, Bank Indonesia may
provide credit or financing based on sharia principles to banks experiencing short-term liquidity difficulties due to mismatches in fund management.
The loan has a maximum term of 90 days, and the receiving bank is required to provide high-quality, easy-to-cash collateral with a value at least
equal to the loan amount.
4) Exchange Rate Policy : The exchange rate, which is commonly called the exchange rate, has an important role in achieving monetary stability and in
supporting economic activity. A stable exchange rate is necessary to create a climate conducive to increasing business activities. To maintain
exchange rate stability, Bank Indonesia at certain times conducts sterilization on the foreign exchange market, particularly during times of excessive
exchange rate fluctuation.
5) Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves : Foreign exchange reserves represent the net position of foreign assets of the Government and foreign
exchange banks, which must be maintained for the purposes of international transactions. In managing this foreign exchange reserve, Bank
Indonesia prioritizes the achievement of liquidity and security objectives rather than high profits. Nevertheless, Bank Indonesia continues to
consider developments on the international market, so it is possible to shift the portfolio composition types of foreign exchange reserves.

11. Alasan penting menjaga tingkat inflasi di level yang rendah dan stabil yaitu untuk….
a. Menjaga daya saing dengan peers ASEAN
b. Menjaga daya beli masyarakat
c. Meningkatkan kepastian dunia usaha
d. Semua jawaban benar

Stable inflation is a prerequisite for the sustainable economic growth that will ultimately bring benefits through improvements in public welfare. The
importance of inflation control is based on the reasoning that high, unstable inflation will have negative impact on the social and economic condition of the
1) First, high inflation will lead to steady erosion of people's real incomes and deterioration in living standards so that all members of society and
especially the poor sink into deeper poverty.
2) Second, unstable inflation will create uncertainty for economic actors, affecting their ability to make decisions. Empirical experience shows that
unstable inflation will create added difficulty for the public in their decisions regarding consumption, investment and production, which in turn will
hamper economic growth.
3) Third, a higher level of domestic inflation in comparison to neighbouring countries will make domestic interest rates uncompetitive, which may lead
to pressure on the rupiah exchange rate.
12. Melalui UU No. 21 Tahun 2011, pengalihan fungsi pengaturan dan pengawasan perbankan di Bank Indonesia dialihkan ke institusi…
a. LPS
b. OJK
d. BPK

In accordance with the Act No. 21 Year 2011 concerning Financial Service Authority (OJK), effective as of 31 December 2013, marked by the signing of BAST
between Bank Indonesia and the Financial Service Authority, the duties on banking regulation and supervision are to be transferred from Bank Indonesia to
OJK. As of the date of 31 December 2013, supervision to individual banks (micro prudential) shall be conducted by OJK. However, supervision to macro
prudential shall remain to be conducted by Bank Indonesia, in coordination with OJK.The transfer of the banking supervision and regulation done today has
gone through a long process marked by the forming of OJK Task Force Team in Bank Indonesia and Banks’ Supervision Function Transfer Transition Team in
OJK as of the beginning of 2013. Through the two Teams, Bank Indonesia and OJK have done an excellent coordination, not only related to the transfer of
human resources, but also in relation to the transfer of documents, data and information system as well as the utilization of Bank Indonesia buildings as OJK
offices both in the Head Office and regionals. With the smooth operations in the process of transferring banks’ supervision and regulation function from Bank
Indonesia to OJK, banks’ business processes are still running as they should and the public especially customers can make banking transaction activities as
when the supervision was still conducted by Bank Indonesia. Through this transfer of function of banks’ supervision and regulation to OJK, it is to be expected
that in the future supervisory function toward financial institutions is conducted in a more integrated manner in order to support the creation of a more
stable and solid financial system.

13. Manakah di antara pilihan berikut ini ang merupakan susunan dewan moneter yang menjadi perumus kebijakan moneter di Indonesia pada periode sebelum
krisis ekonomi tahun 1998?
a) Gubernur Bank Indonesia bertindak sebagai Ketua, sementara Menteri Ekonomi dan kepala Bappenas bertindak sebagai anggota
b) Meteri keuangan bertindak sebagai ketua sementara menteri ekonomi dan Gubernur Bank indoensia bertindak sebagai anggota
c) Gubernur Bank indonesia bertindak sebagai ketua, dan kepala Bapennas bertindak sebagai anggota
d) Gubernur Bank indonesia bertindak sebagai ketua sementara menteri ekonomi dan menteri keuangan bertindak sebagai anggota

The Enactment of Bank Indonesi, Act No. 11 of 1953 :

Article 23
1) The Monetary Board consists of three members who have voting rights, namely the Minister of Finance, the Minister of the Economy and the
Governor of the Bank.
2) If it is deemed necessary, the Government by holding appointments for a maximum period of five years may add one or two advisory members to
the Monetary Council, who are instrumental in the scientific field.
3) If the Government wishes to appoint an advisory member, it requests that the Monetary Board prepare a recommendation list containing two
persons for each vacancy to be filled. The government can pay attention to the list of recommendations as it deems necessary.
4) The fees for members referred to in paragraph 2 are determined by the Government.
5) After resigning their office because the term of appointment has ended, members of the advisory board of the Monetary Board may, upon their
discharge, be reappointed. They can be fired or removed by the Government from their membership.
6) In discussions on matters of a technical nature, the members of the Monetary Council are each entitled to appoint an advisor who can attend the
Council sessions.

Article 24
1) The position of Chairman of the Monetary Board is held by the Minister of Finance, if he is not available, the Governor will replace him.
2) A member of the Monetary Council as referred to in Article 23 paragraph 1 is obliged to appoint a representative who, if the above member is not
available, by power of attorney may participate in hearings and can cast votes.
3) The decision of the Monetary Board shall be adopted by a majority vote. If the votes are the same, then the proposal is considered not accepted.
4) A member of the Monetary Council who has lost votes in the Council shall be entitled within one week to request that the subject of the dispute be
submitted to the Council of Ministers for decision.
5) While waiting for the decision of the Council of Ministers, then a member may request that the implementation of the decision taken by the
Monetary Board be postponed and the request for postponement is granted, unless the Monetary Council has a different decision.
6) If his opinion is not justified in the matters referred to in paragraph 4 of this article, the Governor has the right to announce his position in the State
Gazette, if according to the opinion of the Council of Ministers this does not conflict with the interests of the State.
7) The minutes of the Monetary Board are confidential, if the Government wishes, then he can see them.
8) The Monetary Council meets at least once for fourteen days and thereafter whenever a member who has the right to vote or who is an advisor
expresses his wish.
9) The rules and procedures for carrying out the work of the Monetary Board, as well as further regulations regarding internal relations between the
Monetary Board and the Board of Directors are stipulated in two regulations to be drafted by the Monetary Board.
10) The Monetary Board appoints itself a secretary who must be Indonesian citizens, as well as other employees of the Monetary Council are appointed
and dismissed by the Council.

14. Ruang lingkup kebijakan moneter adalah sebagai berikut kecuali …

a. Menetapkan sasaran-sasaran monter dengan memperhatikan sasaran laju inflasi
b. Melakukan pengendalian moneter dengan tidak terbatas pada operasi pasar terbuka di pasar uang, baik rupiah maupun valuta asing
c. Menetapkan tingkat diskonto, menetaokan cadangan minimum, dan mengatur kredit atau pembiayaan
d. Menetapkan penggunaan alat instrumen pembayaran

The main objectives of Monetary policy are inflation, unemployment management, and maintenance of currency exchange rates. here is a more complete
1) Inflation, Monetary policy can target the inflation rate. A low inflation rate is considered healthy for a country's economy. However, if inflation is
already very high, monetary policy is expected to overcome this problem.
2) Unemployment, Monetary policy will affect the unemployment rate in a country. For example, expansionary policies generally reduce
unemployment because a higher money supply stimulates business activity leading to an expansion of the labor market.
3) Currency exchange rates, By using fiscal authority, the central bank can regulate the exchange rates between domestic and foreign currencies. For
example, Bank Indonesia could increase the money supply by issuing more printing money. In such a case, the currency of that country becomes
cheaper than the currency of the other country.

Central banks use various instruments to implement these policies. widely used instruments include:
1) Adjustment of interest rates, The central bank can influence interest rates by changing the discount rate. Discount rate (base rate) is the interest
rate charged by the central bank to banks for short-term loans. For example, if the central bank increases the discount rate, the cost of borrowing
for the bank increases.Furthermore, banks will increase the interest rates they charge their customers. Thus, the cost of borrowing in the economy
will increase, and the money supply will decrease.
2) 2.Adjustment of Statutory Reserves (GWM), The central bank usually regulates the minimum statutory reserve amount that commercial banks must
hold. The Minimum Statutory Reserves (GWM) itself is the minimum savings that must be maintained in the form of demand deposits with Bank
Indonesia for all banks. By changing the amount required, the central bank can influence the money supply on the market. If the central bank
increases the statutory reserve requirement, the commercial bank will provide only a small amount of cash to give to customers and thus, the
money supply decreases.
3) Open market operations, The central bank can buy or sell securities issued by the government to influence the money supply. For example, the
central bank can buy government bonds. As a result, the bank will get more money to increase its loans and money supply in the market.

15. Yang mengusulkan dan mengangkat anggota Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia adalah..
a. Presiden sebagai kepala pemerintahan dengan persetujuan DPR
b. Mahkamah Agung, dengan persetujuan Presiden dan DPR
c. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dengan Persetujuan presiden
d. Presiden sebagai kepala negara dengan persetujuan DPR

The Governor, Senior Deputy Governors and Deputy Governors are proposed and appointed by the President with the approval of the DPR. The candidate for
Deputy Governor is proposed by the President on recommendation from the Governor of Bank Indonesia. (vide Article 41 of Law No.3 of 2004 which amends
Law No.23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia). Members of the Board of Governors of Bank Indonesia cannot be dismissed by the President, unless they
resign, are proven to have committed a criminal act, cannot be physically present for a period of 3 (three) consecutive months without accountable reasons,
are declared bankrupt or unable to comply obligations to creditors, or permanent absence.

16. Masa jabatan anggota Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia untuk satu periode adalah….
a. 6 tahun
b. 5 tahun
c. 4 tahun
d. 3 tahun
In carrying out the duties and authority of Bank Indonesia, it is led by the Board of Governors. This Council consists of a Governor as leader, assisted by a
Deputy Governor as a Senior Representative, and at least four or a maximum of seven Deputy Governors. The term of office of the Governor and Deputy
Governor is 5 years and can be reappointed in the same position for a maximum of 1 next term.

17. Contoh pelaksanaan independensi dalam tata kelola Bank Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali….
a. Kebebasan menetapkan sasaran akhir kebijakan moneter sebagai penjabar dari tujuan yang ditetapkan UU
b. Kewenangan untuk menolak memberikan laporan keuangan tahunan kepada DPR
c. Kewenangan Dewan Gubernur menolak campur tangan pemerintah dan atau pihak lain dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang ditetapkan UU
d. Kewenangan menetapkan jumlah uang beredar dan suku bunga

Judging from the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia, the position of BI as an independent state institution is not parallel to those of high state
institutions such as the House of Representatives, the Supreme Audit Agency, and the Supreme Court. The position of BI is also different from that of the
Department because BI's position is outside the government. Such special status and position are required so that BI can carry out its role and function as the
Monetary Authority more effectively and efficiently. Although BI is an independent state institution, in carrying out its duties, BI has a good working
relationship and coordination with the DPR, BPK, the Government and other parties.In relation to the President and DPR, BI at the beginning of each fiscal year
submits written information regarding the evaluation of the implementation of monetary policy and plans for future monetary policies. Particularly for the
DPR, the implementation of duties and powers every quarter and from time to time when requested by the DPR. In addition, BI submits the annual budget
plan and realization to the Government and the DPR. In relation to the BPK, BI is obliged to submit annual financial reports to the BPK.

In terms of financial relations with the Government, Bank Indonesia assists in issuing and placing state debt securities to finance the State Revenue and
Expenditure Budget (APBN) without being allowed to buy these state debt securities by themselves.Bank Indonesia also acts as the Government cashier
administering the Government's account at Bank Indonesia, and at the request of the Government, can receive foreign loans for and on behalf of the
Government of Indonesia.However, so that the implementation of Bank Indonesia's duties is truly focused and so that the effectiveness of monetary control is
not compromised, the provision of credit to the Government to overcome deficit spending - which was carried out by Bank Indonesia based on the old law -
can no longer be done by the Bank. Indonesia. Even though Bank Indonesia is an independent state institution, consultative coordination with the Government
is still needed, because Bank Indonesia's duties are an integral part of national economic policies as a whole.

Coordination between Bank Indonesia and the Government is required at cabinet meetings to discuss economic, banking and financial issues related to the
duties of Bank Indonesia. During a cabinet meeting the Government may ask Bank Indonesia's opinion.In addition, Bank Indonesia can also provide input,
opinions and considerations to the Government regarding the Draft State Budget and other policies related to its duties and authorities.On the other hand, the
Government may also attend the Bank Indonesia Board of Governors Meeting with speech rights but without voting rights. Therefore, the implementation of
independence is very much influenced by the stability of a proportional working relationship between Bank Indonesia on the one hand and the Government
and other related institutions on the other, while still being based on the division of duties and authorities.

18. Salah satu ruang lingkup kebijakan Bank Indonesia dalam sistem pembayaran adalah sebagai operator yang memiliki arti bahwa Bank Indonesia…
a. Memfasilitasi pengembangan sisitem pembayaran oleh industri
b. Mengawasi penyelenggaraan sistem pembayaran
c. Menyediakan layanan sistem pembayaran
d. Memberikan izin penyelenggaraan sistem pembayaran

The payment system is a system that includes a set of rules, institutions and mechanisms used to carry out the transfer of funds to fulfill an obligation arising
from an economic activity. The Payment System is a system that deals with transferring an amount of money value from one party to another.The media used
to transfer the value of money are very diverse, ranging from the use of simple payment instruments to the use of complex systems involving various
institutions and their rules of the game. The authority to regulate and maintain the smooth operation of the payment system in Indonesia is exercised by Bank
Indonesia as outlined in the Law on Bank Indonesia.In terms of being an institution that circulates money, the smooth operation of the payment system is
embodied by maintaining the amount of cash circulating in the community and in a condition fit for circulation or what is commonly known as the clean money
policy.Broadly speaking, payment systems are divided into two types, namely cash payment systems and non-cash payment systems. The fundamental
difference between the two types of payment systems lies in the instruments used. In the cash payment system the instruments used are in the form of
currency, namely money in the physical form of banknotes and coins, while in the non-cash payment system the instruments used are Card-Based Payment
Instruments (APMK), checks, bilyet giro, debit notes, or electronic money.Bank Indonesia provides payment system services, namely Bank Indonesia Real Time
Gross Settlement (BI-RTGS) and Bank Indonesia National Clearing System (SKNBI). For the Bank Indonesia Scripless Securities Settlement System (BI-SSSS), BI
provides facilities for administration and settlement of securities.The roles of Bank Indonesia as an operator in the operation of the payment system are:
1) Set the inflation rate
2) Buy or sell Indonesian bank certificates
3) Increase cash ratio
4) Determine the commercial bank loan interest rate
5) Setting monetary goals

19. Tujuan pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia menurut UU Bank Indonesia adalah untuk…
a. Mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan rupiah
b. Mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan harga/inflasi
c. Mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan nilai tukar rupiah
d. Menjaga konsistensi nilai tukar rupiah

Act Number of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 1999 about Bank Indonesia :
In this Act, Bank Indonesia has one objective, namely to achieve andmaintain the stability of the rupiah value. The stability of the rupiah value and the fair
exchange rate ispart of the preconditions for achieving sustainable economic growthin turn, it will improve people's welfare. Reorientation of Bank Indonesia's
goalsit is part of the economic recovery policy and reforms to exitfrom the economic crisis currently hitting Indonesia. It at the same time lays a foundationfirm
for the implementation and development of the Indonesian economy in the middlean increasingly competitive and integrated world economy. On the
contrary, failure tomaintaining the stability of the rupiah value, as reflected in rising prices can be detrimentalbecause it reduces the real income of the
community and weakens competitivenessthe national economy in the world economy arena.It is necessary for Bank Indonesia to achieve and maintain the
stability of the rupiah valuesupported by three main pillars, namely monetary policy with the principle of prudence and the systemfast and precise payments,
and a sound banking and financial system.

20. Dalam manajemen aliran modal, first line of defense terhadap aliran modal uang adalah…
a. Menargetkan aliran modal jangka pendek dan spekulatif menjadi jangka menengah hingga jangka panjang
b. Mempertahankan sistem pertukaran valuta asing yang bebas
c. Kecukupan cadangan devisa
d. Kebijakan moneter dan fiskal yang prudent

Indonesia hasfirst and second line of defensefacing a shock to the economy.Indonesia's good economic fundamentalssupported by prudent macroeconomic
policies and adequate foreign reserveswill be the first line of defenseagainst external shock. Other than that,strngthening of the buffer for the economy can
conducted in the form of a Jaring Pengaman KeuanganInternasional (JPKI) preparation,whether done bilaterally ormultilateral. On the bilateral side,
cooperationbilateral swap arrangements between central banksis one of the policy options (policytoolkits) which can be used as a secondline of defense in the
face of shockexternal. Such cooperation is expectedcan maintain macroeconomic stability anddomestic financial system, which providesthe foundation for
growthstrong and sustainable economyin the medium to long term.This dynamic is emphasized even morethe important role of JPKI in overcomingshort-term
liquidity difficulties. InIn this case, JPKI is needed by both the statedeveloping as well as developed countries that ishas relatively strong economic
fundamentalsto overcome the tight liquidity in the marketdomestic finance. Use of JPKI also can have the announcement effectwhich is positive for the market
if to provide clear and transparent communication topublic.

21. Anggota dewan gubernur dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya Karena yang bersangkutan….
a.tidak sejalan dengan kebijakan pemerintah di bidang perekonomian
b. dinyatakan pailit atau tidak mampu memenuhi kewajiban kepada kreditur
c. tidak disukai lagi oleh presiden yang mengusulkan atau mengangkatnya
d. tidak dapat hadir secara fisik dalam jangka waktu 30 hari kerja berturut-turut tanpa alas an yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

22. Anggota dewan gubernur dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya, karena yang bersangkutan….
a. Tidak sejalan dengan kebijakan pemerintah di bidang perekonomian
b. Dinyatakan pailit atau tidak mampu memenuhi kewajiban kepada kreditur
c. Tidak disukai lagi oleh presiden yang mengusulkan dan mengangkatnya
d. Tidak dapat hadir secara fisik dalam jangka waktu 30 hari kerja berturut-turut tanpa yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

23. Pasar primer adalah….

a. Pasar keuangan dimana sekuritas baru dijual kepada para pembeli perdana
b. Pasar keuangan dimana hanya hutang jangka pendek yang diperdagangkan
c. Pasar keuangan yang menghubungkan penjual dan pembeli sekuritas melalui broker/dealer
d. Pasar keuangan yang memperdagangkan utang dan ekuitas jangka panjang

A primary market issues new securities on an exchange for companies, governments, and other groups to obtain financing through debt-based or equity-based
securities. Primary markets are facilitated by underwriting groups consisting of investment banks that set a beginning price range for a given security and
oversee its sale to investors.Once the initial sale is complete, further trading is conducted on the secondary market, where the bulk of exchange trading occurs
each day.a

24. Inflasi perlu dijaga, karena jika tidak stabil dan tinggi akan....
a. Menurunkan daya beli masyarakat
b. Meningkatkan biaya produksi
c. Semua jawaban benar
d. Mengurangi daya saing produksi dalam negeri

A low and stable inflation rate improves the well being of the population. This is manifested in various ways:
1) A low inflation rate promotes the efficient use of productive resources. When inflation is high, a substantial quantity of individual people's time and
resources from the economy are invested in searching for mechanisms to defend themselves from inflation. Thus, for example, when inflation is
high, businesses have to channel more resources into portfolio management in order to avoid financial losses. This is an inefficient use of
productive resources that do not generate wealth to society.
2) A low inflation rate reduces uncertainty. It has been observed that economies with high inflation also suffer from a more variable type of inflation.
Uncertainty can have negative effects on expected profits from investment and, therefore, negative effects on long-term growth. Greater
uncertainty also implies uncertainty with regard to relative prices, to the extent that there is a loss in price informative content for future prices and
increase in trade margins. All of this affects the efficient allocation of resources and lowers economic growth.
3) Low inflation fosters investment. The most important decisions taken by individuals and businesses alike are usually long-term decisions: a decision
to build a factory, to start a business, to pursue an education, to own one's home. These decisions crucially depend on the degree of uncertainty
regarding the future. Low and stable inflation is a macroeconomic indicator for stability that contributes greatly to the confidence of people and
businesses for making investment decisions.
4) A low inflation rate also prevents arbitrary redistribution of income and wealth, which particularly affect the poorest sectors of society, with the
result that wage earners and retired people have fewer mechanisms to protect themselves against the inflationary erosion of their income.
Contract clauses on wages indexed to inflation are scarce or practically non-existent. For example, in Colombia, wages and pensions are adjusted
once a year. Furthermore, the lower the income, the fewer mechanisms that will be used to offset inflation, such as savings or real estate
acquisitions. Therefore, rising inflation means a redistribution of income that is detrimental for the poorest sector of the population.

25. Berikut adalah kewenangan di berbagai Bank Sentral dunia :

I. Otoritas moneter
II. Pengatur bank
III. System pembayaran
IV. Pengedaran uang
Yang saat ini merupakan kewenangan Bank Indonesia adalah ….
a. ii, iii, iv
b. I, ii, iii
c. I, ii, iv
d. Ii, iii, iv

Duties and Authorities of Bank Indonesia

1) Establish and implement monetary policy
2) Regulate and maintain the smooth operation of the payment system
3) Manage and supervise the bank
4) Monitoring and researching
5) Providing loans to banks in the form of liquidity loans
6) Assist in the financing of the State Budget by issuing government debt securities
7) Taking care of government accounts or holding the state treasury
8) 8. Contributing advice related to banking, economics and finance to the government

26. Berikut merupakan alasan penting keberadaan bank sentral kecuali….

a. Bank sentral berperan untuk menciptakan kinerja lembaga keuangan yang sehat khususnya perbankan
b. Bank sentral mampu mempengaruhi likuiditas perekonomian
c. Bank sentral berperan dalam kontrol pajak
d. Bank sentral membantu terciptanya efisiensi dan kelancaran system pembayaran

Tax control which is the part of the system of tax administration and fees has to ensure the link between taxpayers and public administration authorities
who has the rights in all questions of taxation. Tax control is held by the supervisory authorities within their authority which are defined by the tax law.
Control authorities are the state fiscal authorities - the central executive body, which ensures the formation of a single tax state, state customs policy
in the taxes administration and fees, customs payments and implements state tax, state customs policy, ensures the formation and implementation of a
state policy on administering a single payment , ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the combating offenses in the tax and customs
legislation as well as the law surrenders for single payment, and its territorial bodies

27. Berikut adalah contoh dari lembaga investasi, kecuali…

a. Bank sentral
b. Lembaga pembiayaan
c. Investment bank
d. Money market mutual funds

The capital market is a meeting place for supply and demand for long-term securities. Useful for data for a company, as well as investment for investors.
Therefore, there are also institutions and capital market players in Indonesia :
1. Minister of Finance, Its role determines the general policy for the operation of the capital market.
2. Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM), Functioning with and fostering the stock exchange, as well as assessing
companies that will sell shares to the capital market.
3. Stock Exchange, The party that organizes and provides a system and means of meeting supply and demand in the capital market.
4. Clearing Guarantee Institution, Obliged to provide regulatory provisions regarding clearing activities and exchange transaction settlement
5. Depository and Settlement Institution, In charge of establishing regulations regarding central depository services and transaction settlement
6. Securities Companies
7. Capital Market Supporting Institutions
➢ Custodian: A party that provides securities storage and surveillance services.
➢ Securities Administration Bureau (BAE): A party that records ownership of securities.
➢ Trustee: Commercial Banks and other parties determined by government regulations to represent the interests of debt securities holders.
8. Capital market supporting professions : Accountant, Law consultant, Evaluator, Notary Public
9. Issuer, a party that makes an offer to sell securities to the public based on procedures stipulated by law.

