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Conditional in Prezent (Ireal)

( Present Unreal Conditional )

Cum se formeaza
If ... Simple Past ..., ... would + verb ...
What would you do if you won the lottery?   
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul)
Where would you stay if you went to Bucharest? 
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul; calatoria la Bucuresti in acest caz nu e reala)
If the weather were nice, I would walk to my office.
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul; vremea nu e frumoasa)
Tom would help me with my homework if he had time.
(situatie ipotetica ce vizeaza prezentul/ viitorul; Tom nu are timp deci nu ma ajuta, dar daca ar avea timp m-ar

   1)  "Present Unreal Conditional" se foloseste pentru a vorbi despre situatii ipotetice.

Traduceti uramatoarele fraze:
Daca as avea bani i-as cheltui.
(situatie ipotetica in prezent: nu am bani)
If I had money, I would spend it.
Daca vremea ar fi frumoasa m-as duce in excursie.
(situatie ipotetica in prezent: vremea nu e frumoasa)
 If the weather were fine, I would go on a trip.
M-as duce la munte daca as avea o masina.
(situatie ipotetica in prezent: nu am masina)
 I woul go to the montains, if I had a car.

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