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For ZZlinker

1. Dental chair ST-D570 (5 items), 4 hole turbine (with led)

+scaler with optic fiber
+ intraoral camera
+ electric micomotor
+ light cure lamp LK-G34(5 items)
+ fiber optic sistem
2. Air compressor CE LK-B23 (3 items)
3. Quick coupling 4holes with led (3 items)
4. Light curing LK-G31
5. Water Distiller LK-D51
6. Handpiece Lubrificator LK-D61
7. Sealing Machine LK-D41
8. Autoclave LK-d11 (23l)

-Dental chair ST-D307 (1item)

+scaler with optic fiber
+ intraoral camera
+ electric micomotor
+ light cure lamp LK-G34(5 items)
+ fiber optic sistem
-Air compressor CE LK-B23 (3 items)
-Quick coupling 4holes with led (1 items)
-Light curing LK-G31 (1)
-Water Distiller LK-D51 (1)
-Handpiece Lubrificator LK-D61 (1)
-Sealing Machine LK-D41 (1)
-Autoclave LK-d11 (23l) (1)

1.Hello seller, plese make for me invoices and packing list for this two variants!
2. I Must know ifyou have all certificates for your dental products, because I must to present it
at customs.
3. And the last one, if you make a document for transit this all items from constanta port
Romania to my country Moldova.

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