28. Ketentuan hukum yang ditetapkan Bank Indonesia dan mengikat setiap orang atau badan dan dimuat dalam Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia disebut…
a. Surat edaran Bank Indonesia
b. Keputusan bank Indonesia
c. Peraturan dewan gubernur
d. Peraturan Bank Indonesia

➢ Bank Indonesia Regulation, hereinafter referred to as PBI is a legal provision stipulated by the Bank Indonesia and binding every person or body and
published in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.
➢ Regulation of the Board of Governors, hereinafter abbreviated as PDG is a legal provision established by Board of Governors containing the Bank's internal
rules Indonesia.
➢ Regulations for Members of the Board of Governors abbreviated as PADG is a legal provision determined by the Members of the Board of Governors as PBI
implementing regulations and binding on everyone or body.
➢ Members of the Board of Internal Governors Regulations hereinafter referred to as PADG Intern is a provision law enacted by Members of the Board of
Governors containing the internal rules of Bank Indonesia as PBI and / or PDG implementation regulations.

29. Beberapa contoh kompleksitas pengawasan lembaga keuangan…

a. Kualitas penyeliaan antarjenis lembaga keuangan tidak setara
b. Semua jawaban benar
c. Mismatch penyeliaan
d. Beberapa lembaga keuangan tidak diselia
The problem that some insurance companies fail in their performance because of the losses incurred as a result of bad governance is in the public spotlight.
There are indications of crimes and several suspected perpetrators have been named suspects by law enforcement. On the other hand, leaving a large debt
burden. The government must fix it, in order to avoid the impact of greater losses and the collapse of public confidence which affects the country's economy
as a whole. It seems that the institution authorized to carry out financial supervision, namely the OJK, has apparently taken steps since 2018 by launching
reforms in the non-bank financial industry. These steps include improved risk management, better governance, and investment performance reports to the
authorities and the public as a form of accountability.OJK Increase regulatory and supervisory capacity. This strategy is pursued through the adoption of a
regulatory framework that is better adapted to the complexity, size, integration and conglomeration of the financial sector. In addition, the latest and holistic
monitoring methods will also be developed for the entire financial sector, including improvements to risk assessment methods and early detection of problems
in financial institutions.

30. Ketika jumlah uang beredar terlalu banyak, kebijakan yang bisa dilakukan oleh Bank Sentral adalah…
a. Menarik uang beredar dari masyarakat
b. Menurunkan suku bunga acuan
c. Meningkatkan suku bunga acuan
d. Mempertahankan suku bunga acuan

Contractive Monetary Policyis aimed at reducing the amount of printed money in circulation in order to control the inflation rate. Some possible actions
include raising interest rates, increasing reserve requirements for banks and selling government bonds.One of the basic methods used by all central banks to
control the quantity of money in an economy is the reserve requirement. As a rule, central banks mandate depository institutions (that is, commercial banks)
to keep a certain amount of funds in reserve (stored in vaults or at the central bank) against the amount of deposits in their clients' accounts.When the central
bank wants more money circulating into the economy, it can reduce the reserve requirement. This means the bank can lend out more money. If it wants to
reduce the amount of money in the economy, it can increase the reserve requirement. This means that banks have less money to lend out and will thus be
pickier about issuing loans.

31. Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia (BSBI) menjalankan tugas-tugas sebagai berikut, kecuali…
a. Melakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia
b. Telaah atas prosedur pengambilan keputusan kegiatan operasional di luar kebijakan moneter dan pengelolaan aset Bank Indonesia
c. Telaah atas anggaran operasional dan investasi Bank Indonesia
d. Tidak ada jawaban yang benar

The establishment of the Bank Indonesia Supervision Agency (BSBI) was based on the idea that Bank Indonesia as an independent central bank had to be
properly monitored in order to check its credibility based on the principles of good governance. It is very important for Bank Indonesia to gain credibility in
monetary policy for recovery from the deep economic crisis in 1998 experienced by Indonesia as an independent institution, Bank Indonesia requires
submitting a report to the DPR on a quarterly basis where this report is accessible to the public. The main role of the BSBI is to assist the DPR in supervising
Bank Indonesia in certain regions to improve accountability, independence, transparency and credibility.

BSBI conducts a review of:

1) Bank Indonesia Annual Financial Report (LKTBI): BI Annual Financial Reports that have been audited by the BPK and submitted to the DPR-RI
Commission in charge of BI (Commission XI), include: balance sheet and surplus / deficit reports and attachments. BI Weekly short balance report,
BI Interim Financial Report, Monthly surplus deficit report for the current month / year along with supporting documents.
2) Bank Indonesia Operational Budget: BI Annual Operational Budget Plan (RATBI) that has been submitted by BI to Commission XI DPR-RI, and then
Commission XI DPR-RI asked BSBI to review it. Annual Operational Activity Budget which has been approved by Commission XI DPR-RI, and BI
Operational Budget Implementation Report submitted to Commission XI DPR-RI on a quarterly basis.
3) Bank Indonesia Investments: Evaluation Report on the Implementation of BI Investment Plans in Fixed Assets (buildings, land, vehicles, etc.) and
Intangible Assets (Information Technology) to support operational activities, and has been reported to Commission XI DPR-RI on a Quarterly basis.
4) Procedure for decision making for operational activities outside of monetary policy and asset management of BI (Good Governance): Procedures
related to the application of good governance principles in the provisions of the Board of Governors Regulation (PDG) and Circular (SE) regarding
Bank Indonesia Internal Management.
5) Implementation of Good Governance for decision-making procedures for the procurement of goods and services (fixed assets and intangible assets)
6) BSBI conducts other studies assigned by Commission XI DPR-RI

32. Ketika terjadi keadaan yang dialami Bank yang disebabkan oleh terjadinya arus dana masuk yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan arus dana keluar dalam
rupiah yang dapat membuat Bank tidak dapat memenuhi kewajiban GWM, instrument kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia adalah…
a. Mempertahankan rasio intermediasi makroprudensial
b. Menyediakan PJLP/PJLPS
c. Meningkatkan rasio Loan to value atau Financing to Value
d. Menurunkan tingkat suku bunga acuan

Short Term Liquidity Loans (PLJP) are loans from Bank Indonesia to Banks to overcome Short-Term Liquidity difficulties experienced by Banks. Meanwhile,
Sharia Short-Term Liquidity Financing (PLJPS) is financing based on sharia principles from Bank Indonesia to Banks to overcome Short-Term Liquidity Difficulties
experienced by Banks. Short-term liquidity difficulties are conditions experienced by the Bank due to the occurrence of an inflow of funds that is smaller than
the outflow of funds in rupiah which may prevent the Bank from fulfilling its statutory reserves.

33. Perkembangan inflasi sangat diperhitungkan oleh pelaku usaha karena akan mempengaruhi…
a. Semua jawaban benar
b. Tingkat profit yang dihasilkan
c. Biaya produksi yang harus dikeluarkan
d. Biaya bunga pinjaman yang harus dibayar

Small businesses should be attentive, acute and responsive to changes in inflation. Rising costs for businesses could result in bigger production spends and
falling profitability. Therefore, you could be forced to increase your prices. It’s much better to gradually increase your prices, rather than a sudden, larger
increase as consumers could respond negatively. Other costs may also incur from rising prices, for example, if you own a café or a shop, you may need to
replace your menus or price tags.For the consumer, feelings of uncertainty cause for overspending and money hoarding in a time of inflation. Consumers may
hold back on spending until they enter a safer economic climate. With consumers holding back, businesses can, unfortunately, feel the brunt of it with a
potential reduction of sales. This effect of inflation can be detrimental to business sales and their stability. How does inflation affect employment?
If a business prepares for rising inflation rates, the effect on employment will come less of a shock. Raising prices slowly over time eases the consumer into a
more expensive economy.

Employee wage expenses can be difficult for businesses to manage during inflation; it can be common for businesses to see a high turnover of staff during this
period. If businesses are making less profit as a result of consumers wanting to spend less money, employees may not be entitled to pay rise to match the
inflation rise. Inflation has the same effect on employees as it does consumers, and therefore if their pay isn’t as high, they may not be able to afford items
they once were able to. Therefore, it’s important to still make your employees feel valued so that they are not forced to look for a better-paid job elsewhere.
There are many strategies to handle inflation. If businesses follow the pattern, gradually increasing their prices to emulate the economy, consumers won't be
shocked at a change in price/service. Therefore, customers will be more likely to continue purchasing the product.
Inflation will also affect interest rate levels. The higher the inflation rate, the more interest rates are likely to rise. This occurs because lenders will demand
higher interest rates as compensation for the decrease in purchasing power of the money they are paid in the futur
34. Anggota Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia terdiri dari…
a. Gubernur, Deputi Gubernur Senior, dan Asisten Gubernur
b. Gubernur, Deputi Gubernur Senior, dan Asisten Gubernur
c. Gubernur, Deputi Gubernur, dan Asisten Gubernur
d. Gubernur,Deputi Gubernur Senior, dan Deputi Gubernur

In carrying out its duties and powers, Bank Indonesia is led by the Board of Governors. This Council consists of a Governor as leader, assisted by a Senior
Deputy Governor as a representative, and at least four or a maximum of seven Deputy Governors. The term of office of the Governor and Deputy Governor is
not more than five years, and they can only be elected for a maximum of two terms of office.

35. Untuk menjadi anggota Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia, calon yang bersangkutan harus memenuhi syarat sebagai berikut, kecuali,,,
a. Memiliki integritas, akhlak dan moral yang tinggi
b. Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman di bidang ekonoi dan keuangan
c. Memiliki keahlian dan pengalaman di bidang perbankan dan hukum
d. Pernah bekerja di Bank Indonesia

In order to be appointed as a member of the Board of Governors, candidates who areconcerned must meet the following requirements:
a. Indonesian citizens;
b. have high character and morals;
c. have expertise and experience in the fields of economics, finance,banking, or law.
36. Perkembangan inflasi dapat dipengaruhi peningkatan permintaan yang tercermin antara lain
a. Peningkatan lapangan pekerjaan sehingga meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat
b. Kebutuhan bahan pangan pokok yang meningkat menjelang hari besr keagamaan
c. Semua jawaban benar
d. Kecenderungan masyarakat untuk berbelanja dibandingkan dengan menabung

Demand Pull Inflation is inflation caused by an increase in demand. In this case, an increase in
demand for these types of goods / services occurs in an aggregate manner (aggregate
demand). Demand pull inflation occurs when aggregate demand (AD) increases so that the
AD curve shifts to the right.when there is excess demand, producers can raise prices and earn
bigger profits.Demand pull inflation is most likely to occur when conditions for full
employment and aggregate supply are inelastic. The factors that cause this inflation include:
1) Increased government spending.
2) Increased demand for goods for export.
3) Increased demand for private goods.
4) Exchange rate depreciation increases import prices and reduces a country's foreign export prices.
5) Higher demand for fiscal stimulus, for example lower direct or indirect taxes or higher government spending.
6) Monetary stimulus to the economy: (A reduction in interest rates can stimulate too much demand - for example in increasing loan demand or
leading to house price inflation).
7) Fast growth in other countries.

37. Berdasarkan UU No.7 Tahun 2011, terdapat beberapa kondisi yang menyebabkan rupiah tidak wajib digunakan. Berikut merupakan kondisi tersebut, kecuali…
a. Transaksi keuangan yang dilakukan di wilayah NKRI
b. Penerimaan atau pemberian hibah dari atau ke luar negeri
c. Simpanan di Bank dalam bentuk valuta asing
d. Transaksi perdagangan internasional

As stated in Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency Rupiah (Article 21) must be used in:
a. every transaction that has a payment purpose;
b. settlement of other obligations that must be fulfilledwith money; and / or
c. other financial transactionsconducted in the Territory of the Unitary State of the RepublicIndonesia.

The obligation as referred to in paragraph (1) is notapplies to:

a. certain transactions within the framework of implementationstate budget;
b. receipt or giving of grants from or outsidecountry;
c. international trade transactions;
d. deposits in banks in the form of foreign currency; or
e. international financing transactions.
38. Salah satu penyebab utama great depression pada tahun 1930-an adalah….
a. Bank sentral terlalu focus menyimpan devisa berupa emas
b. Banyak Negara memilih mencetak uang untuk mendanai perang
c. Tingkat kemiskinan yang tinggi
d. Tingkat gagal bayar pinjaman tinggi

During the 1920s the U.S. stock market underwent a historic expansion. As stock
prices rose to unprecedented levels, investing in the stock market came to be
seen as an easy way to make money, and even people of ordinary means used
much of their disposable income or even mortgaged their homes to buy stock. By
the end of the decade hundreds of millions of shares were being carried on
margin, meaning that their purchase price was financed with loans to be repaid
with profits generated from ever-increasing share prices. Once prices began their
inevitable decline in October 1929, millions of overextended shareholders fell
into a panic and rushed to liquidate their holdings, exacerbating the decline and
engendering further panic. Between September and November, stock prices fell
33 percent. The result was a profound psychological shock and a loss of
confidence in the economy among both consumers and businesses. Accordingly,
consumer spending, especially on durable goods, and business investment were drastically curtailed, leading to reduced industrial output and job losses, which
further reduced spending and investment.

Banking panics and monetary

contraction. Between 1930 and 1932
the United States experienced four
extended banking panics, during which
large numbers of bank customers,
fearful of their bank’s solvency,
simultaneously attempted to withdraw
their deposits in cash. Ironically, the
frequent effect of a banking panic is to
bring about the very crisis that
panicked customers aim to protect
themselves against: even financially
healthy banks can be ruined by a large
panic. By 1933 one-fifth of the banks in
existence in 1930 had failed, leading
the new Franklin D. Roosevelt
administration to declare a four-day
“bank holiday” (later extended by
three days), during which all of the
country’s banks remained closed until
they could prove their solvency to
government inspectors. The natural consequence of widespread bank failures was to decrease consumer spending and business investment, because there
were fewer banks to lend money. There was also less money to lend, partly because people were hoarding it in the form of cash. According to some scholars,
that problem was exacerbated by the Federal Reserve, which raised interest rates (further depressing lending) and deliberately reduced the money supply in
the belief that doing so was necessary to maintain the gold standard (see below), by which the U.S. and many other countries had tied the value of their
currencies to a fixed amount of gold. The reduced money supply in turn reduced prices, which further discouraged lending and investment (because people
feared that future wages and profits would not be sufficient to cover loan payments).

The gold standard. Whatever its effects on the money supply in the United States, the gold standard unquestionably played a role in the spread of the Great
Depression from the United States to other countries. As the United States experienced declining output and deflation, it tended to run a trade surplus with
other countries because Americans were buying fewer imported goods, while American exports were relatively cheap. Such imbalances gave rise to significant
foreign gold outflows to the United States, which in turn threatened to devalue the currencies of the countries whose gold reserves had been depleted.
Accordingly, foreign central banks attempted to counteract the trade imbalance by raising their interest rates, which had the effect of reducing output and
prices and increasing unemployment in their countries. The resulting international economic decline, especially in Europe, was nearly as bad as that in the
United States. Decreased international lending and tariffs. In the late 1920s, while the U.S. economy was still expanding, lending by U.S. banks to foreign
countries fell, partly because of relatively high U.S. interest rates. The drop-off contributed to contractionary effects in some borrower countries, particularly
Germany, Argentina, and Brazil, whose economies entered a downturn even before the beginning of the Great Depression in the United States. Meanwhile,
American agricultural interests, suffering because of overproduction and increased competition from European and other agricultural producers, lobbied
Congress for passage of new tariffs on agricultural imports. Congress eventually adopted broad legislation, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act (1930), that imposed
steep tariffs (averaging 20 percent) on a wide range of agricultural and industrial products. The legislation naturally provoked retaliatory measures by several
other countries, the cumulative effect of which was declining output in several countries and a reduction in global trade.

39. Berikut adalah penerapan akuntabilitas dalam tata kelola Bank Indonesia yaitu …
a. Pemeriksaan keuangan oleh BPK
b. Penyampaian laporan keuangan tahunan ke masyarakat
c. Semua jawaban benar
d. Penyampaian anggaran operasional untuk persetujuan DPR

Bank Indonesia reports regularly to the Indonesian Parliament on the operation of monetary policy as part of the accountability of Bank Indonesia in
performance of tasks and functions vested by law. The reporting of monetary policy takes place through written submissions and verbal explanations of the
operation of monetary policy each quarter and of specific aspects of monetary policy as may be deemed necessary. In addition, the Policy Accountability
Report is tabled with the Government and made available to the public for the purposes of transparency and coordination.If the inflation target is not achieved
during any given year, Bank Indonesia shall issue an explanation to the Government as material for open explanations presented jointly by the Government
and Bank Indonesia to the Indonesian Parliament and the public.
40. Sasaran inflasi Bank Indonesia ditetapkan oleh…
a. Pemerintah
b. Bank Indonesia
c. Dewan Moneter
d. DPR

The inflation target is the level of inflation that must be achieved by Bank Indonesia in coordination with
the Government. Under the Bank Indonesia Law, the inflation target is established by the Government.
In a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and Bank Indonesia, the inflation target
is established for three year period in a Decree of the Minister of Finance (KMK). In the KMK
No.93/PMK.011/2014, the inflation targets established by the Government for 2016, 2017 and 2018 are
4%, 4% and 3,5% with ±1% deviation.These inflation targets are envisaged as a benchmark for business
and the public in conducting their future economic activities and in so doing bring inflation down to a
low, stable level. The Government and Bank Indonesia are steadfastly committed to achieving the
established inflation target through policy coordination that consistently tracks this target. One measure
for inflation control to bring about low, stable inflation is the shaping and guiding of public inflation
expectations towards the anchor of the established inflation target.
The inflation target is published on the Bank Indonesia website and sites owned by other government
institutions, such as the Ministry of Finance, Coordinating Ministry for the Economy and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas). Before Act
No. 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia, the inflation target was adopted by Bank Indonesia. However, after this law came into force, the inflation target has
been established by the Government in a move to strengthen the credibility of Bank Indonesia.

41. Koordinasi yang dilakukan Bank Indonesia dengan Kementerian Keuangan terkait kebijakan uang beredar yang diatur dalam UU No.7 tahun 2011 adalah…
a. Perencanaan dan penetuan jumlah uang yang dicetak
b. Pemberantasan uang palsu
c. Pencetakan uang rupiah
d. Penempatan dalam Lembaga Negara terkait pengeluaran uang rupiah

As stated in Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency Rupiah (Article 11), Rupiah management includes the following stages:
a. Planning;
b. Printing;
c. Spending;
d. Circulation;
e. Revocation and Withdrawal; and
f. Extermination.

Planning, Printing and Destruction as referred toshall be conducted by Bank Indonesiawhich coordinates with the Government. Bank Indonesia is the only
institution that isauthorized to carry out the Issuance, Circulation,and / or Rupiah Revocation and Withdrawal.

42. Setiap Negara umumnya dihadapkan oleh potensi resiko

keuangan. Resiko tersebut terbagi menjadi dua bagian,
yaitu resiko sistemik dan resiko siklikal. Akibat diri
terjadinya kedua resiko tersebut adalah…
a. Adanya kegagalan bank secara massif
karena minimnya likuiditas
b. Tidak adanya linkage atau peristiwa
penularan kegagalan bank
c. Adanya peristiwa economic bubble dan
pecahnya bubble
d. Adanya peningkatan dan penurunan
performa ekonomi dan finansial secara cepat

Systemic risk is the potential for instability as a result of its

occurrencecontagion in part or all of the financial
systemdue to the interaction of the size factor, the
complexity of the business
(complexity),interconnectedness between institutions and
/ or financial markets (interconnectedness), as wellthe
tendency for excessive behavior of financial actors or
institutions tofollowing the economic cycle
(procyclicality). Procyclical indicator is an indicator that
moves in the direction ofthe movement of the business
cycle or aggregate economic activity, either when it
occursexpansion or contraction. One example of
indicators that have propertiesprocyclical is the growth of bank credit. Based on the Stability StudyFinance (KSK) No. 25 of 2015, Indonesian banking
experienced a slowdowncredit growth until the end of 2015 as a result of uncertainty andglobal and domestic economic slowdown. The existence of
procyclical behavior betweencredit growth and the rate of the economy is indicated by a decrease in rateasset growth, one of which is through increasing
lending standards for
withholding credit distribution. The IMF (2011) defines systemic liquidity risk as the “risk of simultaneousliquidity difficulties at multiple financial institutions”.
These difficulties canprevent institutions from refinancing debt and/or obtaining new funding, which maydisrupt the functioning of financial intermediation
and impair the provision of credit tothe real economy, warranting the intervention of the central bank. Systemic liquidityhas four main features: (i) it is
conditioned by the phase of the financial cycle and as a
result is an endogenous concept; (ii) it is characterised by a liquidity illusion effect inthe upswing phase of the financial cycle; (iii) it is driven by the
within the financial sector and financial markets, which amplifies the consequences ofliquidity shortfalls; and (iv) it is highly correlated with capital leverage .

Excessive liquidity risk-taking by multiple financial intermediaries can haveadverse consequences on financial stability and the overall economy.Over-reliance
on short-term wholesale funding, as well as common (i.e. correlated)balance sheet exposures can result in liquidity shocks at one bank spilling over toother
financial institutions and markets, thereby aggravating system-wide liquiditystress. This systemic component was arguably underestimated in the period
beforethe global financial crisis. Going forward, a comprehensive macroprudential approachmay therefore be necessary to mitigate systemic liquidity risk and
minimise thepropensity for banks to collectively underprice this risk in good times.A high level (significant increase) of intra-financial assets (i.e. securities
holdings issued by other financial institutions) in the balance sheets offinancial institutions could indicate a deterioration in their liquidity risk-bearingcapacity.
Large holdings of debt instruments issued by other financial institutionsmake a bank more interconnected with other banks. First of all, reliance on entities
ofthe same sector implies faster-spreading contagion effects in a difficult marketsituation. Banks could simultaneously face difficulties in issuing debt and
decliningasset prices, i.e. problems with both market and funding liquidity. In the event ofsystemic liquidity stress (i.e. a liquidity stress situation affecting the
financial sector asa whole), concentrated asset holdings may make the situation worse.

43. Dalam upaya menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan melaluimitigasi risiko sistemik, indikator monitoring dapat digunakan sebagai sarana monitoring identifikasi
sinyal imbalances (ketidakseimbangan) dalam pengawasanmakroprudensial ataupun sebagai sarana monitoring dalam implementasi instrumenkebijakan
makroprudensial. Berdasarkan arah yangmenggunakan siklus bisnis sebagai referensi, indikator terbagi yaitu sebagai berikut, kecuali….
a. Indikator Asiklikal
b. Indikator Kontrasiklikal
c. Indikator Prosiklikal
d. Indikator Insiklikal

Indicators are a means used to monitor a condition or development, divided into:

1) Procyclical indicator is an indicator that moves in the direction of the movement of the business cycle or aggregate economic activity, either when it
occurs expansion or contraction. One example of indicators that have properties procyclical is the growth of bank credit. The existence of
procyclical behavior between credit growth and the rate of the economy is indicated by a decrease in rate asset growth, one of which is through
increasing lending standards for withholding credit distribution.
2) Countercyclical indicator, Apart from indicators that move in the same direction, there are indicators that move as opposed to the business cycle or
aggregate economic activity, either when there is expansion or contraction. The indicator is called an indicator countercyclical. One example of an
indicator that has countercyclical properties is a non-performing loan (NPL). When the economy slows down, credit risk banking will increase due
to a decrease in people's ability to pay credit.
3) Acyclical indicators are indicators that move in their absence clear relationship to the business cycle. That indicator is rarely found because
considered less able to explain behavior or conditions in the system finance.
44. Kestabilan nilai rupiah terhadap barang dan jasa diukur dengan atau tercermin dari…
a. Tingkat suku bunga deposito
b. Pertumbuhan ekonomi
c. Perkembangan laju inflasi
d. Giro Wajib minimum (GWM)

The stability of the rupiah value referred to in this paragraph is the stability of the rupiah value for goods and services, as well as against the currencies of
other countries. The stability of the rupiah value for goods and services is measured by or reflected in the development of the inflation rate. The stability of the
rupiah against currencies of other countries is measured by or reflected in developments in the exchange rate of the rupiah against the currencies of other
countries.The stability of the rupiah value is very important to support sustainable economic development and improve people's welfare.It is intended so that
the monetary policy adopted by Bank Indonesia in a sustainable, consistent and transparent manner can be used as a definite and clear reference for the
business community of the wider community. In addition, this provision is also intended to ensure that the policies adopted by Bank Indonesia have taken into
account the impact on the national economy as a whole, including the state finances and developments in the real sector.
45. Bank Indonesia dalam system pembayaran adalah sebagai….. pengembangan sistem pembayaran di Indonesia
a. Mediator, katalisator, dan lembaga arbitrase
b. Regulator, fasilitator, dan mediator
c. Fasilitator, mediator, dan lembaga arbitrase
d. Regulator, fasilitator dan katalisator

In order to regulate and maintain the smooth operation of the payment systemas stipulated in Law no. 23 of 1999, Bank Indonesiaauthorized to establish
policies, regulate, implement, andgive approval, licensing and supervision over the operationpayment system services as implemented by Law no. 23 years old
1999.In addition, Bank Indonesia also has mandatory transactionsimplemented such as settlement of open market operations, settlement of bills, salaries and
pensions, as well as transactions related to accounts. Government and international financial institutions in the BankIndonesia. Bank Indonesia also plays a role
as user and aspayment system members.One of the main roles of Bank Indonesia in the payment systemis a regulator, facilitator, and catalyst for system
development .

46. Dalam praktiknya, beberapa bank Sentral melakukan kebijakan moneter secara forward looking, kecuali…
a. Bank of japan
b. Federal reserve
c. Bank of England
d. Reserve Bank of New Zealand

For the inflation target to be reached, monetary policy is implemented with a forward-looking approach, meaning that any change in the monetary policy
stance is undertaken after evaluating whether future developments in inflation are on track with the established inflation target. Under this framework,
monetary policy also operates with transparency and accountability to the public. At the operational level, the monetary policy stance is reflected in the
setting of the policy rate with the expectation of influencing money market rates and in turn the deposit rates and lending rates in the banking system.
Changes in these rates will ultimately influence output and inflation.
The primary objective of Eurosystem monetary policy is to
maintain price stability. The Eurosystem has defined price stability
as an annual increase in the HICP below two percent. Because of
the lags in the e¤ects of monetary-policy actions on aggregate
demand and inflation,the Eurosystem cannot affect current
in‡ation and output, nor inflation or output in the nearfuture. A
rough benchmark is that monetary policy a¤ect output in about a
year and inflationin about two years. Therefore, Eurosystem
monetary policy has to be guided by output-gapforecasts about
one year ahead and in‡ation forecasts about two years ahead. This
also implies that the current economic and monetary situation is of
relevanceonly to the extent that it helps to predict output about
one year ahead and inflation about twoyears ahead.For successful
policy, the Eurosystem must construct conditional inflation
forecasts. Theseforecasts should depend on all relevant
information, including the Eurosystem’s view of thetransmission
mechanism for monetary policy, its view of the current economic
and monetarysituation within and outside the Euro area,
information about current and future fiscal policy,State-of-the-art
forecasting for monetary policy, including assessments of the
uncertaintyof the forecasts, is presented in the regular Inflation
Reports by the Bank of England and bySveriges Riksbank and in the
regular Monetary Policy Statement by the Reserve Bank of

The current market focus is on the US and Europe. Specifically, the US money market debacle, geo-political ruptures and the weakening economic data coming
out of the Eurozone. As a consequence, happenings in Japan are not being given enough attention. Worryingly for Japan, inflation expectations have trended
lower to zero ever since it first jumped in 2013 following aggressive expansionary policies back then. As a consequence, the likelihood is that the Bank of Japan
will carry out the same monetary action as the European Central Bank by providing further easing. the Bank of Japan has made it clear that there will be
monetary easing Bank of Japan applied forward looking monetary policy as yields continue to bottom at ever lower levels, this will trigger unwanted strength
in the US dollar. Meaning as well, that US imports will be cheaper resulting in deflationary pressures on US inflation. Both softening in US domestic demand
and the imported lower prices will contribute to a drop in inflation which will further trigger calls for the Fed to keep lowering rates.The earlier mentioned
sales tax introduced by Japan does calls for a contractionary policy in a time that Japan required expansionary ones.

47. Sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas dari pelaksanaan tugansya, Bank Indonesia menyampaikan pertanggungjawaban dalam bentuk…
a. Laporan keuangan tahunan kepada BPK
b. Laporan rencana dan realisasi anggaran tahuan kepada pemerintah dan DPR
c. Semua jawaban benar
d. Laporan perkembangan pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang setiap triwulan kepada DPR

Bank Indonesia reports regularly to the Indonesian Parliament on the operation of monetary policy as part of the accountability of Bank Indonesia in
performance of tasks and functions vested by law. The reporting of monetary policy takes place through written submissions and verbal explanations of the
operation of monetary policy each quarter and of specific aspects of monetary policy as may be deemed necessary. In addition, the Policy Accountability
Report is tabled with the Government and made available to the public for the purposes of transparency and coordination.If the inflation target is not achieved
during any given year, Bank Indonesia shall issue an explanation to the Government as material for open explanations presented jointly by the Government
and Bank Indonesia to the Indonesian Parliament and the public.The position of BI is also different from that of the Department because BI's position is outside
the government. Such special status and position are required so that BI can carry out its role and function as the Monetary Authority more effectively and
efficiently. Although BI is an independent state institution, in carrying out its duties, BI has a good working relationship and coordination with the DPR, BPK,
the Government and other parties. In relation to the President and DPR, BI at the beginning of each fiscal year submits written information regarding the
evaluation of the implementation of monetary policy and plans for future monetary policies. Particularly for the DPR, the implementation of duties and powers
every quarter and from time to time when requested by the DPR. In addition, BI submits the annual budget plan and realization to the Government and the
DPR. In relation to the BPK, BI is obliged to submit annual financial reports to the BPK.

48. Berikut merupakan unsur Independensi Bank Indonesia, kecuali…

a. Secara kelembagaan berada di luar pemerintah
b. Larangan pemberian pinjaman kepada pemerintah
c. Memiliki kewenangan membuat peraturan dan menetapkan sanksi sebagai implementasi pelaksanaan UU
d. Penyampaian informasi mengenai strategi kebijakan dan prosedur pengambilan keputusan internal

Judging from the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia, the position of BI as an independent state institution is not parallel to those of high state
institutions such as the House of Representatives, the Supreme Audit Agency, and the Supreme Court. The position of BI is also different from that of the
Department because BI's position is outside the government. Such special status and position are required so that BI can carry out its role and function as the
Monetary Authority more effectively and efficiently. Although BI is an independent state institution, in carrying out its duties, BI has a good working
relationship and coordination with the DPR, BPK, the Government and other parties. In relation to the President and DPR, BI at the beginning of each fiscal
year submits written information regarding the evaluation of the implementation of monetary policy and plans for future monetary policies. Particularly for
the DPR, the implementation of duties and powers every quarter and from time to time when requested by the DPR. In addition, BI submits the annual budget
plan and realization to the Government and the DPR. In relation to the BPK, BI is obliged to submit annual financial reports to the BPK.

In terms of financial relations with the Government, Bank Indonesia assists in issuing and placing state debt securities to finance the State Revenue and
Expenditure Budget (APBN) without being allowed to buy these state debt securities by themselves. Bank Indonesia also acts as the Government cashier
administering the Government's account at Bank Indonesia, and at the request of the Government, can receive foreign loans for and on behalf of the
Government of Indonesia. However, so that the implementation of Bank Indonesia's duties is truly focused and so that the effectiveness of monetary control is
not compromised, the provision of credit to the Government to overcome deficit spending - which was carried out by Bank Indonesia based on the old law -
can no longer be done by the Bank. Indonesia. Even though Bank Indonesia is an independent state institution, consultative coordination with the Government
is still needed, because Bank Indonesia's duties are an integral part of national economic policies as a whole.

Coordination between Bank Indonesia and the Government is required at cabinet meetings to discuss economic, banking and financial issues related to the
duties of Bank Indonesia. During a cabinet meeting the Government may ask Bank Indonesia's opinion. In addition, Bank Indonesia can also provide input,
opinions and considerations to the Government regarding the Draft State Budget and other policies related to its duties and authorities. On the other hand,
the Government may also attend the Bank Indonesia Board of Governors Meeting with speech rights but without voting rights. Therefore, the implementation
of independence is very much influenced by the stability of a proportional working relationship between Bank Indonesia on the one hand and the Government
and other related institutions on the other, while still being based on the division of duties and authorities

49. Bank Indonesia merupakan salah satu dari…..

a. Badan Usaha Milik Negara
b. Lembaga negara setingkat kementrian
c. Badan hukum berdasarkan undang-undang
d. Perseroan terbatas

The position of Bank Indonesia is regulated by the statutes. As a public legal entity, Bank Indonesia has the authority to issue policy rules and regulations,
which are binding to the public - at - large. As a civil legal entity, Bank Indonesia is able to represent itself in and outside the court of law., the UU No. 23/1999
on Bank Indonesia, was enacted on May 17, 1999 and have which has been amended with UU No.3/2004 on January 15, 2004. The Act confers it the status
and position as an independent state institution and freedom from interference by the Government or any other external parties. As an independent state
institution, Bank Indonesia is fully autonomous in formulating and implementing each of its task and authority as stipulated in the Act. External parties are
strictly prohibited from interfering with Bank Indonesia's implementation of its tasks, and Bank Indonesia has the duty to refuse or disregard any attempt of
interference in any form by any party. Such unique status and position are necessary so that Bank Indonesia can implement its role and function as monetary
authority more effectively and efficiently.

50. Berdasarkan jangka waktu jatuh temponya (due date), Repurchase Agreement bisa dibagi menjadi dibawah ini kecuali …
a. Buy Back Repo
b. Overnight Repo
c. Term Repo
d. Open Repo

Based on the due date, REPO can be divided into 3 types:

1) Overnight, namely REPO Transactions with a maturity date of one day
2) Term, namely REPO transactions with maturity within a certain period of time
3) Open Repo, namely REPO transactions with no specified maturity.
No. Soal dan Pembahasan
Six persons two of them have not yet been identified, died early today in a blaze that destroyed a hotel in Bali. The main cause was known as the fire resulted
from an electrical short-circuit. It broke out at 3 A.M. and gutted the hotel, but did not threaten to spread. Sources in the Bali Fire department say that
building, once considered the finest hotel in the island, had received several citations for safety violations In recent years

1. We possibly find the passage in….

a. A hotel catalogue
b. A daily newspaper
c. A public announcemnet
d. Product manuals

2. Which one of the follwing statements is not true?

a. The fire happened early in the morning
b. The total number ogf victims was already known
c. The hotel was completely borken
d. The hotel had no safety recognition

3. Why was the hotel considered the finest ?

a. it had many guests
b. it was once the best in Bali island
c. It had a fire
d. It got good appreciation for its safety

4. When a hotel receives “citations” from its guests, it may be a hotel with...
a. high rate costs
b. government supports
c. outstanding services and achievements
d. many rooms and facilities

5. What is meant by “gutted”

a. washed out
b. removed
c. impended
d. devastated

Do you prefer online or traditional classes? Apparently many people still prefer traditional classes compared to the online counterparts. About 1 in every 4
students claim that they earn better via online classes. It means that 3 out of 4 students still feel they perform better in a traditional classroom setting. One of
the best advantages of choosing traditional classes is better social interactions.

Many people crave the traditional school experience, which might involve classrooms whiteboards and exploring school grounds. Some people enjoy meeting
with their teachers and peers in person or learn better in a face-to-face setting. On the other hand, online classes are considered to have meaningful
interaction. Many people think they cannot really feel the interactions in online classes. Online classes often utilize social media and video conferencing tools
to encouage communications, but at the end of the day, it still feels lonely

6. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
a. the disadvantage of doing online classes nowadays
b. why few people like traditional classes better
c. traditional vs online classes for today’s students
d. d. how people learn better in tradional classes

7. We can simply say that online classes are….

a. loved by everyone
b. insufficient to many people
c. full of interactions
c. better than traditional classes

8. The word “crave” in the sentence “many people crave the traditional school experience” has the closes menaning to…..
a. despise
b. desire
c. execrate
d. starve

9. The second paragraph mainly tells us about….

a. the main features of traditional and online classes
b. the reasons for selecting traditional clasess over online classes
c. the descriptions of traditional and online classes advantages
d. the arguments for choosing online classes
Germany is smaller and more standardized in everyway. There are specific and consistent expectations as to every facet of work. Worker know exactly what to
do and get to it smoothly and efficiently. They can count on definite support and compensation for their effors. They enjoy job security and generous benefits
and do not feel mistreated and exploited, or so worried by existential threats that they cannot focus upon their work.

America is much larger, far more diverse, less regulated and standardized, and offers much less security, but for a more diligent and talented, the potential of
much larger rewards. This translates into a more variable work-ethic, where many are highly motivated and willingly put in longer hours, but others just show
up and grudgingly do the minimum they can get away with, putting in their time until something better comes along

10. What best describes Americans in workplace ?

a. precise
b. stanardized
c. more diverse
d. efficient

11. Which of the follwong title best describes the reading passage ?
a. american vs german way of thinking
b. american vs german life commitment
c. American vs German seriousnes
d. American vs German work ethic

12. What dooes the author possibly mean by generous benefits?

a. employee-employer paper contract
b. promotion pending
c. working after hours
d. loyal employees bonus

13. “….. but others just show up and grudgingly do the minimum”. The tem”grudgingly” has the closest meaning with…
a. enthusiastically
b. reluctantly
c. voluntarily
d. efficiently

14. The cultural information is necessarily read and understood by

a. American ambassador who palns to exit German
b. German who are travelling for family purpose in America
c. Travellers from other countries who want to visit America and German
d. Joint ventures company which employs staff from both America and German

15. The word “definite” in first paragraph could be replaced by which of the following
a. limited
b. clear
c. specific


Many flights have been delayed, and passengers are stranded as the main runaway of Soekarno-Hatta Airport was closed for over 24 hours. After the airport
resumed operations at 12.00 PM, Aug. 30, Hooray Airlines promptly dispatched airplanes to Jakarta to pick up passengers. The staff of Hooray airlinesis
working to coordinate with the airport to make sure all passengers are assisted accordingly. Currently, several Hooray airlines’ planes have returned, bringing a
total of 1.250 passengers back to Surabaya. Hooray Airlines will continually be sending two planes from Surabaya to Jakarta to bring back more passengers.
Hooray Airlines sincerely apologize to all passengers affected by the incident and will do everything in their power to assist passengers

Thank you for your understanding,

Hooray Airlines.

16. Which of the following is true according to the passage ?

a. Hooray airlines’ operations to bring back passengers are not finished
b. Hooray airlines’ passengers cause Soekarno-Hatta issue
c. Hooray airlines are not supportive in dealing with the airp[ort issue
d. only hooray airlines experienced flight delays in Soekarno-Hatta airport

17. What is the main topic of the passage ?

a. Soekarno-Hatta airport has many stranded passengers
b. Sokearno-Hatta Airpoprt was closed for a long time
c. HooRay airlines stranded passengers in Soekarno-Hatta Airport
d. Hooray airlines report assistance for stranded passengers

18. It is stated in the passage that....

a. Soekarno-Hatta ariports main runway was closed less than a day
b. Soekarno-Hatta airport continued its operation in the evening
c. HooRay airlines will not send more planes to Soekarno-Hatta airport
d. Hooray airlines have more than one thousand stranded passengers
The Number of students, or the so-called “campus population”, in the University of Informed (UI)has increased more at the present moment than in all other
years of campus history. The campus population totalled about 5 thousand in 1995. It doubled in the period from 2000-2005. Today, in 2019, the number of
active students is more than 35 thousand. Estimates based on research by the University Research Center Indicate that it will be more than double in the next
ten years.

19. Which of the follwing statements is true accourding to the passage?

a. the number of UI students decreases ft=rom time to time
b. Many UI students may leave the campus by the year 2030
c. The Increase of the student number now is lower than it was in 1995
d. As the time goes by, the number of UI student is increasing

20. The Passage is about…

a. student profile of UI
b. the result of a survey of UI student number
c. the trend of UI student number
d. the number of UI active students

21. Based on the passage, it can be concluded that...

a. the UI students are vey active
b. the estimate about UI student is misleading
c. the estimate of UI students has no reliable basis
d. The society has absolute trust in UI

22. The number of students in UI reached approximately more than 70 thousand in years between...
a. 2025-2035
b. 2035-2045
c. 2005-2015
d. 2015-2025

A Heavy emphasis has been place by University of Informed (UI) on research and development (R&D) geared toward creating innovative and reliable teaching
media. One of fifth of the campus total work force and over 10 percent of gross revenues are devoted to the vital area that is highly connected to the student
needs ….

23. How does the university think of the area of teaching media
a. reliable
b. creative
c. important
d. innovative

24. What is the reason behind UI’s large expenditur onR&D?

a. increasing employment
b. developing new and better teaching instruments
c. moving into excellent campus
d. increasing the number of students by 9 percent

25. When the campus reaches Rp 10 billions of its gross revenues, how much will be spent for R&D at least ?
a. Rp 1 million
b. Rp 1 Billion
c. Rp 100 million
d. Rp 2 billion

26. The “work force” is realted to...

a. Lecturers
b. students
c. researches
d. personnel

An established executive recruitment and management consulting firm with over 1.000 clients is seeking a mature, highly qualified recruitment consultant. The
succesful candidate must have extensive experience in personnel management and placement. Contacts in the electronics industry will be especially helpful.
High income and potential advancement will be offered for the right person. Send resume and references, in confidence to classified Ad #73

27. What is open position offered ?

a. recruitment consultant
b. personnel manager
c. executive consultant
d. executive manager

28. The passage can be classified as a……

a. brochure
b. job vacancy
c. report
d. manual
29. If you are interested I applying for this job, what will you do?
a. visiting the firm directly
b. making an appointment
c. sending a curriculum vitae
d. meeting the personnel manager

30. What will a successful candidate get from the firm ?

a. Good consultant and lot of clients
b. electronic equipment and high income
c. extensive experience and good placement
d. good payment and promotion

31. The author’s purpose in the passage is to...

a. invite someone
b. tell experience
c. seek advice
d. expose recruitment

Parasite single are grown children in their 20s and 30s who have left school and gotten jobs but are still unmarried and living at home their parents. In 2019,
roughly a quarter of Japanese between 20 and 49 are single, and many live with their parents. Parasites singles are usually caused by economics pressure and
hypergamy phenomenon.

Firstly, the ratio of nonpermanent and contract employees has risen from around 15 percent to just below40 percent since the early 1990s This condition
makes youth have difficulty in finding affordable housing, so staying with mom and dad is preferable for them. Secondly, less job security and lower income
also mean less chance of finding a spouse, as many Japanese women have an outdated social attitude called hypergamy. It means Japanese women tend to
seek men with stable employment and education levels. The combinations have steadily increased the number of parasites singles in Japan.

32. The first paragraph has a function to….

a. explain the nature of parasite singles
b. provide more example of parasite singles
c. tell the issues among parasite singles
d. give trivial details about parasite singles

33. Japanese men are difficult to find wives because…

a. Japanese economic pressure is high
b. Japanse women have high standards
c. Japanese woman have good jobs
d. japanese men still live with their parents

34. Where in the passage does the author explain the economic decline in Japan
a. the first sentence of paragraph 1
b. the first sentence of paragraph 2
c. the last sentence of paragraph 2
d.the last sentence of paragraph 1

35. The word “them” in the sentences “so staying with mom and dad is preferable for them referes to..
a. parasite singles
b. japanese youths
c. parents in japan
d.japanese men

36. From the passage, we can tell that the author intends to...
a. describe the cause behind japanese being with their parents
b. explain the meaning of parasite singles in Japan
c. elaborate the reasons behind parasites singles in japan
d. describe the characteristics of unmarried japanese

You have heard of recycling, but do you know about free cycling? When you free cuycle, you give away things you no longer want or need. Free cyclers can
also acquire things that someone else is getting rid of. List of things available for free cycling and lists of things wanted by free cyclers are usually posted on
websites. People usually sign up and find just what they want, then they arrange to pick up the items. Some popular items for free cyclers are bicycles, exercise
equipment, furniture, and computer parts

37. If you “give away” something to somene else, you will…

a. have no return from your gift
b. put it away from you
c. receive some money from him/her
d. have to going the way to reach his/her house

38. if someone is “getting rid”of a computer. It means that he/she…

a. has someone else repair the computer
b. is still using the computer
c. wants to be free from the computer
d. is fixing the computer
39. Which statement is true according to the passage?
a. free cycling cannot support the go green programs
b. a table is one of popular items tht free cyclers look for
c. computer parts may not be favourite recycled items
d. people cannot modify the sport stuff by free cycling

40. Based on the passage, what will you do to get free cycling stuff easily ?
a. amking an announcement
b. browsing in the internet
c. making phone calls
d. waiting someone’s house

When Edward M. Karmann, an insurance-company president, celebrated his 60th birthday, neighbours from a hotel across the street from his indianapolis
office sent over two bottles of champagne and a birthday cake. When Karmann opened the box containing the cake, he found an apologetic note from the
hotel management saying that they did not have 60 birthday candles. Instead, in the middle of the cake was a 60-watt light bulb

41. What possibly made Karmann surprised when opening the gift box?
a. his neighbours coming
b. the champaigne and cake
c. the light bulb
d. an apologetic note

42. Who sent Karman a birthday gift ?

a. his neighbors
b. the insurance company merchant
c. the hotel management
d. his office staff

43. The tone of the passage is

a. iritating
b. serious
c. humorous
d. plain

44. which one may deserve to be astatement for an apologetic note?

a. we are very proud to be invited to your birthday
b. we are so sorry tht we cannot find 60 birthday candles
c. it is such a wonderful birthday party
d. we are very pelased to see you celebrate the 60th birthday

45. An apologetic note usually contain an expression of..

a. wonder
b. regret
c. Doubt
d. complaint

46. After ridho romeo has returned to his house, he is actively reading a holy book
a. is actively reading
b. he
c. after
d. has returned
47. My Brother has completed his thesis reports last month, and now he wil begin to enroll a post-graduate study program..
a. to enroll
b. has completed
c. reports
d. now
48. Because of his business, Adam has not finished the assignment yet, Santy hasn’t either....
a. yet
b. Has not finished
c. hasn’t neither
d. because of
49. The huge amount of special autonomy funds transferred to Papua and later West Papua has not significantly helped Papuans escaping from poverty
a. huge amount
b. escaping
c. later
d transferred
50. The fence round the grave of Souw Beng Kong on Jl. Pangeran Jayakarta, near Mangga Dua shopping center, it is used as a clothes line
a. on
b. is used
c. near
d. round
51. After Johan eaten dinner, he finished writing two papers and went to bed late at night
a. finished writing
b. late at night
c. eaten
d. papers
52. Presidential Chief of Staff said that such an idea cannot be implemented because the nation’s ideology was “final”
a. cannot be implemented
b. such
c. nation’s ideology
d. presidential

53. An expert says the revision will create a problem for either workers nor business people if it is biased
a. an
b. will create
c. it
d. nor
54. Many names of ministerial candidates in the new cabinet has been proposed but not one has been as publicly accepted as this one
a. not one has
b. as publicly accepted
c. has been proposed
d.many names
55. The following important problem do we have to answer is when do we have to invest our money we have
b. our
c. following
d. is
56. Another religious figures from Merauke confirmed that there was another rally in the city demanding the government and other Indonesians citizens to accept
Papua as part of the country
a. there was
b. another religios figures
c. to accept
d. demanding

57. Some of the employees in the company need very little attention, but one of them requires much more guidances than the other ones
a. the other ones
b. some of the employees
b. very little attention
d. much more guidance
58. It’s generally accepted that one of the keys to a healthy economic is a robust banking system
a. accepted
b. healty economic
c. is
d. it’s
59. The riot in Sorong also leads to jailbreak that saw at least 258 of 547 inmates escape from the city’s prison
a. at least
b. leads
c. the
d. city’s prison
60. Indonesia is home to some established international literary festivals, as Ubud writers and readers festival in Bali and Makassar
a. Indonesia is home
b. established
c. as
d. literary
61. Andy Caroll has admitted his Soccer IQ was so low that he had to use Google to find who was Luis Suarez when he joined Liverpool in 2011
a. so low that
b. has admitted
c. joined
d. who was Luis Suarez
62. The wild buffalo in the mountains of Canada is much bigger and more agrresive from the common Asian Buffalo…
a. from
b. common
a. more
d. much
63. According to the Questionnaires, only a minority of students are stating that statistics is more difficult than the economy
a. a minority
b. economy
c. is
d. the
64. Whether there is a causal link between economic well-being and health is fully confirmed by social scientists
a. economic
b. between
c. is
65. The easy terms on loans provided by banks for the purchase of a motorcycle enable more people to enjoy own a means of private transportation
a. the purchase of
b. a means of
c.on loans
d. own
66. Being small...... beautiful but the beauty itself.... always small
a. is – was not
b. is – are not
c. is – is not
d. are - are not
67. He regretted .... him after his impromptu speech
a. them misunderstanding
b. them misunderstand
c. they misunderstanding
d. their misunderstanding
68. The company’s financial records will be audited by a foreign company……… since the 1980’s
a. its operations in Jakarta
b. operated in Jakarta
c. to operate in Jakarta
d. operating in Jakarta
69. Compact fluorescent lamps not only use up to 70% less electricity than incandescent lamps….
a. but also long lasting
b. and last for a long time
c. but also last longer
d. and has a longer life time
70. ….. provides a living for a half of the people in coastal villages
a. what is fishing
b. which fishing
c. fishing is what
d. what fishing is
71. According to a recent study, _ from pollinations by adult butterflies and moths.
(A) it is for the benefit of some flowering plants
(B) some flowering plants greatly benefit
(C) for some flowering plants the benefit
(D) it is of benefit to some flowering plants
72. The world’s oil reserves by modern nations, are dwindling at a fast rate
(A) Utilization of the major energy source
(B) to utilize the major source of energy
(C) the major source of energy utilized
(D) utilization as a major source of energy
73. Taxpayers should fulfill their obligation within the prescribed time; _ they will be liable to heavy fines
(A) whenever
(B) otherwise
(C) nonetheless
(D) likewise
74. The method was raised in early childhood can leave a mark, if not a scar, on the person's personality later in life.
(A) by which a person
(B) of how a person
(C) on what a person
(D) in which a person
75. The mineral content in human bones decreases with age, _ fragile and easy to break.
(A) it makes them
(B) and are made
(C) making them
(D) as they are made
76. The Borobudur Temple, which _ and neglected fora thousand years, was rediscovered in 1814 by Thomas S Raffles, who was the Lieutenant-Governor of
Java from 1811 to 1816.
(A) left
(B) was left
(C had been left
(D) may have been left
77. Italy was the first country _ in workplaces in 2004
(A) to impose a non-smoking rule
(B) when a non-smoking rulewas imposed
(C) by imposing a non-smoking rule
(D) who imposed a non-smoking rule
78. _ are found in virtually every country in the world.
(A) Swamps and marshes which
(B) When swamps and marshes
(C) Swamps and marshes
(D) Now that swamps and marshes
79. Scientists_ unremitting stress would cause damage to the body's immune system.
(A) that long have suspected
(B) have long suspected that
(C) that have suspected long
(D) have suspected long that
80. Famous for their exotic beauty and great commercial value, _ for export around the world.
(A) cultivating orchids in tropicalcountries
(B) the cultivation of orchids is good business
(C) orchids are best cultivated in tropical countries
(D) tropical countries are best for cultivating orchids.
No. Soal dan Pembahasan
1 Berdasarkan UU No. 23 th 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 3 th 2004, pengawasan terhadap pelaksanaan tugas-tugas
Bank Indonesia dilakukan oleh...
a. BPK
c. DPR
d. MPR
e. MA

2 Untuk menentukan struktur ekonomi suatu negara dapat dilihat dari...

A. Tingkat inflasinya
B. Pendapatan nasional
C. Tingkat investasinya
D. Tingkat konsumsinya

3 Permintaan dan penawaran kurs valuta asing yang ada di negara Indonesia menganut sistem …
A. Kurs bebas
B. Kurs terbuka
C. Kurs tertutup
D. Kurs langsung

4 Untuk diteliti dan diumumkan kepada masyarakat melalui media massa, Bank Indonesia juga perlu meyampaikan laporan keuangan tahunannya kepada..
A. Badan pemeriksa keuangan
C. Komisi pemberantasan korupsi
D. Aktivis media massa

5 Deputi Gubernur Senior Bank Indonesia adalah…

A. Mirza Adityaswara
B. Perry Warjiyo (Deputi)
C. Agus D.W. Martowardojo
D. Ronald Waas

6 Lembaga yang berwenang untuk mengeluarkan dan mengatur peredaran uang rupiah adalah ?
A. Bank Indonesia
B. Perum Peruri
C. Departemen Keuangan
D. Bank negara Indonesia

7 Bank Indonesia didirikan pada tanggal?

A. 1 Juli 1953
B. 17 Agustus 1950
C. 31 Desember 1965
D. 1 Januari 1965
8 Undang-undang Bank Indonesia no. 23/1999 berbicara tentang agar adanya..
A. Tanggung jawab Bank Indonesia
B. Akuntabilitas dan transparansi Bank Indonesia
C. Visi Bank Indonesia
D. Resiko Bank Indonesia
9 Tugas Bank Indonesia berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 1968 adalah ?
A. Menyediakan kredit dan mengawasi bank (aturan baru)
B. Mengatur, menjaga, dan memelihara nilai rupiah serta mendorong kelancaran produksi dan pembangunan, serta memperluas kesempatan
kerja untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat
C. Memelihara kestabilan rupiah dan mengawasi bank (aturan baru)
D. Menjaga stabilitas rupiah dan mengedarkan uang (aturan baru)

10 Kesatuan yuridis dan ekonomis yang bertujuan menghasilkan keuntungan disebut ;

A. Manajemen
B. Organisasi
C. Perseroan terbatas
D. Badan Usaha
11 Penawaran efek secara langsung oleh emiten kepada investor tanpa melalui bursa efek merupakan pengertian dari ..
A. Pasar sekunder
B. Pasar perdana
C. Pasar modal
D. Pasar uang
12 Status Bank Indonesia baik sebagai badan hukum publik maupun badan hukum perdata ditetapkan dengan….
A. Undang – Undang
B. Keputusan Presiden
C. Peraturan Pemerintah
D. Dukungan Media

13 Susunan persamaan dasar akuntansi adalah ..

A. Kewajiban = Aktiva + Modal
B. Modal = Aktiva + Kewajiban
C. Aktiva = Kewajiban + Modal
D. Modal = Kewajiban – Aktiva

14 Yang menetapkan Anggaran Tahunan Bank Indonesia adalah :

a. Gubernur
b. Dewan Gubernur
c. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.
d. Pemerintah dalam hal ini Menteri Keuangan

15 Uang yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia :

a. Dikenakan bea meterai Rp.3.000,00.
b. Dikenakan bea meterai Rp.6.000,00
c. Dikenakan pajak.
d. Dibebaskan dari bea meterai.

16 . Sebagai salah satu alat efektif dalam pencegahan dan penanganan krisis adalah pengertian dari
A. Kebijakan lender of last resort (LLR)
B. Kebijakan lender of late resort (LLR)
C. Kebijakan lender of Lost resort (LLR)
D. Kebijakan lender of less resort (LLR)

17 Sebagai lembaga yang memiliki otoritas dibidang keuangan, sifat pelaksanaan tugas bank sentral dapat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan pendekatan...
A. Macroeconomy
B. Indifference Curve
C. Makroprudensial
D. Marginal utility
18 Lembaga penunjang pasar modal yang berperan dalam mencatat peredaran saham emiten adalah…..
A. Wali Amanat (urusannya sama perbankan syariah)
B. Pemeringkat Efek
C. Bank Kustodian (urusannya sama aset perusahaan)
D. Biro Administrasi Efek
19 Inflasi akan merugikan pihak terkait berikut ini, kecuali..
A. Para pengusaha
B. Pegawai negeri
C. Orang yg berutang
D. Orang yg berpenghasilan tetap
E. Orang yg mendepositokan uangnya di bank

20 Pelaksanaan fungsi BI sebagai Lender of the Last Resort (LLR) adalah:

A. BI membeli secara langsung surat utang yang dikeluarkan Pemerintah dalam rangka program restrukturisasi perbankan
B. Bank mengajukan fasilitas pendanaan karena mengalami kesulitan jangka pendek
C. Membantu bank-bank yang mengalami kalah kliring agar saldo giro BI tidak berkurang dari batas minimum yang ditentukan
D. Intervensi pasar yang dilakukan BI dalam rangka menjaga kestabilan nilai Rupiah

21 Kapan Bank Indonesia harus sudah menyampaikan anggaran tahunan kepada Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan Pemerintah bersamaan dengan evaluasi
pelaksanaan anggaran tahun berjalan:
a. Selambat-lambatnya 30 hari setelah berakhirnya tahun anggaran
b. Sekurang-kurangnya 30 hari setelah laporan keuangan tahunan disusun
c. Selambat-lambatnya 30 hari sebelum dimulai tahun anggaran
d. Sekurang-kurangnya 30 hari sebelum laporan keuangan tahunan disusun

22 Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) yang diselenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya 1 (satu) kali dalam sebulan:
a. Menetapkan kebijakan umum di bidang perekonomian (tidak dibahas di RDG karena kebijakan perekonomian itu harus ada campur tangan
presiden dan kemenkeu.)
b. Dapat dihadiri oleh seorang Menteri atau lebih yang mewakili Pemerintah)
c. Harus secara langsung menetapkan keputusan akhir yang dihadiri sekurang-kurangnya oleh lebih dari sepatuh jumlah anggota Dewan Gubernur
d. Melakukan evaluasi atas pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter atau menetapkan kebijakan lain yang prinsipil dan strategis

23 Pengangkatan dan pengusulan Gubernur dan Deputi Gubernur Senior (DGS) Bank Indonesia dilakukan oleh Presiden. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa:
a. Fungsi Presiden sebagai Kepala Negara bukan sebagai Kepala Pemerintahan
b. Kita masih belum sepenuhnya independen karena Presiden masih dapat pula memberhentikan Gubernur dan DGS
c. Presiden bisa mencari calon Gubernur dan DGS yang dapat menjalankan Bank Indonesia sejalan dengan program-program Pemerintah
d. Presiden wajib mengundang pimpinan Bank Indonesia dalam rapat kabinet terutama yang berkaitan pelaksanaan tugas BI dan rancangan APBN
24 Tenggang waktu hak untuk menuntut penukaran uang yang sudah dicabut, tidak berlaku adalah setelah:
a. 10 tahun sejak tanggal pencabutan
b. 5 tahun sejak tanggal penukaran
c. 10 tahun sejak tanggal penarikan
d. 5 tahun sejak tanggal penarikan

25 Alasan Bank Indonesia menghentikan sementara sebagian atau seluruh kegiatan transaksi tertentu adalah:
a. Menurut penilaian pemeriksa bank, kegiatan tersebut tidak memberikan keuntungan bagi operasional bank
b. Menurut penilaian Bank Indonesia, kegiatan dimaksud membahayakan kelangsungan usaha bank tersebut maupun sistem perbankan (systemic risk)
c. Menurut penilaian Bank Indonesia terhadap suatu transaksi patut diduga merupakan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan
d. Melanggar Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) dan telah dikenakan sanksi kewajiban membayar tetapi bank tersebut masih mengulangi pelanggaran

26 Pernyataan yang paling benar di bawah ini berkenaan dengan jumlah anggota Dewan Gubernur menurut UU Bank Indonesia adalah:
a. Sebanyak-banyaknya 9 orang
b. Sekurang-kurangnya 4 orang
c. 5 orang (1 Gubernur, 1 Deputi Gubernur Senior dan 5 Deputi Gubernur)
d. Tergantung kebutuhan sesuai dengan pelaksanaan tugas, artinya dalam hal pengawasan bank dialihkan ke lembaga lain, maka jumlahnya akan lebih

27 Peranan atau posisi Presiden dalam pengangkatan anggota Dewan Gubernur adalah:
a. Pejabat/lembaga eksekutif dalam pemerintahan
b. Kepala pemerintahan
c. Kepala negara
d. Mandataris MPR yang diberi wewenang mengangkat eksekutif bank sentral

28 Masa jabatan bagi anggota Dewan Gubernur adalah:

a. 10 tahun pada masa jabatan yang sama
b. 5 tahun dengan kemungkinan dingkat kembali pada periode berikutnya
c. 5 tahun dan dapat diusulkan untuk level jabatan yang lebih tinggi
d. 5 tahun

29 Konsultasi Pemerintah kepada Bank Indonesia dalam rangka penerbitan surat utang negara dimaksudkan:
a. Agar penatausahaanya memudahkan Bank Indonesia sebagai pemegang kas Pemerintah
b. Agar Bank Indonesia mengetahui sehingga tidak membeli secara langsung untuk diri sendiri kecuali di pasar sekunder
c. Untuk memudahkan Bank Indonesia melakukan pengawasan mengingat surat utang tersebut masuk dalam statistik APBN
d. Agar penerbitannya tepat waktu dan tidak berakibat negatif terhadap kebijakan moneter, sehingga dapat dilakukan dengan persyaratan yang
dapat diterima pasar serta menguntungkan Pemerintah
30 Penyampaian informasi kepada masyarakat secara terbuka melalui media massa pada setiap awal tahun anggaran dimaksudkan:
a. Agar masyarakat sebagai salah satu stakeholders mengetahui jalannya pelaksanaan tugas bank sentral oleh Bank Indonesia
b. Agar masyarakat ikut serta memantau/mengawasi Bank Indonesia dalam menetapkan dan melaksanakan kebijakannya
c. Membantu DPR sebagai lembaga perwakilan rakyat
d. Untuk memenuhi kewajiban akuntabilitas dan anggaran Bank Indonesia

31 Tahun kalender Bank Indonesia dimulai sejak:

a. Awal tahun 1999 dimana UU Bank Indonesia disahkan
b. Reorganisasi interen dimana nama urusan diubah menjadi direktorat
c. Tanggal 17 Mei 1999
d. Awal tahun 2000

32 Bank Indonesia dapat melakukan penyertaan modal pada, kecuali:

a. Lembaga kliring
b. Badan pemeringkat
d. Lembaga penjamin simpanan
33 . Perbedaan yang mendasar antara bank umum dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) menurut definisi dalam UU Perbankan adalah:
a. Kegiatan memberikan jasa dalam lalu lintas pembayaran
b. Modal dan kekayaan bersih
c. Segmen pasar: corporate dan retail
d. Ketiga jawaban di atas benar

34 Pelaksanaan tugas pengawasan bank oleh lembaga lain di luar Bank Indonesia:
a. Dapat lebih memfokuskan Bank Indonesia pada pelaksanaan tugas di bidang moneter seperti yang dilakukan oleh beberapa negara lain seperti
Inggris, Australia dan Korea
b. Bertujuan untuk menciptakan check and balance system antara otoritas moneter (makro) dan otoritas pengawas bank (mikro)
c. Akan menyempurnakan sistem pengawasan bank yang selama ini fungsi penyehatannya dilakukan oleh Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional
d. Harus dipertimbangkan secara seksama khususnya dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter oleh Bank Indonesia mengingat transmisi pelaksanaan
kebijakan tersebut masih melalui sistem perbankan

35 Yang tidak termasuk dalam tindakan sesuai dengan UU tentang perbankan yang dapat dilakukan Bank Indonesia dalam hal terdapat suatu bank yang menurut
penilaian Bank Indonesia membahayakan kelangsungan usaha bank yang bersangkutan, sistem perbankan maupun sistem perekonomian adalah:
a. Membekukan kegiatan usaha dan kemudian diteruskan dengan mencabut izin usaha bank dimaksud
b. Mengganti pemilik dan/atau pengurus bank
c. Menambah modal
d. Menjual bank kepada investor baru

36 Anggota Dewan Gubernur dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya karena:

a. Mengambil keputusan yang tidak didasari dengan itikad baik
b. Menjalani pemeriksaan dalam perkara tindak pidana kejahatan sebagai tersangka/terdakwa
c. Yang bersangkutan mengundurkan
d. Jawaban b dan c benar

37 Makna dari kata independensi adalah, kecuali:

a. BI bukan lembaga tinggi maupun tertinggi negara, tetapi merupakan lembaga negara yang keberadaannya dibutuhkan sesuai pasal 23 ayat (3)
UUD 1945
b. Berada di luar pemerintahan dan lembaga lain
c. Bebas dari campur tangan pihak lain
d. Memiliki kejelasan wewenang dalam mengelola kekayaan sendiri yang terlepas dari APBN

38 Pinjaman luar negeri yang dilakukan untuk dan atas nama BI semata-mata untuk:
a. Memperkuat posisi neraca pembayaran sebagai bagian dari pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter (UU 23 tahun 1999)
b. Membantu pemerintah apabila penerimaan negara dari pajak, laba perusahaan negara, dan sebagainya tidak cukup untuk membiayai pengeluaran
negara seluruhnya
c. Menambah cadangan devisa sehingga kemampuan intervensi dalam mencapai kestabilan nilai rupiah menjadi lebih efektif
d. Wakil atas nama pemerintah, karena adalah pemegang kas pemerintah

39 Menurut penjelasan pasal 4 bahwa dalam mendukung pelaksanaan tugasnya BI sebagai bank sentral dapat melakukan aktivitas perbankan apabila dianggap
perlu. Makna dari pernyataan ini adalah:
a. BI dapat menghimpun dana perbankan dalam bentuk GWM
b. BI dapat berpartisipasi dalam Pasar Uang Antar Bank
c. BI melakukan fungsi sebagai LLR
d. BI melakukan operasi pasar terbuka dengan bank-bank dalam menjual dan membeli
40 Bank Indonesia dapat memberikan penggantian atas uang yang karena suatu sebab telah rusak sebagian sepanjang:
a. Tanda keaslian uang tersebut masih dapat diketahui atau dikenali
b. Nilai nominal dan tahun emisi masih tertera (jelas terlihat)
c. Tidak disengaja untuk dirusak dan dapat dibuktikan secara fisik
d. Ketiga jawaban di atas benar

41 Sebagai badan hukum publik, Bank Indonesia mempunyai pengertian:

a. Tidak dimiliki oleh perorangan dan atau sekelompok orang
b. Setingkat dengan lembaga negara tetapi berada di luar pemeritahan
c. Memiliki kejelasan wewenang dalam mengelola kekayaan sendiri terlepas dari APBN
d. Berwenang menetapkan peraturan dan menetapkan sanksi dalam batas kewenangannya
42 Yang dimaksud dengan laporan keuangan tahunan Bank Indonesia adalah:
a. Neraca dan laporan penerimaan dan pengeluaran beserta lampiran-lampirannya
b. Neraca singkat yang dilaporkan kepada DPR dan Presiden sebagai salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban
c. Neraca beserta evaluasi pelaksanaan anggaran tahun terakhir
d. Publikasi resmi Bank Indonesia dalam Berita Negara republik Indonesia

43 Hak substitusi dapat diberikan dalam hal:

a. Penerima kuasa menggantikan kedudukan pemberi kuasa dalam pelasanaan tugas
b. Gubernur menyerahkan kewenangan mewakili kepada anggota Dewan Gubernur lainnya, kepada pegawai Bank Indonesia atau pihak lain
c. Pihak lain yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk melaksanakan tugas Bank Indonesia secara langsung
d. Ketiga jawaban di atas benar

44 Mana dari pernyataan di bawah ini yang paling tepat mencerminkan independensi Bank Indonesia:
a. Sistem nilai tukar ditetapkan dan dilaksanakan oleh Bank Indonesia sebagai suatu upaya mendukung kestabilan nilai Rupiah
b. Bank Indonesia tidak diperkenankan lagi memberikan kredit kepada Pemerintah sebagai wujud bahwa Bank Indonesia berada di luar Pemerintahan
c. Bank Indonesia harus sudah melepaskan penyertaannya pada badan-badan hukum di luar yang telah ditetapkan dalam pasal 64 UU No. 23/1999
d. Dalam pelaksanaan tugas untuk mencapai single objective, Bank Indonesia diberikan wewenang yang penuh dalam 3 bidang (moneter, sistem pembayaran
dan pengawasan bank).

45 Pengangkatan dan pengusulan Gubernur dan Deputi Gubernur Senior (DGS) Bank Indonesia dilakukan oleh Presiden. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa:
a. Fungsi Presiden sebagai Kepala Negara bukan sebagai Kepala Pemerintahan
b. Kita masih belum sepenuhnya independen karena Presiden masih dapat pula memberhentikan Gubernur dan DGS
c. Presdien bisa mencari calon Gubernur dan DGS yang dapat menjalankan Bank Indonesia sejalan dengan program-program Pemerintah
d. Presiden wajib mengundang pimpinan Bank Indonesia dalam rapat kabinet terutama yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan tugas BI dan rancangan APBN

46 Siapa yang dapat menyerahkan kewenangan mewakili dalam pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia:
a. Dewan Gubernur
b. Gubernur
c. Bank Indonesia
d. Anggota Dewan Gubernur dan pejabat Bank Indonesia yang diberi hak mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan batas wewenangnya

47 Modal Bank Indonesia berdasarkan UU No. 23/1999:

a. Sekurang-kurangnya Rp 2 triliun
b. 10% dari kewajiban moneter
c. Rp 2 triliun ditambah dengan sisa surplus setelah dikurangi cadangan tujuan sebesar 30%
d. Jumlahnya masih mengacu pada modal yang ditetapkan berdasarkan UU No. 13/1968 tentang Bank Sentral

48 Kata kestabilan yang terdapat pada pasal 7 UU tentang Bank Indonesia:

a. Menunjukan ukuran dari harapan dalam pencapaian tujuan Bank Indonesia yaitu nilai Rupiah terhadap barang dan jasa serta terhadap mata uang
negara lain (valuta asing)
b. Laju inflasi dan nilai tukar yang tidak berubah nilainya sepanjang waktu tertentu (periode waktu 1 tahun kalender)
c. Jumlah uang beredar berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan memperhatikan variabel ekonomi baik makro maupun mikro
d. Tiga kondisi mapan yang tercipta dari pelaksanaan tugas-tugas Bank Indonesia, yaitu sistem moneter, sistem pembayaran nasional dan sistem perbankan

49 Penyertaan Bank Indonesia pada beberapa bank seperti Ficorinfest, Uppindo dan PDFCI:
a. Dalam rangka penyelamatan bank-bank tersebut mengingat pada saat itu lembaga seperti Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional belum dibentuk
b. Dilarang karena tidak sesuai dengan pasal 64 UU No. 23/1999
c. Diperkenankan karena masih terkait dengan pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia khususnya mengatur dan mengawasi bank sesuai dengan pasal 64 UU NO.
d. Bersifat sementara dan telah disetujui oleh DPR sampai bank-bank tersebut dicabut izin usahanya (fungsi Bank Indonesia sebagai Lender of the Last

50 Penyampaian informasi Bank Indonesia melalui media massa pada setiap awal tahun anggaran kepada Presiden bersifat:
a. Pengawasan Kepala Negara terhadap pelaksanaan tugas oleh Dewan Gubernur
b. Pertanggungjawaban
c. Pemantauan pengelolaan kewenangan atas anggaran
d. Informatif

51 Setelah 10 tahun sejak tanggal pencabutan:

a. Uang yang ditukarkan diperhitungkan sebagai pengeluaran tahun anggaran berjalan
b. Bank Indonesia menyatakan bahwa uang dimkasud bukan merupakan alat pembayaran yang sah
c. Hak untuk menuntu penukaran uang tidak berlaku lagi
d. Bank Indonesia akan memusnahkan uang yang telah ditarik tersebut

52 Pernyataan tentang sistem informasi antara bank di bawah ini yang salah adalah:
a. Penyelenggaraan oleh pihak lain dengan persetujuan Bank Indonesia
b. Dapat diatur dan dikembangkan oleh pihak lain
c. Untuk memperlancar dan mengamankan kegiatan usaha bank
d. Dapat diperluas dengan menyertakan lembaga lain di bidang keuangan

53 Survey dapat dilakukan oleh lembaga lain yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut, kecuali:
a. Profesional
b. Kompeten
c. Good governance
d. Independen
54 Jasa sistem pembayaran dapat dilakukan oleh pihak lain yang memenuhi persyaratan khusus yaitu:
a. Keamanan dan efisiensi
b. Profesional dan good governance
c. Independen dan kompeten
d. Semuanya benar

55 Wewenang Bank Indonesia dalam mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran antara lain kecuali:
a. Menetapkan penggunaan alat pembayaran
b. Menjadi perantara antara perusahaan yang mengeluarkan instrumen atau alat pembayaran
c. Melaksanakan dan memberikan persetujuan dan izin atas penyelenggaraan jasa sistem pembayaran
d. Mewajibkan penyelenggara jasa sistem pembayaran untuk menyampaikan laporan tentang kegiatannya

56 Pengertian kliring antar bank yang paling benar menurut UU BI adalah:

a. Pertukaran warkat bukan tunai antar bank baik atas nama bank maupun nasabah yang hasil perhitungannya diselesaikan pada waktu transaksi
b. Pertukaran data keuangan elektronik antara bank baik atas nama bank maupun nasabah yang hasil perhitungannya diselesaikan pada waktu transaksi
c. Pertukaran data keuangan elektronik berupa warkat antara bank baik atas nama bank maupun nasabah yang hasil perhitungannya diselesaikan pada waktu
d. Pertukaran warkat atau data keuangan elektronik antara bank baik atas nama bank maupun nasabah yang hasil perhitungannya diselesaikan pada
waktu tertentu

57 Siapa yang berwenang mengatur sistem kliring antar bank:

a. Bank Indonesia atau pihak lain dengan persetujuan Bank Indonesia
b. Penyelenggara kliring yang ditunjuk oleh Bank Indonesia
c. Clearing house yang mengatur kliring pada daerah tertentu
d. Bank Indonesia
58 Nilai nominal atau pecahan uang yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia disebut dengan:
a. Harga uang
b. Nilai uang
c. Nilai rupiah
d. Nilai intrinsic

59 Untuk mengamankan uang dari upaya pemalsuan, maka pada uang diberikan:
a. Bahan-bahan khusus baik kertas maupun logam
b. Macam uang
c. Ciri uang berupa tanda-tanda tertentu
d. Tanggal berlaku

60 Bank Indonesia adalah satu-satunya lembaga yang berwenang, kecuali:

a. Memusnahkan uang
b. Mencetak uang
c. Mencabut uang
d. Menarik

61 Uang yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia:

a. Tidak dikenakan pajak
b. Dikenakan pajak sebesar 0%
c. Dibebaskan dari bea materai
d. a, b, dan c benar
62 Pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini sesuai dengan UU Bank Indonesia, kecuali:
a. Penyelesaian akhir transaksi pembayaran antar bank dapat dilakukan oleh pihak lain dengan persetujuan Bank Indonesia
b. Bank Indonesia memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan penukaran uang yang cacat atau dianggap tidak layak untuk diedarkan
c. Uang yang hilang atau musnah adalah uang yang karena suatu sebab, fisik dan atau tanda keasliannya telah hilang atau musnah
d. Hanya pernyataan a dan c benar

63 Penyebutan nama undang-undang perbankan sesuai dengan pasal 24 UU Bank Indonesia yang benar adalah:
a. UU No. 7 tahun 1992 sebagaimana telah disempurnakan dengan UU No. 10 tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan
b. UU No. 7 tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 10 tahun 1998
c. UU No. 10 tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan yang merupakan perubahan atas UU N0. 7 tahun 1992
d. UU No. 10 tahun 1998 yang merupakan perubahan atas UU No. 7 tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan

64 Salah satu wewenang Bank Indonesia dalam melaksanakan tugas mengatur dan mengawasi bank adalah:
a. Melakukan restrukturisasi perbankan, termasuk diantaranya program rekapitalisasi
b. Mengenakan sanksi terhadap bank sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan
c. Melakukan penyehatan bank
d. Menyerahkan bank kepada lembaga pengawasan sektor jasa keuangan yang independen sesuai pasal 34 UU Bank Indonesia

65 Prinsip kehati-hatian dalam ketentuan perbankan bertujuan untuk:

a. Mendukung manajemen perbankan agar bekerja secara profesional
b. Mewujudkan keberhasilan program restrukturisasi perbankan
c. Menciptakan jumlah bank yang ideal dengan daya saing dalam menghadapi pasar global beberapa tahun mendatang
d. Memberikan rambu-rambu bagi penyelenggaraan kegiatan usaha perbankan, guna mewujudkan sistem perbankan yang sehat

66 Yang dimaksud dengan pengawasan bank secara tidak langsung adalah:

a. Pengawasan dini melalui penelitian, analisis dan evaluasi laporan bank
b. Pengawasan bank yang dilakukan Bank Indonesia dengan bantuan Kantor Akuntan Publik atau tenaga honorer yang direkrut untuk membantu pemeriksaan
c. Pembinaan yang dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia terhadap bank setelah dilakukan pengawasan langsung atau pemeriksaan
d. Pemeriksaan terhadap pihak-pihak yang mempengaruhi kelangsungan usaha bank seperti perusahaan induk, perusahaan anak, pihak terkait atau pihak

67 Salah satu tujuan pemeriksaan bank adalah:

a. Mengumpulkan buku-buku, berkas-berkas, warkat, catatan, dokumen dan data elektronis sebagai kertas kerja pemeriksaan (KKP)
b. Menemukan bukti-bukti pendukung atas penyimpangan yang dilakukan manajemen bank
c. Merealisasikan rencana kerja dan anggaran yang telah ditetapkan oleh Direktorat Pemeriksaan Bank
d. Mengetahui kepatuhan bank terhadap ketentuan yang berlaku

68 Sistem informasi antar bank yang diatur dan dikembangkan oleh Bank Indonesia diatur dalam UU Bank Indonesia:
a. Pasal 31 ayat (1)
b. Pasal 30 ayat (2)
c. Pasal 32 ayat (1)
d. Pasal 33 ayat (2)

69 Sistem informasi pada soal nomor 53 tersebut di atas antara lain meliputi, kecuali:
a. Informasi pasar uang
b. Informasi modal bank dalam rangka program rekapitalisasi
c. Informasi kredit (debitur)
d. Informasi keadaan dan status bank
70 Lembaga pengawasan sektor jasa keuangan yang independen sesuai pasal 34 UU Bank Indonesia menyampaikan laporan kepada:
a. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
b. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan dan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat
c. Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan untuk diaudit laporan tersebut
d. Presiden karena bersifat independen yang berarti berada di luar Pemerintah atau lembaga lainnya

71 Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Bank Indonesia dipimpin oleh:

a. Gubernur
b. Gubernur dan Deputi Gubernur Senior sebagai wakilnya
c. Gubernur, dan dapat menyerahkan kewenangannya kepada pihak lain dengan hak substitusi
d. Dewan gubernur

72 Yang bukan termasuk definisi dari kata berhalangan pada pasal 37 ayat (3):
a. Menjalani masa cuti
b. Menderita sakit dan harus beristirahat minimal 6 hari kerja berturut-turut
c. Diberhentikan karena menjalani pemeriksaan dalam perkara tindak pidana
d. Menjalani perjalanan dinas ke daerah atau ke luar negeri untuk jangka waktu minimal 6 hari kerja

73 Sesuai pasal pada soal nomor 58 di atas, apabila Gubernur dan Deputi Gubernur Senior berhalangan, siapa yang akan memimpin Dewan Gubernur:
a. Deputi Gubernur yang paling lama masa jabatannya, yaitu yang menduduki urutan pertama dari seluruh Deputi Gubernur yang ada berdasarkan surat
pengangkatan sebagai Deputi Gubernur
b. Deputi Gubernur yang tidak sedang menjalani masa liburan
c. Seorang Deputi Gubernur yang ditunjuk oleh Gubernur dan Deputi Gubernur Senior
d. Deputi Gubernur yang sisa masa jabatannya paling lama
74 Siapa yang melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang Bank Indonesia:
a. Seluruh pegawai Indonesia
b. Dewan Gubernur
c. Pejabat yang diangkat untuk jabatan tertentu dan diberi hak mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan batas wewenangnya
d. b dan c benar

75 Yang dimaksud dengan pihak lain dalam pasal 39 ayat (4) bab mengenai Dewan Gubernur adalah:
a. Pihak interen dan eksteren Bank Indonesia yang diberi tugas mewakili Dewan Gubernur di dalam dan di luar pengadilan
b. Pihak di luar Bank Indonesia yang tidak dapat melakukan campur tangan terhadap pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang oleh Dewan Gubernur
c. Pemerintah dan lembaga atau badan hukum lain
d. Badan atau orang di luar Bank Indonesia yang memiliki kapasitas tertentu yang menyediakan jasa untuk mewakili Gubernur

76 Pemberian kuasa kepada pihak lain pada soal nomor 61 di atas pada umumnya:
a. Dilakukan secara langsung
b. Deiberikan sebagai substitusi Dewan Gubernur di dalam dan di luar pengadailan
c. Berdasarkan perjanjian antara Bank Indonesia dan pihak tersebut
d. Tidak ada jawaban yang sesuai UU No. 23 tahun 1999

77 Akhlak dan moral yang tinggi sebagai salah satu syarat calon anggota Dewan Gubernur memiliki pengertian sebagai berikut,kecuali:
a. Tidak melakukan perbuatan yang tidak terpuji baik dalam pelaksanaan tugas maupun dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
b. Senantiasa melakukan ketentuan hukum dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku secara adil
c. Dapat dipercaya baik dalam ucapan maupun tindakannya
d. Patuh dalam menjalankan perintah agama yang dianutnya, dan senantiasa berperilaku sesuai UUD 1945 dan Pancasila

78 Latar belakang perjalanan karir seorang anggota Dewan Gubernur antara lain di bidang, kecuali:
a. Hukum atau perbankan
b. Keuangan atau ekonomi
c. Moneter, perbankan atau sistem perbankan
d. Jawaban a, b dan c benar semua
79 Untuk setiap jabatan Gubernur dan atau Deputi Gubernur Senior, Presiden menyampaikan kepada DPR jumlah calon:
a. Sebanyak 3 orang
b. Paling kurang 3 atau paling banyak 5 orang
c. Sekurang-kurangnya 4 dan sebanyak-banyaknya 7 orang
d. Sebanyak 3 orang dengan dukungan Deputi Gubernur yang ada

80 Peranan atau posisi Presiden dalam pengangkatan anggota Dewan Gubernur adalah:
a. Pejabat/lembaga eksekutif dalam pemerintahan
b. Kepala pemerintahan
c. Kepala negara
d. Mandataris MPR yang diberi wewenang mengangkat eksekutif bank sentral
Pejelasan pasal 41
81 Pengangkatan calon anggota Dewan Gubernur yang telah disetujui DPR dilakukan oleh Presiden:
a. Selambat-lambatnya 2 minggu sebelum berakhirnya masa jabatan anggota Dewan Gubernur yang akan digantikan
b. Paling lambat 3 minggu setelah disetujui oleh DPR
c. Maksimal 2 minggu setelah berakhirnya masa jabatan anggota Dewan Gubernur yang digantikan
d. Menunggu kesiapan dari Mahkamah Agung yang akan mengambil sumpah atau janji terhadap calon anggota Dewan Gubernur
82 Alasan penggantian anggota Dewan Gubernur dilakukan secara berkala setiap tahun adalah:
a. Pengangkatan awal setiap anggota Dewan Gubernur tidak bersamaan pada tahun tertentu
b. Telah ditentukan sesuai dengan UU No. 13 tahun 1968 tentang bank Sentral yang merupakan cikal bakal UU No. 23 tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia
c. Menjaga agar tidak terjadi kekosongan jabatan
d. Menjamin kesinambungan kepemimpinan dan pelaksanaan tugas pengelolaan Bank Indonesia

83 Dalam Rapat Dewan Gubernur yang diselenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya 1 kali dalam seminggu:
a. Menetapkan kebijakan umum di bidang moneter
b. Menetapkan kebijakan lain yang prinsipil dan strategis
c. Evaluasi atas kebijakan moneter yang telah ditetapkan dalam Rapat Dewan Gubernur yang diselenggarakan sekurang-kurangnya 1 kali dalam sebulan
D. Piihan b dan c benar

84 Bagaimana mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dalam Rapat Dewan Gubernur, apabila jumlah anggota Dewan Gubernur yang hadir tidak memenuhi
sekurang-kurangnya lebih dari separuh anggota Dewan Gubernur?
a. Gubernur menetapkan keputusan akhir yang didasari atas musyawarah untuk mufakat seluruh anggota Dewan Gubernur
b. Rapat tidak dapat dilakukan menunggu, kecuali dapat diupayakan melalui teleconference bagi anggota Dewan Gubernur yang tidak sedang berada di kantor
pusat bank Indonesia
c. Gubernur atau sekurang-kurangnya 2 orang anggota Dewan Gubernur dapat menetapkan kebijakan dan atau mengambil keputusan
d. Penundaan pengambilan keputusan dan dilaporkan pada Rapat berikutnya

85 Anggota Dewan Gubernur dan atau pejabat Bank Indonesia tidak dapat dihukum karena telah mengambil keputusan atau kebijakan yang sejalan dengan tugas
dan wewenangnya, karena:
a. Dilakukan dengan maksud tidak untuk mencari keuntungan bagi siapapun yang mengindikasikan korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme
b. Dilakukan berdasarkan analisis yang mendalam dan berdampak positif
c. Diikuti dengan tindakan preventif dan sistem pemantauan
d. Dilakukan dengan itikad baik berdasarkan wewenangnya telah mengambil keputusan yang sulit tetapi sangat diperlukan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan

86 Anggota Dewan Gubernur dilarang, kecuali:

a. Memangku jabatan secara ex-officio karena kedudukannya
b. Menjadi pengurus dan atau anggota partai politik
c. Mempunyai hubungan keluarga sampai derajat ketiga dan besan
d. Mempunyai usaha yang berorientasi non-profit

87 Anggota Dewan Gubernur tidak dapat diberhentikan dalam masa jabatannya karena, kecuali:
a. Pengunduran diri secara sukarela
b. Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga sampai derajat ketiga dan besan
c. Terbukti melakukan tindakan pidana kejahatan
d. Kehilangan kewarganegaraan Indonesia

88 Pengertian dari Bank Indonesia sebagai pemegang kas Pemerintah adalah:

a. Kasir Pemerintah, dalam melakukan pembayaran dan menerima penyetoran
b. Menatausahakan rekening Pemerintah
c. Membantu keuangan dalam hal Pemerintah mengeluarkan surat utang
d. Memberikan pertimbangan mengenai RAPBN dan kebijakan lain yang berkaitan dengan tugas dan wewenang Bank Indonesia

89 Pembelian surat utang Pemerintah oleh Bank Indonesia di pasar sekunder semata-mata bertujuan:
a. Untuk pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter
b. Agar memberikan kesempatan pertama kepada publik berpartisipasi dalam penerimaan negara untuk keperluan pembangunan
c. Untuk menghindari konflik kepentingan bahwa Bank Indonesia dilarang memberikan kredit kepada Pemerintah
d. Jawaban b dan c benar

90 Penyampaian informasi kepada masyarakat secara terbuka melalui media massa di atas memuat:
a. Laporan keuangan lengkap dan singkat
b. Hal-hal yang prinsip dan strategis yang mempunyai dampak luas baik ke dalam maupun ke luar Bank Indonesia
c. Pencapaian sasaran moneter dan realisasi anggaran selama tahun sebelumnya
d. Evaluasi pelaksanaan pada tahun sebelumnya dan rencana kebijakan moneter untuk tahun yang akan datang

91 Penyampaian informasi kepada masyarakat secara terbuka melalui media massa pada setiap awal tahun anggaran dimaksudkan:
a. Agar masyarakat sebagai salah satu stakeholders mengetahui jalannya pelaksanaan tugas bank sentral oleh Bank Indonesia
b. Agar masyarakat ikut serta memantau/mengawasi Bank Indonesia dalam menetapkan dan melaksanakan kebijakannya
c. Membantu DPR sebagai lembaga perwakilan rakyat
d. Untuk memenuhi kewajiban akuntabilitas dan anggaran Bank Indonesia

92 Pernyataan yang benar di bawah ini adalah:

a. Penyampaian informasi kepada masyarakat disampaikan juga secara lisan kepada Presiden dan DPR
b. Penyampaian informasi kepada Presiden adalah dalam rangka laporan Dewan Gubernur kepada Presiden yang melakukan pengangkatan sebagai pimpinan
Bank Indonesia
c. Laporan perkembangan pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang Bank Indonesia kepada DPR disampaikan setiap 3 bulan
d. Laporan perkembangan kepada DPR untuk diteruskan kepada BPK sebagai lembaga pemeriksa Bank Indonesia
93 Tahun kalender Bank Indonesia dimulai sejak:
a. Awal tahun 1999 dimana UU Bank Indonesia disahkan
b. Reorganisasi interen dimana nama urusan diubah menjadi direktorat
c. Tanggal 17 Mei 1999
d. Awal tahun 2000

94 Penyampaian anggaran tahunan Bank Indonesia kepada Pemerintah dimaksudkan:

a. Untuk penyelarasan APBN
b. Sebagai bahan informasi berkenaan dengan surplus atau defisit anggaran Bank Indonesia
c. Untuk melihat apakah Pemerintah perlu atau tidak menerbitkan surat utang
d. Monitoring Pemerintah dalam hal ini Departemen Keuangan yang memiliki keuangan negara

95 Penyusunan laporan keuangan tahunan Bank Indonesia:

a. Diselesaikan selambat-lambatnya 30 hari setelah berakhirnya tahun anggaran sebelumnya
b. Dilakukan sebagai pertanggungjawaban Dewan Gubernur kepada Presiden, mengingat Gubernur termasuk dalam kabinet
c. Terdiri atas rencana dan realisasi anggaran
d. Suatu kewajiban mengingat Bank Indonesia juga merupakan badan hukum

96 Pembagian surplus dari hasil kegiatan Bank Indonesia:

a. 25% untuk cadangan tujuan
b. Diserahkan seluruhnya kepada Pemerintah
c. Dilakukan atas dasar kesepakatan dengan Pemerintah
d. 30% untuk cadangan tujuan

97 Bank Indonesia dapat melakukan penyertaan modal pada, kecuali:

a. Lembaga kliring
b. Badan pemeringkat
d. Lembaga penjamin simpanan

98 Tujuan dikembangkannya sistem BI-RTGS di antaranya, kecuali….

a. Menyediakan sarana transfer dana antar bank yang lebih cepat, efisien,
b. andal, dan aman kepada bank dan nasabahnya;
c. Kepastian setelmen dapat diperoleh dengan segera;
d. Menyediakan informasi rekening bank secara batch
e. Mengurangi risiko-risiko setelmen
99 Tujuan utama dilaksanakan kliring, antara lain:
a. Untuk memperlancar lalu lintas pembayaran giral antarbank di seluruh Indonesia;
b. Untuk melaksanakan penagihan utang piutang yang lebih cepat
c. Untuk menjadi salah satu bentuk pelayanan sistem pembayaran bank kepada Bank Komersial
d. Untuk meningkatkan jumlah peserta kliring yang membutuhkan menyelesaikan kewajiban atau tagihan pembayaran secara cepat
100 Berikut ini adalah peran penting sistem pembayaran dalam perekonomian …
a. Meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemerintah
b. Sebagai sarana transmisi kebijakan fiskal
c. Sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan efisiensi anggaran
d. Untuk menjaga stabilitas keuangan dan perbankan
Pusat Pendidikan dan Studi


UNTUK APA BELAJAR KEBANKSENTRALAN ? will become apparent that central banking

looks rather different in practice than it does in
theory. Having seen it from both side now, I deeply
believe that both theory and practice could benefit
from greater contact with and greater
understanding of the other …. central bankers
have to learn from academic research .…
academic economist could profit from greater
awareness of the practical world of central
banking. (Alan Blinder, 1999 – Former Deputy Chairman of Federal
Reserve Bank)



Konsep Lembaga Keuangan Sentral

- Sistem hegemonik keuangan
- Kedudukan dlm masyarakat vs bank
- Masalah keuntungan


m n



Fungsi bank sentral: pendekatan mikro vs makro
Pendekatan mikro: upaya menjaga kestabilan sistem
- Banker’s bank, lender of last resort, dll
- Kelangsungan dan kesehatan sistem perbankan




Pendekatan makro : upaya menjaga kestabilan
- Domestik
Neraca interen
Hubungan Bank Sentral dg pemerintah dan LK
- Internasional
Media pertukaran
Lembaga keuangan internasional

Neraca Uang Primer
Neraca Konsilidasi Bank Sentral
Sumber-sumber Uang Primer Penggunaan Uang Primer

1. Sumber Luar Negeri 1. Uang kartal yang dipegang

Cadangan Internasional masyarakat
2. Sumber Dalam Negeri 2. Cadangan Bank-bank Umum
a. Tagihan Bersih Sektor Publik 3. Penggunaan Lain
- Pemerintah Pusat
- Perusahaan-perusahaan
Pemerintah (Publik)
b. Tagihan bersih kepada Bank-
bank Umum
c. Sumber-sumber Lain

Total Sumber-sumber Total Penggunaan

Evolusi Bank Sentral
Bank sentral di berbagai negara bermula dari bank komersial, yang berkembang
menjadi bank sirkulasi dan kemudian menjadi bank sentral yang modern dengan
tujuan yang fokus dan independen .........

Bank Sentral
Bank Sentral
Bank Sirkulasi & (awal)
(dewasa ini)
Bankers’ Bank  Peran kebijakan moneter,
perbankan, dan sistem  Tujuan tunggal, yaitu
 Bank komersial pembayaran meningkat. stabilitas harga, utk
berfungsi sbg bank pertumbuhan ekonomi.
sirkulasi.  Kadang masih sbg bank
komersial.  Fokus pd tiga tugas:
 Juga sbg bankers’ kebijakan moneter,
bank (lenders of last  Sebagai bagian dr perbankan, dan sistem
resort). Pemerintah, termasuk pembayaran.
 Peran kebijakan pembiayaan fiskal dan
moneter, perbankan, program Pemerintah.  Independen dr Pemerintah
dan sistem dg koordinasi.
 Tujuan jamak (inflasi,
kurs, pertumbuhan,  Penguatan akuntabilitas dan
terbatas. transparansi.
lapangan kerja, neraca

Evolusi Peran Bank Sentral
Evolusi peran bank sentral dipengaruhi perkembangan ekonomi dan
keuangan, sosial dan politik, serta teori ekonomi .........

Ekonomi - Keuangan Ekonomi - Keuangan

Ekonomi -
 Perlunya pertumbuhan  Globalization & financial
Keuangan liberalization
(drpd inflasi) pasca PD.


 Industrial revolution &  Financial repression & gov’t  Cross-border capital flows
merchantilism. lead development & crises
 Emergence of BANK SENTRAL (AWAL)  Bretton wood & Intern’l  Pentingnya disiplin dan
banking and payment trade focus. fokus keb. ekonomi.
Pandangan Teori Pandangan Teori Pandangan Teori

 Classical economic  Macroeconomic (output)  Neo-classical synthesis:

thoughts of Adam stabilization policy. LR money neutrality & SR
Smith, Fisher, Phillips curve  inflation
 Debat Klasik vs. Keynes focus of monetary policy.
Keyness, Ricardo,
Casel, etc. on growth,  Mundell-Fleming utk  Ratex & Real business
money, prices, ekonomi terbuka. cycle  transparency,
interest, exchange  Structural adjustment komitmen, credibility
rates etc. policies (First generation  Good governance (Second
Sosial- Politik reforms) generation reforms)
Sosial- Politik
 Colonialism from the
West, strugle for  Democratization in the Sosial- Politik
independence in the West, but not in the East
 Democratization
East.  Nationalism & “catching up” movements from the West,
from the East “spill-over” to the East.
Kenapa Bank sentral penting?

• Sebagai otoritas moneter, kebijakan bank sentral sangat

berpengaruh terhadap seluruh kegiatan ekonomi suatu
• Dalam hal bank sentral juga berfungsi sebagai pengawas
bank dan sebagai pengatur lalu lintas pembayaran, bank
sentral juga sangat vital dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem
keuangan. (Di negara berkembang pada umumnya sektor
keuangan masih di dominasi oleh industri perbankan).
• Bank sentral sebagai mitra strategis dan penyeimbang bagi
otoritas fiskal dalam menjaga stabilitas ekonomi makro
suatu perekonomian.

Tugas Bank Sentral

Pada umumnya tugas Bank Sentral terdiri atas :

1. Merumuskan dan melaksanakan kebijakan moneter
2. Mengatur dan mengawasi bank
3. Mengatur dan menjaga kelancaran sistem pembayaran
Tidak semua Bank Sentral melaksanakan ketiga tugas tersebut, namun
semua Bank Sentral berfungsi sebagai otoritas moneter (lihat slide berikut)

Central Bank’s role in the flow of funds

Financial System

Returns Financial Returns

Funds Market Funds

Government /
Central Bank
Household Firms Government Involvement Household Firms Government
s s
Savers Borrowers

Funds Financial Funds

Returns Intermediaries Returns

Infrastructure and

Sumber: Hubbard (2002), dimodifikasi

Tugas Bank Sentral di Beberapa Negara

Negara Otoritas Moneter Pengatur Bank Sistem Pembayaran

Indonesia Ya Ya Ya
Malaysia Ya Ya Ya
Selandia Baru Ya Ya Ya
Afrika Selatan Ya Ya Tidak
Brasil Ya Ya Sebagian
India Ya Ya Sebagian
Singapura Ya Ya Sebagian
Belanda Ya Sebagian Ya
Itali Ya Sebagian Ya
Jerman Ya Sebagian Ya
Amerika Ya Sebagian Sebagian
Perancis Ya Sebagian Sebagian
Australia Ya Tidak Ya
Jepang Ya Tidak Ya
Brunei Ya Tidak Tidak
Hong Kong Ya Tidak Tidak
Inggris Ya Tidak Tidak

Sumber : berbagai referensi


Sosial, Politik,
& Ekonomi

UU Bank Sentral

Tujuan, Tugas, Hubungan dg

& Wewenang Luar Negeri
Hubungan dg
Hubungan dg
Lembaga Negara
The Highest Authority

Decision making body

Executing body
Supervisory body Independensi
Transparansi Organisasi
The Second Level BS
Unit-unit pelaksana


 Struktur organisasi biasanya dibuat dalam bentuk Bagan Organisasi, yaitu

suatu diagram yang menggambarkan bagaimana bentuk kewenangan formal
dan hubungan pembagian kerja dari suatu organisasi (Kreitner dan Kinicki,
 Struktur organisasi bank sentral setidaknya menggambarkan 4 sisi dasar dari
sebuah organisasi :
1. Hierarchy of authority (hirarki kewenangan), yaitu menunjukkan urutan/tingkatan
kewenangan dari unit-unit yang ada dalam organisasi bank sentral.
2. Departementalization (departemenisasi), yaitu menunjukkan pengelompokkan
tugas berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu, seperti kesamaan jenis pekerjaan, fungsi,
wilayah dan atau outputnya.
3. Spans of Control (rentang kendali), yaitu menunjukkan dari unit/orang yang
melapor kepada atasannya. Semakin luas wewenang yang diberikan dan semakin
tinggi pemberdayaan kepada unit dibawahnya semakin lebar rentang kendalinya.
4. Line and staff positions (posisi lini dan staf), yaitu menunjukkan alur delegasi
kewenangan yang diberikan oleh unit dalam organisasi dari level tertinggi sampai ke
level terendah.


 Dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti tujuan, tugas, dan wewenangnya.

Pada umumnya semakin banyak tujuan yang harus dicapai, semakin
banyak tugas-tugasnya, dan semakin besar wewenangnya maka semakin
kompleks susunan dan koordinasi unit dalam organisasinya.
 Kompleksitas organisasi bank sentral yang memiliki satu tujuan berbeda
dengan bank sentral yang memiliki banyak tujuan. Hal ini disebabkan bank
sentral yang memiliki banyak tujuan harus dapat melalukan sinkronisasi
strategi yang akan diterapkan untuk mencapai salah satu tujuannya tanpa
harus mengorbankan tujuan yang lain.
 Tugas-tugas bank sentral pada umumnya dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam 4
bidang, yaitu bidang moneter, bidang pengawasan bank, bidang sistem
pembayaran dan bidang operasi internal. Bank sentral yang tidak
melaksanakan sepenuhnya keempat tugas tersebut akan memiliki struktur
organisasi yang lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan bank sentral yang
melaksanakan keempat tugas tersebut.


 Bank sentral yang diberikan kewenangan penuh untuk menetapkan dan

menjalankan kebijakannya akan berbeda struktur orgasnisasinya dengan
bank sentral yang hanya diberi wewenang sebagai pelaksana kebijakan dari
pemerintah. Jumlah badan yang ada di suatu bank sentral tergantung pada
wewenang yang diberikan oleh undang-undang kepada bank sentral
khususnya pada organisasi pada level tertinggi yang terdiri dari policy making
body, executing body, dan supervisory body.
 Policy making body adalah unit dalam organisasi bank sentral yang diberi
wewenang oleh konstitusi untuk memformulasikan dan menetapkan
kebijakan yang akan ditempuh dalam melaksanakan tugas guna mencapai
 Executing body adalah unit dalam organisasi bank sentral yang diberi
wewenang untuk melaksanakan kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan oleh policy
making body.
 Supervisory body adalah unit organisasi yang diberi wewenang untuk
mengawasi pelaksanaan kebijakan oleh executing body.

 Policy making body jumlahnya beragam, misalnya 4 anggota ( Belanda) ;

13 anggota (Swiss). Pada negara yang bank sentralnya independen,
umumnya pengangkatan ketua dan anggotanya dilakukan oleh kepala
pemerintahan dan harus mendapat persetujuan parlemen. Sedangkan yang
kurang independen, pengangkatan biasanya dilakukan hanya oleh kepala
pemerintahan tanpa persetujuan parlemen. Ketuanya biasa disebut
Gubernur, Chairman, atau Presiden.
 Executing body dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya dilengkapi
dengan subordinat organizations (berbagai unit dibawah executing body)
seperti departemen/direktorat, kantor cabang, dan kantor perwakilan.
 Supervisory body umumnya bertugas untuk memastikan bahwa kebijakan
yang telah ditetapkan oleh policy making body telah dilaksanakan dan
dilakukan dengan wajar dan rasional oleh executing body. Ruang lingkup
pengawasannya meliputi seluruh kegiatan operasional termasuk pembukuan
dan administrasi. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji tingkat transparansi dan
akuntabilitas pelaksanaan tugas bank sentral.

Peranan sektor keuangan dalam
perekonomian di beberapa
negara ASEAN

Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Singapore

US$ % of US$ % of US$ % of US$ % of

Assets billion GDP billion GDP billion GDP billion GDP
banks 138 56% 166 160% 172 115% 213 233%
Insurance firms 10 4% 20 20% 5 3% 46 50%
Mutual funds 8 3% 21 20% 18 12% 18 20%
Pension funds 4 2% 58 56% 7 5% 60 66%
Stock market
capitalization 55 22% 168 162% 119 79% 148 162%
Funds raised
through capital
market 4 2% 7 7% n/a n/a
GDP 247 104 150 91
Exchange rate
(eq .1 USD) 8.441 4 39,7 1,7

Sumber: Srinivas, PS (2004) up date dgn data 2009

Referensi dan bahan bacaan

• Perry Warjiyo dkk Ed, “Bank Indonesia, Bank Sentral Republik Indonesia”,
PPSK Bank Indonesia, 2004.
• Dawam Rahardjo dkk, “Bank Indonesia Dalam Kilasan Sejarah Bangsa”
LP3ES, 1995.
• Hubbart R. Glenn,”Money, The Financial System, and the Economy”, 4th Ed,
World Student Series, 2002.
• UU No.3 tahun 2004 Tentang Bank Indonesia.
• Forest Capie, “The Evolution of General Banking”, The World Bank Policy
Research Dept, November 1995.
• Mishkin. Frederic S, 2001, The Economic of Money, Banking, and Financial
Market, Sixth Eds,World Student Series.


• Informasi Lebih Lanjut


Pusat Pendidikan dan Studi 1


Institutional Reform And Good



Independensi Dikaitkan dengan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
Hasil penelitian (Alesina & Summers, 1993) menunjukkan korelasi
yang positif/negatif (inconclusive) antara tingkat independensi
dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi maupun dengan growth variability.

Kedua temuan tersebut mendorong studi yang terus dilakukan

mengenai korelasi antara tingkat independensi bank sentral
dengan kinerja perekonomian negara yang bersangkutan.


Studi dan evaluasi terhadap independensi bank sentral dilakukan

dengan mengobservasi hal-hal yang terkait dengan institutional, goal,
functional/instrument, organizational/personal dan financial/budget

Institutional Independence
Status bank sentral sebagai institusi yang terpisah khususnya dari
eksekutif/pemerintah, dan juga terpisah dari kekuasaan legislatif.

Goal Independence
Bank Sentral memiliki kewenangan untuk menetapkan target atas
tujuan akhir (misal : inflasi)


Functional/Instrument Independence
Bank sentral memiliki kewenangan untuk secara bebas
menggunakan instrumen-instrumen kebijakan moneter (target
operasional) dalam mencapai tujuan/target akhir.

Organizational/Personal Independence
Komposisi personal dari organisasi bank sentral dan mekanisme
pengangkatan serta pemberhentian pejabat bank sentral yang tidak
terkait dengan pemerintah. Organizational independence juga
tercermin pada kebebasan pejabat bank sentral dalam
mengakomodir/menolak instruksi pemerintah.

Pemberhentian pejabat bank sentral yang bukan dikarenakan oleh

“serious misconduct” atau karena “insufficients performance”
dikategorikan sebagai bank sentral yang tidak memiliki personal


Contoh 1 : Formal Power Structure of The FED

Contoh 1 : Real Power Structure of The FED

Contoh 2 : Perumusan Kebijakan Bank Indonesia



Grilli, Mascianso dan Tabellini, 1991






Perbandingan Struktur dan Independensi
Bank Sentral di Beberapa Negara

No Bank Sentral
Institutional Goal Instrument Personnel Financial

1 Fed Res (USA) P P P P

2 Bank of England P

3 Bank of Canada P P

4 RBNZ (New Zealand) P

5 European Central Bank P P P P

6 Bank of Japan P P P

7 Bank Indonesia P P P

Keterangan :
P Independensinya tinggi






Audit Kinerja
1. Penyampaian laporan tugas
2. Laporan bhn evaluasi kinerja BI dan
Dewan Gubernur oleh DPR
3. DPR meminta penjelesan pelaks tugas
& wewenang BI
Independensi Bank Indonesia
UU No.23/1999 Audit Anggaran
1. Institutional
Sbgmn amandemen • Penyampaian anggaran operasional &
2. Goal UU No.4/2003 Akuntabilitas
3. Instrument kebijakan khusus ke DPR
sbgmn amandemen
4. Personal UU No.6/2009 • Pemeriksaan keuangan oleh BPK
5. Budget • Penyampaian laporan keuangan
tahunan ke masyarakat

Pengawasan Lain
Badan Supervisi

• Informasi evaluasi pelaks kebijakan
• Komunikasi keputusan RDG
• Penerbit publikasi
• Laporan triwulan & tahunan ke pemerintah
• Forum diskusi pakar,masyarakat, pemerintah
• Kurikulum kebanksentralan


Fungsi Bank Indonesia

:: Lembaga Negara yang Independen

Babak baru dalam sejarah Bank Indonesia sebagai Bank Sentral yang independen
dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya dimulai ketika sebuah undang-undang
baru, yaitu UU No. 23/1999 tentang Bank Indonesia, dinyatakan berlaku pada tanggal
17 Mei 1999 dan sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Republik
Indonesia No. 6/ 2009. Undang-undang ini memberikan status dan kedudukan sebagai
suatu lembaga negara yang independen dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya,
bebas dari campur tangan Pemerintah dan/atau pihak lain, kecuali untuk hal-hal yang
secara tegas diatur dalam undang-undang ini.

Bank Indonesia mempunyai otonomi penuh dalam merumuskan dan melaksanakan setiap tugas dan wewenangnya
sebagaimana ditentukan dalam undang-undang tersebut. Pihak luar tidak dibenarkan mencampuri pelaksanaan tugas
Bank Indonesia, dan Bank Indonesia juga berkewajiban untuk menolak atau mengabaikan intervensi dalam bentuk
apapun dari pihak manapun juga.
Status dan kedudukan yang khusus tersebut diperlukan agar Bank Indonesia dapat melaksanakan peran dan fungsinya
sebagai otoritas moneter secara lebih efektif dan efisien.

:: Sebagai Badan Hukum

Status Bank Indonesia baik sebagai badan hukum publik maupun badan hukum perdata ditetapkan dengan undang-
undang. Sebagai badan hukum publik Bank Indonesia berwenang menetapkan peraturan-peraturan hukum yang
merupakan pelaksanaan dari undang-undang yang mengikat seluruh masyarakat luas sesuai dengan tugas dan
wewenangnya. Sebagai badan hukum perdata, Bank Indonesia dapat bertindak untuk dan atas nama sendiri di dalam
maupun di luar pengadilan.



Menjadi bank sentral yang berkontribusi secara nyata terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan terbaik diantara
negara emerging markets.


1. Mencapai dan memelihara stabilitas nilai Rupiah melalui efektivitas kebijakan moneter dan bauran kebijakan Bank
2. Turut menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan melalui efektivitas kebijakan makroprudensial Bank Indonesia dan sinergi
dengan kebijakan mikroprudensial Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
3. Turut mengembangkan ekonomi dan keuangan digital melalui penguatan kebijakan sistem pembayaran Bank
Indonesia dan sinergi dengan kebijakan Pemerintah serta mitra strategis lain.
4. Turut mendukung stabilitas makroekonomi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan melalui sinergi bauran
kebijakan Bank Indonesia dengan kebijakan fiskal dan reformasi struktural pemerintah serta kebijakan mitra strategis
5. Memperkuat efektivitas kebijakan Bank Indonesia dan pembiayaan ekonomi, termasuk infrastruktur, melalui
akselerasi pendalaman pasar keuangan.
6. Turut mengembangkan ekonomi dan keuangan syariah di tingkat nasional hingga di tingkat daerah.
7. Memperkuat peran internasional, organisasi, sumber daya manusia, tata kelola dan sistem informasi Bank Indonesia.

Nilai-Nilai Strategis

Nilai-nilai strategis Bank Indonesia adalah: (i) kejujuran dan integritas (trust and integrity); (ii) profesionalisme
(professionalism); (iii) keunggulan (excellence); (iv) mengutamakan kepentingan umum (public interest); dan (v)
koordinasi dan kerja sama tim (coordination and teamwork) yang berlandaskan keluhuran nilai-nilai agama (religi).

:: Tujuan Tunggal

Dalam kapasitasnya sebagai bank sentral, Bank Indonesia mempunyai satu tujuan tunggal, yaitu
mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan nilai rupiah. Kestabilan nilai rupiah ini mengandung dua aspek, yaitu kestabilan
nilai mata uang terhadap barang dan jasa, serta kestabilan terhadap mata uang negara lain.

Aspek pertama tercermin pada perkembangan laju inflasi, sementara aspek kedua tercermin pada perkembangan nilai
tukar rupiah terhadap mata uang negara lain. Perumusan tujuan tunggal ini dimaksudkan untuk memperjelas sasaran
yang harus dicapai Bank Indonesia serta batas-batas tanggung jawabnya. Dengan demikian, tercapai atau tidaknya
tujuan Bank Indonesia ini kelak akan dapat diukur dengan mudah.

:: Tiga Pilar Utama

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut Bank Indonesia didukung oleh tiga pilar yang merupakan tiga bidang tugasnya. Ketiga
bidang tugas tersebut perlu diintegrasi agar tujuan mencapai dan memelihara kestabilan nilai rupiah dapat dicapai secara
efektif dan efisien. berikut tugas dan fungsi Bank Indonesia yang telah dituangkan dalam bentuk gambar berisi tiga

Dewan Gubernur

:: Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian Dewan Gubernur

Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya Bank Indonesia dipimpin oleh Dewan Gubernur. Dewan ini
terdiri atas seorang Gubernur sebagai pemimpin, dibantu oleh seorang Deputi Gubernur Senior sebagai wakil,
dan sekurang-kurangnya empat atau sebanyak-banyaknya tujuh Deputi Gubernur. Masa jabatan Gubernur dan
Deputi Gubernur selama 5 tahun dan dapat diangkat kembali dalam jabatan yang sama untuk sebanyak-banyaknya 1
kali masa jabatan berikutnya.

Gubernur, Deputi Gubernur Senior, dan Deputi Gubernur diusulkan dan diangkat oleh Presiden dengan persetujuan
DPR. Calon Deputi Gubernur diusulkan oleh Presiden berdasarkan rekomendasi dari Gubernur Bank Indonesia. (vide
Pasal 41 UU No.3 Tahun 2004 yang mengubah UU No.23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia). Anggota Dewan
Gubernur Bank Indonesia tidak dapat diberhentikan oleh Presiden, kecuali bila mengundurkan diri, terbukti melakukan
tindak pidana kejahatan, tidak dapat hadir secara fisik dalam jangka waktu 3 (tiga) bulan berturut-turut tanpa alasan
yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, dinyatakan pailit atau tidak mampu memenuhi kewajiban kepada kreditur, atau
berhalangan tetap.

:: Profil Dewan Gubernur

Perry Warjiyo

Mirza Adityaswara
Deputi Gubernur Senior

Erwin Rijanto
Deputi Gubernur

Deputi Gubernur

Rosmaya Hadi
Deputi Gubernur

Dody Budi Waluyo

Undang-Undang BI

1. Undang-Undang tentang Bank Indonesia

Tahun Undang-Undang/PERPU

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penetapan Peraturan

Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas
Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 Tentang Bank Indonesia Menjadi Undang-
2009 Undang [pdf]
Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 Tahun 2008
Tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 Tentang Bank
2008 Indonesia [pdf]
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2004 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-
Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 Tentang Bank Indonesia [pdf]
2004 Penjelasan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2004 [pdf]
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia [pdf]
Penjelasan atas Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank

Ikhtisar Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank

1999 Indonesia [pdf]
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 1968 Tentang Bank Sentral [pdf]
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 84 Tahun 1958 Tentang Pengubahan Pasal-pasal
16 Dan 19 Undang-undang Pokok Bank Indonesia (Undang-undang No. 11 Tahun 1953) [pdf]
Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 11 Tahun 1953 Tentang Penetapan Undang-undang
Pokok Bank Indonesia [pdf]
2. Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2008

 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah (pdf)
 Ikhtisar Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No.21 Tahun 2008 Tentang Perbankan Syariah (pdf)
3. Undang-Undang No. 24 Tahun 1999

 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 24 Tahun 1999 tentang Lalu Lintas Devisa dan Sistem Nilai Tukar (pdf)
4. Undang-Undang Tentang Perbankan

 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 tahun 1992 Tentang Perbankan Sebagaimana diubah dengan Undang-
undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 (pdf)
5. Undang-Undang Tentang Transfer Dana

 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2011 Tentang Transfer Dana (pdf)
:: Undang-Undang Terkait

1. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 7 Tahun 2011 Tentang Mata Uang

2. Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 Tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
3. Undang-Undang No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang
 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No.15 tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang sebagaimana telah
diubah dengan Undang-undang No. 25 tahun 2003 (PDF)
 Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2002 Tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (HTML)
 Penjelasan atas Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 15 Tahun 2002 Tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian
Uang (PDF)
4. Undang-Undang No.24 Tahun 2002 Tentang Surat Utang Negara
 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.24 Tahun 2002 Tentang Surat Utang Negara (PDF)
5. Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2003 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak
Pidana Pencucian Uang
 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.25 Tahun 2003 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang No. 15 Tahun
2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (PDF)
 Penjelasan atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.25 Tahun 2003 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-
Undang No. 15 Tahun 2002 tentang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (PDF)
6. Undang-Undang No.24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan
 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (PDF)
 Penjelasan atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.24 Tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin
Simpanan (PDF)
7. Undang-Undang No.25 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penanaman Modal
 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.25 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penanaman Modal (PDF)
8. Undang-Undang No.20 Tahun 2008 Tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah
 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.20 Tahun 2008 Tentang Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (PDF)
9. Undang-Undang No.19 Tahun 2008 Tentang Surat Berharga Syariah Negara
 Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.19 Tahun 2008 Tentang Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (PDF)
:: Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang

1. Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang No.3 tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang No.24
tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan
 Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang No.3 tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang
No.24 tahun 2004 Tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (PDF)
2. Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang No.4 tahun 2008 tentang Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan
 Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang No.4 tahun 2008 tentang Jaring Pengaman Sistem
Keuangan (PDF)

Hubungan Kelembagaan

Dilhat dari sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, kedudukan BI sebagai lembaga negara yang independen tidak
sejajar dengan lembaga tinggi negara seperti Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, dan Mahkamah
Agung. Kedudukan BI juga tidak sama dengan Departemen karena kedudukan BI berada di luar pemerintahan. Status
dan kedudukan yang khusus tersebut diperlukan agar BI dapat melaksanakan peran dan fungsinya sebagai Otoritas
Moneter secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Meskipun BI berkedudukan sebagai lembaga negara independen, dalam
melaksanakan tugasnya, BI mempunyai hubungan kerja dan koordinasi yang baik dengan DPR, BPK, Pemerintah dan
pihak lainnya.

Dalam hubungannya dengan Presiden dan DPR, BI setiap awal tahun anggaran menyampaikan informasi tertulis
mengenai evaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter dan rencana kebijakan moneter yang akan datang. Khusus kepada
DPR, pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang setiap triwulan dan sewaktu-waktu bila diminta oleh DPR. Selain itu, BI
menyampaikan rencana dan realiasasi anggaran tahunan kepada Pemerintah dan DPR. Dalam hubungannya dengan
BPK, BI wajib menyampaikan laporan keuangan tahunan kepada BPK.

:: Hubungan BI dengan Pemerintah : Hubungan Keuangan

Dalam hal hubungan keuangan dengan Pemerintah, Bank Indonesia membantu menerbitkan dan menempatkan surat-
surat hutang negara guna membiayai Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) tanpa diperbolehkan membeli
sendiri surat-surat hutang negara tersebut.

Bank Indonesia juga bertindak sebagai kasir Pemerintah yang menatausahakan rekening Pemerintah di Bank Indonesia,
dan atas permintaan Pemerintah, dapat menerima pinjaman luar negeri untuk dan atas nama Pemerintah Indonesia.

Namun demikian, agar pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia benar-benar terfokus serta agar efektivitas pengendalian
moneter tidak terganggu, pemberian kredit kepada Pemerintah guna mengatasi deficit spending - yang selama ini
dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia berdasarkan undang-undang yang lama - kini tidak dapat lagi dilakukan oleh Bank

:: Hubungan BI dengan Pemerintah : Independensi dalam Interdependensi

Meskipun Bank Indonesia merupakan lembaga negara yang independen, tetap diperlukan koordinasi yang bersifat
konsultatif dengan Pemerintah, sebab tugas-tugas Bank Indonesia merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari
kebijakan-kebijakan ekonomi nasional secara keseluruhan.

Koordinasi di antara Bank Indonesia dan Pemerintah diperlukan pada sidang kabinet yang membahas masalah ekonomi,
perbankan dan keuangan yang berkaitan dengan tugas-tugas Bank Indonesia. Dalam sidang kabinet tersebut Pemerintah
dapat meminta pendapat Bank Indonesia.

Selain itu, Bank Indonesia juga dapat memberikan masukan, pendapat serta pertimbangan kepada Pemerintah mengenai
Rancangan APBN serta kebijakan-kebijakan lain yang berkaitan dengan tugas dan wewenangnya.

Di lain pihak, Pemerintah juga dapat menghadiri Rapat Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia dengan hak bicara tetapi tanpa
hak suara. Oleh sebab itu, implementasi independensi justru sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemantapan hubungan kerja yang
proporsional di antara Bank Indonesia di satu pihak dan Pemerintah serta lembaga-lembaga terkait lainnya di lain pihak,
dengan tetap berlandaskan pembagian tugas dan wewenang masing-masing.
:: Kerjasama BI dengan Lembaga Lain

Menyadari pentingnya dukungan dari berbagai pihak bagi keberhasilan tugasnya, BI senantiasa bekerja sama dan
berkoordinasi dengan berbagai lembaga negara dan unsur masyarakat lainnya. Beberapa kerjasama ini dituangkan dalam
nota kesepahaman (MoU), keputusan bersama (SKB), serta perjanjian-perjanjian, yang ditujukan untuk menciptakan
sinergi dan kejelasan pembagian tugas antar lembaga serta mendorong penegakan hukum yang lebih efektif.

Beberapa Kerjasama dimaksud adalah dengan pihak-pihak sbb :

1. Departemen Keuangan (MoU tentang Mekanisme Penetapan Sasaran, Pemantauan, dan Pengendalian Inflasi di
Indonesia, MoU tentang BI sebagai Process Agent di bidang pinjaman dan hibah luar negeri Pemerintah, SKB
tentang Penatausahaan Penerbitan Surat Utang Negara (SUN) dalam rangka penyehatan perbankan)
2. Kejaksaan Agung & Kepolisian Negara : SKB tentang kerjasama penanganan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan
3. Kepolisian Negara RI dan Badan Intelijen Negara : MoU tentang Pemberantasan uang palsu
4. Menkokesra, Kementrian Koperasi dan UKM : MoU bidang Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan UMKM
5. Perhimpunan Pedagang SUN (Himdasun) : MoU tentang Penyusunan Master Repurchase Agreement (MRA)
6. Keputusan Bersama Menteri Keuangan dan Gubernur Bank Indonesia tentang Koordinasi Pengelolaan Uang
Negara (.pdf)


BI menjalin hubungan kerjasama dengan lembaga internasional yang diperlukan dalam rangka menunjang kelancaran
pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia maupun Pemerintah yang berhubungan dengan ekonomi, moneter, maupun
perbankan. BI menjalin kerjasama internasional meliputi bidang-bidang :

1. Intervensi bersama untuk kestabilan pasar valuta asing

2. Penyelesaian transaksi lintas negara
3. Hubungan koresponden
4. Tukar-menukar informasi mengenai hal-hal yang terkait dengan tugas-tugas selaku bank sentral
5. Pelatihan/penelitian di bidang moneter dan sistem pembayaran.

Keanggotaan Bank Indonesia di beberapa lembaga dan forum internasional atas nama Bank Indonesia sendiri antara
lain :

1. The South East Asian Central Banks Research and Training Centre (SEACEN Centre)
2. The South East Asian, New Zealand and Australia Forum of Banking Supervision (SEANZA)
3. The Executive' Meeting of East Asian and Pacific Central Banks (EMEAP)
4. ASEAN Central Bank Forum (ACBF)
5. Bank for International Settlement (BIS)

Keanggotaan Bank Indonesia mewakili pemerintah Republik Indonesia antara lain :

1. Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)

2. ASEAN+3 (ASEAN + Cina, Jepang dan Korea)
3. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
4. Manila Framework Group (MFG)
5. Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)
6. Islamic Development Bank (IDB)
7. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
8. World Bank, termasuk keanggotaan di Intenational Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International
Development Association (IDA) dan International Finance Cooperatioan (IFC), serta Multilateral Investment
Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
9. World Trade Organization (WTO)
10. Intergovernmental Group of 20 (G20)
11. Intergovernmental Group of 15 (G15, sebagai observer)
12. Intergovernmental Group of 24 (G24, sebagai observer)

 Latar Belakang

 Misi dan Visi

 Denah Museum

 Program Utama

 Fasilitas

Museum BI menempati gedung BI Kota yang sebelumnya digunakan oleh De

Javasche Bank, gedung yang mempunyai nilai sejarah tinggi yang terancam
kerusakan apabila tidak dimanfaatkan dan dilestarikan. Pemerintah telah
menetapkan bangunan tersebut sebagai bangunan cagar budaya. Selain dari
gedung bersejarah, BI juga memiliki benda-benda dan dokumen-dokumen
bersejarah yang perlu dirawat dan diolah untuk dapat memberikan informasi
yang sangat berguna bagi masyarakat.

Dilandasi oleh keinginan untuk dapat memberikan pengetahuan kepada

masyarakat mengenai peran BI dalam perjalanan sejarah bangsa, termasuk
memberikan pemahaman tentang latar belakang serta dampak dari kebijakan-kebijakan BI yang diambil dari waktu ke
waktu, Dewan Gubernur BI telah memutuskan untuk membangun Museum Bank Indonesia dengan memanfaatkan
gedung BI Kota yang perlu dilestarikan. Pelestarian gedung BI Kota tersebut sejalan dengan kebijakan Pemerintah
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta yang telah mencanangkan daerah Kota sebagai daerah pengembangan kota lama Jakarta.
Bahkan, BI diharapkan menjadi pelopor dari pemugaran/revitalisasi gedung-gedung bersejarah di daerah Kota.

Hal inilah yang antara lain menjadi pertimbangan munculnya gagasan akan pentingnya keberadaan Museum Bank
Indonesia, yang diharapkan menjadi suatu lembaga tempat mengumpulkan, menyimpan, merawat, mengamankan, dan
memanfaatkan aneka benda yang berkaitan dengan perjalanan panjang BI. Museum BI saat ini juga sebagai wahana
komunikasi kebijakan BI bagi masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengetahui kebijakan BI terkini yang
dikeluarkan BI.

Tujuan Pendirian Museum Bank Indonesia

Guna menunjang pengembangan kawasan kota lama sebagai tujuan wisata di DKI Jakarta, maka sangat tepat apabila
gedung BI Kota yang telah ditetapkan sebagai bangunan cagar budaya oleh pemerintah, dimanfaatkan menjadi Museum
Bank Indonesia. Keberadaan museum ini nantinya diharapkan dapat seiring dan sejalan dalam mendorong
perkembangan sektor pariwisata bersama museum-museum lain yang saat ini sudah ada di sekitarnya, seperti Museum
Fatahillah, Museum Wayang, Museum Keramik, dan Museum Bahari di daerah Pasar Ikan. BI mengharapkan bahwa
keberadaan Museum Bank Indonesia akan berarti terwujudnya suatu museum bank sentral di Indonesia, yang
mempunyai misi untuk mencari, mengumpulkan, menyimpan, dan merawat benda-benda maupun dokumen bersejarah
yang saat ini dimiliki, sehingga menjadi suatu sosok yang mempunyai nilai dan arti penting bagi masyarakat. Hal ini
hanya akan dapat terwujud apabila kita dapat menyajikan semuanya dalam bentuk yang mampu memberikan informasi
yang lengkap dan runtut, sehingga mudah dimengerti dan dipahami oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

Museum BI juga diharapkan dapat menjadi wahana pendidikan dan penelitian bagi masyarakat Indonesia maupun
internasional tentang fungsi dan tugas BI, di samping merupakan wahana komunikasi kebijakan dan rekreasi yang
bersifat edukatif. Dengan pencapaian tujuan-tujuan tadi, diharapkan Museum BI dapat meningkatkan corporate image .
Sepenuhnya disadari bahwa rencana pembangunan museum ini bukanlah suatu gagasan yang sederhana, melainkan
suatu gagasan yang bersasaran ganda. Dengan segala keterbatasan dan kendala yang ada, proses perwujudan Museum
Bank Indonesia jelas membutuhkan keuletan dan ketelitian. Mengingat keterbatasan kemampuan dan pengetahuan BI
mengenai permuseuman, maka kerjasama dengan para ahli dari berbagai bidang diperlukan untuk bersama-sama
mewujudkan gagasan ini secara menyeluruh dari tahapan konsep sampai dengan pelaksanaan fisik nantinya.

Museum BI juga disajikan dalam website Bank Indonesia, sehingga memudahkan publik dimanapun berada untuk
melakukan virtual tour dan mempelajari informasi yang disajikan di setiap ruangan Museum BI.

Menyediakan sarana edukasi kepada masyarakat secara menarik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yang tepat
guna mengenai:

 Fungsi dan peran Bank Indonesia dari waktu ke waktu

 Gedung cagar budaya milik Bank Indonesia dan benda-benda koleksi yang terkait dengan sejarah Bank Indonesia,
termasuk pelestariannya
 Ilmu pengetahuan ekonomi, moneter, dan perbankan yang diperlukan masyarakat setempat
Visi yang ingin dicapai oleh Museum Bank Indonesia adalah menjadi wahana sumber informasi tentang sejarah Bank
Sentral Indonesia, dan komunikasi kebijakan yang terpercaya, informatif, modern dan menarik yang dikelola secara



Menjadi bank sentral yang berkontribusi secara nyata terhadap perekonomian Indonesia dan terbaik diantara
negara emerging markets.


1. Mencapai dan memelihara stabilitas nilai Rupiah melalui efektivitas kebijakan moneter dan bauran kebijakan Bank
2. Turut menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan melalui efektivitas kebijakan makroprudensial Bank Indonesia dan sinergi
dengan kebijakan mikroprudensial Otoritas Jasa Keuangan.
3. Turut mengembangkan ekonomi dan keuangan digital melalui penguatan kebijakan sistem pembayaran Bank
Indonesia dan sinergi dengan kebijakan Pemerintah serta mitra strategis lain.
4. Turut mendukung stabilitas makroekonomi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan melalui sinergi bauran
kebijakan Bank Indonesia dengan kebijakan fiskal dan reformasi struktural pemerintah serta kebijakan mitra strategis
5. Memperkuat efektivitas kebijakan Bank Indonesia dan pembiayaan ekonomi, termasuk infrastruktur, melalui
akselerasi pendalaman pasar keuangan.
6. Turut mengembangkan ekonomi dan keuangan syariah di tingkat nasional hingga di tingkat daerah.
7. Memperkuat peran internasional, organisasi, sumber daya manusia, tata kelola dan sistem informasi Bank Indonesia.

Nilai-Nilai Strategis

Nilai-nilai strategis Bank Indonesia adalah: (i) kejujuran dan integritas (trust and integrity); (ii) profesionalisme
(professionalism); (iii) keunggulan (excellence); (iv) mengutamakan kepentingan umum (public interest); dan (v)
koordinasi dan kerja sama tim (coordination and teamwork) yang berlandaskan keluhuran nilai-nilai agama (religi).

Pencapaian visi Bank Indonesia sebagai lembaga bank sentral yang kredibel dan terbaik di regional
mensyaratkan dukungan kinerja yang tinggi dari perilaku Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Bank
Indonesia yang berintegritas, jujur, dan profesional. Ketiadaan aspek perilaku tersebut tidak hanya
berpotensi menghambat pencapaian kinerja, namun juga dapat menimbulkan risiko hukum dan risiko
reputasi sehingga mengakibatkan ketidakpercayaan pemangku kepentingan atau publik terhadap
pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang yang diamanatkan kepada Bank Indonesia. Hal ini mengingat
kredibilitas lembaga erat kaitannya dengan masalah kepercayaan publik terhadap perilaku SDM di
lembaga tersebut.

Perilaku yang berintegritas, jujur, dan profesional merupakan proses penciptaan karakter di lingkungan
kerja yang memerlukan waktu dan proses. Untuk itu, agar proses adaptasi menuju ke arah yang
diharapkan, maka diperlukan suatu aturan yang mengatur secara jelas etika dan norma perilaku serta
diberlakukan secara menyeluruh bagi seluruh SDM yang dibarengi dengan proses penegakan secara

Meninjau kondisi saat ini, visi BI ke depan, dan risiko reputasi dan hukum yang mungkin timbul dari
perilaku yang tidak diatur secara tegas dan jelas, maka perilaku dan tindakan pegawai Bank Indonesia
diatur secara rinci dalam aturan kode etik dan pedoman perilaku Bank Indonesia. Aturan ini
diberlakukan menyeluruh bagi seluruh SDM BI yaitu pegawai BI, pegawai yang dipekerjakan oleh BI,
dan Anggota Dewan Gubernur, serta mantan pegawai pangkat tertentu dan Anggota Dewan Gubernur
untuk aturan cooling-off period. Ketentuan ini mencakup norma moral dan standar perilaku yang sesuai
dengan kebutuhan Bank Indonesia, serta diyakini mampu menciptakan SDM Bank Indonesia yang
berkinerja tinggi, berintegritas, jujur, dan profesional. Penerapan aturan kode etik dan pedoman perilaku
Bank Indonesia diaktualisasikan di lingkungan kerja dan masyarakat dengan:

1. menegakkan integritas dan profesionalisme,

2. menghindari konflik kepentingan,
3. menjaga kemandirian dan ketidakberpihakan,
4. bersikap adil, dan
5. menjaga kesusilaan, kesopanan, dan perilaku bermasyarakat.

Setiap pelanggaran terhadap kode etik dan pedoman perilaku serta sistem dan prosedur yang berlaku
akan dikenakan sanksi disiplin. Penegakan disiplin dilakukan dengan pengenaan sanksi ringan, sedang,
dan berat tergantung dari pelanggaran yang dilakukan pegawai.

Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai kode etik dapat mengunduh dokumen berikut.

Bank Indonesia senantiasa berkomitmen untuk memperkuat governance khususnya terkait konflik kepentingan dalam
pelaksanaan tugas. Salah satu konflik kepentingan yang menjadi perhatian Bank Indonesia adalah terkait dengan
penerimaan/pemberian hadiah (gratifikasi). Penerimaan hadiah yang terkait dengan tugas dan jabatan merupakan
jembatan terjadinya konflik kepentingan yang merugikan kepentingan lembaga dan merupakan sumber korupsi yang
meruntuhkan kredibilitas lembaga dan merugikan negara. Untuk itu, penting dilakukan pengaturan terhadap gratifikasi
sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan internal Bank Indonesia mengenai kode etik dan pedoman perilaku Bank Indonesia,
serta ketentuan mengenai Pengendalian gratifikasi.

Ketentuan internal mengenai pengendalian gratifikasi mengatur secara rinci mekanisme penanganan penerimaan hadiah
yang patut diduga ditujukan untuk menguntungkan diri sendiri dan/atau orang lain melalui penggunaan wewenang, yang
dapat mempengaruhi netralitas dan kualitas keputusan dan/atau tindakan sebagai Pegawai Bank Indonesia.

Berdasarkan kedua ketentuan tersebut, Pegawai wajib menolak hadiah yang diduga diberikan karena jabatan. Dalam hal
penerimaan hadiah tidak dapat ditolak karena keadaan memaksa atau diterima oleh keluarga, Pegawai wajib berupaya
untuk segera mengembalikan hadiah kepada pihak pemberi dan menginformasikan mengenai aturan larangan
penerimaan hadiah di Bank Indonesia.

Untuk memastikan terjaganya komitmen insan Bank Indonesia dalam penerimaan gratifikasi, Bank Indonesia memiliki
ketentuan yang mengatur mengenai prosedur pengendalian gratifikasi. Dalam penegakannya, telah dibentuk Unit
Pengendalian Gratifikasi yang akan menangani pelaporan penerimaan gratifikasi dari pegawai dan berkoordinasi dengan
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) atas adanya pelaporan gratifikasi tersebut.


Untuk melengkapi infrastruktur etik dan mendeteksi adanya pelanggaran kode etik dan pedoman perilaku, Bank
Indonesia menerapkan sistem pelaporan pelanggaran melalui Whistle Blowing System (WBS) Bank Indonesia. Whistle
Blowing System (WBS) adalah sarana pelaporan bagi kalangan intern Bank Indonesia khususnya dan masyarakat untuk
melaporkan adanya perilaku atau tindakan yang melanggar Kode Etik dan Perilaku Bank Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh
insan Bank Indonesia.

WBS menyediakan sistem yang terkoordinasi dan terintegrasi mulai dari penerimaan laporan hingga tindak lanjut
penegakan dugaan pelanggaran. Melalui sistem tersebut, masyarakat dapat melaporkan dugaan pelanggaran etik,
perilaku, dan prosedur kerja yang dilakukan oleh sumber daya manusia Bank Indonesia sebagai bentuk kontrol sosial.
Setiap laporan akan dijaga kerahasiannya dan dalam hal terdapat bukti yang cukup akan ditindaklanjuti pada proses
investigasi selanjutnya. Keberadaan WBS menciptakan sistem saling mengawasi terhadap kesesuaian perilaku dan
ketaatan prosedur kerja yang dilaksanakan oleh sumber daya manusia Bank Indonesia. WBS juga sebagai bentuk
komitmen BI untuk senantiasa menjaga integritas dan profesionalitas, termasuk akuntabilitas dalam penegakan terhadap
dugaan pelanggaran.


Sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk mewujudkan penyelenggaraan negara yang bersih dan bebas dari korupsi, kolusi, dan
nepotisme, Bank Indonesia mewajibkan pimpinan dan pegawai Bank Indonesia untuk menyampaikan Laporan Harta
Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN) kepada Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

Kewajiban pelaporan harta kekayaan ini merupakan infrastruktur yang digunakan untuk mencegah potensi terjadinya
penyalahgunaan jabatan dan kewenangan, menanamkan kejujuran dan integritas, serta keterbukaan di kalangan
penyelenggara negara dan komitmen untuk mewujudkan penyelenggaraan negara yang bersih di seluruh jenjang

Pegawai yang diwajibkan melaporkan tidak hanya terbatas pada pegawai yang berada pada level pimpinan. Namun,
mencakup pula pegawai pada level pelaksana yang memiliki tugas yang berhubungan langsung dengan pihak eksternal
misal pada bidang perizinan, pengadaan, penerimaan pegawai, perkasan, dan pengelolaan fisik uang.

Sejalan dengan kewajiban yang diamanatkan dalam undang-undang, penyampaian LHKPN dilakukan pada saat pertama
kali pegawai menduduki pangkat/jabatan, dan diperbaharui setiap 2 (dua) tahun dari penyampaian LHKPN sebelumnya.
Sebelum memasuki batas usia pensiun, pegawai kembali diwajibkan untuk menyampaikan LHKPN.
Untuk menjaga komitmen dan memastikan penerapan kewajiban tersebut, penyampaian LHKPN oleh pegawai menjadi
salah satu syarat dalam proses promosi. Pelanggaran terhadap kewajiban tersebut juga menjadi objek penegakan disiplin
Bank Indonesia.


Fungsi pengawasan terhadap Bank Indonesia tidak terlepas dari kedudukan Bank Indonesia sebagai lembaga publik
yang independen dalam tatanan kenegaraan Indonesia. Pengawasan terhadap Bank Indonesia dilakukan sebagai
perwujudan mekanisme saling mengawasi dan saling mengimbangi (checks and balances) antar lembaga negara. Hal
tersebut diperlukan untuk mewujudkan akuntabilitas pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang Bank Indonesia kepada publik.

Undang-Undang tentang Bank Indonesia menuntut adanya akuntabilitas dan transparansi dalam setiap pelaksanaan
tugas, wewenang dan anggaran Bank Indonesia. Akuntabilitas dan transparansi yang dituntut dari Bank Indonesia
tersebut dimaksudkan agar semua pihak yang berkepentingan dapat ikut melakukan pengawasan terhadap setiap langkah
kebijakan yang ditempuh oleh Bank Indonesia (checks and balances).

Sesuai amanat Undang-Undang, DPR merupakan pihak yang diberikan kewenangan secara konstitusi untuk melakukan
fungsi pengawasan terhadap lembaga negara lain, termasuk Bank Indonesia. Sesuai hakekatnya, kontrol legislatif ini
bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembuatan keputusan melalui peningkatan responsivitas terhadap kebutuhan
dan tuntutan masyarakat, mengawasi penyalahgunaan kekuasaan Pemerintah melalui investigasi, dan menegakkan
kinerja lembaga negara.

Untuk membantu DPR melakukan fungsi pengawasan di bidang tertentu terhadap Bank Indonesia, maka sebagaimana
diatur dalam Undang-undang tentang Bank Indonesia, dibentuk Badan Supervisi Bank Indonesia (BSBI). BSBI dibentuk
berdasarkan Undang-Undang tentang Bank Indonesia dan bertanggung jawab langsung kepada DPR-RI, serta tidak
berada dalam struktur organisasi Bank Indonesia. BSBI menyampaikan hasil telaahannya terkait dengan kegiatan
operasional dan keuangan Bank Indonesia kepada DPR-RI setiap triwulan, dan tidak mengevaluasi kinerja Dewan
Gubernur Bank Indonesia. Keberadaan BSBI diharapkan memperkuat fungsi pengawasan DPR-RI terhadap Bank
Indonesia dalam rangka meningkatkan akuntabilitas, independensi, transparansi, dan kredibilitas Bank Indonesia.

Bank Indonesia wajib menyampaikan Laporan Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Wewenang Bank Indonesia kepada DPR-RI dan
Pemerintah secara triwulanan dan tahunan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang tentang Bank Indonesia. Diseminasi
laporan tersebut juga dilakukan kepada masyarakat melalui media massa dengan mencantumkan ringkasannya dalam
berita negara. Laporan Pelaksanaan Tugas dan Wewenang Bank Indonesia dapat di akses di Laporan kepada DPR.

Di bidang keuangan Bank Indonesia, mekanisme checks and balances menjadi hal yang penting. Hal ini mengingat
Bank Indonesia memiliki keistimewaan sebagai lembaga independen yang melakukan pengelolaan anggaran yang
terpisah dari Anggaran Penerimaan dan Belanja Negara. Terkait dengan transparansi anggaran, Bank Indonesia
berkewajiban menyampaikan anggaran tahunannya kepada DPR yang meliputi anggaran untuk kegiatan operasional
dan anggaran untuk kebijakan. Dalam penyampaian anggaran tersebut, Bank Indonesia juga menyampaikan evaluasi
terkait penggunaan anggaran tahun berjalan dalam bentuk Laporan Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Anggaran Operasional dan
Rencana Investasi Bank Indonesia.

Pengawasan terhadap Bank Indonesia dari sisi keuangan dilakukan dalam bentuk pemeriksaan terhadap Laporan
Keuangan Tahunan Bank Indonesia (LKTBI) oleh Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK-RI). Hasil audit BPK-RI tersebut
disampaikan kepada DPR-RI dan diumumkan kepada masyarakat melalui media massa. Adapun dalam penyusunan dan
pemeriksaan LKTBI, Bank Indonesia dan BPK-RI mengacu pada standar akuntansi bank sentral sebagaimana
direkomendasikan oleh Komite Akuntansi dan Keuangan Bank Indonesia.

Berdasarkan pemeriksanaan LKTBI, Bank Indonesia telah memperoleh opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) dari
BPK-RI sejak LKTBI Tahun 2003. Pencapaian terebut tidak lepas dari upaya Bank Indonesia yang senantiasa
menindaklanjuti temuan audit yang disampaikan BPK-RI. Hal ini menunjukkan kesungguhan dan komitmen
pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia yang transparan dan akuntabel. Selanjutnya, Bank Indonesia mempublikasikan
laporan keuangan tahunannya kepada publik setelah hasil pelaksanaan audit BPK-RI disampaikan kepada Bank

Di samping melakukan audit terhadap LKTBI, BPK-RI dapat melakukan pemeriksaan khusus terhadap Bank Indonesia
atas permintaan DPR-RI apabila diperlukan. Pemeriksaan khusus atas permintaan DPR-RI terhadap Bank Indonesia
dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui lebih dalam mengenai suatu permasalahan atau suatu kegiatan tertentu yang berkaitan
dengan pengelolaan keuangan dan pelaksanaan anggaran oleh Bank Indonesia.

Dengan adanya proses audit ini diharapkan dapat mendukung pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia dengan pengelolaan
keuangan keuangan dan pelaksanaan anggaran yang tertib, taat pada peraturan perundang-undangan, efisien, efektif,
transparan dan bertanggung jawab dengan memperhatikan rasa keadilan dan kepatutan.


Bank Indonesia sebagai otoritas yang mengeluarkan peraturan/kebijakan perlu memastikan proses perumusan kebijakan
dilakukan melalui prosedur dan mekanisme yang terstruktur dan sistematis guna menghasilkan output kebijakan yang
kredibel dan memenuhi prinsip akuntablitas publik. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas kebijakan, perumusan kebijakan harus
memenuhi prinsip-prinsip yakni: (i) berdasarkan riset, (ii) berorientasi ke depan, (iii) tata kelola yang baik, (iv)
mempertimbangkan dampak antar kebijakan, dan (v) memperhatikan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Untuk memastikan proses perumusan kebijakan di Bank Indonesia telah dilaksanakan secara sistematis, Bank Indonesia
menetapkan kerangka kerja kebijakan yang terintegrasi antara kebijakan moneter, makroprudensial, sistem pembayaran
dan pengelolaan uang Rupiah, serta dukungan kebijakan ekonomi daerah dan kebijakan internasional. Terkait proses
perumusan kebijakan, peningkatan fokus pada aspek governance diharapkan dapat menghasilkan kebijakan Bank
Indonesia yang lebih efektif, kredibel, dan memenuhi prinsip akuntabilitas publik.

Di samping itu, proses perumusan kebijakan dikomunikasikan kepada publik untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas
pengaturan/kebijakan yang dihasilkan. Guna meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam perumusan kebijakan, dibuka
kesempatan kepada pemangku kepentingan untuk memberikan masukan terhadap rumusan pengaturan. Hal tersebut
diharapkan dapat menjembatani komunikasi kebijakan di awal dan meningkatkan efektivitas dalam implementasi
kebijakan ke depan


Proses perumusan kebijakan dan pengambilan keputusan di Bank Indonesia dilaksanakan melalui prosedur dan
mekanisme yang terstruktur dan sistematis untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas kebijakan, menciptakan mekanisme checks
and balances, dan memastikan termitigasinya risiko (rule making rules).

Pengambilan keputusan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan: (i) kepentingan umum, (ii) tujuan yang hendak dicapai,
(iii) azas manfaat, (iv) hasil asesmen/kajian yang matang, (v) risiko dan mitigasinya, serta (vi) kesesuaian dengan
peraturan perundang-undangan.

Sebagaimana amanat Undang-Undang tentang Bank Indonesia, Rapat Dewan Gubernur (RDG) merupakan forum
pengambilan keputusan tertinggi di Bank Indonesia. Melalui forum ini, Dewan Gubernur menetapkan atau melakukan
evaluasi kebijakan yang bersifat prinsipil dan strategis. RDG dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip musyawarah demi
mufakat. Apabila mufakat tidak tercapai, Gubernur menetapkan keputusan akhir. Untuk menjaga tata kelola
pengambilan keputusan, RDG diselenggarakan apabila telah kuorum yakni dihadiri oleh separuh atau lebih jumlah
Anggota Dewan Gubernur.

Guna meningkatkan efektivitas proses pengambilan keputusan dalam RDG, materi yang diajukan harus dikaji dan
dibahas secara matang dalam forum pembahasan/koordinasi antar satuan kerja, rapat bidang, dan/atau rapat komite. Di
Bank Indonesia, terdapat 5 (lima) komite yakni: (i) komite kebijakan moneter, (ii) komite kebijakan stabilitas sistem
keuangan, (iii) komite kebijakan sistem pembayaran, (iv) komite pengelolaan cadangan devisa, dan (v) komite sumber
daya manusia. Tujuan dari komite ini adalah memastikan rekomendasi atas usulan kebijakan prinsipil dan strategis yang
diajukan kepada Dewan Gubernur telah dilakukan berdasarkan analisis dan pembahasan yang mendalam dengan
mempertimbangkan aspek risiko dan mitigasinya, serta aspek tata kelola yang baik.

Penyelenggaraan RDG terdiri atas RDG Bulanan dan RDG Mingguan. RDG Bulanan merupakan RDG yang
diselenggarakan paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam sebulan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengambilan keputusan, sejak
2016, pelaksanaan RDG Bulanan dilakukan dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari berturut-turut. RDG Bulanan hari pertama: (i)
memaparkan hasil asesmen terhadap kondisi perekonomian dan outlook kebijakan moneter, stabilitas sistem keuangan,
serta sistem pembayaran dan pengelolaan uang Rupiah, dan (ii) membahas dan mengintegrasikan opsi bauran kebijakan.
Selanjutnya, RDG Bulanan hari kedua membahas rekomendasi dan menetapkan kebijakan umum di bidang moneter,
makroprudensial, serta sistem pembayaran dan pengelolaan uang Rupiah.

Sedangkan RDG Mingguan diselenggarakan paling kurang 1 (satu) kali dalam seminggu untuk melakukan evaluasi atas
pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter, perkembangan stabilitas sistem keuangan, perkembangan sistem pembayaran dan
pengelolaan uang rupiah dan/ atau menetapkan kebijakan lain yang bersifat prinsipil dan strategis yang berkaitan dengan
pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia.

Sebagai bentuk transparansi kebijakan kepada stakeholders, keputusan yang ditetapkan dalam RDG Bulanan
disampaikan kepada masyarakat pada hari yang sama dengan penyelenggaraan RDG guna membangun ekspektasi
positif stakeholders. Di samping itu, Bank Indonesia juga mempublikasikan jadwal RDG Bulanan selama satu tahun ke
depan, sebelum berakhirnya tahun berjalan.


Dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya, Bank Indonesia menghadapi risiko yang berpotensi meningkat dan
kompleks yang disebabkan oleh dinamika perkembangan dan tuntutan, baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Untuk
itu, diperlukan pengelolaan risiko secara komprehensif dan terintegrasi dengan penguatan pada aspek pengendalian

Pelaksanaan manajemen risiko dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada international best practices terbaik yang terbagi
dalam 3 (tiga) kategori. Pertama, pengendalian risiko secara first line of defense yang dilakukan oleh unit kerja yang
melaksanakan proses bisnis. Kedua, pengendalian risiko secara second line of defense dilakukan oleh unit kerja yang
memiliki fungsi manajemen risiko dan independen dari unit kerja yang melaksanakan proses bisnis. Ketiga,
pengendalian risiko secara third line of defense dilakukan oleh unit kerja yang melaksanakan fungsi audit internal guna
memastikan kegiatan pengendalian risiko dilaksanakan secara efektif.

Dengan adanya pengendalian risiko dalam tiga tahapan ini, diharapkan proses pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia
khususnya pengambilan keputusan dapat dilakukan dengan memperhatikan aspek kehati-hatian, prinsip tata kelola yang
baik, dan memperoleh hasil yang optimal terhadap kinerja, keuangan, dan kredibilitas kebijakan.

Berdasarkan framework di atas, peran internal audit memiliki peran penting dalam quality assurance terhadap seluruh
proses kerja di Bank Indonesia. Ruang lingkup fungsi audit internal meliputi pelaksanaan audit internal dan konsultasi
melalui pemberian opini dan rekomendasi terhadap proses tata kelola, manajemen risiko, dan Pengendalian.

Pelaksanaan fungsi audit internal Bank Indonesia menggunakan metodologi audit internal berbasis risiko (Risk Based
Internal Audit). Semakin tinggi risiko sasaran audit, maka semakin tinggi frekuensi pelaksanaan audit internal. Proses
kerja yang berisiko tinggi diaudit setiap tahun, sedangkan proses kerja dengan risiko sedang dan rendah diaudit dalam
rentang waktu yang lebih panjang, yakni sekali dalam 2 atau 3 tahun.


Dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, prinsip akuntabilitas dan transparansi senantiasa diterapkan dengan cara menyampaikan
informasi terkait kebijakan kepada pemangku kepentingan Bank Indonesia. Pendekatan komunikasi Bank Indonesia
dilakukan secara “proaktif horisontal” dan “multi-channel”. Pendekatan ini dilakukan secara aktif dan dua arah dengan
melakukan inisiatif untuk melakukan penyebaran informasi mengenai kebijakannya sejak dini dan terencana dengan
berbagai instrumen komunikasi.
Pelaksanaan komunikasi Bank Indonesia diarahkan untuk mendukung pencapaian tujuan Bank Indonesia. Karenanya,
Bank Indonesia memfokuskan strategi komunikasinya pada produk kebijakan yang selaras dengan ekspektasi dan
kebutuhan publik. Diharapkan kebijakan komunikasi tersebut dapat membentuk ekspektasi masyarakat sesuai dengan
arah kebijakan Bank Indonesia.

Untuk mengkomunikasikan kebijakan, digunakan media konvensional seperti surat kabar, televisi, radio maupun
melalui website dan media sosial. Selain melalui channel komunikasi tersebut, komunikasi dengan DPR, pemerintah
maupun lembaga negara lainnya terus diperkuat untuk mensinergikan komunikasi antar lembaga.

Di samping itu, Bank Indonesia secara berkala menerbitkan berbagai publikasi seperti Laporan Pelaksanaan Tugas dan
Wewenang Bank Indonesia, Laporan Tahunan Bank Indonesia, Statistik Ekonomi Keuangan Indonesia Bulanan,
Tinjauan Kebijakan Moneter Bulanan, Perkembangan Ekonomi dan Moneter Triwulanan, Laporan Triwulanan
Perkembangan Kebijakan Moneter dan laporan lainnya. Hal ini semata-mata dilakukan agar pemangku kepentingan
Bank Indonesia memahami secara mendalam dan komprehensif mengenai tugas dan kebijakan yang diterbitkan Bank

Dilihat dari sistem ketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia, kedudukan BI sebagai lembaga negara yang independen tidak
sejajar dengan lembaga tinggi negara seperti Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan, dan Mahkamah
Agung. Kedudukan BI juga tidak sama dengan Departemen karena kedudukan BI berada di luar pemerintahan. Status
dan kedudukan yang khusus tersebut diperlukan agar BI dapat melaksanakan peran dan fungsinya sebagai otoritas
moneter, makroprudensial, sistem pembayaran, dan pengelolaan uang Rupiah secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Meskipun
BI berkedudukan sebagai lembaga negara independen, dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, BI mempunyai hubungan kerja
dan koordinasi yang baik dengan DPR, BPK, Pemerintah dan pihak lainnya.

Dalam hubungannya dengan Presiden dan DPR, BI setiap awal tahun anggaran menyampaikan informasi tertulis
mengenai evaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan moneter dan rencana kebijakan moneter yang akan datang. Khusus kepada
DPR, pelaksanaan tugas dan wewenang setiap triwulan dan sewaktu-waktu bila diminta oleh DPR. Selain itu, BI
menyampaikan rencana dan realiasasi anggaran tahunan kepada Pemerintah dan DPR. Dalam hubungannya dengan
BPK, BI wajib menyampaikan laporan keuangan tahunan kepada BPK. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat mengunjungi
informasi Pengawasan terhadap Bank Indonesia.

:: Hubungan BI dengan Pemerintah : Hubungan Keuangan

Dalam hal hubungan keuangan dengan Pemerintah, Bank Indonesia membantu menerbitkan dan menempatkan surat-
surat hutang negara guna membiayai Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) tanpa diperbolehkan membeli
sendiri surat-surat hutang negara tersebut.

Bank Indonesia juga bertindak sebagai kasir Pemerintah yang menatausahakan rekening Pemerintah di Bank Indonesia,
dan atas permintaan Pemerintah, dapat menerima pinjaman luar negeri untuk dan atas nama Pemerintah Indonesia.

Namun demikian, agar pelaksanaan tugas Bank Indonesia benar-benar terfokus serta agar efektivitas pengendalian
moneter tidak terganggu, pemberian kredit kepada Pemerintah guna mengatasi deficit spending - yang selama ini
dilakukan oleh Bank Indonesia berdasarkan undang-undang yang lama - kini tidak dapat lagi dilakukan oleh Bank

:: Hubungan BI dengan Pemerintah : Independensi dalam Interdependensi

Meskipun Bank Indonesia merupakan lembaga negara yang independen, tetap diperlukan koordinasi yang bersifat
konsultatif dengan Pemerintah, sebab tugas-tugas Bank Indonesia merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari
kebijakan-kebijakan ekonomi nasional secara keseluruhan.

Koordinasi di antara Bank Indonesia dan Pemerintah diperlukan pada sidang kabinet yang membahas masalah ekonomi,
perbankan dan keuangan yang berkaitan dengan tugas-tugas Bank Indonesia. Dalam sidang kabinet tersebut Pemerintah
dapat meminta pendapat Bank Indonesia.

Selain itu, Bank Indonesia juga dapat memberikan masukan, pendapat serta pertimbangan kepada Pemerintah mengenai
Rancangan APBN serta kebijakan-kebijakan lain yang berkaitan dengan tugas dan wewenangnya.

Di lain pihak, Pemerintah juga dapat menghadiri Rapat Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia dengan hak bicara tetapi tanpa
hak suara. Oleh sebab itu, implementasi independensi justru sangat dipengaruhi oleh kemantapan hubungan kerja yang
proporsional di antara Bank Indonesia di satu pihak dan Pemerintah serta lembaga-lembaga terkait lainnya di lain pihak,
dengan tetap berlandaskan pembagian tugas dan wewenang masing-masing.

:: Kerjasama BI dengan Lembaga Lain

Menyadari pentingnya dukungan dari berbagai pihak bagi keberhasilan tugasnya, BI senantiasa bekerja sama dan
berkoordinasi dengan berbagai lembaga negara dan unsur masyarakat lainnya. Beberapa kerjasama ini dituangkan dalam
nota kesepahaman (MoU), keputusan bersama (SKB), serta perjanjian-perjanjian, yang ditujukan untuk menciptakan
sinergi dan kejelasan pembagian tugas antar lembaga serta mendorong penegakan hukum yang lebih efektif.

Manajemen Krisis
 Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan

 Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan


Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan (JPSK) merupakan kerangka kerja yang melandasi pengaturan mengenai skim
asuransi simpanan, mekanisme pemberian fasilitas pembiayaan darurat oleh bank sentral (lender of last resort), serta
kebijakan penyelesaian krisis. JPSK pada dasarnya lebih ditujukan untuk pencegahan krisis, namun demikian kerangka
kerja ini juga meliputi mekanisme penyelesaian krisis sehingga tidak menimbulkan biaya yang besar kepada
perekonomian. Dengan demikian, sasaran JPSK adalah menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan sehingga sektor keuangan
dapat berfungsi secara normal dan memiliki kontribusi positif terhadap pembangunan ekonomi yang berkesinambungan.

Pada tahun 2005, Pemerintah dan Bank Indonesia telah menyusun kerangka Jaring Pengaman Sektor Keuangan (JPSK)
yang kelak akan dituangkan dalam sebuah Rancangan Undang Undang tentang Jaring Pengaman Sektor Keuangan.
Dalam kerangka JPSK dimaksud dimuat secara jelas mengenai tugas dan tanggung-jawab lembaga terkait yakni
Departemen Keuangan, BI dan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) sebagai pemain dalam jaring pengaman keuangan.
Pada prinsipnya Departemen Keuangan bertanggung jawab untuk menyusun perundang-undangan untuk sektor
keuangan dan menyediakan dana untuk penanganan krisis. BI sebagai bank sentral bertanggung-jawab untuk menjaga
stabilitas moneter dan kesehatan perbankan serta keamanan dan kelancaran sistem pembayaran. Lembaga Penjamin
Simpanan (LPS) bertanggung jawab untuk menjamin simpanan nasabah bank serta resolusi bank bermasalah.

Kerangka JPK tersebut telah dituangkan dalam Rancangan Undang-Undang JPSK yang pada saat ini masih dalam tahap
pembahasan Dengan demikian, UU JPSK kelak akan berfungsi sebagai landasan yang kuat bagi kebijakan dan peraturan
yang ditetapkan oleh otoritas terkait dalam rangka memelihara stabiltas sistem keuangan. Dalam RUU JPSK semua
komponen JPSK ditetapkan secara rinci yakni meliputi: (1) pengaturan dan pengawasan bank yang efektif; (2) lender
of the last resort; (3) skim asuransi simpanan yang memadai dan (4) mekanisme penyelesaian krisis yang efektif.

1. Pengaturan dan Pengawasan Bank yang efektif

Pengaturan dan pengawasan bank yang efektif merupakan jarring pengaman pertama dalam JPSK (first line of defense).
MEngingat pentingnya fungsi pengawasan dan pengaturan yang efektif, dalam kerangka JPSK telah digariskan guiding
principles bahwa pengawasan dan pengaturan terhadap lembaga dan pasar keuangan oleh otoritas terkait harus
senantiasa ditujukan untuk menjaga stabilitas system keuangan, serta harus berpedoman kepada best practices dan
standard yang berlaku.

2. Lender of last Resort

Kebijakan lender of last resort (LLR) yang baik terbukti sebagai salah satu alat efektif dalam pencegahan dan
penanganan krisis. Sejalan dengan itu, BI telah merumuskan secara lebih jelas kebijakan the lender of last resort (LLR)
dalam kerangka JPSK untuk dalam kondisi normal dan darurat (krisis) mengacu pada best practices. Pada prinsipnya,
LLR untuk dalam kondisi normal hanya diberikan kepada bank yang illikuid tetapi solven yang memiliki agunan likuid
dan bernilai tinggi. Sedangkan dalam pemberian LLR untuk kondisi krisis, potensi dampak sistemik menjadi faktor
pertimbangan utama, dengan tetap mensyaratkan solvensi dan agunan.

Untuk mengatasi kesulitan likuiditas yang berdampak sistemik, Bank Indonesia sebagai lender of last resort dapat
memberikan fasilitas pembiayaan darurat kepada Bank Umum yang pendanaannya menjadi beban Pemerintah
berdasarkan Undang-undang No 23 Tahun 1999 tentang Bank Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-
undang No 3 Tahun 2004 yang telah disetujui DPR tanggal 15 Januari 2004. Sebagai peraturan pelaksanaan fungsi
lender of the last resort, telah diberlakukan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) Nomor 136/PMK.05/2005 tanggal 30
Desember 2005 dan Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) Nomor 8/1/2006 tanggal 3 Januari 2006. Pendanaan FPD
bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN).

3. Skim Penjaminan Simpanan (deposit insurance) yang memadai

Pengalaman menunjukkan bahwa LPS merupakan salah satu elemen penting dalam menjaga stabilitas sistem keuangan.
Program penjaminan pemerintah (blanket guarantee) yang diberlakukan akibat krisis sejak tahun 1998 memang telah
berhasil memulihkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap sektor perbankan. Namun penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
blanket guarantee tersebut dapat mendorong moral hazard yang berpotensi menimbulkan krisis dalam jangka panjang.

Sejalan dengan itu, telah diberlakukan Undang-Undang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) Nomor 24 Tahun 2004.
Dalam undang-undang tersebut tersebut, LPS nantinya memiliki dua tanggung jawab pokok yakni: (i) untuk menjamin
simpanan nasabah bank; dan (ii) untuk menangani (resolusi) bank bermasalah. Untuk menghindari dampak negatif
terhadap stabilitas keuangan, penerapan skim LPS tersebut akan dilakukan secara bertahap. Selanjutnya, jaminan
simpanan nasabah bank akan dibatasi sampai dengan Rp100 juta per rekening mulai Maret 2007.

4. Kebijakan Resolusi Krisis yang efektif

Kebijakan penyelesaian krisis yang efektif dituangkan dalam kerangka kebijakan JPSK agar krisis dapat ditangani secara
cepat tanpa menimbulkan beban yang berat bagi perekonomian. Dalam JPSK ditetapkan peran dan kewenangan masing-
masing otoritas dalam penanganan dan penyelesaian krisis, sehingga setiap lembaga memiliki tanggung jawab dan
akuntabilitas yang jelas. Dengan demikian, krisis dapat ditangani secara efektif, cepat, dan tidak menimbulkan biaya
sosial dan biaya ekonomi yang tinggi.

Dalam pelaksanaannya, JPSK memerlukan koordinasi yang efektif antar otoritas terkait. Untuk itu dibentuk Komite
Koordinasi yang terdiri dari Menteri Keuangan, Gubernur Bank Indonesia dan Ketua Dewan Komisioner Lembaga
Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Sebagai bagian dari kebijakan JPSK tersebut, telah dikeluarkan Keputusan Bersama Menteri
Keuangan, Gubernur Bank Indonesia dan Ketua Dewan Komisioner LPS tentang Forum Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan
sebagai wadah koordinasi bagi BI, Depkeu dan LPS dalam memelihara stabilitas sistem keuangan.


Program penjaminan pemerintah (blanket guarantee) telah berhasil mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap
sistem perbankan. Namun, kebijakan tersebut tersebut meningkatkan beban anggaran negara dan berpotensi
menimbulkan moral hazard oleh pihak pengelola bank dan nasabah bank. Dalam rangka mengurangi dampak negatif
dari program penjaminan pemerintah tersebut, telah didirikan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS). Sesuai dengan
Undang-Undang No. 24 tahun 2004 tentang Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) pada tanggal 22 September 2004, LPS
memiliki dua fungsi yaitu menjamin simpanan nasabah bank dan melakukan penyelesaian atau penanganan bank yang
tidak berhasil disehatkan atau bank gagal.

Penjaminan simpanan nasabah bank yang dilakukan LPS bersifat terbatas untuk mengurangi beban anggaran negara dan
meminimalkan moral hazard. Namun demikian, tetap dijaga kepentingan nasabah secara optimal. Setiap bank yang
beroperasi di Indonesia baik Bank Umum maupun Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) diwajibkan untuk menjadi peserta
penjaminan. Adapun jenis simpanan di bank yang dijamin meliputi tabungan, giro, sertifikat deposito dan deposito
berjangka serta jenis simpanan lainnya yang dipersamakan dengan itu. Skim penjaminan LPS telah dimulai secara penuh
pada sejak tanggal 22 Maret 2007.

Apabila terdapat bank yang mengalami kesulitan keuangan dan gagal disehatkan kembali sehingga harus dicabut izin
usahanya, LPS akan membayar simpanan setiap nasabah bank tersebut sampai jumlah tertentu, sebagaimana ditetapkan.
Adapun simpanan nasabah yang tidak dijamin akan diselesaikan melalui proses likuidasi bank. Dengan adanya
penjaminan simpanan nasabah bank oleh LPS, diharapkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap industri perbankan dapat
tetap terpelihara.

Kebijakan Akuntansi Keuangan Bank Indonesia (KAKBI)

Tentang KAKBI

Berdasarkan Peraturan Dewan Gubernur Nomor 15/13/PDG/2013 tanggal 31 Desember 2013 tentang Kebijakan
Akuntansi Keuangan Bank Indonesia, mulai 1 Januari 2014 Bank Indonesia telah menerapkan Kebijakan Akuntansi
Keuangan Bank Indonesia (KAKBI) sebagai standar akuntansi dalam penyusunan dan penyajian laporan keuangan.
KAKBI terdiri dari Prinsip Dasar Penyusunan dan Penyajian Laporan Keuangan (PDP2LK) dan Pernyataan Kebijakan
Akuntansi Keuangan (PKAK).

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